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Thursday, October 24, 2013

TMB: Report: NSA Spied on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month‏

By Adam Kredo
The National Security Administration recorded information about more than 124 billion phone calls during a 30-day period earlier this year, including around 3 billion calls from U.S. sources, according to a tally from top-secret documents released by multiple news outlets.
By Elizabeth Harrington
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee sent letters Tuesday to five tech companies asking if they are involved with the efforts to fix the faulty Obamacare website,
By Bill Gertz
Russia’s latest flight of a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile this month appears to be another circumvention of a 1987 nuclear missile accord, U.S. officials and private arms specialists said.
By Lachlan Markay
A top Republican Senator is probing grant awards by the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) that supported academic work on esoteric topics such as “What is the meaning of life?”
By Alana Goodman
Media reports link the former White House official who was fired for mocking Washington’s national security elite under an anonymous Twitter handle to a second secret Twitter account that details lurid exploits with D.C. escorts.
By Sonny Bunch
This week’s Criticwire survey was a fun one: “Lousy Film, Great Soundtrack.” The correct answer, of course, is Tron: Legacy, which has a transcendent score composed by Daft Punk and a decidedly underwhelming film.
By Robert Charette
New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski’s record-setting 2011 season led football’s intelligentsia to dub “The Gronk” the next evolution of football player. Since then, Gronk has been often sidelined with injuries, and many worry his best days are behind him.
By WFB Staff
Despite reassurances from the Obama administration that the website glitches will soon be fixed, Americans are still hesitant to sign up for the health insurance.

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook

Today:  windy and dry, pm mtn. flurries. Highs 46-53 N/S.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 29-35 N/S. highs 43-50 N/S.
Saturday; quiet. Light snow @nite/mtns. Lows 27-33. Highs 44-53 N/S.
Sunday; quiet. Am flurries/showers north. Lows 33-38. highs 44-55 N/S.
Monday; breezy and dry. Lows 29-36 N/S. highs 38-50 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 24-32 N/S. highs 41-48 N/S.
Wednesday; showers. Breezy pm? Lows 31-36. Highs 43-55 N/S.

GOPDD:Oh, good: Insurance cancellation notices are snowballing

by clyde
via Hot Air by Erika Johnsen This is really news, exactly, because anyone paying attention has known that less choice and higher prices have been on the healthcare docket for awhile now; this is just more of the mounting evidence blowing open one of President Obama’s most well-known and most carelessly delivered guarantees of his […]

Pet Lover's Especially Dogs Take Note NaturalNews: Warning over deadly pet treats: nearly 600 dogs killed across USA‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Warning: "Jerky treats" made in China are killing dogs all across America, and the problem is only getting worse.
The FDA is investigating the cause but still can't pinpoint it.
Beware of all pet treats made in China! Some of them may be deadly:

Hey, why not send them to D.C. for human testing for animal consumption we certainly have enough subjects there to use as test-dummies.   "Good Senator, now here's a treat made in China, good luck."
Obamacare "success story" of someone who managed to sign up goes SUPER VIRAL across the USA, then turns out to be false:

The chemical industry has never developed methods to test for multiple chemical toxicity:

Don't miss this amazing talk with Suzanne Humphries on vaccine dangers. This is gonna be good:

Learn how to protect yourself from dangerous chemtrails:

Jesse Ventura is the guest on the Robert Scott Bell Show! 3-5PM EDT, hear Ventura cover 'official stories' of the JFK assassination, which Jesse takes apart in "They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK." Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at
More news continues below...
Sponsor: Wow! Save 30% on BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin. Use Promo code: HealthRanger

Don't miss The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT. Listen in at
Today from
- The cholesterol myth busted
- 5 empowering ways to overcome lies about your health
- Developing sovereign integrity

Hundreds of dogs killed by contaminated jerky treats made in China; FDA still mystified by cause
(NaturalNews) Thousands of family dogs across the USA have been sickened by pet jerky treats made in China, and nearly 600 dogs have died. The FDA has issued a warning...

Chemical industry never developed methods to assess multiple chemical exposure health risks
(NaturalNews) According to the latest available statistics, there are more than 80,000 approved chemicals currently in commercial use. But believe it or not, only a few hundred of these chemicals have ever gone through proper safety testing by their manufacturers...

Men: Eating conventional, chemical-laden bacon could destroy your sperm
(NaturalNews) You are what you eat and so is your offspring, suggests a telling new study on fertility out of Harvard University. Researchers there determined recently that men who regularly eat heavy portions of processed meat products such as chemical...

Obamacare 'success story' causes viral craze among Democrats, then turns out to be false
(NaturalNews) During a photo op in the Rose Garden at the White House on Oct. 21, President Obama, there to put a smiley face on the disaster that is the government's online health exchange website, appeared with a handful of Americans who have actually...

The inside story on vaccine dangers
(NaturalNews) Has your doctor ever been told to 'shut up' about the health risks associated with vaccinations? In all likelihood, if you're being treated by a conventionally-trained medical doctor, you have never been told the truth about vaccine ingredients...

Chemtrails: Learn how to protect yourself from these treacherous poisons
(NaturalNews) Short of living in a hermetically sealed house and only eating food grown indoors, dodging the dangerous ramifications of chemtrails is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, these poisonous aerial sprays have become a day-to-day reality for...

Ice cream plant closes its doors over Obamacare
(NaturalNews) There are all kinds of casualties of Obamacare, not the least prominent of which is employment. There are a number of reasons why the job market remains sluggish - cuts in consumer spending, families saving more, government policies...

Freebased nicotine has 45 million U.S. smokers hooked
(NaturalNews) How can so many people be so stuck in a "habit" and unable to escape? What if you found out that the third most addicting drug in the world was "juiced up" with a potent, deadly and volatile chemical, and has been for five decades? Let's...

Olive leaf extract prevents cancer and fights infections
(NaturalNews) Olives have long been known for the health benefits they supply to the human body. The olive itself and olive oil especially are useful in healthy cooking. Not to be overlooked, olive leaf extract is beneficial for the natural antiviral...

South Dakota Department of Agriculture pushing to make raw milk less accessible to public
(NaturalNews) The corporate food police are back at it again, trying to eliminate consumer access to farm-fresh fare, this time in South Dakota, where the state's agriculture department is pushing hard to pass burdensome new raw milk regulations. The...

Broccoli sprouts: Nutritional giants
(NaturalNews) For those who take pride in growing their own sprouts, broccoli sprouts have become increasingly popular and have been preferred by the health-conscious community for many years. Packed with highly concentrated vitamins and compounds and...

The unique superfood power of maca - Latest research
(NaturalNews) Maca, sometimes called 'Peruvian ginseng,' is an ancient food source and herbal medicine from the Andes region with a rich supply of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and sterols. According to ancient and...

The super power of star anise
(NaturalNews) The Asian fruit Illicium verum, commonly called star anise, has been given recent prominence in the natural health world. The star anise has a characteristic licorice, anise-like flavor, although it is not related to the anise plants...

What's a good diet for a healthy, breastfeeding mom?
(NaturalNews) Congratulations! You did it! You've made it through pregnancy and childbirth, two marathons to be proud of, for sure. Now you may be wondering about what adjustments to make to your diet while you breastfeed. The short answer is: eat...

Little-known form of vitamin D holds key to Alzheimer's disease prevention
(NaturalNews) A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is a significant fear for the vast majority of adults over the age of 50, as this memory-robbing illness continues to strike aging Americans at an ever increasing rate. The cost to care for Alzheimer's...

Who will protect you from the police? The rise of militarized home invasions
(NaturalNews) Increasingly, police departments around the country are becoming more militarized than at any time since the development of the modern American law enforcement apparatus, and it's having a disturbing result: the number of Americans being...

Actual chat session with support staff reveals mind-boggling insanity, total detachment from reality
(NaturalNews) A video featuring a bizarre, mind-boggling REAL chat session with support staff is going viral across the 'net. It reveals the shocking depth of insanity that now passes for "support" inside a government program that Obama...

Obamacare is the Emperor's New Clothes: How much longer can Obama, Carney and Sebelius keep up the delusion?
(NaturalNews) When HHS launched, it disastrously crashed. When Obama gave out the 800 number to call because the website didn't work, it also crashed. The Spanish language version of has ...

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A 13 Minute Video Every Voter Should Watch

 A 13 Minute Video Every Moderate/Undecided Voter Should Watch -

A short un-narrated documentary that looks at Obama's first term with regards to transparency, healthcare, taxes, fairness, energy and the national debt through his own words

WordsMatter2012 was launched this past March to offer non-partisan and objective insight into whether President Obama delivered on the many promises he made when running for office. The project was in fact inspired by a speech he gave in 2008 in which he said that "words matter." Through short weekly videos highlighting his promises, we merely ask, "Did his words matter? And do they matter today?"

The Dumbing Down of the Dumb TownHallPM: Obamacare Website 'Dramatically Underestimates' Health Costs

Guy Benson
The Obamacare roll out is simply one disaster after another. Now, it has come to light that the website (when it even works) is showing incorrect premiums. Guy Benson writes:
A lot of people may be in for a rude awakening if they foolishly trust the new-and-improved government website to accurately estimate their monthly premiums. What are the actual premiums people will have to pay if and when they're ever able to sign up for Obamacare? Someone unearthed this spreadsheet earlier today, and it's been making the rounds for a few hours now. At first glance, it appears to list every plan and every monthly (pre-subsidy) premium within Obamacare's federal exchanges. Time will tell if this data is genuine -- but weren't these numbers supposed to be hidden behind a registration wall? The idea was to hide the sticker shock from consumers until their government assistance could be calculated to soften the blow.

[Keep Reading]

GOPDD: GUILTY: Obama’s Fingerprints All Over IRS Tea Party Scandal…

by Dylan
via redflagnews
(by Jay Sekulow, FOX NEWS) — It’s past time for the media to begin asking President Obama tough questions about the IRS conservative targeting scandal. After all he was involved, publicly, from the beginning.
Last Friday, the American Center for Law and Justice (where I serve as Chief Counsel) filed its Second Amended Complaint against the United States, the IRS, and a legion of IRS officials. This Complaint, in which we represent 41 organizations in 22 states, presents perhaps the most complete story yet of the IRS conservative targeting scandal.
And it is an ugly story indeed.

CA Residents Protest Puppycide [Exclusive Video]‏

Hollywood, CA—The makers of PUPPYCIDE: The Documentary released exclusive video today of a puppycide protest in Hawthorne, CA.

The filmmakers plan to release new footage every week to raise awareness of police officers unnecessarily shooting dogs.

Videos are posted exclusively on the documentary's Kickstarter page. 
PUPPYCIDE is a feature length documentary that takes a journey with victims of puppycide, the dogs and their owners. From the moment they meet and seal their emotional bonds to the excruciating trauma of loss, it follows the dog owners' battles for justice with police culture and the legal system, both of which treat puppycides as acceptable collateral damage.

Director Michael Ozias and Producer Patrick Reasonover are available for interviews. To schedule, please email or call (404) 805-4793.

Over the past three years, more than 5,000,000 people have viewed videos and web series produced by Ozymandias Media. These 80 works, be they documentary, animation, or narrative short, all have one thing in common: a mix of story and message.

Thank You For Your Service, RIP : James Robinson Risner

James Robinson "Robbie" Risner (born January 16, 1925)[1] was a general officer and professional fighter pilot in the United States Air Force.
Risner is a double recipient of the Air Force Cross, the second highest military decoration for valor that can be awarded to a member of the United States Air Force. He was the first living recipient of the medal,[2] awarded the first for valor in aerial combat during the Vietnam War, and the second for gallantry as a prisoner of war of the North Vietnamese for more than seven years.
Risner became an ace in the Korean War, and commanded a squadron of F-105 Thunderchiefs in the first missions of Operation Rolling Thunder in 1965. He flew a combined 163 combat missions, was shot down twice, and was credited with destroying eight MiG-15s. Risner retired as a brigadier general in 1976.

Pardo's Push: McDonnell F4 Phantom


 "Pardo's push" of March 10, 1967 was preceded by a similar event. In 1952, fighter ace Robbie Risner pushed fellow flyer Joe Logan sixty miles. The two men were flying F-86 Sabre jets and successfully cleared hostile territory, but Logan bailed out over water, was tangled in his canopy lines, and drowned. Risner was deemed a hero, but by Pardo's account, pilots were not encouraged to partake in similar activities.

Pardo's push may have saved the lives of pilot Earl Aman and his weapons system officer Bob Houghton. But it would be decades before their efforts were recognized by the Air Force. Bob Pardo and Steve Wayne eventually earned the Silver Star for the act.

Pardo was later quoted saying that they'd gotten Earl and Bob back, and that's all they wanted.

Video by Glenn Pew for

Update:: 10/24/13 1344

Retired AF general was senior ranking POW at Hanoi Hilton

By Sig Christenson
Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robbie Risner, a former San Antonio resident and senior-ranking American POW for five of the seven years he was held in Hanoi, has died following a stroke. He was 88.
A Korean War ace who made the cover of Time magazine as a lieutenant colonel, Risner was repeatedly tortured and placed in isolation. He and other prisoners at Hoa Lo Prison, the infamous “Hanoi Hilton,” used a “tap code” to communicate. His message was one of defiance.
“The guidance of the leadership that he provided us was very brief and abbreviated because it all had to be tapped though the wall,” retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier, 76, of Dallas said Wednesday.
“Don't give the enemy anything, don't give in,” Cordier said of their mantra. “If they do torture you until you break, give as little as possible and then come back and pull yourself together, and the next day fight again.”
Fellow POWs said Risner suffered from Alzheimer's and had a stroke Saturday at his home in Bridgewater, Va. Funeral arrangements weren't known, but retired Air Force Col. Jim Lamar said Risner may be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Continue reading more

Submitted by: "Friends of Flight"

Oh, You Need More Proof? GOPDD:More Than 90 Million Americans Not In Labor Force: A New Record

by clyde
via CNS News By Terence P. Jeffrey The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation's labor force has climbed to a record 90,609,000 in September, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS counts a person as participating […]

So Who's Next America? BrasscheckTV: How the Feds loot small businesses‏

An unbelievable - but true - story
about how the Feds stole the
bank account of a family grocery
No evidence, no charges and no
trial. Just asset seizure. 
Must watching. 
- Brasscheck
 Feds Raid Family Grocery Store, steal $35K
Yes, this really happened

 The Institute for Justice took this case
More info about this case here:

Do you have a business?

Are you making your bank deposits in a way that is pleasing to the the Federal government?

If not, apparently the Feds feel they can take your bank account and keep everything in it. You bank will cooperate with them without question.

No charges and certainly no trial. They just “think” you “may” have committed a crime and that’s good enough.

It’s called “civil forfeiture.”

Is this how government criminals plan to pay off the deficit?


On September 25, 2013, the Institute for Justice stepped up to help these good people fight back.

More info:

- See more at:

NaturalNews: Obamacare delusions mirror The Emperor's New Clothes‏

Dear NaturalNews readers,
Obamacare is a real-life, modern-day theatrical production of The Emperor's New Clothes!
President Obama, Kathleen Sebelius and Jay Carney are all pretending the Emperor is wearing magnificent flowing robes woven with magical golden thread... but he's actually butt naked.
The delusion that Obamacare is somehow working is about to be shattered. And when it falls, the credibility of the Obama administration falls with it:

Surprised? Scientists who attack chemical regulations almost always have financial ties to pharma or chemical companies:

Turmeric starves tumors, and even conventional scientists say it "helps chemotherapy" work better:

Coconut oil miracle? Man with Parkinson's regains quality of life:

How to feed your backyard chickens for (amost) free:

More news continues below...

Don't miss The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT. Listen in at
Today from
- Your single most powerful weapon against the flu
- Herbal ADHD remedies your doctor won't tell you about
- How fennel helps digestion

Obamacare is the Emperor's New Clothes: How much longer can Obama, Carney and Sebelius keep up the delusion?
(NaturalNews) When HHS launched, it disastrously crashed. When Obama gave out the 800 number to call because the website didn't work, it also crashed. The Spanish language version of has ...

Scientists who attack new chemical regulations almost always have financial ties to pharma or chemical companies
(NaturalNews) If you think legitimate science, and not special interests, is what dictates the regulatory process for new chemicals, you might want to think again. A recent investigation by Environmental Health News (EHN) into a controversial,...

China's industrial pollution is so bad that it's dumping toxic mercury on Japan's Mount Fuji
(NaturalNews) China and India combined have more coal-burning energy plants than the rest of the world, and China has more than India. Japanese scientists are openly complaining that the almost 13,000 foot Mt. Fuji is coated with toxic mercury from China's...

Turmeric starves tumours, increases the efficacy of chemo
(NaturalNews) Turmeric has an extensive fan base among those who enjoy traditional Indian food, but also a growing number among cancer patients. The spice has been used for hundreds of years in south Asia for its powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial...

Young adults now only walk five minutes a day; Sedentary lifestyle the norm
(NaturalNews) A quarter of British young adults walk "only when necessary," resulting in less than 5 minutes of activity per day, according to a new study by health insurance company Bupa. The survey, conducted on 2,000 British adults, focused on young...

Coconut oil miraculously helps Parkinson's patient regain quality of life
(NaturalNews) Imagine for a moment that you are a 74-year-old man diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and you are quickly losing your ability to think, move and function, despite adhering to an intense regimen of all the latest pharmaceutical offerings...

Nurse diagnosed with breast and lung cancer shuns chemotherapy
(NaturalNews) Almost two years ago, Sharlene, a nurse and weightlifter in training, noticed a lump under her arm. Because of her profession, she knew that, when the biopsy results came back infused with words like "adenocarcinoma" and "rapid mitosis...

The AMA once paid a cancer virus researcher $250K to retire in Mexico and stop working on natural cures
(NaturalNews) It all started with an evil, corrupt man named Dr. Morris Fishbein, who ran the "prestigious" American Medical Association (AMA) for over 40 years, and even though he had a medical degree, he never treated a patient in his life...

Consuming chlorella helps reduce oxidative stress, prevent cognitive decline
(NaturalNews) It is very easy to consume toxins on a daily basis. While some have given up, claiming that "we're all going to die some day," there are others who want to be alive and toxin-free, breathing strong today. Environmental pollution is a...

The super detoxifying power of infrared sauna
(NaturalNews) The modern world is full of environmental toxins. It is estimated that there are over 80,000 toxic chemicals used regularly in the US. There are over 500 chemicals stored in our body, and the average individual has at least seven pesticides...

Scientists develop fully bionic 'man' capable of breathing, walking and talking
(NaturalNews) To demonstrate the progress that has been made in the field of medical science, a team of researchers recently unveiled the world's first bionic "man," a human-like robot composed of artificial organs, limbs and other body parts donated...

The unique superfood power of mangosteen - here's the latest research
(NaturalNews) The fruit of a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is enjoyed as a snack in regions where it grows across Asia and South America. Because of the highly perishable nature of this delicate fruit...

Bad skin? Are you causing it yourself?
(NaturalNews) Having bad skin is something that millions of people deal with every single day, and for the most part, it's a very preventable condition. From adolescent breakouts to adult acne, there are varying degrees of having "bad skin," and most...

Feed your backyard chickens for free with garden produce, common weeds
(NaturalNews) One of the biggest complaints people who raise backyard chickens have is that commercial feed costs are often prohibitively expensive, especially when trying to raise chickens naturally without genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides...

'High-less' medical marijuana now being grown at Israeli plantation
(NaturalNews) An Israeli company that has been producing medical marijuana for patients since 2004 has developed a new strain of the healing plant that it says contains minimal levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), and thus does not elicit the "high"...

Reiki and fertility: Getting the body in balance to increase fertility and pregnancy odds
(NaturalNews) Reiki, a Japanese energy modality, may seem difficult for the logical mind to understand, but that is because, in the western world, we tend to comprehend only what we can see. When we look at the human body, we see the biological aspects...

Huge contradictions in 'scientific' thinking revealed: Theory of evolution in no way explains origins of life
(NaturalNews) Ask any scientist where life on our planet came from, and they'll usually give you a one-word answer: "Evolution." Immediately thereafter, they will usually give you a condescending look that also implies you're an idiot for not knowing...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rufe's Weather Outlook

 Extended Outlook
Tuesday; showers, to flurries mnts @ nite, quiet. Lows 39-46 N/S. highs 56-62 N/S.
Wednesday; showers south, flurries north. Quiet. Lows 34-39. highs 46-51 N/S.
Thursday; windy and dry, mtn. flurries. Lows 30-35. Highs 43-52 N/S.
Friday;  dry, breezy pm. Lows 29-35 N/S. highs 42-50 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 28-33. Highs 42-51 N/S.
Sunday; quiet. Showers possible. Lows 28-37 N/S. highs 43-52 N/S.

GOPDD: Why have all the American jobs been shipped overseas? BUY AMERICAN!!! Million American Jobs Project

NaturalNews: Health, hot superfood beverages to keep you warm this Fall and Winter‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
As Fall is kicking in and Winter is just around the corner, it's time to warm up to two of the most enjoyable hot superfood beverages in the world: Cocoa Mojo and NutriCafe, both loaded with real nutrition.
Cocoa Mojo is an organic cocoa superfood powder blend that tastes like hot chocolate! But instead of using refined sugars like conventional hot chocolate products, it uses organic palm sugar plus a powerhouse combination of health-supporting mushrooms*.
Every Fall and Winter, this is one of our most popular all-time sellers. The actual ingredients are:
Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, Organic Non-Dutched (no alkaloids) Single-Estate Latin American Cocoa, Organic Extracts of: Cordyceps Sinensis, Ganoderma Lucidum, Coriollus Versicolor, Agaricus Blazei
Click here to get some now from the Natural News Store.
Stock up and save even more on quantities of 3 or 12!
What if your coffee were really, really good for you?
NutriCafe is an "organic immune support coffee" that delivers all the antioxidants of coffee with added immune support through a combination of health-supporting mushrooms* (which you can't even taste, by the way).
It's 100% certified organic and Fair Trade coffee.
One reader calls it "Very Smooth!" and adds, "Love it! No sour stomach or afternoon crash that comes with standard coffee!"
Click here to get some now at the Natural News Store.
Receive additional savings at quantities of 4 or more!

See more superfoods and healthy beverages right now at:

Thank you for your support. All purchases from the Natural News Store help support our operation and our mission to bring you cutting-edge news that the mainstream media won't report.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

 * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Recap Appeals Board Meeting -October 21, 2013‏


Tonight, I attended the Appeals Board meeting pertaining to Case #13-2 involving Mr. Terry Dutton.  Mr. Dutton was asking for a variance from 50’ to 30’.  This case as advertised as a Public Hearing and again the Public was not allowed to speak.  The two abutters were allowed to speak and were in favor of the variance.  The Appeals Board took approximately fifteen minutes and approved the variance. 

The problem here is Chairman Marion Morgan-Alexander does not allow the Public to speak at the Public Hearing.  I have provided the legal review by the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) to Town Council Chairman Fern LaRochelle.  This document clearly outlines that Public Hearings require Public input.  This is to ensure total fairness in all local matters.

If Chairman Morgan-Alexander does not want to take input from the Public, all she has to do is call it an “Appeals Hearing” or any other name she wants to call it.  Once you call it a “Public Hearing”, the Public is allowed to express their opinion on the issue at hand.  It is extremely disrespectfully for Chairman Morgan-Alexander to invite the Public to attend a meeting and then not allow the Public to provide input on the issue.

I have requested that the Town Council remove Chairman Morgan-Alexander as Chairman of any board or committee because of this situation and the fact that on August 28, 2013 after she adjourned the meeting she ordered everyone to “GO HOME”.  It was like she was ordering troops or scolding small children.  This action was extremely disrespectful to the residents that attended the Appeals Board meeting. 

It is too bad that the Town Manager and the Town Council cannot provide proper instructions to chairman’s as to how to conduct meetings.  However, I am positive that the Town Manager and the Chairman of the Town Council both know how these meetings are to be conducted but chose to ignore the law and this misuse of power.  Another problem is that neither the Town Manager nor Chairman LaRochelle are willing to sit down and negotiate to restore law and order to these meetings.  By not being willing to sit down and try and restore law and order, the final recourse is to take the town to court.  By doing so only fattens the pockets of the Town Attorney, Roger Therriault, and waste our valuable tax dollars.

Please call your Councilor and let him know how you feel!

Larry Fillmore

I’m willing to die to expose that Devil Obama.

Puppycide Doc Seeks to End National Tragedy

Puppycide Doc Seeks to End National Tragedy

Hollywood, CA—Every 98 minutes a dog is shot by law enforcement. A new documentary from Ozymandias Media seeks to end this tragedy by bringing national attention to the issue
PUPPYCIDE is a feature length documentary that takes a journey with victims of puppycide, the dogs and their owners. From the moment they meet and seal their emotional bonds to the excruciating trauma of loss, we follow the dog owners' battles for justice with police culture and the legal system, both of which treat puppycides as acceptable collateral damage.
"We all love our dogs. To us, they are family. But law enforcement is treating them as a threat and shooting them with startling, and increasing frequency,” said Michael Ozias, director of PUPPYCIDE. “If more people know about this they will demand solutions. That is the power of a documentary and the reason we feel this film is so important."
The directors are turning to Kickstarter to fund the documentary and grow a grassroots movement to end puppycide. Kickstarter is the world’s largest crowdfunding website.
“We believe in the power of film to reveal emotional truths, to take an audience on a journey that delivers them to a new place where they see the world differently," said Patrick Reasonover, producer. "By putting our production experience into PUPPYCIDE, we believe that we can make a difference for millions of people and animals.”
Director Michael Ozias and Producer Patrick Reasonover are available for interviews. To schedule, please email or call (404) 805-4793.
Over the past three years, more than 5,000,000 people have viewed videos and web series produced by Ozymandias Media. These 80 works, be they documentary, animation, or narrative short, all have one thing in common: a mix of story and message.