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Saturday, August 3, 2013

WND EXCLUSIVE Court to feds: Explain Marine's Facebook-postings arrest

Hey Brooksie,  You Need To Pay Attention To This!!!

Judge refuses to dismiss law enforcement officers from false-detention lawsuit

A federal judge in Richmond, Va., has refused to dismiss from a lawsuit several FBI and Secret Service agents as well as local police officers who arrested a military veteran based on an opinion from a counselor who had never met him that he might be a danger.
The officers had confronted the veteran, Brandon Raub, after he expressed criticism of the U.S. government on a social networking page.

They arrested Raub and kept him in custody for an evaluation based on the long-distance opinion from Michael Campbell, a psychotherapist hired by the local county. But when the case came before a judge, his ruling found the concerns raised by the officers were “so devoid of any factual allegations that it could not be reasonably expected to give rise to a case or controversy.”
Raub then sued the officers for taking him into custody.
The latest ruling rejected a request by the officers to end the case.
“Brandon Raub’s case exposes the seedy underbelly of a governmental system that continues to target military veterans for expressing their discontent over America’s rapid transition to a police state,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute.
“While such targeting of veterans and dissidents is problematic enough, for any government official to suggest that they shouldn’t be held accountable for violating a citizen’s rights on the grounds that they were unaware of the Constitution’s prohibitions makes a mockery of our so-called system of representative government. Thankfully, Judge Hudson has recognized this imbalance and ensured that Brandon Raub will get his day in court,” he said.
The decision came from U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, who essentially said there is not enough information at this point in the case to dismiss the law enforcement defendants. He ordered limited discovery.
The Rutherford Institute called the decision a victory for free speech and the right to be free from wrongful arrest.
Raub, a decorated Marine, had been taken into custody by “a swarm” of FBI, Secret Service agents and local police and forcibly detained in a psychiatric ward for a week because of controversial song lyrics and political views posted on his Facebook page, Rutherford reported.
Hudson said the Rutherford Institute, which is representing Raub, had alleged sufficient facts to indicate that the involuntary commitment violated his rights under the U.S. Constitution’s First and Fourth Amendments.
Institute attorneys had filed the civil rights lawsuit in federal court on behalf of Raub, alleging that his seizure and detention were the result of a federal government program code-named “Operation Vigilant Eagle” that involves the systematic surveillance of military veterans who express views critical of the government.
The complaint alleges that the attempt to label Raub as “mentally ill” and his subsequent involuntary commitment was a pretext designed to silence speech critical of the government.
It was Aug. 16, 2012, when Chesterfield police, Secret Service and FBI agents arrived at Raub’s home, asking to speak with him about his Facebook posts. Like many Facebook users, Raub, a Marine who has served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, uses his Facebook page to post song lyrics and air his political opinions.
Without providing any explanation, levying any charges against Raub or reading him his rights, law enforcement officials handcuffed Raub and transported him to police headquarters, then to John Randolph Medical Center, where he was held against his will.
The Institute reported in a hearing on Aug. 20, government officials pointed to Raub’s Facebook posts as the reason for his incarceration. While Raub stated that the Facebook posts were being read out of context, a special justice ordered Raub be held up to 30 more days for psychological evaluation and treatment.
But Circuit Court Judge Allan Sharrett ordered Raub’s immediate release a short time later, and the lawsuit was initiated.

Re-posted in it's Entirety because we asked and have permission.

Duck & Cover Brooksie!!!

Submitted by: Todd Comber

"Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition" and many World War II Sounds & Color Photos, Thank You All Veterans!



This video is made to share my US Air Force WW2 color pictures. Most of them are pretty awesome I've included three songs that I also want to share and that fit the video. The march: Aces of the Air, It's A Long Way To Tipperary (US version!) and The Stars And Stripes Forever march.


 A trip down memory lane back to 1939 - 1945 hearing again the songs and the sounds of war. For younger people a history lesson where the music shines through. My original sheet music collection will assist with the images.



Submitted by: 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Comparing Obama to Nixon‏

Submitted by: 'Gordie'

NaturalNews: Unlimited energy breakthrough? Sunlight + mirrors + seawater = clean hydrogen fuel‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We've got more science breakthroughs to share with you today, and this time it's about so-called "free energy."
A team of science researchers in Boulder, Colorado have come up with a way to use free sunlight energy, a large array of mirrors, seawater and metal oxides to create pure hydrogen gas to power the "hydrogen economy."
This is the "holy grail" of water splitting using renewable sunlight energy. Read more:

Check out this overview of glyphosate toxicity to humans:

Here are the top 5 healthy foods that fight sugar cravings:

And don't miss these 7 natural strategies for kicking the coffee habit:

Research any vitamin, mineral, amino acid, sweetener, drug or side effect at
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Lisbon Town Council Agenda For August 6, 2013





7:00 P.M.



___Councilor Bickford

___ Councilor Garrison

___ Councilor Larochelle

___ Councilor Lunt

___Councilor Mason

___ Councilor Pesce

___ Councilor Ward

 Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Fireworks Ordinance Amendment




2013-115 ORDER .

A. Minutes of July 16, 2013

B. Renewal Liquor License – Goodtime Lanes


2013-116 ORDER .

Dump Trailer Bid Award

2013-117 ORDER .

Trash Trailer Bid Award

2013-118 ORDER .

Carries & Transfers

2013-119 ORDINANCE .

Fireworks Ordinance Amendment (Second Reading)

2013-120 ORDINANCE .

Timber Harvesting Ordinance (First Reading)

2013-121 ORDER .

Public Notice for Worumbo Mill


A. Moxie Festival Overview

B. Town Manager’s Report





2013-122 ORDER .

To Adjourn

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer
The moment you receive it, say:
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,
give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil,
for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory,
now and forever Amen...
it shall be well with you this coming year. No matter how much your enemies try this year, they will not succeed. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. For the remainder of 2013, all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today, God has confirmed the end of your sufferings sorrows and pain because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down.I knocked at heaven's door this morning, God asked me, My child! What can I do for you?And I said,
'Father, please protect and bless the person reading
this message. '

It has never been broken. Within 48 hours send to family and friends, as many as you can . God does know if you don't have 20 people to send it to.
It's the effort and intent that counts. This is a powerful Prayer. Couldn't hurt can only help...

Let's pray for one another, there’s no superstition involved here, we are just asking for Gods will to be done here on earth.

You can never go wrong doing the right thing
Submitted by: 'RT & Debbie"

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chief Brooks Has Been Leading You On For Years And You Have Fallen For His BS; Hook, Line And Sinker.

Lisbon's (so called) Chiefs: Brooks & Galipeau


I understand there are several of you out there that are supporters of Chief David T. Brooks.  I am sure each of you belongs to the Good Old Boys network.  I feel very sorry for you individuals because you are so gullible. 

Chief Brooks has been leading you on for years and you have fallen for his BS; hook, line and sinker.  Chief Brooks is an excellent politician.   He possesses the ability to talk out of both sides of his mouth and say nothing.  He has the ability to play to any audience by telling them what they want to hear; whether it is the truth or not. 

 Look in Sun Journal for proof  "When you're a small town and you only have one or two people on duty, then you're telling that town they have to take their officer out of their town in order to transport someone," Lisbon police Chief David Brooks said Monday.

Now at the last Town Council meeting Chief Brooks was requesting two Police vehicle replacement totaling $48,264.00 of our tax dollars.  The council approved the request without a problem.   
Can someone tell be why we need 2014 Police Interceptors instead of 2012 or 2013 Police Interceptors?  If there are only one or two people on duty why do we need nine (9) vehicles?  It would appear that neither Chief Brooks nor the council are interested in saving tax dollars or trying to prevent a tax increase.

 Councilor Gina Mason

On July 5, 2013, I requested a listing of the vehicles in the Police Department “Respectfully request a complete listing of all vehicles assigned to the Police Department with the following information: Year; Make; Model; Owned or Leased; what the vehicles are used for; mileage and when the vehicle is scheduled to be replaced.“    

As you can see, I requested the vehicle Owned or Leased.  Below is the listing Chief Brooks sent to me on July 11, 2013.

As you can see Chief Brooks did not indicate which vehicles are Owned or Leased so I had to submit yet another request to make sure Chief Brooks understood what I was looking for.  My second request was submitted on July 17, 2013 “Respectfully request an “L” be placed to the left of the year on the attach listing of Police Department vehicles to indicate which vehicles are leased.” 

 I received a call from the Town Clerk, Twila, stating it will be awhile before I can get this information because Chief Brooks is not sure which vehicles are leased so he has to consult with the Finance Director, Jessica Maloy, for her input.  However, the Finance Director does not have the time to go over the list and tell the Chief of Police which of his vehicles are leased.  The yearly audit is supposedly being conducted.  I assume this would take no more than 5 minutes to look at the lease file to determine which vehicles are leased.

For the past three years, Chief Brooks has told the people and the Town Council he was working on a life cycle management program.  A life cycle management program is established to replace vehicles on yearly basis in order to spread out the cost to the taxpayers.  

How could he be working on this program for three years without any results?  The answer is simple; (1) he is not working on any such program and has no intentions of doing so and (2) if after three years of working on this program and he has no clue which vehicles are on lease there is no hope at all of ever having such a program in Lisbon.  

 If you look at the above listing you will see that Chief Brooks has scheduled to replace four (4) vehicles next year.

 Can we really afford the latest and greatest vehicles for our Police Department?  Are you ready for another tax increase to pay for Chief Brooks’ empire?

Larry Fillmore

Larry, I am sure Brooks knows exactly how many vehicles are leased or owned. He does keep meticulous records. Are the detective vehicles included in this list? Why is there only one 2013 listed, what about this years vehicles? This list appears incomplete. Thanks for doing all this research.
Excellent work Larry.

Too damned bad that everyone involved isn't thrown right in Jail! I find it preposterously absurd that Lisbon Police Chief Being the Piece of Shit that he is hasn't been forced to leave. Funny how "Up Country" in Fairfield, their police department gets an audit by: "Beginning June 17, the Maine Chiefs of Police Association will conduct a comprehensive audit of the department." Here is the original story, . AND Another: .

Who is the Senior Chief of Police in the State of Maine Currently, none other than your piece of shit Police Chief David T. Brooks. So is there any "thin blue line" of protection being used to protect him? Of Course there is. Nepotism and Cronyism is rampant in Lisbon with citizens' Tax Dollars.

Just look at what I "under~the~covers" exposed while I was a resident of Lisbon Falls. At least I went to Brooks' and told him what was coming down. And that is for a later date. Larry you have inspired me. You have renewed my faith in man-kind. You are friggin' awesome. And I want to help. What I know of and have previously posted on TLR is backed up by either written documentation and/or recordings. But I am not going to waste my time with any 'Tin-badged' representative of the State of Maine, such as MDEA Detective Seth Blodgett or the putrid persona of the likes of Assistant Attorney General Brian McMasters. Both are "nepotist" supporters of David T. Brooks.

Larry, Ask Brooks what happened to the DARE Corvette?

What happened to the other Truck from the BNAS that Brooks has listed on your list? He had two Navy Blue Chevrolet CG3150's. Plus What happened to the Old Dodge Camouflage 1 ton P/U with the wooden camo. body rack?

Sgt. 'Steroid' Stewart using that someplace? Or is it being used to haul food for "Jelly Belly" Kelly?

Is 'Willie Wonka' Williams using the Chevy Van to fill out misleading and incomplete Accident reports cause Maine Recycling is giving Kick Backs?

Really, Inquiring Minds Ought To Know About This Stuff IF They Truly Want To Help. Otherwise I bid you all Good Luck and there is a Wonderful and Great Life outside of Lisbon, Maine.

Why isn't the ATV on Brook's list of vehicles?
The one that the police had in the Moxie parade?
At an officers house? or maybe Denise Bowie's?
The police department also has a boat and trailer. or maybe those do not count as vehicles?!

Kennebec Journal: Swan to be tried on extortion charges in September

By Betty Adams
Staff Writer
Former Chelsea Selectwoman Carole Swan, convicted Friday of tax and workers’ compensation fraud, faces another trial in federal court in early September, this time on extortion charges.

Carole Swan
Staff photo by Betty Adams

Swan, 55, is accused of extorting money on three occasions between January 2010 and February 2011 from Frank Monroe, a Whitefield contractor who had contracts to plow, salt and sand Chelsea roads. Swan is accused of violating the Hobbs Act — extortion under color of official right, which addresses public officials using their office to extort money.
Those charges were separated from the others after Swan, through attorney Leonard Sharon, said she wanted to testify in her own defense on some charges, but not on others.
Continue reading:

WND: Take Cover: Rock Star Unloads All Barrels On 'Phony President'; { Ditto For Lisbon's Phony COP (Chief Of Police)! }

Just weeks ago, it was an Irish politician who flayed Barack Obama as "Hypocrite of the Century."

Now, one of the most outspoken rock stars of all time is holding nothing back, unloading all verbal ammunition to scorch Barack Obama.

It ain't pretty ...

NaturalNews: Cancer Breakthrough, Probiotics May Save Your Life From Chemotherapy And More.

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I have really important breakthrough science news for you today.
A new study from the University of Michigan reveals, indirectly, that probiotics may save your life from chemotherapy.
At the same time, antibiotics may cause chemotherapy to kill you.
The details are somewhat technical, but here's my take on it, and I suggest this is an article you should forward to anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer:

Join Natural News in supporting raw dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger in recovering from a mysterious fire that destroyed much of his farm equipment. Hershberger is a champion for food freedom and farm freedom. We've donated thousands of dollars and some items for his upcoming fundraiser auction. More donations needed:

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