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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WND EXCLUSIVE Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood 'orchestrated'

'We are not gullible enough to believe thousands came without aid and assistance'

An organization of former Border Patrol agents Wednesday charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America for political purposes.
“This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” said the statement released by officials with the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.
“Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to American without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government.
“Anyone that has taken two six to seven year old children to an amusement park can only imagine the problems associated with bringing thousands of unaccompanied children that age up through Mexico and into the United States.”
There have been hundreds, even thousands, of illegal aliens, including many children, reported along the nation’s southwestern border with Mexico recently.
According to a report this week from Fox, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer calls the situation a “creation” of the federal government, and Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, assigned blame for the “calamity” to Obama.
Fox reported it had obtained a memo from an official with Customs and Border Protection who said the current policies are serving as an incentive for illegal aliens to sneak into the U.S.
“If the U.S. government fails to deliver adequate consequences to deter aliens from attempting to illegally enter the U.S., the result will be an even greater increase in the rate of recidivism and first-time illicit entries,” said Ronald Vitiello, a deputy Border Patrol chief.
Officials say among Obama’s policies that are attracting illegals is his instructions for “deferred action” for young illegals. Recently, the federal government said it was hunting for lawyers to provide legal help to children who are in the U.S. illegally.
The White House is asking for $1.4 billion more for the illegal alien children, which by some estimates will grow to 150,000 next year.
The former Border Patrol agents said the campaign is a “political deception” and the responsibility rests with the political leaders who support “a path to citizenship, regularization or any other form of amnesty for illegal aliens before providing for full protections for national security (jobs and economy) and public safety (the right of the people to be secure in their property and person).”
The officers argue that the non-enforcement of immigration laws is “the next step in becoming a failed state.”
“Yes, our leaders are guilty. However, we are responsible because it is the American voter [who] has placed untrustworthy people in positions of power and kept them there when they have clearly demonstrated that they have violated that public trust.
“These successful con artists are well dressed, attractive and charming,” the statement said.
The officers even questioned whether “this heartless criminal exploitation of Central American infants and children [will] finally awaken Americans to the ruse being foisted upon them by their government, the media and other interested parties.”
“Has America lost her ability to stand up against the tyrants and do what is right rather than what is easy? Obviously, this administration thinks you are as corrupt as they are and will vote them back into office or these young children would not be streaming into America to tug at your hearts and empty your heads of reason,” the statement said.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest this week said the Federal Emergency Management Agency is leading an effort to respond to the number of illegal alien children arriving in the U.S. He said many of those are “escaping abuse or persecution.”
He said those are being sent to locations in Texas and Oklahoma.
It’s become a worldwide issue, with the Daily Mail in the United Kingdom reporting the GOP is blaming Obama’s immigration policies, which “entice” illegals.
More than 33,000 have been caught in Texas alone over the last eight months,the report said, overwhelming Border Patrol capabilities.
The report cited Obama’s “controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program,” which was launched in 2012 and recently renewed.
A federal judge even concluded the White House “has simply chosen not to enforce … border security laws.”


BrasscheckTV: Arkansas under the Clintons: How the deal went down‏

Arkansas under the Clintons: 
How the deal went down
"Innocent' Hillary Clinton is running
for President in 2016. 
Just one problem with that narrative. 
The law firm she worked for handled
all the paperwork for one of the
biggest money laundering operations
in US history...the one her husband
ran out of the Governor's office. 
By the way, our e-mails are massively
censored by ISPs, so please share them,
Facebook, Twitter etc. 
- Brasscheck TV 

The Arkansas drug money laundering factory
Bill and Hillary ran it

Hillary's law firm did the paperwork

Some easy to forget facts:
1. Under former CIA Director President George Herbert Walker Bush, the US government imported tons of cocaine into the US which it received as payment for guns to the Contras. (Of course, a lot of blow was not part of the deal, it was just dope dealing from dope dealings sake.)

2. Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas at the time where much of this massive operation took place.

3. Under Clinton's direct watch the system to launder all the money coming in was set up and he had total personal control over it as governor.

4. His wife, soon to be candidate for president, worked at the law firm which handled all the paperwork.

If Hillary gets the White House, she will be the fifth president in a row who had an active involvement in the cocaine business as a consumer and/or operator.

George Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., Barrack Obama...

The Arkansas drug money laundering factory
Bill and Hillary ran it
- See more at:

GOPDD: Hagel Admits to Congress Obama Broke The Law With Taliban Release‏

by clyde

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel admitted that “the trust has been broken” between the White House and Congress following the Obama administration’s decision to skirt U.S. law and release five top Taliban leaders without first consulting with lawmakers. Hagel admitted to lawmakers on the House Armed Services Committee Wednesday that the administration unilaterally inked a deal […]

MHPC: Taking to the airwaves and real reforms‏

Rally for real welfare reform...
Progressives gathered in Augusta last week to hold a press conference at the State House to present their plan to "address" Maine's welfare and DHHS problems... and we were there to counter their punch. Sadly, their plan was nothing more than rhetoric and a last minute reaction to a shifting public opinion that supports honest and meaningful reforms – reforms driven by The Maine Heritage Policy Center. Maine needs real welfare reform and fiscal responsibility - now, more than ever. Will you join the fight? Click here to learn more – TAKE ACTION today.
The Maine Wire takes to the airwaves...
Tune into WGAN (FM 105.5 / AM 560) tomorrow morning, Thursday, June 12 from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to catch MHPC’s very own Steve Robinson, editor of The Maine Wire, in his debut role as a WGAN morning news guest co-host. Be sure to show your support by listening and, more importantly, calling in with “air support” as Steve goes toe-to-toe will Ken Altschuler. Not from the listening area? No problem, click here to listen online.

Lisbon Graduation DVD‏

(Click on and Print out the form)

Bangor Daily News: Lisbon Voting Results

 The following results as reported in the Bangor Daily News.

Lisbon Bond Question 1
Shall a bond order approved by the town council authorizing the issuance of general obligation securiteis of the town of Lisbon in an amount not to exceed $1,300,000 for the purpose of purchasing or constructing a replacement for the town of Lisbon’s public works facility, for a term not to exceed ten (10) years be approved and ratified?
Yes 833 43.75%
No 1,071 56.25%

Lisbon Bond Question 2
Order authorizing town of Lisbon to issue up to $5,700,000 in bonds for a new gymnasium and related irmpovements at Lisbon High School. Shall the order described above be adopted?
Yes 953 51.4%
No 901 48.6%

Lisbon Bond Question 3
Order authorizing town of Lisbon to issue up to $500,000 in bonds for a new track and related improvements at Lisbon High School. Shall the order described above be adopted?
Yes 943 50.81%
No 913 49.19%

Lisbon Charter Question 1
Number of signatures required to call for a special town meeting must be signed by at least 10 percent -- replaces 15 percent -- of the total number of qualified voters who cast votes for governor in the most recent gubernatorial election.
Yes 1,040 55.64%
No 829 44.36%
Lisbon Charter Question 2
Adds language to bring procedures used in state elections regardng the declaration of write-in candidates and tabulatino and reporting of results of votoing for write-n candidates, to e consistent with state elections procedures.
Yes 1,431 77.73%
No 410 22.27%
Lisbon School Budget Validation
Yes 1,245 66.65%
No 623 33.35%

County Commissioner
Androscoggin County Commissioner District 2 - D
Samuel J. Chamberlain (D) 333 62.95%
Walter Hill (D) 196 37.05%

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Seriously People, How Much More DO WE have to Take While The Progress of Our Children Wither Dealing With Defunct Facilities?


 David T. Brooks, Lisbon's Chief of Police

During the Town Council workshop of April 8, 2014, I remember Chief Brooks saying that the town had received a Homeland Security Grant of $1,600.00 for mobile radios. Because Chief Brooks has not always been truthful in his statements, I submitted a request for a copy of the grant award letter. Below is the response from the town:

 Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks

The minutes of the workshop published by the town support that Chief Brooks did make this statement. Below is a portion of the April 8, 2014 minutes pertaining to this grant! 

April 8, 2014 Town Council Minutes: 

“Chief Brooks explained this is not a full-fledged tower; it will be more like an antenna on a building. He said if we knew there was a grant available we would apply. The problem with Homeland Security grants is that they are getting smaller and smaller, for instance our grant this year was for $1,600 for mobile radios, which will have to be addressed at some time. If we come up with a grant, that’s what we will do, but this is a capital need. Mrs. Maloy said this was in last year’s capital budget. Forfeiture money can be used to supplement the budget so we could debate about whether to use it or not.”… 

This is not the first time Chief Brooks claimed to have a grant and did not. Remember the $97,000.00 for furniture for the Communication Center?  Come to find out there was no grant for the furniture and the taxpayers ended up paying with tax dollars for the new furniture for the Communication Center. 

I do not understand why the Town Manager and the Town Council continue to allow Chief Brooks to be misquoted; make a mistake or manipulate them into getting what he wants. I would think that this type of behavior would be unacceptable and grounds for firing.

Judge Judy says that you can always tell when a teenager is lying because their lips are moving. Do you know what Chief Brooks and teenagers have in common? 

Larry Fillmore

Say What? NaturalNews: Car tipping, breastfeeding in public, water wars, belly fat and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Before we get into today's weird and whacky news, I have to share that I'm releasing a new music video this week! Watch for that in a couple of days...
Until then, we've got news on Smart Car "tipping" and graduation breastfeeding controversies here:

Here are the five best ways to resist belly fat as we age:

And here are the four most dangerous brain toxins in our modern world:

Water wars have begun! 3,000 gallons of rainwater stolen from a residence in California:

Finally, learn why basketball star LeBron James has a serious magnesium deficiency:

more breaking news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB and Super Don are back in studio and reviewing the state of botanical health of the nation. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Is Fifty Shades of Grey causing rise in STDs?
- Delicious raw chia seed jam recipe
- Six steps to a clean, green, serene home

Monday, June 9, 2014



I submitted a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requesting an update on just what Chief Brooks has been spending his Federal forfeiture funds on instead of his Capital Improvement Plan.  It was amazing because the FOAA requested all Purchase Orders from January 21, 2014 to present and I only received Purchase Orders through April 14, 2014.  Apparently, Chief Brooks has not purchased any items using forfeiture funds since April 14, 2014.

October 21, 2013 -January 21, 2014

P.O. #            DATE        DESCRIPTION                AMOUNT
6856            1/21/14    1-4RE Hardware/Software        $6,430.00
6818            1/14/14    2-WatchGuard 4RE Video          4,720.00
6495            12/13/13    6-Print PD Logo on AED Bags                21.00
                    1-Setup                            10.00
6494            12/13/13    6-Lifetime AED & Accessions          4,654.86
6437            12/10/13    1-Drawer Unit 12” Unit 1              1,600.00
                    1-Drawer Unit 16” K9 Unit          1,650.00
                    1-Safety Barrier Unit 1                 343.47
6386            12/05/13    3-Rifle Bags                           74.85
                    Shipping                           17.95
6402            12/06/13    1-LED Spotlight                     159.95
                    3-CL/RD LED Dome Light                 164.85
                    2-Blank Console Filters                   59.90
                    Shipping                          15.00
6233            11/15/13    3-Rifle 16M4 A4 Telestk MPC         2,175.00
6185            11/13/13    3-Officer Attending Training             345.00
                    3-Officer Attending Training             345.00
6137            11/12/13    1-Add Mobile Client & Support          1,540.00
6128            11/12/13    1-Meals                              46.57
                    1-Gas                                35.01
                    1-Room Fee                          457.80
6023            10/30/13    4-V-Series LED lights                  648.00
                    Shipping                               6.67
5947            10/22/13    1-GPS & K9 Equipment                  582.30
5946            10/22/13    1-TM-5502-PPC-CV-2008                  543.00
5935            10/21/13    6-Inv MV-092267 Start Pro              532.56
                    1-Inv MV-092273 Hot/Pop Ant                95.00
                    1-Inv MV-092488 Gun Rack K9              195.00
                                TOTAL:               $27,468.74

January 13, 2014 – April 14, 2014

P.O. #            DATE        DESCRIPTION                AMOUNT
7677            4/14/14    Leadership Seminar            $   212.00
                    Leadership Seminar                 213.00
7575            4/04/14    2-Poly Window Protectors Unit 1&4         320.60
                    2-Poly Door Guard Panels Unit 1&4         329.00
                    1-Return for Credit/Screen            -343.37
7574            4/04/14    2-Install WatchGuard-4 Units 1&4         600.00
                    Forfeiture Funds 50% match            -300.00
7533            3/31/14    1-Room Fee 3-day Hampden PS                124.43
                    1-Room Fee 3-day Hampden PS         124.02
                    Cost Split 50/50 ProfDev/Forfeiture        -124.23
7445            3/24/14    1-Dell Optiplex 7010 Computer              843.00
7303            3/07/14    1-Glock AUTO Model 23                  409.00
                    40 Cal Gen4 with 3-13 Round Magazines
7242            2/28/14    2-Transport Seat with/OS belt U1&4          920.00
6856            1/21/14    1-4RE Hardware/Software           6,430.00
                    For 4RE In-Car Camera System
                    50/50 Grant with MeBHS                 -3,215.00
6767            1/13/14    1-Billing resolved regarding the                  320.80
                    Purchase new tasers

                                TOTAL:         $6,863.26

                            TOTAL BOTH PAGES:      $34,332.00

                    REMAINING FORFEITURE FUNDS:    $38,401.78

If you remember correctly, Chief Brooks received $71,750.78 from the Federal government and another $983.00 from the state in forfeiture funds.  This is a total of $72,733.78 of forfeiture funds available to be spent STRICTLY within the Lisbon Police Department.  The attached document is a listing of all the purchases made by Chief Brooks, without the approval of the Town Council, so far.   As you can see, Chief Brooks still has enough remaining funds to replace the police cruisers he is asking for this year, without having the taxpayers pay anything for them.  

You see, the Town council is still considering replacing three vehicles this year in the Municipal Budget.  To me, this is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.  Chief Brooks had the funds to replace the cruisers he told us last October he was going to do and now he wants US to pay for these vehicles.  Also, one of the vehicles he wants to replace had a brand new motor put in it less than a year ago but he wants the taxpayers to replace it, WHY?

If you look at this list of “toys for the boys”, you will see an item costing over $4,999.00 which is required by the Town Purchasing Policy to go out for formal bid.  Also, none of these items ever came before the Town Council.

So please tell me, how is the town council supposed to know what Chief Brooks really needs and what funds are going to pay for them?  For the Town Council to even consider purchasing any vehicles for the Police Department is totally ludicrous and an injustice to the citizens of Lisbon.  Chief Brooks made his decision and he alone should have to live with it.  To saddle the taxpayers of this town with additional spending, is outrageous of the Town Council.

Someone needs to put a stop to Chief Brooks' spending funds as he sees fit, without going through the Town Council,  this is a violation of our Town Charter
.  I am not saying Chief Brooks cannot spend the forfeiture funds but he should make the council aware of what the forfeiture funds are being spent on in order to make a decision on the Police Department budget.

The taxpayers do not deserve to continually be screwed by a Police Chief who is out of control with his spending.
Larry Fillmore

P.S.  These figures were provided by the Town.

Lisbon Class of 2021 Leave Legacy‏


Lisbon – The Lisbon Community School fifth grades were pleased to present Principal Carlene Iverson with a flowering crab tree as their legacy gift to the school.  Members of the future Class of 2021 at Lisbon High School were assisted with the presentation thanks to the generosity of Ed Bush of Maine Landscape/Bush’s Bushes, 159 Ridge Road in Lisbon Falls.  Bush planted the tree during the presentation at the school with assistance from Lisbon Alumni Class of 2010, Joe Doughty.  “We are delighted with the new Lisbon partnership of Bush’s Bushes,” comments Iverson.  “Students, staff and community members will enjoy this tree, and other trees and shrubs, for generations thanks to the gracious donations as a legacy gifts on behalf of our students.  Mr. Bush has also extended his services beyond the planting to include perpetual care of existing shrubs on the school campus.  Lisbon is truly a caring community.”  FYI on more events and programs in Lisbon visit us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Bond Issue Intent Content Statement‏

Please click on the link below for the Town's Intent Content Statement for the tax impact of the bond issues on the June 10th ballot:
FMI 353-3000 EXT. 102

The Moxie Man: WMTW: Hometown Maine: Lisbon

Now the Moxie Festival has a certain local mystique about itself just like the drink. You see, back along many years ago Frank Anicetti, "The Moxie Man", was inspired by the idea of having  a little gathering of sorts to promote this very distinctive flavored beverage that was originally concocted for use as a medicinal elixir.  A group of local dedicated volunteers agreed with the idea and just until a few years ago, the festival was put on by Frank and his loyal volunteers.  

Right smack on the corner of Routes 196 & 125 you will find a store named Kennebec Fruit Company, the home of the "Official" Moxie Museum.  Inside you will find the dedication to the drink through Frank's efforts with all things Moxie.  SO be certain to stop in say Hi, give it a try, and if it is still available you just have to have some Moxie Ice Cream, it is in limited supply but Oh, So Wicked Good on any day.  Have Fun and Good Luck Frank, family, and friends.

Lisbon Falls, Maine: Moxie Museum

Run by the Moxie Congress, loyal champions of a niche soft drink. Contains old marketing materials and packaging, memorabilia perpetuating the Moxie Mystique.
 Read more:

It is where Stephen King went to high school, and host to Maine's three-day long Moxie Festival. In this Hometown Maine, WMTW News 8's Norm Karkos takes us to Lisbon

Saturday, June 7, 2014


The definition of the word Conundrum is:  something that is puzzling or confusing. 

Here are six Conundrums of socialism in the United States of America:

1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

Think about it! And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century.  Makes you wonder who is doing the math.

These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:


1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.

And here's another one worth considering...

2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't. Think about it.....

and Last but not least,

3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.

Am I the only one missing something? 

Submitted by: "Bucksnort"

Friday, June 6, 2014

Don't miss the June 30 Moxie Parade registration deadline‏

32nd Annual Moxie Festival July 11-13, 2014
2014 Moxie Festival Committee
Lisbon, Maine

The 70-member Lakeside Lutheran Warrior band from Wisconsin will participate at the 2014 Moxie Festival Parade.

The famous L.L. Bootmobile will make its first appearance at the 2014 Moxie Festival Parade.

Don’t miss the June 30 Moxie Parade registration deadline

Don’t miss the June 30th deadline to register at no cost to participate in the Moxie Festival parade on Saturday, July 12 beginning at 10 am.  Registration is free; sign up today at the Moxie Festival website (

Entries will be judged on creativity, originality and how well they reflect the theme., “It’s Always Moxie Season n Maine.”  Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Most Moxie Commercial and Non Commercial, Most Appealing, Most Creative and Best Overall.

In addition, the 70-member Lakeside Lutheran Warrior Band from Lake Mills, WI will march as well as the 12 feet tall and 20 feet wide L.L.Bean Bootmobile, which will make its first Moxie parade appearance.

The Moxie Day parade which attracts over 100 units including miniature ponies, Kora units, Moxie floats, historic Moxie vehicles, and dancers, begins at Capital Avenue, travel down Rt. 196 and up Main Street before concluding at the MTM Center on School Street.

According to Lisbon Public Safety Officials, an estimated 50,000 people attend the three-day Moxie Festival which will take place July 11-13, 2014.  The Town of Lisbon has approximately 9,300 residents.

Since 1982, The Moxie Festival in Lisbon, Maine has been held on the second weekend in July.  The Festival now includes a 4-day Carnival, Friday night Recipe Contest, fireworks; a Saturday parade, Moxie Day 5K Race, Moxie Bike Rally, Chug-n-Challenge, Moxie Concert in the Park, Moxie Vintage Base Ball Game, and Family Fun Fair; and on Sunday, the Chief Worumbo Androscoggin River Race, Moxie Car Show and much more!  Moxie was designated Maine’s official soft drink on May 20, 2005.  Like the Moxie Festival on Facebook:

Register now for the Moxie Festival events‏

Laney Rolfe brings a tray of Moxie-infused cupcakes to the Recipe Contest judges at Chummy Mid Town Diner.  Photo credit:  Deb Wagner

 Beau Bradstreet of Bridgewater (left) has won the Moxie Chugging Contest for the past three years.  Photo credit:  Deb Wagner

 2013 Moxie Day 5K participants.  Photo credit: Michelyn Photography

 2013 Moxie Car show entry.  Photo credit:  Nancy Merrill Photography

 Lisbon residents John and Deb Calhoun and their son Andrew finish up the 2013 Chief Worumbo Androscoggin River Race with a smile.  Photo credit:  Deb Wagner

32nd Annual Moxie Festival July 11-13, 2014
2014 Moxie Festival Committee
Lisbon, Maine

Register now for the Moxie Festival events

  Show your Moxie and sign up at the Moxie Festival website ( for these Moxie Festival weekend events:

Friday, July 11

·         Moxie Recipe Contest: Moxie lovers from near and far make food taste better by adding Moxie soda to the mix.  Please e-mail entries to by midnight on July 1, 2014.  The categories are Appetizers, Salads, Dressings, Sauces (No alcoholic beverages, please); Main Dishes, Meat Dishes, Casseroles; and Desserts, Pies, Pastries. Bring your recipe from 4:00 p.m. until 4:45 p.m.  Recipe Judging will take place at Chummys Mid-Town Diner from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  

Saturday, July 12

·         Moxie Day 5K:  The 19th Annual Moxie Day 5K Road Race begins at 7:30 am rain or shine.  It is an early and quick scenic run through the outskirts of Lisbon Falls. The route includes two steep upgrades, one at the start and the second at the two mile mark.  The Moxie 5K Race begins and ends near Lisbon High School.  The $15 preregistration and $20 day of race fee includes a free Moxie 5K Race t-shirt.  (At 7:00 a.m., the Moxie 5K Kids Fun Run– Gazebo Park across from Lisbon High School and the cost is $5.)

  • Moxie Bike Rally (NEW):  The Moxie Day 30 and 50-mile bike rally begins at 8:30 am rain or shine at Crafts Car on Route 196 and ends at the Railroad Diner in Lisbon Falls.  The first 50 registrations will receive commemorative mugs ($25 preregistration and $30 day of race). 

·         Moxie Chug-n-Challenge:  The Moxie Chugging Challenge is not for the faint of heart or esophagus.  If you can’t hold your Moxie, this is not a challenge for you.  If, however, you aspire to gastronomic greatness, the cheers of amazed crowds, and the title of “Moxie Chugging Challenge Champion,” here’s what you’ll need to do:  Be one of the first five chuggers to arrive at the Main Street Stage at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 12 and pay the $5 entry fee.   

Sunday, July 13

  • Moxie Car Show:  The Moxie Car Show  takes place in the fields behind Lisbon High School on Route 196 from 8 am until 1 pm.  Spectator admission is $5, $3 for children 12-17, and children under 12 are free.  There is an entry fee of $10 for the driver and passenger.  

·         16th Annual Chief Worumbo Androscoggin River Race:   Registration is $30 for adults and $15 for children 12 and under if registered by end-of-business Monday, July 8. The registration fee includes a t-shirt, lunch, and free shuttle service.  The Worumbo Race is an amateur competition of approximately six miles, with possible class I rips and easy class II rapids, depending on water levels on race day.   The race is a family friendly event and allows racers to experience a section of the Androscoggin River with many other recreational enthusiasts. 

They Want To Kill Us: NaturalNews: Truvia Sweetener Proven To Be A Highly Effective Pesticide‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The sweetener known as "Truvia" is made primarily from erythritol, and it has just been scientifically proven to be a highly-effective pesticide.
Fruit flies that eat the sweetener turn up dead in less than a week. Here's the full story:

As a glimpse of things to come, unlookers stole groceries from an SUV after the driver was killed in a crash. Seriously? Yeah, it's getting that bad:

Check out these 7 foods that help halt diabetes and initiate self-healing:

Beware of commercial bug repellents that contain this toxic chemical:

more breaking news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: We’ll sneak preview the Chicago Cannabis Conference this weekend and also discuss travel and motion sickness, plus homeopathic arnica for summer injuries with Dr. Frank King. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at
Today on
- The top 3 free ways to prevent disease
- The top sign of a silent heart attack
- Woman loses over 100 pounds by taking selfies

Wednesday, June 4, 2014





At last night’s Town Council meeting, I had the misfortune to witness one of the most disgraceful acts by Miriam Morgan-Alexander during the Pledge of Allegiance.  Miriam Morgan-Alexander was wearing a “Howdy Doody” hat and rendered a phony hand salute during the Pledge of Allegiance.

I have sat through a year of Morgan-Alexander wearing a non-military beret with pins on it and rendering a hand salute during our Pledge of Allegiance without saying a word.  After serving this great nation for forty years both in the Army and then as a Department of Defense civilian, I am proud of this nation and our flag which signifies our freedom.  I am proud to be a veteran who has defended this flag for the best part of my life.

I can honestly say that I personally believe that Miriam Morgan-Alexander is a phony, a wannabe who gives a bad name to true vets who have protected this great nation and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 

This total lack of respect for our nation colors leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. 

You do not render a military hand salute while wearing a “HOWDY DOODY” hat.  Miriam Morgan-Alexander, please no more attempts at rendering a hand salute while wearing non-military headgear.

Larry Fillmore