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Sunday, September 29, 2013

NaturalNews: The big lie of genetics: DNA insufficient to describe physical beings‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The more I look into the assumptions of science, the more questions seem to emerge.
In my education, which includes university courses on genetics, I was taught that human DNA contains the entire "blueprint" of a human being.
This turns out to be a false assumption. It's the "big lie" of genetics. And in today's article, I explain exactly why the human genome simply cannot store enough data to describe a human body:

Medical horror: A man diagnosed as "comatose" for 23 years was actually fully conscious but paralyzed:

Want to know which foods are most alkaline? Check out this list:

Chipotle drops bacon from its pinto beans; vegetarians rejoice!

How to reduce lower back pain with simple exercises:

Only 1 day left on the Natural News Store Anniversary Sale. Use coupon code shanti0913 to save 15% on anniversary items on orders over $149:

More news continues below...

Today from
- The two-aisle grocery shopping solution
- Supplemental iodine prevents breast cancer
- Is your virgin olive oil a FAKE?

Sunday on The Robert Scott Bell Show, September 29, 2013, from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT! We’ll talk about the healing power of water and how food-grown nutrients can prevent and reverse disease! Call with your questions or comments 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

The big lie of genetics exposed: human DNA incapable of storing complete blueprint of the human form
(NaturalNews) The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can't turn it off, I've discovered. So you become a critical thinker about everything you've been told or taught, and as it turns out, most of what we've all been taught about genetics is...

Obamacare chief highly evasive when asked whether exchanges will be ready on Oct. 1
(NaturalNews) Have you noticed that, when administration officials are asked specific questions about Obamacare, they tend to not want to answer them directly? Usually when that happens it's because a) they don't know the answer, or b) they know...

Man diagnosed as 'comatose' for 23 years was actually fully conscious, but paralyzed
(NaturalNews) Imagine being stuck in your bed, conscious but unable to speak or move, for a quarter of your life, while everyone around you thought you were just a comatose "vegetable." This is what happened to 50-year-old Rom Houben of Belgium, who back...

Vegetarians celebrate as Chipotle decides to drop bacon from its pinto beans
(NaturalNews) Longtime fans of Chipotle's bacon-simmered pinto beans will soon have to accept a vegetarian alternative in its place, as the fresh food chain recently confirmed that it is phasing out all meat and animal products from this burrito ingredient...

'Drunkorexia' the latest bizarre disorder pushed by behavioralists
(NaturalNews) Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are well known eating disorders. The first involves starving to get or stay ultra thin, and the latter involves binge eating and purposely vomiting to get or stay ultra thin. Obviously, both are unhealthy...

Fake cancer woman sentenced to jail for bilking the public with fraudulent fundraiser
(NaturalNews) A 38 year old woman in Springfield, Ohio, was recently convicted for collecting over $5,750 in donations from small impromptu fundraisers during 2012 and 2013. The fundraisers were informal work place and local restaurant affairs that were...

Vegetables: Raw and juicing to a healthier life
(NaturalNews) A great way to improve one's health is to ensure that one eats a lot of fresh vegetables that have been minimally processed and are raw, organic and locally-grown. The problem is that not everybody can eat raw vegetables. To solve this problem...

California unemployment welfare system breaking down, workers receiving death threats for late 'benefit checks'
(NaturalNews) If you have ever wondered why politicians will keep those welfare checks and benefits rolling for as long as they can, while sometimes letting other truly vital services go unfunded, this story will explain it to you. NBC affiliate...

Reduce lower back pain with the right back exercises
(NaturalNews) Around four out of five people experience back pain during their lifetime, and many people suffer chronic pain that lowers their quality of life. Surgery is rarely needed for back problems and accepting living with daily pain is also a rare...

FDA now trying to regulate 'smartphone' apps by blocking all natural medicine technology from mobile devices
(NaturalNews) The internet is no longer the only open-source communication medium that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is trying to censor. The Alliance for Natural Health - USA (ANH-USA) reports that the FDA is now going after...

Can diet alone cure deadly diseases?
(NaturalNews) Can Diet Alone Cure Deadly Disease? 90-year-old Charlotte Gerson looks very healthy for her age. Her blue eyes seem to sparkle with youth and vitality. Gerson...

Texas lawmen break into woman's home to film the action for YouTube reality show
(NaturalNews) As Natural News has reported often, we respect the dedication and hard work of police officers, all of whom put their lives on the line for the communities they serve and protect. But we've also noticed an increasingly disturbing trend...

Foods that are most alkaline
(NaturalNews) An alkaline diet maximizes people's vitality, since the tissues become supple and inflammation is lessened. There are many people who suffer from inflammations these days because of a non-alkaline diet. These inflammations cause diseases...

Open-pit mine in Maine contaminates soil, water and wildlife with heavy metals
(NaturalNews) Large-scale mining yields precious subterranean resources, but with all the digging and displacing, there comes consequences, especially in volatile environments that people depend on. With the open-pit mining comes the releasing and dumping...

Cystic Fibrosis treatment found to be ineffective in younger children
(NaturalNews) In a normal, healthy person, mucus is a wet, gooey substance that coats certain body organs and lubricates the inner lining of things such as your nose and throat. It is a necessary part of healthy body function. It not only keeps your organs...

Detailed audit finds U.S. government routinely inflates terrorism statistics to scare populace into compliance
(NaturalNews) Your own government wouldn't use fear and intimidation in order to push an agenda - would it? Absolutely it would. Enter "the terrorist threat." Most Americans know that the threat of terrorism exists. The two gaping holes where the...

Golden rice exposed as fraud: Genetically engineered crop nothing more than biotech battering ram to crush GMO regulations
(NaturalNews) Everywhere you turn in the media, GMO propagandists are invoking so-called "Golden rice" as part of a false narrative that claims GMOs will save the world. Golden rice will save a million lives, blared the cover of TIME Magazine. Golden...

Lisbon Town Council Agenda For Tuesday October 1, 2013

                                         TOWN COUNCIL MEETING
                                       TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2013
                                           LISBON TOWN OFFICE
                                                      7:00 P.M.



___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Larochelle
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Mason
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Victualer License for Randall Smith d/b/a Pinky D’s




2013-154 ORDER −
A. Victualer License for Randall Smith d/b/a Pinky D’s

B.Minutes of September 17, 2013


2013-155 ORDER −
Fuel Bids

2013-156 ORDER −
Agency Liquor Store Relocation - Bootleggers

2013-157 ORDER −
New Agency Liquor Stores - Food City, Lisbon Gulf, and Rite Aid

2013-158 ORDER −

2013-159 ORDER −
Winter Sand Bids


A. Androscoggin River Trail Update

B. Town Manager’s Report




2013-160 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter - EMA Director

2013-160 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter -Water Department

2013-161 ORDER −
To Adjourn


I read a paper circulating in town that bond for the Womubo  Mill includes the Mill St. property.

Is this true??
                                                                           DEEP THROAT

Friday, September 27, 2013

GOPDD: Bombshell: Exclusive Benghazi Insider‏

by clyde
via Before It's News ALEX JONES: “A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda.”

 The murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi was an organized hit to cover up direct arm deals.


NaturalNews: Obamacare begins to implode as technical failures emerge‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Even before it is launched, Obamacare is already starting to fall apart at the seams.
Technical failures now plague the D.C. exchange, and prices are "broken" until mid-November. Lots more tech failures to come:

I've got more news for you today on so-called golden rice. In today's story, I reveal even more details about the medical fraud being perpetrated by the GMO industry to use golden rice as a "battering ram" that destroys GMO regulations:

Flu vaccines for the public are now being formulated with a highly toxic experimental adjuvant linked to Gulf War Syndrome:

Check out these top ten superfoods for boosting your energy:

New research links aluminum to breast cancer:

More news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: The Healing Revolution with Dr. Frank King reveals how to reverse GMO damage with homeopathy. Liam Scheff talks Fukushima! Listen in at

Today from
- Lycopene being recognized as a nutritional sunscreen
- How to keep away colds and flu
- U.S. alfalfa farmers now facing GMO contamination

Golden rice exposed as fraud: Genetically engineered crop nothing more than biotech battering ram to crush GMO regulations
(NaturalNews) Everywhere you turn in the media, GMO propagandists are invoking so-called "Golden rice" as part of a false narrative that claims GMOs will save the world. Golden rice will save a million lives, blared the cover of TIME Magazine. Golden...

Obamacare failures begin: D.C. health exchange prices are broken until mid-November
(NaturalNews) Less than a week before the "official" roll-out of Obamacare and the system is in a shambles. Americans remain fearful and confused about the new law. Benefits and pricing still hasn't been worked out. And worse, some of the state and...

U.S. Senator: We don't need to defund Obamacare; it will collapse on its own
(NaturalNews) A leading U.S. senator says there is no need to try to defund Obamacare, because he and other lawmakers believe that the law will simply collapse in on itself. Senate Minority Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaking in the nation's capital after...

Highly toxic squalene MF59 adjuvant that caused Gulf War syndrome in military servicemen now being added to some civilian flu vaccines
(NaturalNews) Compulsory vaccination has long been a requirement to serve in the U.S. armed forces, and it is well documented that many of the vaccines administered to servicemen over the years have been experimental in nature, meaning they contained...

The immune boosting power of astragalus
(NaturalNews) Adaptogenic herbs have beneficial stress adapting properties that they pass on to those who consume them to support healthy function. Astragalus is an herb that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to assist the body...

Ex-pharmacist gets 14 years in federal prison for covering hospital surfaces with same toxic substance doctors inject into children
(NaturalNews) It can still be found in virtually every influenza vaccine available at your local CVS, Rite Aid or Walgreens pharmacy, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains an official position that it is perfectly safe...

Top superfoods for boosting energy
(NaturalNews) Superfoods supply lots of nutrients that may often not be available from crops grown in mineral depleted soils that are common with our monoculture agriculture. They also supply more nutrients and/or antioxidants with less bulk and fewer...

What if I told you carrots cure cancer?
(NaturalNews) Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children's books, cured her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only. She states, "I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer - and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary...

Spice up your love life with jasmine
(NaturalNews) Warm summer nights. Romantic, moonlit walks beside a lake or in a garden with your mate. These are the images portrayed by the scent of Jasmine. In India, the Jasmine plant has been a known aphrodisiac for centuries. Jasmine works on men...

New research links aluminum to breast cancer
(NaturalNews) Recent studies point to a strong link between aluminum and breast cancer. The correlation between aluminum and brain damage, including Alzheimer's disease, has been established by extensive research and is reason enough to avoid aluminum...

Prescription pain patches continue to kill children, but FDA decides to keep deadly drug on the market anyway
(NaturalNews) The number of deaths caused by exposure to a type of transdermal opioid painkiller drug known as a fentanyl patch are on the rise among young children, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to lend its support to the...

'Safe' doses of sugar still toxic to mice: Are you dying a 'sweet death?'
(NaturalNews) Eating a mostly healthy diet but still consuming what the government says are "safe" levels of processed sugar -- that is, a few sugar-added beverages here and there and an occasional dessert in "moderation" -- is still a recipe for early...

Detoxing the body of parasites - Discover the best herbal remedies for banishing these health destroying intruders
(NaturalNews) Linked with cancer, seizures, asthma and more, parasites are an invisible, yet very real, threat to health. Difficult to diagnose, physicians and medical personnel often miss the connection between a parasitic infection and serious disease...

Roobios tea - A history lesson
(NaturalNews) A member of the legume family, rooibos "red bush" is a shrub with needle-shaped leaves that grows in South Africa's fynbos, one of the richest botanical areas in the world. It is used to make a flavorful caffeine-free herbal tea with many...

Enjoy the many health benefits using apple cider vinegar
(NaturalNews) Apple cider vinegar has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. Apple cider vinegar has also been utilized to treat allergies, acne, flu, pets, and dermatitis. Apple cider elevates pH levels, increasing alkalinity in the body....

Court clerk fired for helping a wrongfully accused man after 34 years at job, proving the judicial system could care less about justice
(NaturalNews) For years, Natural News has maintained that the U.S. system of incarceration is about money and control, and that it is far less concerned about noble concepts like "justice" and "rehabilitation." This story provides more proof of these...

From the front lines of medicine, disillusioned nurse reveals why America's health care system is imploding
(NaturalNews) America's health care system is crumbling. Costs are skyrocketing to the point where employers are now forced to simply fire people in order to avoid the enormous financial burden of paying for their health care. Obamacare was sold to the...

Blood donations from people vaccinated against HPV may be harmful to recipients
(NaturalNews) A shocking new report reveals that receiving blood donated from someone vaccinated with Gardasil, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, may be downright dangerous...

P.S. Only 3 days left on the Natural News Store Anniversary Sale. Use coupon code shanti0913 to save 15% on anniversary items on orders over $149:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

GOPDD: Oh My: White House Announces Another Major Obamacare Delay

by clyde
via Townhall I'm shocked. Not by the latest in a long list of postponements -- Americans should hunker down for a deluge of fresh problems, delays and excuses next week -- but by the White House's jaw-droppingly bad timing and messaging. (Although, come to think of it, should I be?) President Obama traveled to Maryland […]

GOPDD: Blitzer to Carney: Hey, why did Obama vote against raising the debt ceiling?

by clyde
via Hotair This is sort of weak sauce as tough questioning goes— a bit of a throwaway at the end of the segment with no follow-up— but we take what we can get when it comes to occasionally pricking holes in the narrative. Though the questioning isn’t aggressive, the overarching message of the segment, for […]

Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 09/26/13, PWS vs Oak Hill

Lisbon's Greyhounds tasted their first victory of the season upon  
solidly defeating Oak Hills' Raiders 5-3 in a thrilling battle away on  
a cool dry field.
Sugg brought high intensity action dominating play and making over 20  
shots on goal and Striker (15) Jonah Sautter being the first to fire  
one past the Raider goalie. Oak Hill's  Cohen Donnell (46) responded  
with a goal but the half time whistle would not sound before Lisbon's  
Left Wing Noah Austin (8) would again break the tie. Raiders returned  
from the break fired up with Nate Ashton (51) scoring, only to be  
doused by another shot by Sautter into the net. Oak Hill's final goal  
was made by Travis Nadeau (57). 'Hound Offenders dominated the field  
with DJ Douglas and Glenn Hill making excellent use of the breadth of  
the field and allowing Sautter yet 2 more goals to secure the win.
The [1-3] Greyhounds next match will be their first home game, Monday,  
September 30 against Winthrop.

—Coach Reeves

FAQ: What is Obamacare?

We direct you to a website that will explain in easy to understand terms that most should be able to comprehend.

Here it is:

BrasscheckTV: Was the Navy Yard shooter a mind control experiment gone wrong?‏ (assassination-studies-1/this-technology-exists-it-has-for-decades)

This technology exists: It has for decades
Even the lame stream media admits it

'My ELF Weapon': More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind Control Weapons

 The mainstream media is reporting that suspected Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis carved the phrases "My ELF Weapon" and "Better off this way" into his weapon before 12 people were reportedly killed with it in a mass shooting this week. ELF typically stands for extremely low frequency, the type of waves used in everything from weather weapons to mind control devices.

Can you imagine having voices talk to you, directly inside your head, for weeks on end? What if you went to authorities only to find they thought you were insane? What if those voices wouldn't stop? What if they commanded you to do something you didn't want to, something unspeakable, over and over and over, even invading your sleep without reprieve? What if they finally promised you rest, finally promised you that you would be "Better off this way" if you just did what they asked?

While we don't really know what happened that day, more and more it appears that Alexis had been a target of directed energy weapons. The Washington Post is even admitting that ELF is used in conjunction with 'weather efforts'! Discussion that would have been considered the talk of crazy conspiracy theorists even six months ago is apparently mainstream now...

My Article:
WP story:
WT story:

Twitter: @TruthstreamNews

­Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Strange facts about the Navy Yard shooting. 
The strangest thing is that the "unbelievable" 
technology to do this to people exists and has for
- Brasscheck

 ELF: Extremely low frequency

It is absolutely possible to “broadcast” sound directly to a single person so that it sounds like it it’s coming from within your own skull and no one else can hear it.

I first saw a demonstration of this in the 1980s and in the 1990s I met someone who independently developed some of the technology to do this (which was picked up by the military as soon as they found out about it.)

Was Aaron Alexis a victim of this weapon?

Some facts:

Alexis said he was hearing voices in his head.

He claimed these voices were keeping him up all night (sleep deprivation will drive anyone crazy.)

He carved “My ELF weapon” into the stock of his shotgun.

Is any of this proof of anything?

No, but it’s worth paying attention to...especially since the technology to do this exists.

- See more at:

For more Assassination studies: videos, click here

For more Assassination studies: videos, click here

See the complete catalog of
brasscheck tv videos
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Navy Yard Shooting, Facts You Won't Find or Hear About In The Lame Stream Media

From someone in the know: 
I'm continuing to write about the Washington Navy Yard here because I have represented those wonderful police officers for fifteen years and the fact that this page has developed a fairly large following.

The call for the active shooter went out around 8:25 a.m. on Monday morning. As I noted in my earlier postings, only six police officers were on duty at the time with five of those officers in fixed posts. Chief of Police Mike McKinney was on road patrol and was the first to respond to the scene. He met the security officer (who was later killed) at the front door who told the chief that the shooter was on the 4th floor and warned him of the overlook into the atrium.

Chief McKinney put out the call for mutual assistance and at that time Captain Bobby Eason arrived. Both immediately went to the 4th Floor - it was chaotic as people fled for their lives - they got to the 4th floor and the shooter (we will not mention his name) had moved into a stairwell - there are 6 stairwells in that bldg.
The police radios were not working inside the bldg. and possibly dead - (we have had a number of issues with the Navy on providing adequate radios to officers - which has also fallen on deaf ears) and communications was virtually non-existent. In the meantime, the officers could see injured or deceased victims and were hearing gun shots. They headed toward the gun shots down to the third floor - someone had pulled the fire alarm making it extremely difficult for the two officers to hear where the shots were precisely coming from.

In the interim, the officers who were on fixed posts had closed up their posts and had to run almost half a mile from their posts to try and get to the NAVSEASYS building which is down on the Anacostia River.
Why did they have to run??? Because the Navy had taken away their patrol cars as a cost savings measure. So now we have two officers in the NAVSEASYS Blgd - officers running a half mile because of no police cars after working all night, virtually no communications because of a poor radio system and the inability to switch over to the Metropolitan PD Radio frequency, as other police departments are able to do.

The Washington Navy Yard Police Officers still entered the building without concern for their own safety to try and stop this fellow. The security guard told the officers where the Chief and Capt were.

By then, the Chief and Capt were down on the third level and found two victims apparently dead. This guy was moving around. Seven minutes AFTER Chief McKinney sounded the request for mutual aid, MPD Officers started arriving. By then the chief and captain had been joined by two other security officers. Still shots were being fired and echoing through the building. Officers were teaming up with WNY Police Officers who knew the building layout.

At some point, this guy apparently made it to the first floor where he confronted the security officer - executed him and took his sidearm. He then headed back up the stairwell and was confronted by an MPD officer where they exchanged gun fire and an MPD Officer was shot multiple times in the legs. The shooter fled.

Washington Navy Yard Police Officers found the fallen officer and evacuated him to the rooftop for medevac - while other officers continued to hunt for this guy. This guy was now just shooting at anything that moved while people still fled the building. Finally he was confronted by a US Park Police Officer with an M-4, along with another police officer on the second floor who killed this guy with a shot to the head. And then it was over.

I'm disappointed that the coverage has not spoken about the heroism of the Washington Navy Yard Police Officers - the lack of equipment and the lack of manpower along with the Navy's general indifference to civilian law enforcement. But we WILL get that message out.

To chief McKinney, Captain Bobby Eason, FOP NDW Chairman Anthony Meely and all the WNY Officers who risked their lives, you are heroes in my eyes even if the Navy refuses to recognize your sacrifices.

Stephen G. DeNigris, Esq.

WND EXCLUSIVE Watch deputy face 3 armed citizens

‘Most people today who occupy those positions are corrupt individuals’
 A blogger is praising a law enforcement officer who respectfully visits with three open-carry protesters and his compliments are being joined by dozens of commenters on the Last Resistance website.
Philip Hodges posted online the video from a Michigan encounter between the officer and several sign-carrying conservatives who were advocating for Second Amendment rights.  
“You’ll never guess what happens when this sheriff confronts 3 open-carry protesters,” Hodges wrote.
“I am usually critical of police these days. But I’m not ‘anti-police.’ Just like I’m not anti-congressman or anti-senator or even anti-president. But let’s face it. Most people today who occupy those positions are corrupt individuals. They exert far more power than their constitutional authority allows,” Hodges wrote.
He continued, The Constitution was written to restrain them, because the Founding Fathers understood the temptations of power that come with holding positions of authority. But we have spineless politicians who are never satisfied with the ‘limited’ power they wield, so representatives in all branches of local, state and federal government are constantly reinterpreting the Constitution to accommodate their lusts for more power, which in turn takes freedoms and liberties away from the very people who put these ‘leaders’ in their positions.”
Hodges, however, noted there are a few good guys around yet.
“I have to say, this video completely took me off guard. Recently, we’ve seen so many open-carry protesters (or just ordinary citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights) met with paranoid, power-hungry cops who end up arresting them for ‘disturbing the peace,’ or ‘resisting arrest’ all because they carried a Glock on their hip or a rifle on their shoulder.”
This video, however, “You have to see it to believe it.”
According to those to posted the unidentified officer, “This man is a hero.”
“We saw the … sheriff car pull up so we all took out our camera-phones right away, anticipating trouble. This officer gets out of his car, waves to us, and walks right over. He shakes all of our hands, introduces himself, and states his purpose for walking over to us. (Somebody got scared and called). He never asked us to disarm, never threatened us, never asked for our names or identification. I think I can speak for everyone in the group that it was an honor to meet this man. This is what we need to see from police officers everywhere! ”
On the blog, dozens commented:
  “If all police officers presented themselves as this Dep. Sheriff did, it would go far to restore the respect we USED TO have and show toward our police.” 

  “Good man! Good man! 
  “This sheriff deserves a lot of praise for his understanding of the Constitution.” 
  “I just wish all sheriffs had his knowledge and attitude.” 
  “An absolutely great law officer, far and few between today…” 
The officer explained, “You guys aren’t doing anything wrong. … You got to look at this like this. If you have a can of gas in one hand and a lighter in the other that’s going to scare some folks. That’s what a gun’s going to do to a lot of uneducated…. A firearm to me was like a hammer or a screwdriver.”
Added Hodges, “Here’s a tidbit from the ‘confrontation’ that I thought was great, especially coming from a police officer. He asked the group, ‘What is the only constitutionally recognized law enforcement agency in the land?’ One of the open-carriers replied, ‘The sheriff’s department.’ The Sheriff gave a thumbs-up ‘Hoorah’ and continued:
“‘Every other [agency] was created by statute. That’s the FBI, the ATF, your local PDs, everything, DNR – statute, legislature, Congress has created them. The Constitution [only calls for] sheriffs. When I got into this line of work – because I was a young constitutionalist like yourselves – I said I want to work for the sheriff. I could’ve gone somewhere else and gotten a nice retirement package – the sheriff pays me well, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy working for him – but, to me, it’s very personal. I hold it in my heart, because it’s constitutional,’” the officer said.

A blogger is praising a law enforcement officer who respectfully visits with three open-carry protesters and his compliments are being joined by dozens of commenters on the Last Resistance website.
Philip Hodges posted online the video from a Michigan encounter between the officer and several sign-carrying conservatives who were advocating for Second Amendment rights.
“You’ll never guess what happens when this sheriff confronts 3 open-carry protesters,” Hodges wrote.
“I am usually critical of police these days. But I’m not ‘anti-police.’ Just like I’m not anti-congressman or anti-senator or even anti-president. But let’s face it. Most people today who occupy those positions are corrupt individuals. They exert far more power than their constitutional authority allows,” Hodges wrote.
He continued, “The Constitution was written to restrain them, because the Founding Fathers understood the temptations of power that come with holding positions of authority. But we have spineless politicians who are never satisfied with the ‘limited’ power they wield, so representatives in all branches of local, state and federal government are constantly reinterpreting the Constitution to accommodate their lusts for more power, which in turn takes freedoms and liberties away from the very people who put these ‘leaders’ in their positions.”
Hodges, however, noted there are a few good guys around yet.
“I have to say, this video completely took me off guard. Recently, we’ve seen so many open-carry protesters (or just ordinary citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights) met with paranoid, power-hungry cops who end up arresting them for ‘disturbing the peace,’ or ‘resisting arrest’ all because they carried a Glock on their hip or a rifle on their shoulder.”
This video, however, “You have to see it to believe it.”
According to those to posted the unidentified officer, “This man is a hero.”
“We saw the … sheriff car pull up so we all took out our camera-phones right away, anticipating trouble. This officer gets out of his car, waves to us, and walks right over. He shakes all of our hands, introduces himself, and states his purpose for walking over to us. (Somebody got scared and called). He never asked us to disarm, never threatened us, never asked for our names or identification. I think I can speak for everyone in the group that it was an honor to meet this man. This is what we need to see from police officers everywhere! ”
On the blog, dozens commented:
  • “If all police officers presented themselves as this Dep. Sheriff did, it would go far to restore the respect we USED TO have and show toward our police.”
  • “Good man! Good man!
  • “This sheriff deserves a lot of praise for his understanding of the Constitution.”
  • “I just wish all sheriffs had his knowledge and attitude.”
  • “An absolutely great law officer, far and few between today…”
The officer explained, “You guys aren’t doing anything wrong. … You got to look at this like this. If you have a can of gas in one hand and a lighter in the other that’s going to scare some folks. That’s what a gun’s going to do to a lot of uneducated…. A firearm to me was like a hammer or a screwdriver.”
Added Hodges, “Here’s a tidbit from the ‘confrontation’ that I thought was great, especially coming from a police officer. He asked the group, ‘What is the only constitutionally recognized law enforcement agency in the land?’ One of the open-carriers replied, ‘The sheriff’s department.’ The Sheriff gave a thumbs-up ‘Hoorah’ and continued:
“‘Every other [agency] was created by statute. That’s the FBI, the ATF, your local PDs, everything, DNR – statute, legislature, Congress has created them. The Constitution [only calls for] sheriffs. When I got into this line of work – because I was a young constitutionalist like yourselves – I said I want to work for the sheriff. I could’ve gone somewhere else and gotten a nice retirement package – the sheriff pays me well, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy working for him – but, to me, it’s very personal. I hold it in my heart, because it’s constitutional,’” the officer said.


A blogger is praising a law enforcement officer who respectfully visits with three open-carry protesters and his compliments are being joined by dozens of commenters on the Last Resistance website.
Philip Hodges posted online the video from a Michigan encounter between the officer and several sign-carrying conservatives who were advocating for Second Amendment rights.
“You’ll never guess what happens when this sheriff confronts 3 open-carry protesters,” Hodges wrote.
“I am usually critical of police these days. But I’m not ‘anti-police.’ Just like I’m not anti-congressman or anti-senator or even anti-president. But let’s face it. Most people today who occupy those positions are corrupt individuals. They exert far more power than their constitutional authority allows,” Hodges wrote.
He continued, “The Constitution was written to restrain them, because the Founding Fathers understood the temptations of power that come with holding positions of authority. But we have spineless politicians who are never satisfied with the ‘limited’ power they wield, so representatives in all branches of local, state and federal government are constantly reinterpreting the Constitution to accommodate their lusts for more power, which in turn takes freedoms and liberties away from the very people who put these ‘leaders’ in their positions.”
Hodges, however, noted there are a few good guys around yet.
“I have to say, this video completely took me off guard. Recently, we’ve seen so many open-carry protesters (or just ordinary citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights) met with paranoid, power-hungry cops who end up arresting them for ‘disturbing the peace,’ or ‘resisting arrest’ all because they carried a Glock on their hip or a rifle on their shoulder.”
This video, however, “You have to see it to believe it.”
According to those to posted the unidentified officer, “This man is a hero.”
“We saw the … sheriff car pull up so we all took out our camera-phones right away, anticipating trouble. This officer gets out of his car, waves to us, and walks right over. He shakes all of our hands, introduces himself, and states his purpose for walking over to us. (Somebody got scared and called). He never asked us to disarm, never threatened us, never asked for our names or identification. I think I can speak for everyone in the group that it was an honor to meet this man. This is what we need to see from police officers everywhere! ”
On the blog, dozens commented:
  • “If all police officers presented themselves as this Dep. Sheriff did, it would go far to restore the respect we USED TO have and show toward our police.”
  • “Good man! Good man!
  • “This sheriff deserves a lot of praise for his understanding of the Constitution.”
  • “I just wish all sheriffs had his knowledge and attitude.”
  • “An absolutely great law officer, far and few between today…”
The officer explained, “You guys aren’t doing anything wrong. … You got to look at this like this. If you have a can of gas in one hand and a lighter in the other that’s going to scare some folks. That’s what a gun’s going to do to a lot of uneducated…. A firearm to me was like a hammer or a screwdriver.”
Added Hodges, “Here’s a tidbit from the ‘confrontation’ that I thought was great, especially coming from a police officer. He asked the group, ‘What is the only constitutionally recognized law enforcement agency in the land?’ One of the open-carriers replied, ‘The sheriff’s department.’ The Sheriff gave a thumbs-up ‘Hoorah’ and continued:
“‘Every other [agency] was created by statute. That’s the FBI, the ATF, your local PDs, everything, DNR – statute, legislature, Congress has created them. The Constitution [only calls for] sheriffs. When I got into this line of work – because I was a young constitutionalist like yourselves – I said I want to work for the sheriff. I could’ve gone somewhere else and gotten a nice retirement package – the sheriff pays me well, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy working for him – but, to me, it’s very personal. I hold it in my heart, because it’s constitutional,’” the officer said.

'Most people today who occupy those positions are corrupt individuals'

WND: FOLLOW THE MONEY Expert warns of coming chaos in cities Exclusive: Jerry Robinson interviews author David Morris


If people standing in line for a toy, like a new phone, get into fights, just imagine what they’d do if they were standing in line for food, or water.
That’s the point to ponder raised by author David Morris, who was interviewed by economist, columnist, radio host and international speaker Jerry Robinson, who this week uses his “Follow the Money Weekly” program to discuss the question.
The program points out that there have been reports of consumers, anxious to own the newest and most advanced iPhone immediately, fought in a line outside of an Apple store.
The message is that people should be prepared for chaos all the time.
“If human beings will fight each other in a line to purchase a piece of plastic and metal, then imagine what they would do if they feared for their lives?” is the question considered.
“What if they were starving and could not procure any food for their families? This should be a reminder to us all that natural disasters, economic chaos, rioting, and war are not to be taken lightly. These situations could happen to anyone, anywhere.”
Morris joins the program to remind listeners how to get prepared, and remain that way for “the coming economic meltdown or the next natural disaster.”
Morris is a survivalist expert who has helped tens of thousands prepare for the worst with his 12-week course, “Survive In Place,” and his popular book, “Urban Survival Guide.”
Robinson also discusses the fact that the Federal Reserve decided to continue purchasing $85 billion a month in bond and mortgage securities.
Robinson has said the Fed really has no choice.
He reports, after all, that the United States federal government is over $16 trillion in debt and is running a budget deficit every single year with no end in sight.
Then Tom Cloud joins the program for a weekly precious metals update, and Jay Peroni offers his investing idea of the week.
Podcast is 1:02:02.

Read more at 
If people standing in line for a toy, like a new phone, get into fights, just imagine what they’d do if they were standing in line for food, or water.
That’s the point to ponder raised by author David Morris, who was interviewed by economist, columnist, radio host and international speaker Jerry Robinson, who this week uses his “Follow the Money Weekly” program to discuss the question.
The program points out that there have been reports of consumers, anxious to own the newest and most advanced iPhone immediately, fought in a line outside of an Apple store.
The message is that people should be prepared for chaos all the time.
“If human beings will fight each other in a line to purchase a piece of plastic and metal, then imagine what they would do if they feared for their lives?” is the question considered.
“What if they were starving and could not procure any food for their families? This should be a reminder to us all that natural disasters, economic chaos, rioting, and war are not to be taken lightly. These situations could happen to anyone, anywhere.”
Morris joins the program to remind listeners how to get prepared, and remain that way for “the coming economic meltdown or the next natural disaster.”
Morris is a survivalist expert who has helped tens of thousands prepare for the worst with his 12-week course, “Survive In Place,” and his popular book, “Urban Survival Guide.”
Robinson also discusses the fact that the Federal Reserve decided to continue purchasing $85 billion a month in bond and mortgage securities.
Robinson has said the Fed really has no choice.
He reports, after all, that the United States federal government is over $16 trillion in debt and is running a budget deficit every single year with no end in sight.
Then Tom Cloud joins the program for a weekly precious metals update, and Jay Peroni offers his investing idea of the week.
Podcast is 1:02:02.

If people standing in line for a toy, like a new phone, get into fights, just imagine what they’d do if they were standing in line for food, or water.
That’s the point to ponder raised by author David Morris, who was interviewed by economist, columnist, radio host and international speaker Jerry Robinson, who this week uses his “Follow the Money Weekly” program to discuss the question.
The program points out that there have been reports of consumers, anxious to own the newest and most advanced iPhone immediately, fought in a line outside of an Apple store.
The message is that people should be prepared for chaos all the time.
“If human beings will fight each other in a line to purchase a piece of plastic and metal, then imagine what they would do if they feared for their lives?” is the question considered.
“What if they were starving and could not procure any food for their families? This should be a reminder to us all that natural disasters, economic chaos, rioting, and war are not to be taken lightly. These situations could happen to anyone, anywhere.”
Morris joins the program to remind listeners how to get prepared, and remain that way for “the coming economic meltdown or the next natural disaster.”
Morris is a survivalist expert who has helped tens of thousands prepare for the worst with his 12-week course, “Survive In Place,” and his popular book, “Urban Survival Guide.”
Robinson also discusses the fact that the Federal Reserve decided to continue purchasing $85 billion a month in bond and mortgage securities.
Robinson has said the Fed really has no choice.
He reports, after all, that the United States federal government is over $16 trillion in debt and is running a budget deficit every single year with no end in sight.
Then Tom Cloud joins the program for a weekly precious metals update, and Jay Peroni offers his investing idea of the week.
Podcast is 1:02:02.


Gun Free Zone

GOPDD: Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things” even though we promised taxes wouldn’t go up.

By Amy

via atr
During his Tuesday remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative, President Obama admitted that his health care law raises taxes: “So what we did — it’s paid for by a combination of things. We did raise taxes on some things.”
“Some things” is an understatement. Below is just a partial list of Obamacare’s new or higher taxes on Americans.Starting in tax year 2013:
Obamacare Medical Device Tax: Medical device manufacturers employ 409,000 people in 12,000 plants across the country. Obamacare imposes a new 2.3 percent excise tax on gross sales – even if the company does not earn a profit in a given year. In addition to killing small business jobs and impacting research and development budgets, this will make everything from pacemakers to artificial hips more expensive.
Obamacare High Medical Bills Tax: Before Obamacare, Americans facing high medical expenses were allowed a deduction to the extent that those expenses exceeded 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI). Obamacare now imposes a threshold of 10 percent of AGI. Therefore, Obamacare not only makes it more difficult to claim this deduction, it widens the net of taxable income.
According to the IRS, 10 million families took advantage of this tax deduction in 2009, the latest year of available data. Almost all are middle class. The average taxpayer claiming this deduction earned just over $53,000 annually. ATR estimates that the average income tax increase for the average family claiming this tax benefit will be $200 – $400 per year. To learn more about this tax, click here.
Obamacare Flexible Spending Account Tax: The 30 – 35 million Americans who use a pre-tax Flexible Spending Account (FSA) at work to pay for their family’s basic medical needs face a new Obamacare cap of $2,500. This will squeeze $13 billion of tax money from Americans over the next ten years. (Before Obamacare, the accounts were unlimited under federal law, though employers were allowed to set a cap.) Now, a parent looking to sock away extra money to pay for braces will find themselves quickly hitting this new cap, meaning they would have to pony up some or all of the cost with after-tax dollars.
Needless to say, this tax will especially impact middle class families.
There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children. Nationwide there are several million families with special needs children and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington, D.C. (National Child Research Center) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can be used to pay for this type of special needs education. This Obamacare tax provision will limit the options available to these families.
Obamacare Super Saver Surtax: A new, 3.8 percent surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single). This tax hike results in the following top tax rates on investment income

GOPDD: Shocked :Dangerous Gunman Fails To Follow Campus’s No-Guns Policy

By Amy

(Dailycaller)  An armed criminal did the unthinkable at a North Carolina college late Tuesday night: he brought a weapon into a gun free zone.
You heard that right.
North Carolina Central University’s stated no-guns policy did not prevent a possible shooter from entering the campus with a gun after fleeing from police. The armed man had committed at least two robberies, and was in possession of weapons he stole from a residence. He brought a shotgun with him onto the grounds of the historically black college in Durham. At no point did the shotgun-wielding criminal leave the campus in order to be in compliance with its strict no-guns policy.
The college was placed under lock-down until the gunman was shot and killed in a gunfight with police officers, who differ from students, faculty and administrators in that they are allowed to defend themselves on campus.
Students who violate the college’s no-guns policy could be kicked out of their dorms and charged a full semester’s rent.
“The possession of firearms (including BB guns), ammunition, bows and arrows, knives, razors and other dangerous weapons is not permitted in the residence halls or throughout the campus,” according to a handbook for students.
The armed burglar–whose name has not yet been given by the authorities–either did not read the rules, or chose not to follow them.This is not the first time that a would-be shooter failed to abide by the stipulations of a campus’s gun-free zone policy. In June, mass shooter John Zawahri chose to make his final stand against the police at the library of gun-free Santa Monica college. He killed three people on campus who, unlike Zawahri, had chosen to obey the college’s no-guns policy. (Santa Monica’s strict no guns policy questioned after mass shooting)
NCCU Chancellor Debra Saunders-White did not immediately respond to requests for comment about whether her college’s gun rules will be revised to comply with reality.


GOPDD: Senate Website Gets Second Amendment Wrong

By Amy

(Breitbart) A web page covering the Constitution gets the scope of the Second Amendment wrong, telling readers that it is not clear whether the amendment protects an individual right or a collective right.

Here is what the Senate’s web page on the Constitution says about the Second Amendment: “Whether this provision protects the individual’s right to own firearms or whether it deals only with the collective right of the people to arm and maintain a militia has long been debated.”
This is simply not true on at least two levels.

Number one, the scope of the Second Amendment has not been seriously questioned until Alisky-minded radicals isolated it from among the other amendments in the Bill of Rights and began attacking it. Before that it was taken for granted that the scope of the Second Amendment was the same as the scope of the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and so on.

Remember, the Bill of Rights protects individual, “unalienable rights” with which we were “endowed” by our Creator.

Secondly, and confirming these things, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment is an individual right twice in the last five years.

In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) they ruled: “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia.” In McDonald v. Chicago (2010) Associate Justice Samuel Alito referenced the Heller decision to make the same point in a different but equally clear manner: “In Heller, we held that individual self-defense is ‘the central component’ of the Second Amendment right.”

How is that Wikipedia has incorporated the Supreme Court’s 2008 ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual right but a U.S. Senate website has not?

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. highs 60-68 N/S.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 42-49 N/S. highs near 70, cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 42-49 N/S. highs 70-75, cooler coast.
Sunday; quiet and dry. Lows 43-50 N/S. highs 71-76, cooler coast.
Monday; quiet. Showers late? Lows 43-50 N/S. highs 70-75, cooler coast.
Tuesday; breezy and dry. Lows 47-52. Highs 62-67.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 41-50 N/S, highs 66-71.

Thanks 'Rufe'

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

As We Digress As A Nation And Are At War With Ourselves, Within Ourselves, I Offer This Moment Of History With Hope Of Enlightening Those That Are Darkened By False Reporting

RONALD REAGAN | One Nation Under God

 This powerful message by President Ronald Reagan reminds each American that we are One Nation Under God. And, that we are a nation that has a government, and not the other way around. Celebrate America's freedom and celebrate the One who gave us these freedoms. This mini-movie will make a powerful addition to your church service or patriotic gathering. Perfect for any time that you are speaking on the topics of freedom or America's religious heritage.




 Profoundly and Proudly Submitted by: Todd Comber Wake to HELL UP AMERICA!