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Showing posts with label Town Engineer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Town Engineer. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop Meeting - February 11th ‏ 2014


At last night's Town Council Workshop, there was a presentation by Mr. Ryan Leighton.  Mr. Leighton outlined the responsibilities of the Public Works Department, Solid Waste, Sewer Department, Technology Department and finally the Town Engineer’s office.  This presentation was informative and very well done by Mr. Leighton.

One of the highlights of the presentation was when Mr. Leighton announced that the replacement of the Police Department servers was not charged to the Police Department budget.  Instead, this cost was charged to the Technology Department.  I am sure this was done to reduce the amount taxpayers are forced to pay for the enormous Police Department.  There are several other costs that are not in the Police Department that are solely used by the Police Department.  

How can anyone tell how much it costs the taxpayers to operate any department when all costs are not charged to that department?
Next, the Council had a discussion on which of the three organizations, which had provided presentations, as to what they will do for the town in search of a new Town Manager.  The majority of the councilors chose Eaton Peabody Consulting with Municipal Resources coming second and no one really voicing their support of the Maine Municipal Association (MMA).  There were some unanswered questions pertaining to the total cost by each organization and timelines.  The Interim Town Manager, Mr. Dale Olmstead was asked to contact each organization and seek the missing information prior to Tuesday’s Town council meeting.  The Council will vote on the issue at that time.

Larry Fillmore

[Originally published on 02-12-2014 4:57am]

Monday, December 9, 2013

Eldridge Is At It Again!

                            WASTED TIME BY TOWN COUNCIL

Tomorrow night the Town Council, after their orientation, will be reviewing “Discontinuing Roads”.  If I remember correctly, this is the third time Town Engineer, Ryan Leighton, and the Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, has brought this before a Town Council.  The last two times the Town Attorney, Roger Therriault, told the council there are liability issues attached to the discontinuing of roads.  Once this was brought out, the issue of discontinuing roads was never brought up again.

However, Mr. Leighton and Mr. Eldridge continue to waste the council’s time by presenting the issue to the new council.  If I remember correctly, Mr. Leighton and Mr. Eldridge will provide documentation that is over 6 years old and this listing will have all the roads in town to confuse the issue.  The council will be asked to find all these roads as Mr. Leighton and Mr. Eldridge give a presentation.  Of course, the correct method of presenting an issue is not to clutter it up with unnecessary information.  The listing presented to the council should be ONLY the roads being considered for discontinuation. 

Providing unnecessary information and deliberately confusing the issue, is not the proper method in which to present issues before the council.  It is unfortunate for the council that they rely heavy on the Town Manager for guidance.  This Town Manager has done nothing more than to provide previous councils with false information or only half truths.  The end result is poor decisions by previous councils.  Hopefully, this council will be able to see through this deception.

Going over issues that were not approved by previous councils is a pure waste of time.
Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Will The Two New Members To Lisbon's Town Council Do The Right Thing Or Shall It Be More Of The Past?


Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

At the last Town Council meeting, the council went into Executive Session under the provisions of 1 M.R.S.A. Statute 405 (6) (E) Consultations with legal counsel regarding Sewer Department fines from DEP.  I fail to understand how the Sewer Department fine from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) qualifies as an Executive Session.

On April 16, 2013, the Town Engineer, Ryan Leighton briefed the council and the Public on what took place to warrant the fine of $22,307.00 dollars from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).  Attached to the agenda item was the Administrative Consent Agreement issued to the Town of Lisbon.  This matter was clearly discussed in a Public forum and should have been updated in a Public forum and not behind closed doors. 

 Lisbon Town Engineer Ryan Leighton

I am sure the town has been in contact with DEP to try and work out a solution.  However, it is important that the people of Lisbon be updated on what is going on with this situation.  Hiding behind closed doors is inappropriate and unethical.  The statute states that “…premature general public knowledge would clearly place the State, municipality or other public agency or person at a substantial disadvantage.”  I do not believe updating the status of this situation and how much the town of Lisbon will have to pay, falls under this statue. 

The town manager determines what qualifies in accordance with Maine Statute 405 for an Executive Session and limited privilege.  Numerous dealings have been conducted behind closed doors and later determined not to have qualified for the Executive Session privilege.  This appears to fall into this category.

The people have a right to know what is going on with this situation and our tax dollars and since it was first brought out in a Public meeting all updates should be provided to the people in a Public forum.   These behind closed door sessions, which are illegal, must stop.  The Town Manager must provide better guidance to the council instead of always leading the council down the wrong path.

I will submit on Monday a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for the final decision of the DEP.  Once, I have secured the documents; I will update the community on what is going on.

I hope and pray the new council will restore transparency in local government.

Larry Fillmore

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge


Right off the bat, I want to apologize for the length of this article but it cannot be helped.  This needs to be said in its entirety.  On September 17, 2013 at the Town Council meeting, one of the agenda items was the “winter sand bids”.  The Town Manager presented the winter sand bids.  Councilor Pesce said and I am quoting from the minute of the meeting.  “Councilor Pesce pointed out that the sieve testing results were not submitted with Premier’s bid and that he just received them today.  Mr. Eldridge said the testing company was at fault, the Premier Development submitted their sample but the testing company requested another one, and that this one was received late today so it was added to the agenda.  Councilor Mason asked that the reason for the delay be verified.  Councilor Pesce said because he just received this information that he was not comfortable making a decision tonight and requested this item be moved to the next agenda.”  Councilors Garrison, LaRochelle, Mason, Lunt and Pesce voted to table this item until the next meeting.

Lisbon Town Councilor Dillon Pesce

Our youngest councilor has the ability to see right through our Town Manager trying to pull a fast one.  The bid for Premier Development was not complete in accordance with the Request for Procurement (RFP).  Councilor Pesce recognized this and tried to make sure everyone was provided a fair playing field when submitting bids for town projects.

At the October 1, 2013, the saga continues and here is what took place, again from the minutes.  “Mr. Eldridge said this item was tabled at the last Council meeting.  Ryan Leighton said RFPs were sent out to Carl Huston Excavating, Copp Excavating, Dube Gravel, Premier Development, and Pat Cry Trucking.  Bids were received from Carl Huston Excavating, Dube Gravel, and Premier Development.  He recommended Premier Development at $4.49 per yard.”

“Councilor LaRochelle said all of them have presented the criteria for sand.  Mr. Leighton said yes, they have all presented passing analysis of the materials they intend to sell us.  Councilor LaRochelle said so your recommendation is the low bid from Premier Development at $4.49 per yard.  Mr. Leighton said low bid, closet pit to the shop.”

“Councilor Pesce said for the Premier Development test; it is on the back of Carl Huston’s bid and I don’t see anything filled in, like any sort of company that did the test.  Mr. Leighton said Shaw Brothers.  I contacted Premier Development and it was Shaw Brothers.”

“Councilor Pesce said I don’t have anything filled out on the bottom, nothing on the top.  And the project is ETTI when it was submitted by Premier, so I don’t think this is filled out as it should be.  All the others have very detailed companies with names and signature sand this one does not.”

 “Councilor Ward said is that because this was the same one we used last year.  Mr. Leighton said yes.  Councilor Ward said how many years have we used them.  Mr. Leighton said last year was the first year.”

“Councilor Ward said did we have some issues last year.  Mr. Leighton said there were some questions when we first started hauling and they started taking material from a different stockpile and the material was fine.  This year the material is better than what was presented last year.”

“Councilor Pesce said I think we should look at Carl Huston or Dube Gravel just because this is the second round with this and it still isn’t filled in.”

Once again, Councilor Pesce recognized the fact that Mr. Eldridge, Mr. Leighton, Councilors LaRochelle and Councilor Ward were trying to pull a fast one.  Awarding the contract to Premier Development was not in the best interest of the town on so many different reasons.

Now I am going to provide information which has been obtained by several reliable sources.  I cannot verify all of it at this time.  The other day I was at the Transfer Station and I noticed they were delivering the winter sand and it looked like high quality sand.  I asked about the sand and was told that Premier Development originally delivered the sand and when it was tested it failed two times.  A decision was make to reject Premier Development and go with Carl Huston.  Apparently, the sand was from Carl Huston’s pit.  How they could deliver the sand before it was approved by the council is another mystery.  I have been told that this will be on the next Town Council agenda.

I am amazed how easy Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Leighton can manipulate several members of the council with the exception of Councilors Pesce and Lunt.  It sure is easy to see which councilors are members of the “Good Old Boys” network and which truly have the best interest of the town at heart.  Councilor Pesce is very young in age but very wise when it comes to dealing with the truth.  Councilor Pesce has the ability to see when Mr. Eldridge is trying to pull a fast one on the council.  Councilor Pesce is always looking to do what is best for this community.  Councilor Lunt on numerous occasions puts the best interest of the community at heart.

Lisbon Town Councilor Mark Lunt

The community should be proud of these two councilors and encourage other councilors to follow their lead.

Larry Fillmore

Monday, September 9, 2013

Lisbon, A Great Place to do Business For the "Good Ole Boys"!

                 HOW DID WE GET INTO THIS POSITION????

In 2007, Interim Town Manager, David T. Brooks, interviewed candidates for the office of Town Manager.  It was his recommendation to the town council that brought Stephen Eldridge to Lisbon.  It is a documented fact what Mr. Eldridge did to the town of Rumford and yet our town council decided Mr. Eldridge was a perfect fit for this community.  So let’s take a look at what Mr. Eldridge has done for this community:

  •  When Mr. Eldridge took over there was over three (3) million dollars in our Undesignated Fund and now there is barely enough to cover the requirement of our Charter which is just over one (1) million dollars.  The Undesignated Fund is for emergencies and could be called our surplus.

  • Since they can no longer touch the Undesignated Fund our taxes have been raised every year. 

So, what did we get in return? 

      1.    Our Transfer Station is closed on Thursday.

      2.     We have an Engineer who is drawing the pay of a Licensed Professional Engineer and is not qualified.  Every job that costs over $100,000 the town has to hire a real Licensed Professional Engineer to perform the duties because ours is not qualified.  If he is not qualified, why are we paying him over $70,000 tax dollars?

     3. We have a Fire Chief making over $60,000 tax dollars and      does not have the credentials for the job.

     4. We have an Administrative Assistant making over $40,000 tax dollars which is $10,000 more than the other Administrative Assistants and the Department Head has stated she does not perform BUT half of the tasks required by her Job Description.  The Department Head has not rewritten her Job Description to account for what she actually does.  Why should anyone receive more compensation than they are entitled too?

     5. But the most outrageous salary is the Town Managers at over $90,000 with his extras.

As a result of his excess spending, the town of Lisbon is at a cross roads; where we either have to turn more money over to this individual or die just like Rumford.  You do realize that every department in the town has been forced to make cuts EXCEPT the Communications Center and the Police Department. 

The Communications Center has new furniture (which you paid for with tax dollars because they lied about a grant) and new equipment (again paid for by your tax dollars).  The Police Department gets all the very best of everything like the two 2014 Police Interceptors just purchased with our tax dollars because they could not accept 2013 vehicles.  Chief Brooks stated this is a small community and only one or two individuals are on duty but we have nine (9) operational vehicles.  All purchases for the Communications Center were charged against other lines of accounting to cover-up the purchases so no one will ever know how much money goes into these operations.

The Town of Lisbon is receiving quite a return on investment with this Town Manager.  Thank your Chief Brooks for the recommendation.

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting Tuesday August 6, 2013


This council has no regards for town ordinances, our Purchasing Policy or abiding by our Charter.  This council does exactly what it wants and cares less about rules and regulations.

During Audience Participation, I explained to the council how they approved yet another contract in violation of the town’s Purchasing Policy.  The violation was as follows:  “At the last council meeting, this council approved the award of the road striping contract to Markings Inc. without having an official sealed bid being present."  

According to Mr. Eldridge, it was simply left out by accident.

What Mr. Eldridge did not tell the council was an email, not a sealed bid, was sent from Markings Inc. exactly one hour and 36 minutes after the opening of the seal bids, which there were none, and the closing of the formal bid process.  This email is what the town is calling an official bid; however, vendors may submit their bids in writing or by verbal communication only for informal bidding.  This requires a formal bid.  

How did Markings Inc. know to send a quote by email at that exact time?  

I’ll bet if you check Mr. Leighton’s email you will find where he sent an email to Markings Inc. that very morning.  

This council approved the road striping contract without a formal valid sealed bid being present.  Also, Lucas Striping wanted to bid on this contract and never received the RFP or an email from Mr. Leighton.  I know that it is not the town’s responsibility to ensure these companies receive the RFP but everyone should have the same chance to bid on the RFP.

I monitor the town web site several times a week and the last posted RFP was from someone for the ECD department.  I never saw any of these RFP’s on the town web site as Mr. Leighton stated.

Markings Inc. is a Massachusetts business and Sir Lines-A-Lot, LLC is a New Hampshire business.  However, Lucas Striping is located in Sidney, Maine.  Also, there is a company called Pine State Safety Line Inc. out of Topsham which was never considered.  Why do we have to go to Massachusetts for this contract instead of keeping our money in Maine?  

Supporting businesses in Maine helps the economy of Maine.  Remember to “Keep Maine Green”. "This is the second contract approved by this council which violates our Purchasing Policy.”  None of this information fazed the council; they approved the minutes of the last meeting anyway.
Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances – The council awarded a $35,743.00 contract to Howard P. Fairfield for a Dump Trailer and $89,200.00 contract to Messer Truck Equipment for a Trash Trailer.  The Carries and Transfers were tabled until the next meeting.  The council passed the 2nd Reading of the Fireworks Ordinance Amendment and the 1st Reading of the Timber Harvesting Ordinance.  The council then had a private discussion amongst themselves about the Worumbo Mill called Public Notice for Worumbo Mill.  Chairman LaRochelle refused to take input from the audience. 

Under Other Business – There was a debriefing by Debra Wagner and Tracey Steuber complete with a financial breakdown for everyone to see.  Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, informed us that the annual audit has been completed.

Larry Fillmore