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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

CAFR1: Obamacare - The #1 intent and motive from SCRATCH ONE!‏



The blocking stage play was set before the Obamacare program was introduced.

You do not rape the entire population without setting the stage for "supposed" "stiff opposition" to give the impression their was counter measures fighting on the people's side.

The Obamacare structure is designed to make government a trillion or two extra a year via collective local and federal government massive investment holdings in the healthcare and insurance industries. This was the #1 intent and motive from SCRATCH ONE behind Obamacare!

Has there been a peep or coverage for cognitive thinking of the #1 driving motive behind Obamacare from the syndicated news; any of the two primary political party representatives; or any elected official? No, there has not been. Kinda like a cruise boat in the middle of the ocean and the ocean is never mentioned, done so in line with the staged play to implement.

When and if the focus shifts to the massive wealth Obamacare generates for the government investment holdings, then I will say the population has an iota of ammunition for not being played as useful idiots. When being raped, for the "why" you were raped never to be mentioned and focused on, there is NO CHANCE of accountability or corrective action.

The two issues that are the core issues here are as follows:

1. Collective government is heavily invested in the health care and insurance industry groups. (the primary investor in both) 

They have made a killing via investment return over the last three decades by expending massive amounts of "tax" revenue at taxpayer expense to cover government inflated cost healthcare procedures that in turn directly enhanced their "investment" return in the same. The shift to direct payments outside of taxation applied for the same by the population was put into motion by the government gang to free up tax revenue to be spent in "other" arenas with the implementation of Obamacare.

2. With Obamacare implemented and functioning, the public and businesses will now be paying "collectively" (in effect an undisclosed tax) a trillion or two directly to the insurance industry groups that will offset the government's taxpayer fund allocations. Governments investment equity profits with the insurance groups will soar with not $1 "directly" tied in to offset or reduce general taxation. 

Indirectly there will be the benefit to government pension funds and "other" government investment portfolios based on the influx of additional and massive investment returns, but the true 1 + 1 = 2 equation of directly offsetting taxation is absent from the equation for direct accountability and in as such, the pool and streams of massive funds generated will be at governments "discretionary" utilization outside of public view or even comprehension thereof.

TREASON: "Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason." Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

Please share my comments with all that you know. 

Attempt to do the math as to the massive revenue that will now be generated for collective government via their massive  pr-positioned investments and return generated therefrom through the insurance industry. In doing so the clear motive and intent for Obamacare will come into view.

If one to two trillion is generated therefrom each year, mandate and start the discussion that the same reduction in direct taxation occurs. Otherwise the government gang pulls off their covert play of Obamacare and gets two bangs for a buck with the candle being burnt at both ends at the population's expense..

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -


Fellow Conservatives: 

This is an urgent update on the fight to stop funding Obamacare.  

Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and John Cornyn (R-TX) - the top two Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate - announced they will support "cloture" on the government funding bill, giving Harry Reid and the Democrats a procedural green light to fund Obamacare with only 50 votes.  

Breitbart News is reporting that McConnell and Cornyn are using their leadership positions to pressure other Republicans to oppose Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) in their effort to defund Obamacare  See details at>

Bob de La Tigra

The Lady PWS Greyhounds [1-2] get their first victory against Hall-Dale.

Carly Drischler scored two goals against Hall-Dale to drive the Greyhounds 
past the Bulldogs. Drischler got her first goal only minutes before the 
end of 
the first half off an assist from Kiley Merritt after Merritt anticipated 
Hall-Dale throw in. Scoring eleven minutes into the second half, Drischler 
scored her 
second goal off an assist from Merritt again. Zoe Feehan and Anna Willey 
fierce defense for the Greyhounds, not allowing the ball near the PWS net. 

PWS will play their next game at Oak Hill on September 26th. 
-Coach Weymouth 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 09/24/13, PWS vs Hall Dale‏

The PWS Greyhounds suffered their 3rd straight loss resulting from a  
brutal bout on a cool Hall-Dale Bulldogs field with the score ending  
at 2-7
The Bulldog offense set the tone of the 1st half scoring in the 1st  
minute of play with a chip shot lofted just out of Keeper (1) Levi  
Levesque's hands. The onslaught of shots continued with 5 more hitting  
the back of the net while Lisbon only responded once of the foot of  
Capt Dylan George (5) and ending the half 1-6.
A much more determined Greyhound team stepped onto the field for the  
2nd half. Halfbacks like Ben LeClair (10) limited opponent shots on  
goal by breaking off attacks midfield. Lisbon was the 1st to score in  
the 2nd half with Left Wing Noah Austin (8) feeding Striker Jonah  
Sautter (15) for an excellent goal from the PK area. Hall-Dale would  
sneak 1 more goal in with just over a minute left in the game.
The Greyhounds next face Oak Hill away on Thursday, September 26.
—Coach Reeves

Chop 'N' Drop: A Collaboration to Improve Stream Habitat for Brook Trout

During the summer of 2013, Maine wildlife and forest groups joined forces to learn how to "chop 'n' drop" in the woods to improve stream habitat. Historically, Maine streams were straightened or cleared by the timber industry to most efficiently transport logs to the mills but, unfortunately, these objectives negatively impacted brook trout habitat.

With log drives a thing of the past, Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Maine Forest Service, Forest Society of Maine, Plum Creek and others are working together to reverse history and put wood back in the water to fast track stream recovery. Learn more and watch the action from the "chop 'n' drop" at Intervale Brook near Greenville, Maine.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Hoodwinked and Bamboozled Once Again In Lisbon, Business As Usual, Duping The Taxpayers!


                      TAXPAYERS DUPED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is only normal human nature to want to see the best in an individual.  During the two Public Hearings on floating a bond for a million dollars for the purchase and demolition of the Worumbo Mill, Chairman Fern LaRochelle stepped down from his council seat and joined the audience.  We all believed that this was the right thing to do because of the circumstances surrounding his purchase of 2 Canal Street at a little more than half the offered price.  Chairman LaRochelle has been pushing the Worumbo Mill project from the start.  Everyone was impressed that Chairman LaRochelle had done the right thing.

However, at the last town council meeting, Chairman Fern LaRochelle voted on both agenda items that dealt with the Worumbo Mill.    Now we know why he stepped down at both Public Hearings.  It was not because it was the right thing to do but a tactic to ensure that he could vote on the Worumbo Project.  You see at neither Public Hearing did you hear Chairman LaRochelle or Vice Chair Lisa Ward say that Chairman LaRochelle had recused himself because of a possible conflict of interest.

We all listened to Vice Chair Ward tell us that according to the town attorney Roger Therriault there was no conflict of interest and Chairman LaRochelle could vote on the Worumbo Mill Project.  If and only if, Attorney Therriault had made this statement, he would be the dumbest person in Maine.  In fact, Chairman LaRochelle’s vote was the deciding vote in the recommendation of the council.  The motion would never have passed if he had not voted.  Vice Chair Ward did everything she could to justify Chairman LaRochelle's voting.

According to our Charter, Chapter 12 – Ethics and Conflicts of Interest, Section 12-2 under Definitions we learn what a conflict of interest really is.  “Conflict of Interest.  The term “conflict of interest” means a situation where a public official cannot participate in a matter because of personal relationship, financial involvement, or other situation that would cause a reasonable person to believe that the public official cannot act in his or her official capacity without self-interest or bias.” 

Apparently the town council feels the citizens of Lisbon are NOT reasonable people any more.  Chairman LaRochelle, at several meetings, admitted to consulting with the Miller Industries representatives prior to his purchase of the property at 2 Canal Street.  This would normally constitute “Insider Information” but not in Lisbon because we are no longer considered reasonable people.

Our town council cannot even go by our own Charter.  The Ethics Panel sits by and does nothing because no one submitted a claim for conflict of interest.  This is why Chairman LaRochelle waited until the night of the vote to act.  This way it is already done and therefore; what's the sense in trying to make it right.   Chairman LaRochelle counted on all of this and this is the reason he never recused himself. 

It certainly says a lot about Chairman LaRochelle and our Town Council doesn’t it!?!
Larry Fillmore


Submitted by: "Gordie"

Dr. Ben Carson is right! This is how you destroy the nation...

Submitted by: Joe Cote

Free family performances at the Oct. 5 Harvest Festival in Lisbon Falls‏

Wayne from Maine will entertain families at Lisbon’s annual Harvest Festival on Sat., Oct. 5 at the MTM Center in Lisbon Falls.

Bring your family and welcome the fall season in Lisbon Falls at the 5th Annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, Oct. 5 from 1-4 pm at the MTM Center on School Street.  Free performances include Wayne from Maine at 2 pm and singer/songwriter Keith Dover at 3 pm on the outdoor Pavilion Stage.

“Lisbon is continuing to live up to its growing reputation as a family friendly destination.  Join us at the Harvest Festival for some good old-fashioned fun,” said Ross Cunningham, President of Positive Change Lisbon, the coordinator of the event.

In addition, there will be plenty of children’s activities such as pumpkin painting, face design, cake walk, bouncy house, duck pond game, rock band hero and other activities run by Lisbon non-profits.

For more information contact Harvest Festival Media Contact Sharon Zylla at 740-8309 or

Positive Change Lisbon is an organization of business owners, citizens, and government officials who work together to make Lisbon a more attractive place to live, recreate and to conduct business. 

Vietnam POW 40th Reunion News Coverage

On May 24, 1973, President and First Lady Nixon hosted American Prisoners of War held captive in Vietnam for the largest dinner ever held at the White House.

40 years later, the Richard Nixon Foundation hosted what was perhaps their last reunion gathering. The following is a collection of television and print news coverage.

No matter what one thinks of Nixon now - watch this!

Submitted by: "Curt B." a Vietnam Fighter Pilot Veteran with a little side bar notation.

Paul Kari, you are interviewed in the video. 
After he left office, I had the honor to fly he and Pat from MIA to DCA on a B727.  I was the Captain on the flight and got on the plane from the ramp, no one was around, I walked onto the plane wondering if I had the correct gate and if I had just wasted a preflight.  I walked on board and the President and Mrs. Nixon were alone in First Class, the plane was hot with no ground AC or electrical power.  I introduced myself and apologized for the cabin temp and said that I’d correct it immediately.   He was very pleasant and said “thank you”.  I found out later that they turn the AC off so the bomb sniffing dogs can do their job.
Nixon sure didn’t back off from the Democraps, wish we had him in office now.
Cheers, Curt
With thanks to Cush.
From: Joseph Cushing  

GOPDD: Lawmaker ‘confident’ CIA gagging employee

by Amy

via wnd WASHINGTON — It’s not everyday the CIA effectively calls a member of Congress a liar, especially a veteran who is so well-respected on both sides of the aisle. But Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., isn’t backing down and is too seasoned to be intimidated. He is standing by his comment that a CIA employee […]

Lies, Lies, Lies: WorldNetDaily Exclusive Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate

Over two years ago this was blasted to the world but yet nothing has happened.  A travesty of Justice has been thrust upon the American people and the Apple Pie has been Poisoned. We are Broke, have tired Troops, Courting another War, Economy is Non Existent, Fuel Prices are Sky High, D.C. Beltway politico hacks are brain dead and mid term elections are just around the corner. The Main Stream Media Lies Like a Rug. We can't secure nor take care of problems in OUR own Country yet we dictate to others and give Billions of American Tax Dollars to Country's That Hate Us.  So How Much More Can The American People Take?

Signs affidavit declaring long-form, hospital-generated document absent

  author-image Jerome R. Corsi

 Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

Adams was employed at the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division from May 2008 through September 2008.
His position was senior elections clerk, overseeing a group of 50 to 60 employees responsible for verifying the identity of voters at the Absentee Ballot Office. It was in this capacity that Adams became aware of the search for Obama’s birth-certificate records.
See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!
“During the course of my employment,” Adams swears in the affidavit (viewable in full as part 1 and part 2), “I became aware that many requests were being made to the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division, the Hawaii Office of Elections, and the Hawaii Department of Health from around the country to obtain a copy of then-Senator Barack Obama’s long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate.”
As he inquired about the birth certificate, he says, his supervisors told him that the records were not on file at the Hawaii Department of Health.
“Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health,” Adams’ affidavit reads, “and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government.”

You Must Read More Here:

Democrats Out Stumping For Campaign Money While American Citizens Are Getting Shot: CHICAGO WAR ZONE: 20 SHOT, 5 DEAD SINCE FRIDAY, GOVERNOR MULLS NATIONAL GUARD

 Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
by clyde

Breitbart is reporting that deadly violence has continued to rage on in Chicago since Thursday night’s mass shooting that left 13 wounded, including a three-year old boy who was shot in the head. Between Friday and Sunday morning, there have been at least 20 more shot leaving five dead and 15 injured. Police shot one man wanted in connection with a burglary, as he allegedly tried to drive his car into a police car.
The ongoing epidemic has prompted Chicago media to question Governor Pat Quinn about the need for additional support for law enforcement. Quinn told reporters there have not been any specific conversations about the use of Illinois State Police or National Guard to assist Chicago Police however did say he is “open” to it.
“I think anyone who saw what happened in Cornell Park [Thursday’s mass shooting of 13] the other night was horrified by the violence. I live on the West Side of Chicago. It is an area that has been inflicted with violence, and we’ve got to protect the people,” Quinn said.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was traveling around the country, appearing on the Late Show and fundraising for Newark, New Jersey Mayor Corey Booker during last week’s string of violence. After releasing a statement about the Thursday’s massacre, Emanuel received strong criticism from his residents on the Mayor’s official Facebook page.
One resident said, “Mayor Emanuel, we need you to focus on Chicago and get off the world stage.”
Emanuel and Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy have continued to iterate Chicago murders have declined from 2012’s bloodbath year by 21%, while both continuing to for push for more gun restrictions to curb the ongoing “gun violence.”
Deonta Howard, the three-year old boy shot on Thursday night is said to be “recovering,” but will need some plastic surgery.
One south side Chicago resident told Breitbart News, the mass shooting occurred on a basketball court, “right underneath one the police crime monitor cameras.” He asked, “why haven’t the police released any of that footage, so people can help try to find the shooters?”
Chicago Police have not announced any arrests in that shooting.

 We sincerely wish the wounded a chance to heal complication free and express our deepest of heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased victims.

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  breezy and dry. Mtn. shower pm? highs 56-64 N/S.
Tuesday; breezy and dry. Lows 36-41. highs 58-66 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 37-45 N/S. highs 64-69.
Thursday; quiet and dry. Lows 40-48 N/S. highs 65-70, cooler coast.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 42-49 N/S. highs 66-71 N/S. cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 42-49 N/S. highs 67-72 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; quiet and dry. Lows 43-50 N/S. highs 69-75 N/S, cooler coast.

Thanks 'Rufe'

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The First Day of Fall: Compliments of Paul Cyr Photography

 It won't be long before things begin to look a lot like winter

Compliments of

GOPDD: Martial Law To Begin October 1st? Is this Hype or History in the Making?

 I sincerely hope that this is all hype and will be proven wrong, BUT what if it isn't? You need to listen and take action for your own safety.

Martial Law to be called on or about October first

via Before It’s News
According to this brand new video from Kevin Allan, martial law in America will begin on or about the 1st of October, 2013, merely days away. The facts shared in this video are plentiful, many provided by FreePatriot.Org in this linked story. Are we only days away from our worst nightmares?
What if our worse fears are confirmed? We’ve been watching as the criminal forces within the U.S. government slowly work their way into a more entrenched position in the machinery of power. What if the reason we have so many of our troops overseas, including our national guardsmen, is to remove them from the scene of an American coup?
Could that be the real ultimate motive behind the foreign wars? There is a lot of information contained in this video and the accompanying text from Added together, there is more than a little cause for concern. We should all pray that it is just a conspiracy theorist’s nightmare. If there is more to it, it will be a real life nightmare for the whole world.

The Freedom Index- Congressional Scorecard Based On The U.S. Constitution Rates Congressmen

 People You Do Remember The United States Constitution Don't You?

The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. The percentages below are cumulative scores are based on key votes from 1999 through 2013. Click on a senator’s or representative’s name to get a detailed breakdown of his or her voting record.
Current Members of the 113th Congress, see how your state politicians rank, it is pretty simple,  click here.

Sen. Susan Collins - 40% Sen. Angus King - 22% Dist.1: Chellie Pingree - 25% Dist.2: Michael Michaud - 27%

Complete listing by states and more here:


GOPDD: SEAL Team 6 Families’ Suspicions Of Obama Administration Grow: We Believe Someone Made A Deal With The Enemy

via patdalloard
Excerpted from WND: More than two years after President Obama reassured the father of a member of SEAL Team 6 that the government would look into the death of his son, the father is still waiting for a response, and his suspicions are growing.
On Aug. 9, 2011, Taliban forces were waiting for a Chinook helicopter carrying members of the elite unit SEAL Team 6 to approach its landing site. The helicopter was attacked from three sides in a coordinated ambush.

Although it was known Taliban forces were in the area, the SEALs did not have the air cover that was a standard procedure for missions of that type. During the ambush, the Chinook was reportedly shot down by a shoulder-fired missile, killing all 38 people on board, including 25 American special operations personnel, five U.S. Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, a U.S. military dog, seven Afghan commandos and an Afghan interpreter.
Charles Strange, whose son Michael was killed in the ambush, said in a meeting with President Obama after the attack he whispered in the president’s ear to ask him if there would be a congressional investigation into the death of his son. Obama whispered back, “We will look very, very, very, deep into this.”
However, more than two years after the attack, the families are still waiting for answers, and they now have filed a lawsuit in an attempt to find out what happened. The lawsuit is being handled by Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, who is also a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor.
The suit is asking for $200 million in damages against Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for revealing that SEAL Team 6 carried out the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. Also named as defendants are the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who is alleged to have tipped the Taliban off about the coordinates of the Extortion 17 operation.
Despite the amount of damages sought, Klayman says the issue is not about the money but rather to ensure that the rules of engagement and other events leading up to the ambush are changed to protect soldiers in the field.
‘We do want answers’
“While we do want answers, we also want the rules of engagement changed to ensure that their sons did not die in vain,” Klayman said. “The military and the administration should have known better. They should have known that SEAL Team 6 was a target because they made them a target.”
Among the current rules of engagement are orders not to fire unless specifically fire upon. The reasoning behind the order is that the military is there to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.
The downing of the helicopter came just months after SEAL Team 6 conducted the raid that killed bin Laden. Normally, when operations of that nature are conducted, the identities of the units involved are kept classified for operational security. However, following the bin Laden raid, Vice President Joe Biden and the administration confirmed that SEAL Team 6 members had conducted the operation.
After the leaking of their identity by Biden, members of SEAL Team 6 became concerned for their safety and the safety of their family members.
Aaron Vaughn, a member of the team who would eventually be killed on that Aug. 6, warned his mother to delete every reference to SEAL Team 6 from her Facebook and Twitter accounts.
“I never heard Aaron this concerned and worried in his entire life,” Mrs. Vaughn said in an interview. “He called me and said, ‘Mom, you and Dad have to take everything down. Biden has just put a huge target on everybody.’”
Charles Strange said his son Michael, a Special Forces serviceman with the unit, also had premonitions about his impending death after Biden’s leak of their identity.
“Michael was home in June, and he talked to us, saying he was worried and felt he needed to update his will,” Strange said. “My son already had a will that was filled out long before this, so why would he suddenly bring it up again? It was almost as if he knew something was going to happen to him. They labeled those men; the question is, why did they do it?”
Several circumstances surrounding the crash also have raised disturbing questions for the family members.
Among their questions are why seven Afghan commandos on the flight suddenly were replaced just before takeoff. The seven individuals, who also died in the attack, are not listed in the flight manifest. This has caused some of the family members to speculate that they may have been suicide bombers or may have tipped off the Taliban.
Inside job?
When asked if they believed the attack possibly was an inside job, several family members responded in the affirmative.
Billy Vaughn, father of killed Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, told WND that “yes,” he believed it was an inside job.
Doug Hamburger, whose son Patrick was a flight engineer and gunner with the SEALs, said that at the very least, he believed Afghan president Hamid Karzai tipped off the Taliban.
Strange went even further, saying he believed there was collaboration between the U.S. and Afghan governments to shoot down the helicopter.
“I believe the Afghan administration and someone on their side definitely made a deal with somebody on our side. It says in the investigation report that back in May the military knew the Taliban was in that location with the intent of shooting down an American helicopter. Knowing this why were they sent in without air cover?”
The official explanation by the U.S. military is that the Chinook was struck by a shoulder-fired missile, which caused the helicopter to explode, burning everyone beyond recognition.
However, there are several things that have caused the family to doubt the official explanation that it was simply a “lucky shot,” as Army investigators declared.
“I don’t want to hear about it being a lucky shot, a lucky shot would’ve been a clean miss,” Strange said.
Following the ambush, the Army ordered the remains of everyone on the helicopter cremated, they were simply unrecognizable.
However, Michael Strange’s body apparently showed no sign of being burned by the explosion from the missile. His father obtained a copy of Michael’s autopsy report and photographs of his body and said there was no sign of fire damage.
“There’s nothing wrong with the body except for his ankle, but they claimed everybody was burned beyond recognition, yet there he was lying there whole and intact,” Strange said. “His hair and arms weren’t burned, and there was no sign of smoke in his lungs. When I called the command up and asked them about this they seem shocked that I had the photo. They told me ‘we’ll get back to you,’ but they never did.”
‘We’ll get back to you’
“Why did they cremate my boy? We are Christians and do not believe in cremation; there was no reason for them to do that,” Strange said.
Eyebrows also were raised when a Muslim imam was invited by the Obama administration to pray over the fallen soldiers. During the prayer, the imam reportedly recited a prayer from the Quran that damned the fallen warriors to hell for being infidels. The ceremony did not feature any similar prayer from a Christian chaplain.
Another strange occurrence about the ambush is that the evidence that would reveal how the helicopter was shot down has gone missing.
The Chinook’s black box never was recovered. The military claims a rare flash flood came through the area and washed the box away. However, aircraft black boxes are designed to take that kind of punishment and have even been recovered from the ocean floor.
Another piece of evidence missing is any recording of the explosion by an aerial drone in the area. Hamburger said the military provided the men involved in missions of that kind with a variety of assets in the air.
“When they go out on an operation like this, the military normally has a stack of protection above them that includes two Apache helicopters, a C-130 and a drone to help see what is going on. When the men of Extortion 17 flew into that valley, they did not have a stack over them.
“We were told, and it is in the official report that the ‘eye in the sky,’ meaning the camera on the drone, was inoperative during the time the Chinook was shot down,” Hamburger said. “Yet we have two soldiers, including one of my son’s friends, who told us they saw Extortion 17 get shot down from the cameras on that drone at one of the other forward operating bases. We would really like to see that footage and have it handed over to an expert who could analyze it to see the sequence of how the helicopter was exploded and what happened.”
Hamburger says even more amazingly, he was told the problem with the footage somehow resolved itself later during the ambush after the helicopter was shot down.
“We asked if the camera was not working why was the drone still in the area rather than being sent back to base. They told us the problem with the camera was not an ongoing issue, but was simply a glitch that happened at the exact time Extortion 17 was shot down.”
‘We don’t know what happened”
Klayman said while he understands tragic things happen in war, by refusing to answer legitimate questions by family members the government is acting like it has something to hide.
“Over two years after Extortion 17 was shot down, the families still have these unanswered questions. All of this raises the distinct possibility of a cover-up as to what really happened. We don’t know what happened and none of these answers are forthcoming.”
Hamburger said while any individual could be dismissed if taken alone, but together they suggest a cover-up.
“You sit there and add up the score and what you have is a case where the black box is missing, the eye in the sky is out, and there was no support aircraft in the area.
Everything you typically do for safety and to help out the helicopter and crew is non-existent. Additionally, all of the things you would need to take a look at what happened has disappeared. All you have is a downed aircraft and a bunch of dead soldiers.”
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, is among elected officials who are demanding answers. He and his subcommittee on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are investigating the crash.

How True This Rings for Lisbon; 'Justice Delayed is Justice Denied': Father Of Benghazi Victim: We Have No Justice, Very Few Truthful Answers About Benghazi

Where is the Missing $32,500?
Before you go buying "White Elephants" in Town you should clean-up the past CORRUPTION Scandals.

NaturalNews: Medical insanity: Two-year-old subjected to bariatric surgery

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In the latest example of medical insanity, we're now learning that an obese two-year-old child has been subjected to bariatric surgery.
Somehow, neither the surgeons nor the parents could figure out why the infant kept gaining weight.
The brilliant idea of "stop feeding him so much!" apparently never crossed their minds:

Here's why you should avoid taking the seasonal flu vaccine:

Scientists accused of "citation stacking" to falsely boost the apparent popularity of their research:

Check out these vegetables that boost your immune system:

Monsanto gets blasted by the Daily Show:

More news continues below...

Sunday on The Robert Scott Bell Show LIVE from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Post-equiniox, are you ready for the CDC infectious disease fear-mongering? We've got your remedies! Call with your questions or comments 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today from
- The art of clean living
- The silver lining behind the GMO controversy
- Choose thermography, not mammography

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(NaturalNews) Your mind has a mind of its own. The subconscious mind is operating around the clock, processing information and creating sub-realities outside of your awareness. If you doubt this, then you must not believe that dreaming is possible...

Scientists accused of engaging in 'citation stacking' to boost journal profiles, much like 'black hat' SEO
(NaturalNews) Four Brazilian scientific journals and ten others from around the world have been barred from the influential Thomson Reuters Impact Factor rating system for one year following the discovery that a cohort of editors published a series of...

Brain-eating amoeba are proven vulnerable to extracts of an extraordinary, yet common Midwest American Indian plant
(NaturalNews) Recently, quite a stir has been created over so called "brain-eating amoeba" found in the water supplies of Louisiana. The species, known as Naegleria fowleri, has also been shown to occur in 70% of lakes around the United States...

More Americans exercising while they work with desk treadmills or active sitting balls
(NaturalNews) Desk jobs are evolving. More Americans are getting off their butts at work. Corporations like Microsoft, Procter and Gamble, and Coca-Cola have begun purchasing new treadmill desks in bulk. In fact, TreadDesk's sales are expected to increase...

Eating honey the right way
(NaturalNews) It is said that honey is one of the most nutritious natural foods available. This syrup produced by bees not only contains natural sugars but also contains a bunch of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial ingredients. But of course, just...

Protesters march on South Carolina congressional offices, capitol to legalize marijuana
(NaturalNews) Twenty states and the District of Columbia have passed laws in recent years decriminalizing marijuana for medical use, but not a single state in the Southeast is yet included among these. However, that could soon change, as activists from...

Vegetables that boost your immune system
(NaturalNews) Because of the proliferation of health problems, people are constantly looking for ways to strengthen their immune system. While most resort to finding supplements and other health products, you can actually raise your immunity by simply...

CDC says heart disease deaths can be prevented by putting more elderly Americans on prescription medications
(NaturalNews) You can forget about all those legitimate disease prevention methods like avoiding hydrogenated oils, refined sugars, genetically-modified organisms and excess grains; exercising daily; and supplementing with omega-3s and other important...

Prostate health and zinc
(NaturalNews) When humankind looks up at the stars, there is a tendency to feel small, even infinitesimal against the backdrop of the universe. However small we are; in the end, we still play a major role. The prostate gland, an organ found only in men...

Natural News exclusive: Whole Foods Market whistleblower says employees were deliberately trained to lie about GMOs - new Organic Spies video
(NaturalNews) A new video from the group calling itself "Organic Spies" is once again rocking the organic food industry. In the video, a woman who identifies herself as a former employee of Whole Foods Market (WFM) testifies that she and other employees...

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by clyde
Breitbart is reporting that americans who are fed up with Obamacare won a victory yesterday. The House voted to defund Obamacare while still funding the federal government to avoid a “devastating” shutdown. (I shall not digress, but it’s beyond distressing to hear liberals try to convince Americans that any government slowdown is comparable to “terrorism.”) […]