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Showing posts with label Assessing Department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assessing Department. Show all posts
(Breitbart) Trumpocrats executive director Christian Rickers told Breitbart News that Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, is “simply unhinged” as evidenced by her speech in Reno, Nevada, on Thursday.
“Hillary is simply unhinged and appealing to the lowest common denominator,” Rickers, a lifelong Democrat who backed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries but is now leading a movement crossing over to the Republican Party to back GOP nominee Donald Trump, told Breitbart News in response to Clinton’s “alt-right” speech. “Her performance today was more evidence of how desperate she has become.”
Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines at the State Department contacted the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to inquire about severe head injuries.
Hillary Clinton thanked Reines and added, “Having a cracked head is no fun at all.”
If ever there was a time to stand on one’s principles and the principles that built America and made Her strong, it is now. The future of America is at stake, and for anyone to still be screaming “never Trump” is not very principled, especially in light of Donald Trump’s “America First” policies and the great speech he presented to the Detroit Economic Club recently. Screaming “never Trump” is actually fairly anti-American and immoral, if one understands that the alternative is Hillary Clinton and policies that are certain to undo the U.S. Constitution and destroy America. Once one looks at the stark differences between the two candidates, despite any valid points myself and others made in opposition to Trump during the primary, one must ask the “never Trump” people, just what principles are you holding on to so tightly that you would pave the way for Hillary Clinton __ the most corrupt, dishonest and despicable politician in American history, a Chavez imitator and an Alinsky acolyte __ to win the presidency and implement plans that will kill the U.S. economy and individual liberty?
Hillary Clinton held another small rally today in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Joe Biden was her special guest.
Only four people lined up for the rally this morning.
A 17-year-old girl was brutally gang-raped by a group of 8 Muslim men only to watch as a judge released her attackers on bail. So, when she realized that the justice system wasn’t going to protect her, the devastated victim decided to take gruesome matters into her own hands.
At 99.9 percent Muslim, Morocco is one of the most concentrated Muslim-majority countries on earth. Of course, this translates into all the barbarity of Sharia law, including the inhumane punishments often given to victims and lenient sentences handed down to heinous offenders. In fact, just weeks ago a couple was arrested for sharing a kiss in public during Ramadan, a serious criminal offense that involves breaking their Islamic fast with sexual relations. Now, they’re facing 6 months in prison and a hefty fine.
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump not only has to beat the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, he has to go up against the mainstream media and the rigged polls they give air time to ad nauseum.
However, the conservative website The Truth Division posted five statistics that prove that Trump is beating the polls and garnering massive amounts of support that the mainstream media won’t report.
The Donald Trump Campaign recently upped its game by hiring the firm behind the Brexit vote that stunned Great Britain.
Cambridge Analytica is a marketing firm that specializes going after first-time voters and those who feel left out of the process – the typical Trump supporter. The Wrap reported:
This public announcement from
the town is very misleading but factually correct. Last year we did
have a mil rate of $23.59 but that was based on 87% valuation. This
years mil. rate is $22.40 but it is based on 100% valuation. To compare
these mil rates you must first base both of them on 100% valuation.
Taxes were committed on July 26, 2016 for the FY17 that begins on July 1, 2016 and ends on June 30, 2017. The new milrate is $22.40 per $1,000 of assessed value. This is a decrease of $1.19 from the FY 16 milrate of $23.59.
who have applied for a Homestead exemptions will see a $15,000
deduction from their assessed value. Also, all other exemptions will be
at 100% due to the revaluation. All taxes are assessed as of April 1st
of each year and taxes are committed and bills will be sent to the
property owner of record on that date. For those taxpayers who sold
their property after April 1st, they will need to provide the new owner a copy of the tax bill. Bills are scheduled to be mailed on Wednesday, August 3rd.
Lisbon has committed taxes for the 2016-2017 year. This year our tax mil. rate went up almost $2 dollars per thousand dollars in valuation, from approximately $20.49 to $22.40. at 100% valuation.
Each year Lisbon's taxes go up but this years increase is the largest dollar jump in recent history. Below is a chart of our mil. rates from 2007 to the present.
Does anyone see a trend in these numbers? They keep going up every year with only one exception. In 9 years it has gone up from $13.77 to $22.40 or an increase of almost 65%. If we continue on this road for another 9 short years our tax mil rate will be up around $36.75 per $1,000 in valuation. Every year at tax time we talk about increasing Lisbon's tax base. We talk about enticing new business to Lisbon and we fool ourselves into thinking that another economic development scheme will save us from our out of control spending. At some point we will have to acknowledge the financial solutions that have worked in the past are no longer viable.
The world has changed, Lisbon has changed, we are no longer in a manufacturing economy. Our mills are almost gone and we need to adjust to this change. We need to reduce the infrastructure that was necessary to support the past manufacturing economy. If we don't reduce our spending we will put more and more pressure on the existing tax base. The corresponding increase in taxes will make Lisbon an even less attractive place to live. Its a vicious circle. Did you notice how easy it was for the School Dept. and Council to come to an agreement over this years budget? It was easy because they knew that any increase in their budgets could be blamed on the revaluation that was finished and implemented this year. By going from 87% valuation to 100% percent valuation we increased taxpayers homestead deduction to $15,000 dollars. This savings should have gone to the taxpayers but instead it went to the town government. By coincidence many peoples tax valuation went up by a corresponding amount. Don't think we can hide from our high tax problem, we can't. This problem will be solved either by responsible leaders insisting we live within our means or by eventual town bankruptcy.
Call your Councilors and let them know you want a solution to this ongoing problem before it is too late. Respectfully Joe Hill LisbonMaine.Net
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has been getting a lot of media heat for having accepted a Purple Heart medal from retired Army Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman this week, especially because he stated at the time that it was much easier receiving it as a gift versus being awarded it for being wounded in combat.
One of the biggest compliments being paid to Hillary Clinton this week by many speakers at the Democratic convention is that she never quits. She is dogged. Many of her detractors concede that point. She is definitely a fighter. But when I think about what I have observed of her since she was first lady is that her doggedness and never-say-quit persona seems to be reserved for her own fortunes as opposed to what she is trying to do on the job.
Did you catch this? What kind of heath issue is she trying to hide?
Hillary Clinton looked like she suffered another seizure last night after her DNC Convention speech–
Hillary Clinton had her pick of leftists and radicals to choose from as her vice presidential running mate. She could’ve gone with the radical Indian Elizabeth Warren – but then two far left radical screeching women might have been too much.
She had her choice of an Hispanic or black or any number of leftists ne’er-do-wells and she could’ve even asked the old socialist curmudgeon Bernie Sanders – but instead chose a middle-of-the-road whitey.