WELCOME TO THE LISBON REPORTER. In an effort to keep our community informed of what is going on at local and Federal levels of government, we decided to create this on-line newspaper. It is our hope that this on-line newspaper will help you stay informed so that you can get involved and take action for the benefit of our ENTIRE community. Thank you for visiting and please check back frequently for information about what is happening in LISBON/LISBON FALLS, MAINE USA
Showing posts with label Police Department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Department. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Sunday, October 29, 2017
My Right to Support the Candidate of MY Choice
I support Scott Gaisson in
his running for the Maine House of Representatives
He would work hard for the
citizens of Lisbon and the State of Maine.
When I found that he was
running I asked him if he would place one of his
political signs in on my
property, which he or one of his supporters did.
weeks ago. I respect that my neighbor
has a right to support a
of his choice and place a sign on
his property.
A little over a week ago someone removed Scott Gaisson's sign, from my property.
I found it in the middle of the road, in the School Street, Route 196 intersection,
badly damaged after being run over by numerous
I found the sign and put it again on the wire stand. A few days later Mr.. Gaisson
replaced the damaged sign with a new
Sometime between Friday evening and Saturday
morning Scott
sign was again
Not only was Scott Gaisson's sign missing, but a second one for his opponent
was placed on my neighbor's property.
not once but twice. The police office who responded suggested that the sign on my property
was taken by
Kids who had a new sign to place on my neighbor's property at the same time.
Really?????????? This is improper politics at it's worst.
House of Representative.
no questions asked.
He and I have more respect for each other that that.
A Lisbon Concerned
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
GOPDD: HERO! Marine Veteran That Lost Both Legs Becomes Police Officer!
by Dylan
What we have here is a man with outright sense of duty. Losing both his legs below the knee may stop him from being a marine but that won’t stop him from enforcing the law and keeping America safe as he just became a police officer!
TO WATCH VIDEO: https://gopthedailydose.com/2017/03/26/hero-marine-veteran-lost-legs-becomes-police-officer/
GOPDD: Young Officer Has No Idea Ordinary Stop Is About To Change His Life Forever [video]
by Dylan
Kate Anslinger AWM
There are many reasons why police officers are thought of as heroes. They put their lives at risk every day as they are at the forefront of criminal activity and the ones who are tasked with investigating and assessing crime scenes which can be dangerous even after the crime has taken place.
And then there is the fact that they have no idea what they are getting into when they are simply doing their job and pulling someone over. It is like walking into the unknown when they approach a vehicle that they pulled over for a traffic violation.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: https://gopthedailydose.com/2017/03/25/young-officer-no-idea-ordinary-stop-change-life-forever-video/
Friday, March 17, 2017
GOPDD: WATCH: Cops Mocked, Harassed in Harlem on Video
by Harry Hibbs
The United States slowly piecing itself back together following the most damaging administration in recent history, and an election that split the country down the middle. The right rose up to take a stand for constitutionality and break away from the way we have been marginalized for the last 8 years. The left was taken aback by this show of force and retaliated with claims of racism and dishonesty that led to President Trump’s election.
This country, that has been on the edge of the divide for so long, has now been ripped apart by ideology, and we are fast losing hope that the gap can ever be bridged and the damage repaired. So was it worth it? Does what we are standing for really matter? Are we just being a bunch of squeaky wheels because we all, left and right, want our rights and we want the other to be happy about it? Basically, is it really worth it?
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: https://gopthedailydose.com/2017/03/17/watch-cops-mocked-harassed-harlem-video/
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Monday, January 16, 2017
GOPDD: Two Undocumented Mexicans Viciously Attack Texas Sheriff Deputy
This right here is an excellent reason officers should ride in pairs. A Texas deputy pulled over a pair of illegal aliens and that’s when the incident began. Deputy Ken Arant was in the process of arresting a man and a woman for having drugs in their vehicle… the man kept slipping through his handcuffs and viciously assaulting the officer. Arant tasered the guy and then the woman jumped in. She tried to get his gun and failed, but then the two fled in their car.
As they were leading off in a high speed chase, the illegal aliens flipped their car multiple times. Both are in critical condition. No sympathy here. If they could have, they would have surely killed that deputy. He was damned lucky they didn’t get his sidearm. This went down in the panhandle of Texas. The rollover crash occurred near the town of Estelline in neighboring Hall County. Deputies and EMS personnel from Hall County responded to the crash scene and transported the suspects to a local hospital for their initial treatment.
TO READ MORE: http://gopthedailydose.com/2017/01/16/two-undocumented-mexicans-viciously-attack-texas-sheriff-deputy/
Monday, January 9, 2017
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
GOPDD: GRAPHIC VIDEO: Captures Two Georgia Cops Being Shot By Black Thug
by Dylan
Bodycam video from one of the officers captured the harrowing ordeal.
Officer Jeffery Martin, 22, of the Lavonia, Georgia police force, and his captain, Michael Schulman, 50, had pulled over a vehicle and got word back from dispatch that the car was stolen.
Lavonia, Georgia police captain Michael Schulman and Officer Jeffery Martin were shot last Monday by Khari Anthony Dashaun Gordon
The suspect driving the car was Khari Anthony Dashaun Gordon. Gordon had been arrested over 20 times prior to the shooting, and he was out on bond for attempted murder. Martin & Schulman were unaware of these facts.
After pulling Gordon over, officer Martin, a rookie who had only been on the force for a year, was questioning him.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://gopthedailydose.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Michael-Schulman-jeffrey-martin.jpg
Monday, December 5, 2016
FREEDOM FORCE: Black Woman who Witnessed the Murder of a Police Officer: “I Don’t Want to Hear anything about Black Lives Matter”
A horrible situation unfolded in Tacoma, Washington this past week when police arrived at a home in answer to a domestic disturbance call.
The police arrived at the house in question with the owner, Kristi Croskey, to check on the welfare of the children. As the police entered the home, the renter, a man named Bruce Randall “Zeus” Johnson II opened fire on the officers. One officer, Reginald “Jake” Gutierrez put himself between his partner, the homeowner, and the gunman in an effort to get everyone to safety. Gutierrez yelled for the others to “Get out!” of the house even as the gunman opened fire. Gutierrez was hit, but his partner and the others were able to escape.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://libertyalliance.com/black-woman-witnessed-murder-police-officer-dont-want-hear-anything-black-lives-matter/
Thursday, November 24, 2016
GOPDD: Department of Justice Fines Sheriff’s Office $10K for Hiring Only US Citizens
by Harry Hibbs
The sheriff’s department will pay a $10,000 fine and will have to sort through old applications to identify people who were eliminated from consideration because they were not U.S. citizens
Report from Fox & Friends:
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/11/24/department-justice-fines-sheriffs-office-10k-hiring-us-citizens/
Thursday, November 3, 2016
When the people of Lisbon go to the polls on November 8th to vote; it is crucial they vote for individuals that possess two important traits. They are leadership and the ability to put what is best for the community first. I believe we have this on the School side but on the Town Council; we are seriously lacking.
On October 6, 2015, the Town Council, which included the following Councilors Bickford, Crafts, Brunelle, and Metivier, voted to stop the Consolidation of the Lisbon Communication Center and the Androscoggin County Dispatch. This consolidation would have allowed the 911 operators to dispatch directly OUR First Responders in emergency situations. This initiative would have made it possible for OUR First Responder to get to the scene more quickly and possibly save more lives. At the same time, Councilors Pesce and Garrison estimated a cost saving to the town of approximately $190,000.00 tax dollars. To me this is a significant savings for the taxpayers.
However, since October 6, 2015, these same supposedly Councilors have made no effort to pursue this any further. That means that every man, woman and child’s live remain endanger. This outrages me and should you but no one other than myself; Mr. Stacey and Dorothy Fitzgerald have tried to get the Town Council to take immediate action to correct this situation. What is going to happen when a loved one dies because of the delay in First Responder getting to the scene and the family sues the town for failure to provide a safe environment in Lisbon?
We have two sitting Councilors up for reelection who voted to stop the consolidation and they are supposedly Councilors Metivier and Brunelle. If these two are reelected, they will not make any effort to correct this situation. Putting our citizen’s life a risk all the time is bad enough not looking into way to save the taxpayers money is inexcusable. These two have clearly demonstrated the past two years they are not leaders nor have the ability to put what is best for the community first. It will be up to the people on November 8th to choose our next Town Council so it is critical they choose wisely. I will not be voting for either of these two.
The Androscoggin County Dispatch is willing to work with our new Chief of Police to provide emergency dispatching to Lisbon. However, it is up to the Town Council to make the first move. I do not care which Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) provides the service as long as the PSAP dispatch First Responder immediately receipt of the 911 call. There are two PSAP in Androscoggin County which is L/A 911 and Androscoggin County Dispatch.
If you are tired of having your life and that of yours love ones put at risk, call the your Town Council, Town Manager and the Chief of Police and DEMAND they take immediate action to correct this mess.
Larry Fillmore
On October 6, 2015, the Town Council, which included the following Councilors Bickford, Crafts, Brunelle, and Metivier, voted to stop the Consolidation of the Lisbon Communication Center and the Androscoggin County Dispatch. This consolidation would have allowed the 911 operators to dispatch directly OUR First Responders in emergency situations. This initiative would have made it possible for OUR First Responder to get to the scene more quickly and possibly save more lives. At the same time, Councilors Pesce and Garrison estimated a cost saving to the town of approximately $190,000.00 tax dollars. To me this is a significant savings for the taxpayers.
However, since October 6, 2015, these same supposedly Councilors have made no effort to pursue this any further. That means that every man, woman and child’s live remain endanger. This outrages me and should you but no one other than myself; Mr. Stacey and Dorothy Fitzgerald have tried to get the Town Council to take immediate action to correct this situation. What is going to happen when a loved one dies because of the delay in First Responder getting to the scene and the family sues the town for failure to provide a safe environment in Lisbon?
We have two sitting Councilors up for reelection who voted to stop the consolidation and they are supposedly Councilors Metivier and Brunelle. If these two are reelected, they will not make any effort to correct this situation. Putting our citizen’s life a risk all the time is bad enough not looking into way to save the taxpayers money is inexcusable. These two have clearly demonstrated the past two years they are not leaders nor have the ability to put what is best for the community first. It will be up to the people on November 8th to choose our next Town Council so it is critical they choose wisely. I will not be voting for either of these two.
The Androscoggin County Dispatch is willing to work with our new Chief of Police to provide emergency dispatching to Lisbon. However, it is up to the Town Council to make the first move. I do not care which Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) provides the service as long as the PSAP dispatch First Responder immediately receipt of the 911 call. There are two PSAP in Androscoggin County which is L/A 911 and Androscoggin County Dispatch.
If you are tired of having your life and that of yours love ones put at risk, call the your Town Council, Town Manager and the Chief of Police and DEMAND they take immediate action to correct this mess.
Larry Fillmore
Monday, October 31, 2016
The following are FACTS concerning the Lisbon Communication Center:
a. Androscoggin County Dispatch receives all 911 (emergency phone calls) and has to call 353-2500 (Lisbon Communication Center) to have First Responders dispatched. If 353-2500 is busy (which 911 operators have told me happened several times) delays the response time for First Responders to get to the scene.
b. There are absolutely no dispatchers at the Lisbon Communication Center that are currently qualified as Emergency Medical Dispatchers. This means that there is no one qualified to determine an Emergency Medical Code. This code is critical for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) to alert them as to what equipment and medical supplies are going to be needed. This is yet another reason why not to use 353-2500 for emergency situations.
c. At Candidate Night a sitting Councilor (Chris Brunelle) announced that for local 911 call 353-2500. This is so incredible wrong. All emergency situations should go through the Maine State 911 system. 353-2500 is the NON-emergency phone number to reach Lisbon Police Department. 353-2500 should never be used for emergency situations because the dispatchers are not qualified to handle emergency situations. This show the level of competence of our Councilors. The worst part is that only one Councilor has investigated and got the facts on the Lisbon Communication Center and that is Councilor Klobe. Every time she tried to bring this up; Roger Bickford and Eric Metivier refused to discuss this issue and changed the subject.
d. By not having the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatching our First Responder and having to wait for unqualified personnel to answer 353-2500; creates a delay in responding to emergency situation which in turn puts every resident of Lisbon’s life a risk. This is a Public Safety issue and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
So what is the problem and how do we correct the situation: First and foremost the Town Council needs to get educated as to how to improve the quality of life for its residents. I recommended to the new Chief Hagen, Town Manager Barnes and Councilors Ward, Albert and Klobe that a joint workshop be held with
Androscoggin County Dispatch (Sheriff Samson and Director Fournier) and the Town Council to resolve any issues remain unanswered. So far Chief Hagen and Town Manager Barnes said they cannot get involved until the Town Council asked them. Councilors Ward and Albert keep stalling and Councilor Klobe has always been in favor. Androscoggin County is willing to participate. The Lisbon Communication Center has always been a political issue instead of a Public Safety issue.
The Town Council and Town Manager want to wait until after the election. As you well know, I do not think Erick Metivier and Chris Brunelle should be reelected because they have cost this community a great deal of tax dollars and have failed to tackle this Public Safety issue. In fact, these two are part of the group that created this mess.
The people need to elect leaders and not followers. We need to elect people that will take politics out of the situation and vote for what is best for the community. Right now former Town Councils have put everyone in this community’s lives at risk because there was no follow-up by the next Council on this issue. The solution is very simple and that is to hire a PSAP to dispatch our First Responder upon receipt of an emergency situation. There are two PSAP’s in Androscoggin County (L/A 911 and Androscoggin County Dispatch). It does not make any difference which one we use and long as we eliminate having to contact the Lisbon Communication Center prior to dispatching our First Responder.
The need to start now is because whichever PSAP is selected it is going to take approximately six month for the transition.
Larry Fillmore
a. Androscoggin County Dispatch receives all 911 (emergency phone calls) and has to call 353-2500 (Lisbon Communication Center) to have First Responders dispatched. If 353-2500 is busy (which 911 operators have told me happened several times) delays the response time for First Responders to get to the scene.
b. There are absolutely no dispatchers at the Lisbon Communication Center that are currently qualified as Emergency Medical Dispatchers. This means that there is no one qualified to determine an Emergency Medical Code. This code is critical for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) to alert them as to what equipment and medical supplies are going to be needed. This is yet another reason why not to use 353-2500 for emergency situations.
c. At Candidate Night a sitting Councilor (Chris Brunelle) announced that for local 911 call 353-2500. This is so incredible wrong. All emergency situations should go through the Maine State 911 system. 353-2500 is the NON-emergency phone number to reach Lisbon Police Department. 353-2500 should never be used for emergency situations because the dispatchers are not qualified to handle emergency situations. This show the level of competence of our Councilors. The worst part is that only one Councilor has investigated and got the facts on the Lisbon Communication Center and that is Councilor Klobe. Every time she tried to bring this up; Roger Bickford and Eric Metivier refused to discuss this issue and changed the subject.
d. By not having the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatching our First Responder and having to wait for unqualified personnel to answer 353-2500; creates a delay in responding to emergency situation which in turn puts every resident of Lisbon’s life a risk. This is a Public Safety issue and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
So what is the problem and how do we correct the situation: First and foremost the Town Council needs to get educated as to how to improve the quality of life for its residents. I recommended to the new Chief Hagen, Town Manager Barnes and Councilors Ward, Albert and Klobe that a joint workshop be held with
Androscoggin County Dispatch (Sheriff Samson and Director Fournier) and the Town Council to resolve any issues remain unanswered. So far Chief Hagen and Town Manager Barnes said they cannot get involved until the Town Council asked them. Councilors Ward and Albert keep stalling and Councilor Klobe has always been in favor. Androscoggin County is willing to participate. The Lisbon Communication Center has always been a political issue instead of a Public Safety issue.
The Town Council and Town Manager want to wait until after the election. As you well know, I do not think Erick Metivier and Chris Brunelle should be reelected because they have cost this community a great deal of tax dollars and have failed to tackle this Public Safety issue. In fact, these two are part of the group that created this mess.
The people need to elect leaders and not followers. We need to elect people that will take politics out of the situation and vote for what is best for the community. Right now former Town Councils have put everyone in this community’s lives at risk because there was no follow-up by the next Council on this issue. The solution is very simple and that is to hire a PSAP to dispatch our First Responder upon receipt of an emergency situation. There are two PSAP’s in Androscoggin County (L/A 911 and Androscoggin County Dispatch). It does not make any difference which one we use and long as we eliminate having to contact the Lisbon Communication Center prior to dispatching our First Responder.
The need to start now is because whichever PSAP is selected it is going to take approximately six month for the transition.
Larry Fillmore
Friday, October 21, 2016
At the Candidates
Forum on Tuesday October 18 Chris Brunelle,
a Town Councilor,
running for re-election, made the statement 'that for
emergencies call 353-2500.'
353-2500 is the
phone number for the Lisbon Police Department.
They answer Lisbon
When to call
To report a
To report non-life
threatening situations.
To report a theft, i.e. of a vehicle, bicycle, private
To report any suspicious
You get the
When to call
Submitted by: Dorothy Fitzgerald
Concerned Citizen

Saturday, September 24, 2016
GOPDD: Video Leak Proves Media is Lying about Terence Crutcher’s Shooting
by Harry Hibbs
If you do not want to be shot by a police officer, do what the person wearing the badge says. It’s just that simple, folks. Even if a police officer wrongly detains or arrests you, immediately comply, live, and sue the department later. Your fate is in your own hands—choosing to respond with compliance will prevent blood being spilled in the street. This new video of the Terence Crutcher shooting unfortunately speaks to that all too well.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/09/22/video-leak-proves-media-lying-terence-crutchers-shooting/
Saturday, September 17, 2016
GOPDD: Sheriff Clarke Just Revealed These SHOCKING Statistics Why Hillary Clinton Is In Trouble
by AmyElizabeth
On Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company,” Milwaukee County, Wisc. Sheriff David Clarke said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “will not get the volume of black voters that Barack Obama did and even her husband.”
Clark said, “Look, black people are as diverse as any other demographic in the United States. They’re beginning to open their eyes to this monolithic voting for Democrats, especially a presidential time. Barack Obama was an aberration, a lot different than she is. Even her husband was more connected, mostly to black people, than she ever will be. She’s a one-trick pony. Only thing she can play, the one word that comes to mind when I think of her, is sinister.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/09/17/sheriff-clarke-just-revealed-these-shocking-statistics-why-hillary-clinton-is-in-trouble/
GOPDD: BREAKING: Dallas Police Sergeant Files Federal Suit Against #BlackLivesMatter
by Clyde
A Dallas police sergeant has filed a federal lawsuit against Black Lives Matter leaders and others, blaming the movement for race riots and violence against police officers.
Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, president of the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation and a 17-year law enforcement veteran, filed the amended complaint in federal court Friday. Conservative news site Breitbart published the lawsuit in an article that evening.
TO READ MORE: http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/09/17/breaking-dallas-police-sergeant-files-federal-suit-against-blacklivesmatter/
GOPDD: BREAKING NEWS: ‘Major Explosion’ in New York City at 23rd St. and 6th Ave in Manhattan… Developing
by Clyde
A loud explosion has been reported in Manhattan, with witnesses describing a massive police and fire department presence at the scene.
The outdoor explosion occurred at 135 23rd Street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues in New York City. The New York Police Department confirmed details of the blast, PIX11 reported.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/09/17/breaking-news-major-explosion-new-york-city-23rd-st-6th-ave-manhattan-developing/
GOPDD: Muslim Police Chief Refuses To Salute Flag During Pledge Of Allegiance For THIS Disgusting Reason [VIDEO]
by Dylan
A recently released video of a Miami police chief refusing to salute the flag during a Pledge of Allegiance ceremony has taken the internet by storm.
According to reports, Police President Javier Ortiz was extraordinarily angry when he witnessed assistant chief of police Anita Najiy refusing to place her hand over her heart during the pledge.
TO READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO: http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/09/17/muslim-police-chief-refuses-salute-flag-pledge-allegiance-disgusting-reason-video/
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