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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Honoring Purple Heart Day

Honoring Purple Heart Day Logo
Everyone here at would like to reflect and express our deepest respect and gratitude to the Courage, Bravery and Patriotism of all the Purple Heart recipients, along with all of our U.S. Veterans & Military. Your sacrifice & service has protected the American people, our freedoms & our great country. We thank & salute you.

The History of the Purple Heart Medal

Purple Heart Medal On August 7, 1782, George Washington - commander-in-chief of the Continental Army - created the first Purple Heart Award, originally called the Badge of Military Merit at the Newburgh, NY headquarters. This badge is considered to be the first official military combat badge of the U.S. Armed Forces.

At this time, the Badge of Military Merit was only awarded to three Revolutionary War soldiers and fell into disuse following the War of Independence. Although never abolished, the award of the badge was not proposed again officially until after World War I.

Key Dates:

-Oct. 10, 1927 - Army Chief of Staff General Charles Pelot Summerall directed that a draft bill be sent to Congress "to revive the Badge of Military Merit." This bill was withdrawn.

-Jan. 7, 1931 - Summerall's successor, General Douglas MacArthur, confidentially reopened work on a new design for the Medal, involving the Washington Commission of Fine Arts. *Image shown above.

-Feb. 22, 1932 - By Executive Order of the President, the Purple Heart was revived on the 200th Anniversary of George Washington's birth, out of respect to his memory and military achievements. The war department authorized the award to soldiers who had been awarded the Meritorious Service Citation Certificate, Army Wound Ribbon, or were authorized to wear Wound Chevrons subsequent to 5 April 1917.

Purple Heart Challenge CoinPurple Heart Medal Criteria for Award
The Purple Heart is awarded in the name of the President of the United States to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, while serving under competent authority in any capacity with one of the U.S. Armed Services after 5 April 1917, has been wounded or killed, or who has died or may hereafter die after being wounded:

Purple Heart Cap -In any action against an enemy of the United States.

-In any action with an opposing armed force of a foreign country in which the Armed Forces of the United States are or have been engaged.

-While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

-As a result of an act of any such enemy of opposing armed forces.

-As the result of an act of any hostile foreign force.

-After 28 March 1973, as a result of an international terrorist attack against the United States or a foreign nation friendly to the United States, recognized as such an attack by the Secretary of the Army, or jointly by the Secretaries of the separate armed services concerned if persons from more than one service are wounded in the attack.

-After 28 March 1973, as a result of military operations while serving outside the territory of the United States as part of a peacekeeping force.

Purple Heart Award CeremonyPurple Heart Presentations
Current active duty personnel are awarded the Purple Heart upon recommendation from their chain of command, stating the injury that was received and the action in which the service member was wounded. The award authority for the Purple Heart is normally at the level of an Army Brigade, Marine Corps Division, Air Force Wing, or Navy Task Force.

The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor is located in the Town of New Windsor, New York (near Newburgh). The mission of the Hall of Honor is to collect and preserve the stories of Purple Heart recipients from all branches of service and across generations in an attempt to ensure that all recipients are represented. Their stories are preserved and shared through a series of exhibits, live and videotaped interviews with Veterans themselves, and the Roll of Honor, an interactive computer program detailing the stories of each individual.

The first Purple Heart was awarded on Feb. 22, 1932. Since that time, there has been over 1,900,000 Purple Hearts awarded. sends our prayers to all who sacrificed, both past and present, living and deceased. Thank You U.S. Veterans and Military!

Have a wonderful day filled with pride, honor and tradition!

Support our Military!   Support our Vets!   Get Excited!   And Be Proud!

The Veterans at
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard

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the time.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

An American Injustice: Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice (2001)

Documentary surrounding the potential cover up of the TWA 800 crash.
Produced by James Sanders and Jack Cashill

For an interesting discussion about the commonalities between this, OKC and 9/11 check out Jack Blood and Chris Emery's discussion about the movers and shakers during the day.
(hour 2)

To purchase this on DVD, check out --

Opinions Sought At Tonight's Lisbon Town Council Meeting On Purchasing and Demolishing Worumbo Mill At Taxpayer's Expense!

Worumbo Mill on Lisbon council agenda tonight

LISBON – One of the town’s most historic commercial buildings may be purchased by the town and demolished as part of the Route 196 master plan, Town Manager Steve Eldridge said Monday.
A discussion will be held at the Town Council meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday on whether the town should float bonds to pay for the demolition of the Worumbo Mill building at the corner of Route 196 and Canal Street.
“It’s something the Town Council has been talking about behind closed doors for some time,” Eldridge said. “We decided to go public to find out how residents feel about it.”

Full Article:

Monday, August 5, 2013

WND: THE DOWNING OF TWA FLIGHT 800 The Clinton criminal-cabal cover-up

Exclusive: James Sanders ties high-court justice to attempt to conceal shoot-down evidence

By James D. Sanders
After 17 years of investigating a criminal cabal at the top of the Clinton administration and Department of Justice, which included my indictment and trial for investigating them, I finally gathered a comprehensive fact-set any rookie prosecutor can take to a grand jury and obtain indictments. First comes the low-ranking people that keep their federal jobs by engaging in willful blindness – sycophant savants, a common affliction within the FBI and Department of Justice. Then comes the middlemen, and so on up the line.

Such indictments will never happen, however, because the United States has become little more than a very large banana republic coasting along on its crumbling capitalist past. The story even includes two federal judges, one currently on the United States Supreme Court, who assisted the criminal cabal.
Before today the story has only been partially told, only in bits and pieces, allowing the criminal cabal to live worry-free. Much of what you read below has never before been revealed. What has been told before is part of the glue necessary to tell the comprehensive story.

Read Full Article Here

Today in history: August 5

President Abraham Lincoln and the members of the council of war in 1861.

 152 years ago, the widely loathed federal income tax was born
Aug. 5, 1861: Needing cash to finance the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Revenue Act — imposing the first federal income tax. Lincoln and Congress agreed that all incomes over $800 would be taxed at a 3 percent rate. Lincoln knew that taxes would be unpopular. But he recognized that America needed to pay for its wars.
Aug. 5, 1963: President John F. Kennedy signed a treaty with Great Britain and the U.S.S.R. banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, space, and underwater.
Aug. 5, 1974: President Richard Nixon admitted withholding information on the Watergate break-in. He resigned four days later.
Aug. 5, 1981: President Ronald Reagan fired 11,359 striking air traffic controllers, saying they were violating federal law.
Quote of the Day
"Republicans are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar." -Abraham Lincoln

Extended Outlook.‏

Extended Outlook
Today:  breezy and dry. highs 63-73 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 41-52 N/S. highs 74-79.
Wednesday; quiet, evening showers. Lows 50-58 N/S. Highs 74-79, cooler coast.
Thursday; showers, thunder, fog. Lows 58-64 N/S. highs 72-79 N/S, cooler coast.
Friday;  quiet, evening showers. Lows 58-65 N/S. highs 78-83.
Saturday; am showers, pm thunder? Lows 62-67. Highs 76-82 N/S.
Sunday. Breezy and dry. Lows 56-62 N/S, highs 71-79 N/S.
Submitted by: 'Rufe'

"Thank You For Freedom" What Airmen See When Airborn At Offutt Air Force Base

A farmer does this with his tractor.
He uses GPS to get the letters readable.
He has done this every fall for several years now.

Here's the view from the flight pattern into OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE
  Bellevue, NE., just south of   Omaha .

This is what our servicemen see when
landing at
 Offutt AFB.
Hat tip to the Bellevue
farmer who made it

 Okay, let's keep this
going until
 everyone has seen it without the
news media's help.

This should have made national news.

Imagine how this must feel to all
those servicemen seeing it for the first

It tells them that we do care and
that we do support them.

Let's make it a BIG THANK YOU by
sending it around the world.

Reuters: U.S. directs agents to cover up wiretap program

WASHINGTON - A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans. 

Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how such investigations truly begin - not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.

The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to "recreate" the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant's Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don't know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence - information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.

Full Article

NaturalNews: Health Ranger warns: Beware of fake gurus, fake films and donation frauds‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Be very careful where you donate money these days. We've monitoring an ever-growing list of scams targeting natural health people including the "fake guru" donation scam, the "fake Monsanto film" scam, the "fake awards ceremony" scam and others.
Check out my article exposing all the fake scams as well as this hilarious new video where I parody a "false guru" looking for easy money:

The FDA has just destroyed the business of a natural supplement manufacturer by re-classifying an amino acid derivative as a "drug"

Huh? Under Obamacare, the more hours you work, the less health insurance you get:

Watch out for alarmingly high fluoride levels in some tea bags:

Did you know that purple potatoes are loaded with extra nutrition?

Beware of fake gurus, fake films and fraudulent donation scams
(NaturalNews) My spirit guides told me that if every one of you reading this would only donate, we could instantly set things in motion that would save the world... or something like that. Welcome to the world of bogus, fraudulent...

FDA destroys business of anti-aging supplement manufacturer by classifying amino acid derivative as 'unapproved drug'
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again annihilated the business of a reputable dietary supplement company by arbitrarily declaring its primary product to be an "unapproved drug." Those who now try to purchase the...

Exposed: US military deliberately blasted toxic chemicals, radioactive material at Americans in covert war experiment
(NaturalNews) Investigative researcher, sociologist, and secret military experiment expert Lisa Martino-Taylor has uncovered hundreds of documents that she says prove the U.S. military covertly poisoned Americans back in the 1950s and 60s under the guise...

Obamacare idiocy: Work more hours, get less health insurance
(NaturalNews) The Oct. 1 kick-off date for Obamacare is rapidly approaching, and with each passing day, more Americans are finding out just how badly it is going to affect them and their families. In recent weeks, for example, state after state has...

Genetically modified babies? - New science lets parents select child's genetic sequence, rearrange DNA
(NaturalNews) New science is emerging and converging which allows parents to pre-fabricate the genetic sequence of their children. New generation gene sequencing, coupled with in-vitro fertilization will allow parents to choose the genetic makeup of their...

Cheap tea bags contain frighteningly high fluoride levels: Study
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal, Food Research International, has revealed that millions of people across the globe are at serious risk of developing tooth decay, bone loss, and other serious health conditions as a result of...

Purple potatoes pack serious antioxidants compared to their white-fleshed counterparts
(NaturalNews) You may or may not have noticed a new potato in town at your local grocer or more likely at your local health food store. It is native to South America and is called the purple potato, named for its deep purple skin as well as the purple...

FDA abandons science with new 'breakthrough therapy' designation for drugs that receive almost no testing
(NaturalNews) For years, the pharmaceutical industry has been searching for new ways to get its drugs to market faster and with fewer pre-approval testing and clinical trial requirements. And it appears that the industry has made significant headway with...

Appealing health benefits of apple cider vinegar
(NaturalNews) Apple cider vinegar is often looked upon by natural wellness enthusiasts as a panacea for all good things. Taking a tablespoon or two of it every day is said to cure everything from gout to allergies and more. It's said that it is important...

Man dies from rabies after receiving infected transplant kidney
(NaturalNews) As Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has said often, the organ donor "business" in America is just that - a business - and it continues to endanger the living because of its profit-margin existence. Here is another example...

What is vaginal steaming?
(NaturalNews) A popular, new trend in the United States is vaginal steaming and it is being offered through spas and holistic health centers from southern California to New York in order to address a variety of health issues. While it is technically not...

Are pharma commercials programming you to desire suffering and death?
(NaturalNews) There you are, watching your favorite episode of My Life is an Embarrassment so we Thought You'd Want to Know the Details. You enjoy watching total idiots making fools out of themselves on TV, so you are content for now with your...

Monsanto now overriding natural law by attempting to patent multiple common vegetables, fruits
(NaturalNews) Global biotechnology megalith Monsanto is no longer content with simply manipulating and patenting its own genetically-modified (GM) counterfeits of nature. According to a new petition created by the human rights advocacy group Avaaz...

Iodized salt: Friend or foe?
(NaturalNews) Take it with a pinch of salt. All the press about iodized sodium chloride being good for the health of your thyroid is not entirely true. Salt is so vital to life, that without it we would cease to be alive. Muscles would not function properly...

Massive security breaches in mobile phone technology are imminent
(NaturalNews) As I've said often enough, technology has become a double-edged sword, improving our daily lives and making us healthier and safer while at the same time being utilized by our unscrupulous government to shred our privacy and destroy the...

Texas organization will arm and train 500 mothers to use guns during 'National Empowerment Day'
(NaturalNews) Some say there is no more naturally protective force than a mother looking out for her children, and one organization is doing all it can to make that task easier for moms - by teaching them how to handle and use a firearm. According...

14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling
(NaturalNews) Her name is Rachel Parent, and she's suddenly an internet sensation for her cool-headed debate about GMOs on a popular Canadian TV show. (She's also the founder of the Kids Right to Know GMO Walk.) As you'll see in the video below...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Damned PIGS!!!; WND EXCLUSIVE GRAPHIC: Outrage erupts over cops killing dogs 'The police officer, he just came up and started shooting'

By: Gina Loudon
 People across the country are upset with a police officer from Hawthorne, Calif., after a video of him shooting a Rottweiler went viral.
So much so, that 113,000 have signed a petition calling for his resignation.
WND has reported on cases of police brutality, constitutional infringement, corruption and the militarization of police.
The response to the Hawthorne case, in which police shot an innocent bystander’s Rottweiler as officers arrested the man for recording another arrest, appears to take concern over police actions to a new level.
Police were arresting the man “taking video” of an arrest that he witnessed as he was walking his dog. Another bystander got the arrest and the dog shooting on camera and uploaded it to YouTube and set off a firestorm.
The video has been viewed over 5 million times and has prompted angry citizens to gather signatures that were delivered to Hawthorne Police in conjunction with a rally July 27.
Rally organizer Kari Guerrero told WND that she delivered just under 113,000 signatures of upset people from the U.S. and around the world to the department that day.
But the Hawthorne shooting is not an isolated incident.
In Leander, Texas, a family dog was shot and killed when police raided the wrong home in search of a man with an expired vehicle registration.
A 6-year-old witnessed the incident, prompting questions about both policy and practice for officers shooting dogs.
Retraining is one response by police departments, including in the Denver area after officers shot families’ pets.
Few would argue that police officers have every right to fire on a vicious dog if their life is threatened. But many of the cases appear to be “shoot first, ask questions later.”
In Houston, Texas, alone, at least 228 dogs have been shot by police and deputies since 2010. Putting that number beside Houston’s murder rate of 200 per year makes it even more startling.
There are now hundreds of social media sites dedicated to decreasing these deaths across the country.
Family pets including German shepherds, golden retrievers, Australian shepherds, pit bulls, chihuahuas, and others have been shot – in many cases in front of children. A news According to a Memphis news report, a Labrador retriever was shot by a police officer while the owner and child were playing with it outside.
“The police officer, he just came up and started shooting at my dog,” the upset 9-year-old child told reporters.
The Denver area, too, has seen several instances of officers shooting family pets.
In an interview with WND, Sgt. Robert Sanchez, an officer in San Diego, told his story of shooting a dog. He said he shot the dog because it was attacking a little girl and there was no other way to subdue the animal. He said there have been less than a dozen shootings by police this year in San Diego, but he couldn’t speak for the rest of the state.
Official stats show that San Diego County reported fewer than 10 dogs shot by officers each of the past three years.
When asked why police don’t carry equipment to deal with dogs such as a baton, mace or tranquilizer gun, Sanchez stressed that carrying extra equipment to deal with dogs would take the focus off of dealing with criminals and put it on animals, which is not the job of a police officer.
He explained that it is already a big burden for officers to load their vehicles with all the equipment they might need in the line of duty. To load another gun or mace would burden the officers, he said.
Another consideration is the potential of a lawsuit against an officer if he misses his target.
“What would happen if I accidentally shot a person with a tranquilizer dart?” he asked.
In states such as California, police are subject to greater scrutiny in the courts, and the fear of injuring a person and being sued is greater.
Sanchez said he tries to call animal control because it is better trained to deal with dogs. But he acknowledged the problem of dogs getting caught in the crossfire and the pressure from the public to find a way to deal with it.
The San Diego City Police Department’s policy is to contact animal control for assistance when there is advance notice of a potentially dangerous dog. Some officers, like K-9 and narcotics units, carry catch poles. But the equipment is cumbersome for the few officers who carry it, and usually the only equipment the officer has at his fingertips to deal with the animal is his sidearm.
A Harris County, Texas, police spokesman told WND that animal control is only called in cases of a dog bite, and officers do not carry specific equipment to handle dogs.
Residents of Harris County, which encompasses Houston, put in 4,100 dangerous animal calls to the sheriff’s department in the past two years. In 58 cases, officers shot and killed dogs.
In an interview with Houston’s KHOU-TV, Sgt. Joseph Guerra said that training is the answer.
“A lot of times, officers are not sent to training to get that type of certification to feel comfortable enough to deal with these animals,” said Guerra.
The Houston Humane Society employs Guerra and other law enforcement officers as full-time investigators. Guerra investigates animal cruelty and neglect, and teaches police how to safely interact with potentially dangerous animals.
“It’s enough for you to back up slowly and exit the gate and make that phone call to the owner and have them put that dog up,” explained Guerra.
Guerra is pushing for mandatory training for officers. KHOU reports that Houston Police do not require such lessons, and a spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office told WND that it offers training but does not require it.
Video of the Hawthorne case is below, but viewers are advised it is graphic:

Sex Obsessed America - Why is Anthony's Weiner so important?

 Check out my latest article on sexual immorality in America and the Anthony Weiner phenomenon. Why is it no one in DC can keep their pants pulled up?

Sex Obsessed America - Why is Anthony's Weiner so important?

Everywhere I go I see sex. It’s on billboards, store-front windows, the way women dress (or don’t dress) on television, in the movies. It’s on my computer screen to the point where I need a special software tool just to keep it from popping up (no pun intended). To someone on the outside of America looking in, it would appear that sex “owns” America.

So, why then, are we surprised at “the rise” (and fall and rise again) of Anthony and his Weiner? I’m sitting here in an internet café (and when someone walks in I glance up just to make sure they’re not pointing a gun at me) and I have to admit that most of the women who walk in here are dressed quite modestly. I really don’t believe most women want to get into Anthony Weiner’s pants. Of course, some men like to fantasize that women want them, but it’s just not true. Let’s face it – most rapists are men.

On the other hand, sex sells. That can’t be debated. Men, have you ever wondered why so many strangers are interested in the size of “your package”? Come on! Give me a break here! I don’t want a nutritional all natural supplement to make her happy and give her the size she deserves! That’s just gross! But, people wouldn’t be making and marketing this snake oil unless men were buying it.

I once read an article about a study claiming that men think about sex every seven seconds. That’s...


Submitted by: 'Skip Coryell'; the author.

CAFR1: Is The CAFR Just A "Look Backward"?

On a Florida Tea Party site, a CAFR1 subscriber, Holy posted a recent CAFR1 article.
A comment was made by an Amanda Choate of which Holy asked me to reply to.

I Note GASB is a 100% "Private Association" created by the large government gangs in the first place to in effect bypass their own monopoly laws. They have done so by letting call the shots in which Government internally networking together as a monopoly never openly would have been able to arrange for.

What I posted in response to Amanda's comment is as follows.
Sent FYI from,
Walter Burien -

Comment by amanda choate 1 hour ago
Holly, when you can explain GASB accounting in a meaningful way then I will listen to this nonsense. Budgets look forward, CAFRs look backward. They see very different accounting principles. CAFRs are created for use by bond agencies to determine risk and solvency of a entity.

CAFR1 Comment in reply to amanda choate 08/04/13
(pending approval by site administrator)

Your comment of "looks backward" is a well enforced and promoted political buzz word expression to back people off from looking and learning. Now if you are just parroting that spoon fed soundbite not knowing any better, it is time you had a very big "Wake up call Girl".
Let's use Bill Gates as an example. His "looking backward" financials would be his statement of net worth. Well, Bill from the 80's has built a personal financial empire.
He may have started from his garage in year one but over the years and multiple ventures established, as of 2012 he built a personal fortune. His diverse portfolio of investments and holdings outside of shares owned in Microsoft may as a hypothetical example contain: Has 3.5 billion siting with Deutsche Bank, 2.8 billion with Credit Swiss Bank, stock ownership of 150 different corporations, he owns a chain of laundry stores in India, a 1400 acre horse ranch in Wyoming, etc., etc. and his international holdings as shown in his Statement of Net Worth now reflects as of 2013 a net of 65 billion dollars.
Well, let's say this year, 2013 the press in the News Headlines announced:  "An individual by the name of Bill Gates lost 1.5 billion dollars this year. He is frantically looking to find 1.5 billion dollars to pay back his creditors. Bankruptcy may be his only option and could be immanent at any time!"
Well, if no one ever followed Bill Gate's career, no mention of his "Statement of Net Worth" was made (equivalent of the CAFR for local governments)  the public could bite "hook - line- and sinker" with the first thought to go through their minds being: "Who the hell lent him 1.5 billion dollars for him to loose it in the first place?"
In "reality" Amanda, if he wanted too, he could pull 1.5 billion dollars from his Deutsche Bank account and still have 2 billion left over from "just there". As local governments over the last seventy-years developed into financial empires, empires greater than Midas ever dreamed about, they did so as they spoon fed the population: "Short on money, need to raise taxes", "Pensions under funded, need to raise taxes", "need to borrow money, need to raise taxes". Selectively created "Budget reports" were presented to justify "need to raise taxes.(the epitome of greed and opportunity unrestrained)
Well, with the "Statement of Net Worth" the CAFR within the "Silence is Golden Rule" played out, those same local governments built their empires over the decades without the public having a clue what was taking place. Thus never a peep, mention, or cognitive thought generated by the well entrenched inside players due to the "Wealth" and "Control" building over those same decades passing, or as your spoon fed parrot conditioned response noted: Oh, that is just a "look backwards".
The CAFR is the Holy Grail of accounting for any local government. Their "Statement of Net Worth". Due to the massive investment / true income of money building over the decades, not a peep over the decades with the full cooperation of government administrations, the Syndicated Media, both Primary political parties, controlled education, the industrial / financial cartels, etc., DUE TO THE MONEY (wealth building) INVOLVED. Those groups were sent the CAFRs each year. The one small group that was excluded due to that money involved was THE ENTIRE GENERAL POPULATION of this country. 
People, especially all taxpayers, should be dissecting their local government CAFRs with a fine tooth comb. So stop playing into their game of treating the population as "useful idiots" for easy exploitation and easy misdirection away from carefully examining the CAFRs.
I note when "responsible" people look for the first time at their local government CAFR and finally digest it, they are floored with what they see. The world of government wealth holdings is much different than the were spoon fed to believe. Then the big hit takes place. They realize they are just looking at "one" local government CAFR out of thousands and the "collective" control and ownership of it all sinks in. Can't wait for your: "Oh, my God" moment Amanda...
On a last Note: ** Government was NOT supposed to operate at a profit. How did they get around this restriction?

ANSWER: If for example a city had a 100-million dollar profit for the year from any of its operations, at a stroke of a pen they create or deposit into a "liability fund" and poof, there goes the profit re-designated now as a liability.

Walter Burien -
PS: Per information you see on Wikipedia, what you will find is that many of their all volunteer "content edit administrators" are current or ex "international" government political shill personnel that slithered in to edit the content shown. My BIO which was up on Wikipedia for years since 2004 was deleted by a content administrator "Sandstien" who tried to be anonymous. I then pulled up an old archive of Wikipedia from before "Sandstien" deleted his profile information. He was a LT for the Swiss Army and worked for the Federal Swiss Court. It appears he got a political favor phone call from some political hack in the US to do a favor to delete and since 2009 no trace of my BIO exists on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is no longer an information source but in turn an information control medium for deletion or selective editing.


This video describes probably the most wonderful time to have lived as a teenager or young adult in the modern world!!!!
 This video is great if you grew up in the 50's -60's and if you didn't it's still good !
Turn on your speakers!!! - go full screen - sit back & enjoy 11+ minutes!!!!
In those days there was no sugar added. Check out the shape the kids were in.

Submitted by: 'The Wolverine'

BrasscheckTV: Employment and the Obamacare bomb‏

I'm not a fan of the left or the right. 
I am a fan of arithmetic, accuracy and
The insanely corrupt "health care" industry
is bankrupting the US and, contrary to all
the hot air, Obamacare, when stripped of its
BS, is accelerating the disaster. 
Here's why...
From our friends at Real Econ TV. 
- Brasscheck

The "bomb" in Obamacare
Undermining Employment

We don't think left or right here at Real Econ.

We think "what does the arithmetic look like?" and "is is ethical?"

Yes, the Dickpublicans hate Obamacare and the Scamorcrats love it.

We don't care.

We look at what works, what doesn't work and what could work.

The problem with health care in America is the industry has been allowed to run wild.

Americans pay TWO TIMES or more for the very same services people get in Europe (where health care is much better.)

Did Obamacare address that? No. It makes it worse...and it increases premiums...and it forces people who don't want to have insurance to get it...and it is encouraging small businesses to NOT hire people.

In short it's a total disaster.

The end of Brasscheck TV?‏

We hope not, but the site is in a fight 
for it's life. 
Details much later when we can breathe.
Meanwhile, please visit and get to know
our other sites and share the fun. 
If you're inclined to help, that's the
best way to do it right now. 
- Brasscheck

NaturalNews: 14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights‏

Dear NaturalNews readers,
Today I'd like you to meet Rachel Parent, a brilliant 14-year-old GMO food labeling activist who recently schooled a prominent Canadian TV host on basic human rights.
The video of her debate on live TV is astonishing; not only because of how good she is in asserting her own commonsense position on GMO labeling, but also because of the way the male TV host tried to bully and verbally assault her, all but calling the girl a child murderer for opposing GMO experiments on humans.
You've gotta watch this for yourself to believe it:

Check out these seven dirty little secrets that mental health professionals will never reveal:

Find out why pine nuts are so amazing for weight loss:

What's behind the growing infertility epidemic that's sweeping modern civilization?

Finally today: Are "diet foods" actually making you fat?

14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling
(NaturalNews) Her name is Rachel Parent, and she's suddenly an internet sensation for her cool-headed debate about GMOs on a popular Canadian TV show. (She's also the founder of the Kids Right to Know GMO Walk.) As you'll see in the video below...

Fast food workers demand $15 per hour wages to serve you GMOs and other disease-promoting garbage
(NaturalNews) Thousands of service sector employees in at least seven major U.S. cities walked off the job recently in protest of wages they say are far too low to make an honest living. Workers at McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and KFC locations across...

Experts endorse nutrient-packed pine nuts for weight loss, healthy heart
(NaturalNews) Nutritionists from Washington recently announced the significant role of pine nuts in ensuring health and wellness over and above their value as a flavoring ingredient in Mediterranean and Italian cuisines. Results of a series of independent...

Seven dirty secrets that counselors and mental health pros will never reveal
(NaturalNews) As a manager care insider and licensed mental health counselor for many years, I understand that what I am about to tell you harms the credibility of the industry. I'm glad, because the conventional mental health system is a cruel joke...

Why you should not ignore bladder pain
(NaturalNews) Over 200 million people (worldwide) suffer with some kind of bladder pain or control issues. Technically, not a disease, this often embarrassing health condition is associated with a sudden urge to urinate - that's difficult to control;...

Six reasons garlic is an amazing healing superfood
(NaturalNews) There's a lot of data available in Natural News article archives and studies posted on that confirm the validity of garlic's "magic" with several health matters. It seems very few take advantage of...

Thousands of New Yorkers on food stamps sending welfare-funded groceries to Jamaica, Dominican Republic
(NaturalNews) The more than half a billion taxpayer dollars the federal government sends to impoverished Caribbean countries every year as foreign aid is apparently not enough to fulfill the needs and desires of the people who live there, many of whom...

Factors behind the growing infertility epidemic affecting millions of Americans
(NaturalNews) It seems as though everyone knows someone who struggles with infertility. It can be extremely devastating for any woman trying to conceive, when she looks at the little blue stick month after month only to see the same tell-tale negative...

Kale can help you beat the blues
(NaturalNews) Kale is actually an earlier form of the cruciferous cabbage family. In addition to its high level of nutrients, now its carotenoid content is associated with mood elevation. Actually, Mother Jones health editor Tom Philpott reported...

Oregon readies to legalize retail medicinal marijuana following passage of House bill
(NaturalNews) The state of Oregon is about to join the ranks of about a dozen other states that have defied the federal government's onerous prohibitions on marijuana by allowing it to be sold in state-sanctioned retail stores for medicinal use. According...

Are diet foods making you fat?
(NaturalNews) You begin your day with yogurt and granola for breakfast followed by a wrap for lunch. You are able to work in an hour long fitness class after work then stop at a chain restaurant for a large salad for dinner. So why aren't you losing weight...

Advertising myths and slogan opposites
(NaturalNews) Let's face it, it costs an "arm and a leg" to run an advertising campaign these days, especially if it's on television during prime time or in the middle of some big sports event. Some companies and corporations run ads just about everywhere...

Why air travelers should exercise to beat jet lag
(NaturalNews) Scientific research is increasingly highlighting the benefits of exercise to help keep the body clock regulated. This information will be of particular benefit to jet lagged frequent fliers all over the world. One of the main problems of...

United Airlines employee and wife caught stealing luggage from plane crash victims
(NaturalNews) How can you further insult airline passengers who have been diverted to another airport because of a tragedy? Answer: Steal from them. According to CBS San Fransciso, San Mateo County, Calif., prosecutors are charging an...

Gelatin: A protein rich superfood that conquers food allergies, insomnia, arthritis - plus much more
(NaturalNews) Back in the 1950s, Jello molds were all the rage in the United States and many of us have disturbing memories of these artificial creations. Certainly not consumed for health, Jello actually has a little known secret buried amongst the sugar...

Your car's location is being routinely tracked by the government as you drive
(NaturalNews) Do you have an expectation of privacy when you step into your vehicle? Apparently you don't, because in case you didn't know, you're being tracked everywhere you drive. And for that, you can blame the double-edged sword of technology. The...

US government whitewashed economic damage of BP oil spill
(NaturalNews) A group of scientists and experts requested by Congress to assess the total damage caused by the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 have said the government's current methods of putting a price tag on the most sweeping eco...