When a school introduced its students to lessons about Islam, they promised parents that the curriculum was merely a tool to study the religion’s effects on the world. However, when two mothers discovered that their children had been forced to declare Islam as the one “true faith,” the furious mama bears delivered the perfect payback.
After Christian mothers Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer found out that their children were coerced into literally converting to Islam during propaganda disguised as learning tools, the school quickly realized that they had messed with the wrong moms. Unwilling to allow New Jersey’s Chatham Middle School to get away with shoving Islam, and only Islam, down their susceptible students’ throats, the irate parents stormed the school district’s school board meeting on February 6, demanding that the religious favoritism is halted immediately. Unfortunately, their protest failed. However, they had a plan B up their sleeves that the school never saw coming.