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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Obamacare For Dummies 101: "Archie Bunker Gets Private Area Shaved By Female Doctor"

G Rated:  This is a very funny clip from Archie Bunker's day in the hospital. --
If you're old enough to remember how funny Archie Bunker was ... or even if you don't, you'll enjoy this!

Democrats Take Notice And Learn From This Man; Elbert Guillory: What a spokesman for the Republican Party.

Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"



Submitted by: 'Friends of Liberty'

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks, "Cry Me A Yellow River"!

 "When you're a small town and you only have one or two people on duty, then you're telling that town they have to take their officer out of their town in order to transport someone," Lisbon police Chief David Brooks said Monday. "And that's a problem."

Aaron Neville - Cry Me a River

No Brooksie, YOU Are The Problem In Lisbon!!!

Have Gun, Can Fly, Shoot, and Hit Target. The Best Handgun Shot Ever With Model 1911

Field & Stream:  Best Shot with a 1911. Ever.

By Philip Bourjaily
While compiling the timeline for “Pistol of the Century,” our tribute to the 1911 in the June issue of Field & Stream, I read through many accounts of the 1911 in combat. The most unusual shot,(and possibly the best ever) made in wartime with a 1911 pistol had to be the one fired by a USAAF B-24 co-pilot named Owen J. Baggett in March, 1943 in the skies over Burma. Of course, I am biased toward this one as it involves a flying target . . .

Read more here:

Valor: David and Goliath

Many extraordinary encounters took place in the skies of World War II but none more bizarre than this. 
The Tenth Air Force in India was, throughout most of its life, the smallest of the AAF's combat air forces but with a large geographical area of responsibility and an important mission. It was responsible for helping to defend the supply line from India to China and for interdicting the Japanese supply net running from Rangoon, Burma, to the north of that country. Its heavy bomber force--consisting of a few B-24s--was the 7th Bomb Group, based at Pandaveswar, northwest of Calcutta, whence it flew very long missions to targets mostly in Burma.
On March 31, 1943, the 7th BG's 9th Bomb Squadron was dispatched to destroy a railroad bridge at Pyinmana, about halfway between Rangoon and Mandalay and near two active enemy fighter bases. The formation was led by Col. Conrad F. Necrason, 7th BG commander. The B-24 on his right wing was piloted by 1st Lt. Lloyd Jensen whose copilot was 2d Lt. Owen J. Baggett. On that mission, Baggett was to earn a distinction believed to be unique in Air Force history. 
Before reaching the target, the B-24s were attacked by fighters. Colonel Necrason was severely wounded, and Jensen's aircraft was fatally damaged. Oxygen bottles were shattered, intensifying a fire in the rear of Jensen's bomber. Nineteen-year-old Sgt. Samuel Crostic slid out of his top turret, grabbed two fire extinguishers, and fought the fire in the rear of the aircraft while standing on a catwalk over the open bomb bay. The plane still was under attack by enemy fighters, taking many hits along its fuselage. To help defend the aircraft, copilot Baggett took over the top turret until Sergeant Crostic had emptied his fire extinguishers, giving the crew time to prepare for bailout.
 Continue reading much more:

GOPDD: Al Sharpton Fingers The Martins: I Only Got Involved And Made This About Race Because Trayvon’s Parent$ Called Me And Asked Me To

by Amy

Related – Flashback: Trayvon’s Parents Shake Down Homeowner’s Association For Over $1 Million
“If the police in Sanford had acted justly, maybe Trayvon Martin’s parents wouldn’t have had a grievance and called me and others to come publicize their demands…”
– Al Sharpton

 Excerpted from Mediaite: After weeks of harsh accusations flying back and forth between Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and MSNBC’s Al Sharpton over race in America, Sharpton decided to deliver an “open letter” to O’Reilly on his show Tuesday evening.

Hey Lisbon, How Is The Grievance With Town Government B/S Working Out For You?

Please stay tuned. We Have a Video to show and Remind you of just what happens.
It "Stars" Your Own B/S Police Chief David T. Brooks.
Duck & Cover Brooksie!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Why Al Sharpton has a prime time slot on MSNBC‏

Who gets to speak on cable news and
who doesn't?
For example, why does Al Sharpton
have a show on MSNBC and why was
a real journalist booted from the same
Very interesting glimpse into what goes
on behind the scenes. 
- Brasscheck

Uploaded on Jul 22, 2011 - After giving a nearly six-month tryout for the Internet talk show host Cenk Uygur, the cable news channel MSNBC is preparing to instead award its 6 p.m. primetime slot to the Reverend Al Sharpton. MSNBC President Phil Griffin offered Uygur a well-paid but lower-profile on-air slot, but Uygur rejected the offer, saying the decision to demote him was politically motivated. Uygur is known for aggressively interrogating leading Washington figures and challenging the political establishment, which he alleges made some MSNBC executives uneasy. He said Griffin had called him into his office in April and told him he had been talking to people in Washington, and that they did not like Uygur's tone. Democracy Now! interviews Uygur, who also blogs at several liberal websites and hosts a popular Internet and radio show, "The Young Turks." "It is corporate media... It is not just MSNBC. Do you think the CNN hosts can aggressively challenge government officials? I don't think so," says Uygur says.

Cenk Uygur is the main host and co-founder of the Internet and talk radio show The Young Turks. He was a political commentator on the cable television channel MSNBC in late 2010, and hosted an MSNBC primetime talk show from January 2011 through June 2011.

For the complete transcript, to download the audio/video podcast and to watch more Democracy Now! reports, visit

"Act Like An Insider" - Or Else
Why a real journalist was booted from MSNBC

$Cccreewww Washington D.C!!! B4 They $crew You or $omeone You Know!!!

ATTENTION SHEEPLE!!!; NaturalNews: Society's Insanity Plea: Here's Why Everybody Seems So Crazy And More‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers, 
It's no exaggeration to say that society seems to be going insane. But what if I told you that society really IS brain damaged because the people are being routinely poisoned?
In today's in-depth article, I explain the real reasons behind the downfall of society we're now witnessing on a grand scale. And yes, it all comes back to the food:

 The Article Above Is The Most Compelling Answer To The Question Of "What Is Happening To US All As A Society And/Or Country"?.  Wake Up 'Sheeple'!!! Take A Stance, Stand On The Ground With Your Feet Planted Firmly And Say Enough Is Enough Already! You Have The Ability To Make A 'CHANGE', But You Have To "Get Off The Couch" And Get Involved And Not Just 'HOPE' It Takes Care Of Itself!

The city of Oakland, California, looks set to ban hammers, wrenches, walking canes, camera tripods and all "objects of destruction" as they call them. Has Oakland gone insane, too?

The Obamacare call center is hiring! Unfortunately, employees who work there are not offered health care benefits:

The CDC has been caught in a massive cover-up regarding hidden SV40 cancer viruses in polio vaccines:

Finally, read why Wikipedia is increasingly seen as a source of total disinformation, lies and false propaganda:

P.S. now has a new category called Earth Science & Environment. Check it out!

Society's insanity plea: the real cause behind global mass poisoning and the downfall of modern civilization
(NaturalNews) There are over five thousand species of mammals on planet Earth, but only one of them is insane. It also turns out there is only one species of mammal that intentionally poisons itself (and its children) by injecting toxic, neuro-damaging...

Obamacare call center employees not offered health care benefits
(NaturalNews) News reports of late have declared that, despite it being passed nearly three years ago, Americans are "still confused" over Obamacare and its myriad of regulations, requirements and provisions. Confused yes, but increasingly angry as...

Chemical weedkillers linked to double the rate of depression in farmers
(NaturalNews) As chemical companies manufacture their own falsified studies on the safety of their weed killers, herbicides like Roundup are used liberally and without caution. The glyphosate weedkillers like Roundup are now dumped into the Earth at the...

Pepsi forks over $9 million settlement, agrees to stop calling Naked Juice 'natural'
(NaturalNews) The Pepsi-owned Naked Juice brand will soon be getting a labeling makeover following a lawsuit that challenged the processed food giant's indiscriminate and deceptive use of the word "natural." According to new reports, PepsiCo has not only...

CDC admits, then retracts statistics reporting that 98 million Americans were injected with vaccines containing cancer virus
(NaturalNews) The Centers for Disease Control recently published valuable information about polio vaccines on their site, but afterwards retracted the information. Why has that information been taken down? Regardless, a Google snapshot of this...

Bank of America whistleblowers say they were told to lie about mortgages
(NaturalNews) Americans still reeling from the collapse of the U.S. housing market and who lost homes or tens of thousands of dollars in equity are going to be especially upset by news that one of the lenders at the heart of the collapse, Bank of America...

Feeling physically and mentally overwhelmed? Try ashwagandha - an all-around wonder herb for anxiety, stress and toxic overload
(NaturalNews) With the current state of the world concerning environmental destruction, GMOs and political corruption, it's no surprise the average person is on edge. Now more than ever, fortifying the body and mind against this relentless attack is crucial...

Colloidal silver is an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral miracle
(NaturalNews) Silver has been used since ancient Greek and Roman times as an antimicrobial, for preserving foods and liquids and medicinally. Then, in the early Twentieth Century, allopathic medicine monopolized all medical practice, favoring only synthetic...

Magnesium neutralizes lethal injections: Amazing research
(NaturalNews) reveals yet another amazing connection that validates natural health. I typed in the word magnesium and instantly saw hundreds of scientific studies...

Wikipedia increasingly being recognized as source of disinformation, propaganda
(NaturalNews) A lawsuit filed against the Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) near San Diego, California, was recently dismissed after a judge ruled that the plaintiffs in the case had used a phony source of information for their argument: Wikipedia...

How to turn deep breathing into a second heart
(NaturalNews) With all the heart problems that people are experiencing today, learning that you can actually do something to create a second heart within your body sounds like a miracle or simply too good to be true. Of course science is always trying...

Four fast and effective natural remedies for headaches and migraines
(NaturalNews) Headaches. They are day-killers. You can't concentrate at work and you can't get anything done at home. All you can do is suffer until it goes away. More than 30 million Americans suffer from migraines - or one person in some 25 percent...

MSNBC says life begins whenever parents decide it does, including years after childbirth
(NaturalNews) It's easy to think that the most outrageous things said by some of today's "intellectuals," some of whom pretend to be cable news program hosts, are merely for shock effect, but when they keep saying them you begin to realize their not kidding...

Wine allergy: What are the symptoms and common causes?
(NaturalNews) It is well known that drinking wine has positive effects on health when taken in moderation. Wine contains antioxidants that protect cells against damage. But who knows about wine allergy and the effect that it can have on health? Whereas...

Enemy of the state: Your cell phone is now a tracking device for NSA to hunt you down
(NaturalNews) News of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA)'s covert spying activities on Americans has sent shockwaves throughout the nation, rattling what little rudiments of freedom and liberty still remain in this once great nation. But a...

'Superfluids' like liquid helium seemingly defy laws of physics, baffling scientists
(NaturalNews) Scientists have long been baffled by the fact that certain objects of matter appear to evade the physical laws of nature, existing and functioning to the beat of a different drum, if you will. At least as far as human understanding is concerned...

Oakland to ban hammers, wrenches, tripods, walking canes, shields and other 'tools of vandalism' in bizarre Orwellian disarmament push
(NaturalNews) Forget "gun control." That's old news. The city of Oakland, California now wants to ban any object that could be used as a "tool of vandalism," including hammers, wrenches, slingshots, shields and presumably anything else with a blunt edge...

MSNBC host says newborn infants don't count as 'alive' unless parents decide they do; infanticide is the new abortion
(NaturalNews) Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head "death worshipper" to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents ...

Campaign For Liberty: Plan to Pass Audit the Fed Through House (H.R. 24 & S. 209)

Plan to Pass Audit the Fed through House:


Pass Audit the Fed Petition to:
House Speaker John Boehner and my U.S. Representative

Whereas:   The Federal Reserve still refuses to give a full public accounting of the TRILLIONS in recent taxpayer-backed loans; and
Whereas:   Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued bankrupting of our nation through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank "loans"; and
Whereas:   The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis, and the resulting chaos; and
Whereas:   The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases.
Therefore: I urge you to bring Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) to the floor for a full up-or-down vote.
Simply Click On The Following To Vote:

footer baner

Ray Stevens - Throw the Bums Out



Monday, July 29, 2013

Hey, Lisbon Chief of Police David T. Brooks, "It May Not Taste Like Chicken" As " You Are So Vain" You Probably Think This Song Is About You, But It Isn't!!!

You're So Vain - Taylor Swift and Carly Simon - Gillette Stadium 



Please Enjoy This As It Is Unquestionably Dedicated To Lisbon's Chief of Police and His Minions.  

Submitted by: Todd Comber

Watch A Congresswoman Dress Down A Real Phoney!‏

It is one of those rare Congressional exchanges that's both dramatic and compelling: Yesterday during a House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), who lost her legs and use of her right arm when she served in Iraq, dressed down an IRS contractor who used his military disability status to receive government contracts reserved for disabled vets.
The catch?
Braulio Castillo claimed disability based on an injury he sustained at the U.S. Military Preparatory School nearly 30 years ago. The Times reports that Castillo broke his foot at the prep school, but went on to play football in college. Duckworth pounced.
It's worth watching the whole thing:

God Bless You Rep. Duckworth and Thank You!

Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  isolated pm thunder inland. Highs 75-83 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet. A shower far north? Lows 56-62. Highs 74-81 N/S, cooler coast.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 55-60. Highs 76-85 N/S, cooler coast.
Thursday; quiet. Thunder mnts. Late? Lows 56-61. Highs 79-85 N/S, cooler coast.
Friday;  showers, fog, thunder.. Lows 60-65. Highs 78-83, cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet. Showers all but south. Lows 57-62. Highs 70-79 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; quiet. Showers north. Lows 53-60 N/S. highs 70-77 N/S, cooler coast.
Submitted by: 'Rufe'

Sadly We Report The Passing Of Colonel George E. "Bud" Day; "A true American hero flown West"; Washington Post: Col. ‘Bud’ Day, Medal of Honor recipient who was McCain’s POW cellmate in Vietnam, dies at 88

On Jul 27, 2013, at 9:33 PM, Tom Hanton wrote:
Today we lost a great leader, unwavering patriot, and to many of us, a very good friend.  America lost a warrior among warriors.
Col. Bud Day made his final take off to join God and his be among his many friends.  He left peacefully with family by his side.  No more pain, only peace.
GBU Bud, we will dearly miss you.
Tom Hanton
President, NAM POWs
Association of Vietnam War POWs

 MIAMI — Retired Col. George “Bud” Day, a Medal of Honor recipient who spent 5½ years as a POW in Vietnam and was Arizona Sen. John McCain’s cellmate, has died at the age of 88, his widow said Sunday.

Day, one of the nation’s most highly decorated servicemen since Gen. Douglas MacArthur and later a tireless advocate for veterans’ rights, died Saturday surrounded by family at his home in Shalimar, after a long illness, Doris Day said.
“He would have died in my arms if I could have picked him up,” she said.
Day received the Medal of Honor for escaping his captors for 10 days after the aircraft he was piloting was shot down over North Vietnam. In all, he earned more than 70 medals during service in World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
He was an enlisted Marine serving in the Pacific during World War II and an Air Force pilot in the Korean and Vietnam wars.
In Vietnam, he was McCain’s cellmate at one camp known as the Plantation and later in the infamous Hanoi Hilton, where he was often the highest-ranking captive. During his imprisonment, the once-muscular, 5-foot-9 Day was hung by his arms for days, tearing them from their sockets. He was freed in 1973 — a skeletal figure of the once dashing fighter pilot. His hands and arms never functioned properly again.
 Continue Reading:

George E. Day
Col George Day 1987.jpg  Airforce moh.jpg
Col. Day in dress uniform.
Nickname Bud
Born February 24, 1925
Sioux City, Iowa
Died July 27, 2013 (aged 88)
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Allegiance  United States of America
Service/branch Seal of the US Air Force.svg United States Air Force
United States Department of the Army Seal.svg United States Army
USMC logo.svg United States Marine Corps
Years of service 1942 - 1945 (Marine Corps)
1945 - 1950 (Army)
1950 - 1977 (Air Force)
Rank US-O6 insignia.svg Colonel
Unit 37th TFW Misty FAC (Commando Sabre Super FACs) [1]
Battles/wars World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Awards Medal of Honor
Air Force Cross
Air Force Distinguished Service Medal
Silver Star
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Bronze Star (4) with Combat "V"
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Purple Heart (4)
Air Medal (10)
Prisoner of War Medal
Other work Author, Return with Honor
Partner, Day and Meade Law Firm
 Much more reading here:

21-Gun Rifle Salute, Taps, Missing Man 



Submitted by:'Curt B.'

 Thank You To All Armed Services Personnel; Past, Present, and Future!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Unmasker4Maine: Politicians Paid Off By Monsanto

 "Police Chiefs Also"

“Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. As long as you can help Monsanto slide its icy tentacles into the food chain, then there’s some financial tip available to you. Keep in mind these are the figures we know, which means that behind the scenes expect these numbers to multiply extensively. But what is most amazing is that these politicians just don’t care that you know they’re receiving thousands of dollars from Monsanto! They sweep it under the carpet, but they are openly taking money from this corporation that has been caught running ‘slave-like’ rings and disregarding public health. We’re talking about a corporation that primarily aided in the creation of Agent Orange — the Vietnam-era chemical weapon that killed over 400,000 people and led to 500,000 plus birth defects. Or how about the nice chunk of cash that Monsanto paid Senator Roy Blunt to ‘help write’ the Monsanto Protection Act that grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts?”
Read more and view extensive list, click here.
Related: Senator Olympia J. Snowe 2005 – 2010 - Top 100 campaign contributors, which includes Goldman Sachs. Click here.
Now many of us in Maine can see why Senator Snowe turned her back when we needed her help!

Unmasker4Maine: Trial by Jury: Common Law

by: Lise from Maine
“What is the purpose in having a trial by jury according to the course of the Common Law?
First and foremost is to STOP the government (state and federal) from taking wrongfully the life, liberty, and property of the defendant (live people and not fictions) and to protect our Common Law government of laws from the whims of mere men and women (legislators, judges, prosecutors, etc).
Our Common Law disappeared in 1959 unlawfully by those privileged members of the Maine State Bar Association who voted among themselves to remove it.
Fraud! Fraud! Fraud!

 Read more here:

Unmasker4Maine: Charter Schools: Charlotte Iserbyt v. Bruce Poliquin‏

Maine’s budding charter schools survive legislature by Bruce Poliquin.
“Knowledge is power. The best education for the child is crucial for a lifetime of happiness, success, and health. Education should be about the kids, not the adults. Let’s keep moving down the path of more learning approaches and environments for Maine students. The new and growing charter school option is a step in the right direction.”  Read more, click here.

Charlotte Iserbyt responds:
“Another moron to add to the list.  These people couldn’t add 2-2 if required.  They would surely answer “3″.  How does one get through to them that charters schools, with their unelected boards, are THE vehicle to get the USA moving into the Soviet unelected council form of government.  “They” just don’t seem to have a problem with “taxation without representation”.  They probably never studied the origins of the  the United States of America, and haven’t the faintest idea why the patriots, including George Washington, decided to go to war against Great Britain.
Also,  does he know what school-to-work is?  Has he ever been to Cuba or China or Russia.  Does he know what a quota system is.  Maybe someone should give him this quote from Professor Eugene Boyce, University of Georgia, on communist education.  “They do not educate for jobs that don’t exist.”
That’s really great, Mr. Poliquin…and you say our children are going to have such upward mobility, blah, blah, blah?”
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

Who’s Joshua Chellew?

Who's Joshua Chellew

Who’s Joshua Chellew? The fact that you don’t know his name is the whole point. But that’s not your fault.
Four south Cobb teenagers are in custody in connection with the beating death of a 36-year-old Mableton man on Mableton Parkway early Sundaymorning…
They have been accused in the beating death of Joshua Heath Chellew, 36…
According to the warrant, the four teenagers are accused of starting a fight with Chellew at a Chevron gas station in the 6200 block of Mableton Parkway near Community Drive at about 1:20 a.m. Sunday. They repeatedly punched and kicked him, according to police.
While attempting to escape, Chellew backed into the center five-lane highway and was pushed to the ground and knocked unconscious, the warrant states.
They then walked away from Chellew, “leaving him helpless,” and he was eventually hit by a car, the warrant states.
A horrible, senseless murder. Why hasn’t it received wider attention?
This might be why.
 Joshua Chellew:

 The men who murdered him:

If Obama had four more sons…
If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest news story in the United States. It would have knocked the Zimmerman trial out of the news.
Yep. Or, if Chellew had been able to defend himself against one or all of them, he’d be the new George Zimmerman. We’d be seeing baby pictures of his attackers. Al Sharpton would be marching. Jay Carney would be filibustering away all questions about Obama’s latest race-baiting. MSNBC would be on full alert.
But Chellew wasn’t able to defend himself. He probably deserved it, right? I mean, just look at him. You can’t get any whiter than that.

Submitted by: "Sky King"