Pardon Hillary Now
By matthew continetti
Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, wrote a six-page memo to “Interested Parties” Wednesday on the state of the 2016 presidential race. His message: Everything is under control. “While we always have, and continue to, anticipate a very competitive race,” Mook wrote, “Hillary stands today in a very enviable position.”
Senator Paid Caregiver with Personal Funds in Arrangement Approved by Ethics Committee
By daniel wiser
Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) paid a caregiver for his services with personal funds, not campaign money, in an arrangement that was approved by the Senate Ethics Committee, contradicting reports that have raised questions about the nature of the agreement, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
House Committee Calls EPA’s Gina McCarthy Testimony ‘False and Misleading’
By ali meyer
Republican members of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology wrote to Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy and called her testimony at a hearing in July “false and misleading.”
Another House Dem Opposes Iran Deal
By alana goodman
Another Democratic congressman came out against the Iranian nuclear deal on Thursday, saying it “allows Iran to remain a nuclear threshold state” while benefiting from billions of dollars in sanctions relief that will help the regime fund its global terror network.
Member of Hillary Clinton ‘Inner Circle’ May Have Committed Felony, State Department Official Says
By Morgan Chalfant
As Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign insists that the former secretary of state never sent or received classified information via her personal email, a State Department official supposes that a member of Clinton’s “inner circle” likely cleared emails of any classification markings.
The Hillary Clinton Email Scandal, Explained in Plain English
By andrew stiles
To break the Hillary Clinton email scandal down into plain English, here is the absolute best-case scenario: Hillary Clinton put the national security of the United States at risk in order to conceal information from the public, but did not break any laws.
Autopsy of a Revolution
By aaron maclean
Edward Said once famously took the scholar Bernard Lewis to task over the history of the Arabic word for “revolution”—thawra. In an essay called “Islamic Concepts of Revolution,” Lewis had traced the term’s usage back to the classical period of the language, and presented evidence showing that it had acquired its current sense only in the 19th century.
‘Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation’ Review
By sonny bunch
The debut of Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation the weekend before last prompted any number of think pieces on Tom Cruise. Essays and interviews focused on “The Rehabilitation of Tom Cruise,” while (accurate) proclamations that he’s “The Greatest Movie Star of All Time” were made. We looked back at “Cruise’s Oscar Years” as part of Grantland’s “Tom Cruise Week,” which featured a NCAA-style bracket to determine which Cruise character completes us.
Chuck Todd: Democratic Party has the Oldest Slate of Candidates
By andrew kugle
NBC anchor Chuck Todd said Thursday that the Democratic Party has the oldest slate of candidates for president.