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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NaturalNews: Fukushima reaches desperation point as filtration equipment goes offline‏


Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Fukushima has now reached a point of desperation as water filtration equipment goes offline, leaving the worsening radiation leaks with virtually zero possibility of being stopped.
The Russians have offered to help, and the Japanese government has now taken over from Tepco, citing years of bureaucratic failure.
Here's what you need to know:

An Australian family is suing a drug company over a flu vaccine that permanently damaged their child:

Men, beware: PSA prostate cancer screening is a medical hoax.
The test is worthless:

Here are four scientific reasons to eat more dark chocolate (as if you needed another reason, right?)

Today from
- 8 GMO foods to avoid
- Why olive oil is superior to canola oil
- What is electrosmog? Here's an overview

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show: Continuing coverage of the Fukushima freefall, what it means and how you can keep your kids healthy despite increasing radiation levels. Plus, breaking news on flu shot mandates for this fall. Call 1-866-939-2355 from 3-5PM EDT. Listen in at

More news continues below...

Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won't stop
(NaturalNews) After a 29-month cover-up, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) is now calling for international help and has all but admitted Fukushima's radiation leaks are spiraling out of control. In addition to the leaking water storage units that are...

Family sues pharmaceutical company over child brain damaged by flu vaccine
(NaturalNews) An Australian family is seeking compensation from a large pharmaceutical company after their daughter became severely disabled following the administration of the flu vaccine, Fluvax, in 2010. According to reports, shortly after receiving...

Public school is now officially a prison for your children; Parents not allowed to walk kids to class
(NaturalNews) There is something to be said for wanting to keep our children safe from harm. It's as natural an emotion for a parent as there is. But at some point we have to ask ourselves as a society if we're going to let abject fear take over our lives...

The Obama economy: Growing number of destitute New Jersey residents found living in the woods
(NaturalNews) President Obama and his new best friend, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, have a lot of words for political opponents who try to paint them as ineffectual leaders who don't have their constituents' best interests at heart. And yet, when...

Beware: PSA prostate cancer screening test is a dangerous hoax, warns discoverer of prostate specific antigen
(NaturalNews) Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. By the age of 50, most men have some cancerous prostate cells, although many will never know it unless they are screened, and most will not die from it. Luckily, it's a slow growing cancer...

Google, Facebook, others accepted millions from NSA to turn over spy data on its users
(NaturalNews) As bad as it is that the National Security Agency has been caught red-handed spying wholesale on American citizens' private electronic communications, it is even worse knowing that American taxpayers paid for the "privilege" of having their...

Arrogant GMO promoter Professor Bruce Chassy embarasses himself at major Food Scientist's Institute
(NaturalNews) The GMO debate has gone main stream and is becoming a very black and white issue. Promoters of genetically modified crops tout the science as 'feeding world hunger,' while GMO critics push for higher health standards, wanting only unmodified...

The many health benefits of sauna bathing
(NaturalNews) In their native Finland, saunas have always been associated with good health. Indeed, the first saunas - usually small cabins with fireplaces - were conceived by their Scandinavian inventors as spaces in which people could cleanse their...

Obama's secret war on Colombia
(NaturalNews) It's not an exaggeration to say that Colombia might be on the verge of Revolution. There is a virtual blackout of coverage by the American mainstream media concerning the national protest under way in Colombia. What little coverage I've...

Airborne transmission: Why the superbug epidemic may be more serious that we previously thought
(NaturalNews) Those exceptionally virulent, drug-resistant bacterial strains known as "superbugs" that increasingly threaten hospital patients around the world just became a whole lot more menacing. A new study published in the journal Building and...

Rose hips protects your heart: Research
(NaturalNews) You've probably seen this often on containers of vitamin C, "from rose hips" or "with rose hips." Then, upon looking more closely, you'll likely see "vitamin C from ascorbic acid 500 mg" or even 1000 mg and "rose hips 60 mg" (more or less...

Five things you need to do to sleep like a baby
(NaturalNews) We all crave that special place where we could sleep through almost anything and wake up feeling happy and rejuvenated. Unfortunately, those days for some of us are long gone and we haven't had a good night's rest for what seems like forever...

Four research-proven reasons to eat dark chocolate for your health
(NaturalNews) Chocolate has been unwrapped as a healthy dietary addition for most. Of course, it should be organic dark chocolate minimally sweetened and without milk additives. Since raw cacao is the main antioxidant and nutritional provider, it should...

EFSA 'Adequate Intake' for fluoride is based on a faulty assumption
(NaturalNews) In August 2013, the European Food and Safety Authority proposed an adequate intake (AI) level for fluoride. Essentially, they just copied the AI set by the U.S. Institute of Medicine in 1997 - the numbers are identical. For most children...

It's official: Obama ran trillion-dollar deficits four years in a row
(NaturalNews) He certainly isn't the only president in U.S. history to run trillion-dollar deficits, but he is the first to run as many in a row. It's official now: Barack Obama is head of the most profligate spending government ever. In a recent...

Muscle loss and Celiac disease
(NaturalNews) Gluten is linked to Celiac [Coeliac] disease almost 100 percent of the time, but the fact is that Celiac disease is just one of hundreds of manifestations from gluten damage. There are over 300 disorders scientifically linked to gluten and...

All GMO approvals in Brazil are illegal, says whistleblowing regulator
(NaturalNews) It may not come as much of a surprise to our regular readers, but the biotechnology industry as we currently know it is intrinsically corrupt. And a government official-turned-whistleblower from Brazil recently admitted in a government report...

Do You remember this from 1959? (Nikita Khrushev Quote September 29, 1959)

Nikita Khrushev Quote September 29, 1959,


WND: '1st draft of Articles of Impeachment' arrives Obamacare 'illegally bypasses Congress, unauthorized IRS power-grab'

Obamacare not only is unconstitutional, it illegally bypasses Congress, infringes on states’ rights and marks an unprecedented and unauthorized expansion of Internal Revenue Service power, according to a brand-new book released today.

In “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office,” New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott quote scholars and legal organizations contending Obamacare constitutes a clear case of “taxation without representation.”
“Impeachable Offenses” shows Obamacare may violate multiple sections of the Constitution.

More reading

Monday, August 26, 2013

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  showers, chance of pm thunder. Highs 72-79 N/S, cooler coast.
Tuesday; Isolated pm thunder inland? Lows 60-65. Highs 76-84 N/S, cooler coast.
Wednesday; showers, isolated pm thunder? Lows 60-65. Highs 76-81, cooler coast.
Thursday; shower, isolated thunder? Lows 58-63. Highs 70-75.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 55-60. Highs 71-80 N/S, cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet. Pm thunder north? Lows 57-62. Highs 74-82 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; quiet. Pm thunder north? Lows 58-63. Highs 76-84 N/S, cooler coast.
Thanks Rufe

Route 196 & School Committee Meeting - Tues August 27, 2013

The Town Council Workshop, scheduled for tomorrow, the location has been changed from the Town Office to Lisbon Community School cafeteria at 7:00PM.
Hope to see everyone there.  It is important!

The Collings Foundation's F-100F and Colonel George "Bud" Day Celebration and Flight.


Medal of Honor | George 'Bud' Day | PBS 

George 'Bud" Day talks about his experiences while being held captive as a POW in Vietnam.

The Medal of Honor is a new Documentary directed by Roger Sherman, airing nationwide on PBS, November 5th 2008, at 9pm.
To learn more please visit:


Thank You and May You Rest In Eternal Peace Colonel Day!

Submitted by: "Friends of Flight"

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Betsy McCaughey: Scientific Evidence Proves Obamacare Will Harm Seniors "ObamaNation: A Day of Truth"

Betsy McCaughey is the Chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, the former Lt. Governor of New York, and author of the book, "Obama Health Law." On September 21st she gave a speech at Accuracy in Media's "ObamaNation: A Day of Truth" conference proving with hard facts how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will inevitably harm America's seniors.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why Social Media IS Necessary In Lisbon!


On Tuesday night, August 20, 2013, I attended a Town Council meeting/Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill project.  I am sure that Town Manager Stephen Eldridge was there.  I verified his presence with the Great Falls TV video of the meeting.

However, Mrs. Darcie Moore reported on August 23, 2013 inThe Times Record (click to view), that “However, Tuesday, Eldridge said the council was never able to hear questions, share information or have a dialogue as about six or seven members of the public criticized the council for about 20 minutes about bringing the proposal forward ---objections including the price tag and making the mill a priority over other needs in town can get.”  This is as far from the truth as you can get.  Members of the Public were limited to 3 minutes and approximately fifteen to twenty individuals spoke before Vice Chair Ward terminated the Public Hearing.  Numerous questions were asked but never answered.  The design of the Public Hearing did NOT allow for a dialogue.  The Public came to the podium, asked questions and left.  At the end of the Public Hearing, both Mr. Eldridge and Vice Chair Ward answered a few questions.  

 The entire council chamber was full and numerous others were in the hallway.   A friend of mine estimated there were approximately 100 residents in attendance. It is apparent that Mrs. Moore did not verify her information.  Those that attend council meetings regularly know that Mr. Eldridge is known for not telling the truth or twisting the words for his agenda.  There have been many times Mr. Eldridge has provided the council with half-truths or false guidance in order to get his desired results.  This has been going on since January 2008 when Mr. Eldridge became Town Manager.

This situation is exactly why The LisbonReporter,, The Unmasker 4 Maine and Falmouth Today blog sites were created.  These blogs purpose has always been to bring the truth to our respective communities.  These blog sites enable everyone to express their opinions and to expose the corruption going on daily.  

It is important that the real truth be provided to our people to keep them informed so the people can make intelligent decisions when they are asked to vote on issues.  I know in Lisbon, residents are provided ONLY what the council and Mr. Eldridge want them to know.   

The people are never provided all the facts or all the options.  This is exactly why Lisbon is in such poor condition today. 

Unfortunately, Lisbon can never move forward as long as Mr. Eldridge is the Town Manager.  Lisbon is on the same destructive path Rumford suffered when Mr. Eldridge was the Town Manager there.

Social Medias, such as blog sites, are a vital avenue for the people to get the truth.  You can tell these sites are very effective because councilors, both past and present, object to these sites.  It must be terrible when the truth comes out exposing these councilors.  When Lori Pomelow gave her outgoing speech she claimed the information on the blog sites were lies so we started providing documents supplied by the town as proof.  It is hard to deny anything when you use the town documents as evidence.  The only time they complain is when they are caught in a lie.

Another means of getting the truth to the people is through Facebook.  Facebook reaches a large number of people both locally and around the world.  This is another example of “social media”.  Anyone who criticizes the use of “social media” needs a checkup from the neck up.

I personally have been forced to verify everything said by management of Lisbon.  I utilize the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for documents supporting statements made.  I believe I am well over one hundred FOAA’s.  Also, for every copy I receive I have to pay $.50 of my own money.  As a resident of Lisbon, I do not believe I should be forced to go to these lengths. 

Tell me again where the transparency is in Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore

Editors Note:
Councilor Mason Does Not Get It, Never Has Never Will!
Except for her self proclaimed and Self Promoted Events.

VROOM! Townhall: Two Million Bikers Plan Their Own 9/11 March to Washington D.C.

By: Katie Pavlich
By now you've probably heard about the "Million Muslim March" coming to Washington D.C. on 9/11. Last week Chris Phillips, the organizer of the march, appeared on Hannity and refused to condemn hateful groups like the Muslim Brotherhood while arguing the U.S. government has been hateful toward Muslim-Americans since 9/11/2001.

Now in response to the march, bikers are also planning to show up in Washington D.C. on 9/11....with two million people.

Thousands of America’s patriotic bikers are organizing an enormous counter protest to the planned Million Muslim March on DC this Sept. 11.

The Facebook Page, “2 Million Bikers to DC,” has over 18 thousand “likes,” as of Thursday morning and individual state chapters of riders have launched pages on Facebook, as well.

The bikers are riding “To remember those who were killed on 911 and honor our armed forces who fought those who precipitated this attack,” the Facebook page said.
Here are the objectives for the ride, which will be peaceful.
Continue reading more.

Many many questions‏

Many, many ????s

1.What happen to Luiggi's ? RUMOR: they have walked away--burnt by Econ Dev/Scott Benson  who made promises..
2. I read about Millers property and read on the announcement that the bond also includes the MILL St. property. I thought the bond was only for the Mill itself..
    Town has a poor memory--what did anyone LEARN about the horrors of the FARWELL MILL when the town bought it & then Mr. Fenney gave out all the grant $$?????!!  REMEMBER???
  Something about HUD wanted their $$ back and a buried train car with something in it..
3.The taxes for this building & 5.5 acres---ONLY $4,500 a year!!!!! Mr. Moxie pays half this amount for his building with no land outside the footprint.
4.How much did Fern pay for that corner lot and what is the tax on it.
5.Today I heard Fern is building a subdivision on Hinkley St. with construction done by someone in town..if this is true was this land bought from the town? Also there is a lot in this cul de sac that was land locked and now has access??
6. Why are town lands for sale and are not publicly /visibly published?!!   HUD


 Questions are NOT answered by town council if you are allowed to ask a question

                                                               DEEP THROAT

BrassCheckTV: "The Truth Must Be Told"

It's a massive obscenity in a land where
official obscenity is a daily occurrence. 
Eric Holder and Barack Obama are on
a stage today claiming their moral
authority derives from the work and
words of Martin Luther King. 
Here's what King said about people
like them...
Must watching, must sharing, especially 
this day of all days.  

Click on the following link to catch up with current news of this article.

"The truth must be told..."
Martin Luther King on war
and those who support war

Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"

Ebenezer Baptist Church, April 30, 1967

"There are those who are seeking to equate dissent with disloyalty."

King could be talking today about Iraq, about Afghanistan, about Pakistan and any other number of countries where the US is waging war overtly and covertly - not for self defense, but to assert its power.

Motown released this speech in 1970 and won a Grammy for it for "Best Spoken Word Recording."

King was shot dead under still mysterious circumstances on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, TN. To this day, his family does not believe the US government investigation into the circumstances of his death was adequate.

The news media is not interested in their opinion on this matter and neither is the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, or the President of the United States, Barack Obama, who on the day of this writing (August 24, 2013) are on a podium claiming the moral authority of King's legacy.

In a country where official obscenity is a daily occurrence, this is an especially odious display of hypocrisy and fundamental dishonesty.

- Brasscheck

Lisbon Agendas For August 26-30, 2013

Only In Maine: CraigList Ad; Certifible Classic Car - $45000 (Maine)

"One owner... non-smoker. Needs minor rust repair and could probably use a tune-up. Has not gathered many miles in the past few years. Stored in a safe environment. As-is... where is. Don't miss out on this great deal!"

Submitted by: 'Leon'

Friday, August 23, 2013


Lisbon Town Council Chairman Fern LaRochelle


During last Tuesday night’s Town Council Meeting/Public Hearing, Councilor LaRochelle left the councilors area and stood against the wall during the Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill bond issue.  The meeting and Public Hearing were chaired by Vice Chair Ward.  These events lead everyone to believe Chairman LaRochelle had recused himself.  Apparently, this was far from the truth because once an individual is recused he can no longer speak on the subject matter as a councilor and he certainly cannot vote on anything associated with the subject matter.

Both Vice Chair Ward and Chairman LaRochelle, provided clear evidence that Chairman LaRochelle had been in discussions with Mrs. Miller and Miller Industries prior to purchasing the property at 2 Canal Street.  This means Chairman LaRochelle had inside information prior to purchase of the property at 2 Canal Street.  By their own admission, Chairman LaRochelle should have “officially” recused himself. 

To show you how much the rules and regulations mean to this group, Chairman LaRochelle voted to table 2013-125 Bond Order $1,000,000 for Worumbo Mill project; 2013-126 Council Recommendation on Bond Question 1; and finally 2013-127 Warrant for Bond Referendum on September 24, 2013.  WHAT PART OF RECUSED DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?  Once recused the councilor cannot take part in any action pertaining to the subject matter; in this case the Worumbo Mill project.

Also, during Councilor Communication, Chairman LaRochelle gave a wonderful presentation about the Worumbo Mill project and a dog and pony show they were going to give.  Chairman LaRochelle’s dialogue lasted more than the three (3) minutes citizens were allowed to have.  He also talked about investments in the future and how the river is one of our greatest assets.  He also talked about how Bangor had redeveloped the river front.  AGAIN, WHAT PART OF RECUSED DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? 

Chairman LaRochelle had an opportunity to speak during the Public Hearing but stood there without saying a word.  This was the right time and place; not while he is sitting as a councilor.

All of these incidences are clear violations, and no councilor, town manager or the town attorney made any type of attempt to stop this from happening.  Think about that for a minute!  This is yet another example of the council and its councilors doing exactly what they want to benefit their personal agendas.  They are asking the people for one million dollar bond to purchase and demolition the Worumbo Mill which is currently owned by a private individual.  What kind of precedent is that setting?


Larry Fillmore

NaturalNews: Hedge funds begin dumping Monsanto stock‏, Plus much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The curse of Monsanto is finally hitting Wall Street as hedge funds start dumping the fast-dropping stock.
Even Monsanto's own CEO and other top executives are now engaged in record insider selling of the company's own stock.
Is Monsanto stock headed for the gutter? Here's my report:

Meanwhile, Monsanto is running a massive P.R. push into Africa, hoping to spread GMOs across a whole new continent:

Autism is linked to a deficiency of healthy gut bacteria:

Oregon grape root is a powerful anti-microbial:

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show: The Healing Revolution with Dr. Frank King discusses cardiovascular health and joint pain, while Liam Scheff and Marcus Thomson talk about permaculture design. Call in LIVE 1-866-939-2355 from 3-5 PM EDT. Listen in at

Today from
- Stories of healing cancer naturally
- Child obesity linked to epigenetic factors
- Inducing labor during childbirth may increase risk of autism

More news continues below...

'Biotech ambassadors' engaging in massive Monsanto-backed PR operations to push GMOs into Africa
(NaturalNews) There is a lot of shady business going on in Africa these days, where so-called "biotech ambassadors" are now actively touring the continent and aggressively pushing for acceptance of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and other biotechnology...

Autism linked to deficiency in healthy gut bacteria: Research
(NaturalNews) Parents and caregivers of autistic children have been saying it for decades, and now the scientific community is finally catching up with reality: gastrointestinal abnormalities are a common marker associated with the diagnosis of an autism...

Actor Channing Tatum reveals he will not medicate child for learning disabilities
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Mitochondrial diseases on the rise - Are GMOs, Roundup to blame?
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Scientists achieve true information teleportation on a computer chip exploiting quantum spookiness
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Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom
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Pesticide, fluoride and bleach: The top 3 nutrition killers in food
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Illegal aliens demand free organ transplants from U.S. hospitals
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Oregon grape root used as an anti-microbial agent
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Increased suicide rate in military blamed on conditions other than combat and prescription drug abuse
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Hedge funds, insider traders begin dumping Monsanto stock as reality of GMOs sinks in across Wall Street
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