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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BrassCheckTV: The secret partnership between plants and human beings (The Botany of Desire - Full Length High Definition )

We depend on them for our food,
clothing and shelter.
Human life would be impossible
without them. 
But how much do we really know 
about them?
- Brasscheck

The Botany of Desire
Plants, the partner of human life

Food, clothing, shelter - life

It's astonishing how little we learn about plants in school or through the media.

We're dependent on them - 100% dependent on them - yet the average person knows more about Hollywood celebrities and football scores than he or she knows about the plants within a hundred yard radius of where they live.

An intelligent education system would include plant education - real plant eduction - from nursery school onwards with ever growing levels of sophistication so that every high school grad would know the names, nature, cultivation method and uses of every plant they live among and depend on.

Why not?

It would be an easy thing to accomplish.

Is it possible that societal "plant ignorance" is a value to people who'd like to control society lock, stock and barrel?


BrassCheckTV: Pentagon seeks way to "zombify" US troops‏

Pentagon seeks way to "zombify" US troops
The Pentagon is looking to Big Pharma
to create a drug that will allow human
beings to experience and engage in 
murder and mayhem with no psychological
- Brasscheck

Pentagon hopes for a pill to erase memories
"We need zombies"

Pentagon to use US vets as guinea pigs?


The wars go on - out of the spotlight

The Pentagon is looking for a drug that will erase bad memories.

The estimate is over over 300,000 soldiers are living with some form of PTSD, that's approximately 20% of vets.

What is the Pentagon looking for exactly?

They want to be able to expose people to murder and mayhem without any psychological consequences.

TMB: U.S., South Korea far from agreeing to relaunch nuclear talks with North Korea‏

U.S., South Korea far from agreeing to relaunch nuclear talks with North Korea
By Bill GertzThe Obama administration remains adamant that it is opposed to renewed six-nation nuclear talks on North Korea until Pyongyang takes concrete steps toward giving up its nuclear arsenal and infrastructure, a senior Obama administration official said yesterday.
White House Dividing Pro-Israel Leaders on Nuclear Iran
By Adam KredoPro-Israel leaders on Monday expressed alarm over what they characterized as the Obama administration’s efforts to sow division among Jewish leaders in order to advance a policy that they say would permit Iran to cross the nuclear threshold.

NYT Columnist Blames Writers Union for Refusing to Publish Book in Israel
By Alana GoodmanA controversial New York Times columnist is pushing back on accusations that he tried to block his novel from being published in Israel but failed to explicitly reject the charge that he said he would donate his royalties to Hamas if the book was published.

Official: Kochs Not Involved in California Campaign Finance Violation
By Elizabeth HarringtonFormer Chair of the California Fair Political Practices Commission (CFPPC) Ann Ravel admitted this weekend that the Koch brothers were not involved with campaign finance violations that resulted in a record fine levied by the agency.

Congress May Let Tax Credit for Wind Industry Expire
By CJ CiaramellaCongress may let a key tax credit for the wind industry expire at the end of the year, a move that would be applauded by conservative free market groups, but which the wind lobby says would significantly slow down the industry.

Democratic Robo-Calls Claim Cuccinelli Supports Obamacare, Abortion
By Lachlan MarkayVirginia Democrats are allegedly misrepresenting the positions held by Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli in an attempt to depress conservative turnout and using peer pressure to boost voter turnout among Democratic constituencies in the final days of that state’s gubernatorial race.

The Washington Redskins and Liberal Fascism
By Sonny BunchI’ve been re-reading Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism for a longer term project, and I was struck by the following passage...

‘Morning Joe’ Panel Hammers Robert Gibbs on Obamacare

By Washington Free Beacon StaffFormer White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs faced a heavy round of questioning Monday from Morning Joe, from how the Obamacare website had been botched so badly to who let Obama make his debunked promise about everyone keeping their health plan if they liked it.

NaturalNews: Health Ranger to announce breakthrough food science discoveries on January 7‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
For the next two months, I am finalizing scientific research which will rock the food industry and empower consumers in a way they've never experienced before.
As a result, I won't be posting as many of my own stories (although other stories will be posted daily as usual).
On January 7, 2014, I will begin annoucing a series of revolutionary food science breakthroughs that will change the world (for the better).
See full details at:

The National Cancer Institute admits millions of people are falsely diagnosed with cancer:

Thanks to Obamacare, 900,000 people are losing their health insurance in California alone:

The top 16 worst food additives:

Orange juice may soon be made from GMO oranges using pig genes:

More news continues below...

Today from
- Neuroplasticity: improving brain function with chiropractic
- Melatonin: it's not just for sleep
- The yoga 30-day challenge

Health Ranger promises revolutionary, civilization-altering scientific breakthroughs to be announced January 7, 2014
(NaturalNews) Dear Natural News readers, For the next two months (November and December, 2013), I will be involved in the final phase of intense scientific research which will result in a series of breakthrough announcements beginning on January 7...

900,000 to lose health insurance in California as Obamacare disaster spreads
(NaturalNews) "If you like your plan, you can keep it." These famous words, which were literally stated by Usurper Obama dozens of times during his Affordable Care Act hawking days, have proven to be a blatantly bald-faced lie. As reported by SFGate...

National Cancer Institute report admits millions have been falsely treated for 'cancer'
(NaturalNews) A significant number of people who have undergone treatment for cancer over the past several decades may not have ever actually had the disease, admits a new report commissioned by the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI). Published...

Top 16 chilling food additives
(NaturalNews) The FDA keeps a list of over 700 food additives that are generally recognized as safe, or GRAS. These additives serve quite a variety of purposes, including preserving food, adding sweetness, color, texture or flavor, controlling pH, anticaking...

GM oranges containing pig genes in the works
(NaturalNews) Increasingly stricken by a disease that leaves them shriveled, discolored and sour, Florida oranges are the latest target for genetic manipulators who are right now working on a new variety of genetically modified (GM) orange that could...

Made-in-China kitchen appliances found to contain hidden Wi-Fi circuitry that installs malware on your home network
(NaturalNews) As the author of the insightful, prophetic book "1984," even George Orwell's discussed "surveillance society" wasn't so sinister as to include kitchen appliances. But thanks to the continued miniaturization of technology, snooping devices...

Obamacare regulations 'incomprehensible' warns congressman
(NaturalNews) The more Americans see of the massive Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, the more confusing and baffling - and punishing - they find it. Now that it's law and as more congressman "find out what's in it," as former House Speaker...

12 natural ways to achieve amazing hair
(NaturalNews) Both men and women can suffer from hair loss. Health problems and genetics can play a role in hair loss, but there are some natural things that can be done to help grow hair. The following is a list of twelve natural things that can...

Dietary spirulina intake manages blood pressure and cholesterol, may help prevent atherosclerosis
(NaturalNews) The scientific solution to high blood pressure and cholesterol problems is not to simply start popping statin drugs, which carry with them extreme adverse effects, but rather to get your nutrition in check. And one great way you can do this...

47 million Americans are B12 deficient
(NaturalNews) An estimated 47 million Americans are B12 deficient, and very few of them know it. Vitamin B12 is vital in the production of DNA and red blood cells and the regulation of energy, sleep and mood cycles in the body. A lack of B12 hinders the...

The 75-year CON called Western Medicine - Did you fall for it?
(NaturalNews) It's a simple fact that most disease and cell disorders come from consuming chemicals. In fact, nearly every case of cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke and heart attack comes from eating genetically altered food and from taking genetically...

Sweden rejects low-fat diet myth, encourages citizens to cut carbs and eat more fat
(NaturalNews) Calories are calories, no matter where they come from. People are fat because they don't exercise enough. Eating low-fat foods will help you lose weight. These and many other common dietary myths are no longer part of Sweden's official guidelines...

Man cures his spinal meningitis with raw foods
(NaturalNews) When John Kohler was in college, severe headaches and pain necessitated an emergency room visit where he endured a painful spinal tap and was diagnosed with spinal meningitis. Doctors delivered the disheartening news that he might not make...

12 examples that prove the average American is actually insane
(NaturalNews) What is insanity? According to the DSM-V, the psychiatrist's bible of clinical diagnoses, insanity constitutes delusions - fixed, false beliefs about reality. The victim holds to these beliefs in spite of obvious evidence to the contrary...

'Potted' pork: Pig farmers in legal marijuana states feeding leftover cannabis greens to animals
(NaturalNews) The definition of "grass-fed meat" is expanding in Washington state, where a fresh new source of all-natural animal feed has emerged from the unlikeliest of places: the booming recreational marijuana industry. William von Scheneidau of BB...

U.S. government may force doctors to accept Obamacare and Medicare patients, eventually at gunpoint
(NaturalNews) The primary tool of socialism is force, and while that force usually begins with good intentions codified into law, it inevitably ends up with the kind of force used by Mao Zedong to murder millions of his own citizens. "Political power...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Write In ROGER COTE Councilor District One

Councilor ROGER COTE

Lisbon Residents, if you want to move this community forward  then this Tuesday at the Polls November 5th, 2013 write in ROGER COTE for District 1

GOPDD:Liberal Media vs. 60 Minutes, Witnesses Can Settle Benghazi Betrayal‏

by clyde

via Free Patriot by: Rick Wells The murmurs of scandal have now reached a level where they will not be easily quieted. The high-profile members of the Hussein Obama administration cannot easily continue to avoid the issue of Benghazi. The attacks that killed four Americans were supposed to be, as Hussein Obama described them, “speed […]

This is too Funny!

Submitted by: 'Gordie'

WND Exclusive: Newspapers directed: Cover up black violence

City’s epidemic silenced by national ‘journalism’ society
 Colin Flaherty
(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
When a mom and daughter were kidnapped, forced to withdraw money from an ATM, raped, then shot last week, the Indianapolis Star played it by the book: Do not mention the suspects are black.
The “book” in this case is written by the Society of Professional Journalists, headquartered just three miles from the scene of the crime. In last month’s issue of the SPJ magazine, the oldest and largest organization of journalists in America reminded its members how they should report racial violence.
The SPJ story was just repeating what dozens of chapters around the country tell its members in regular seminars: Unless someone is considerate enough to wave around a sign saying, “Kill Honky,” or issue a press release or utter racial expletives in front of lots of witnesses, the fact that the suspects just happen to be black has no bearing on the story.
And if you wonder about it, you are probably a “racist and hater,” said the SPJ.
Never mind that when Indianapolis police dispatchers take a 911 call, one of the first questions they ask is about race.

 (Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
When a mom and daughter were kidnapped, forced to withdraw money from an ATM, raped, then shot last week, the Indianapolis Star played it by the book: Do not mention the suspects are black.
The “book” in this case is written by the Society of Professional Journalists, headquartered just three miles from the scene of the crime. In last month’s issue of the SPJ magazine, the oldest and largest organization of journalists in America reminded its members how they should report racial violence.
The SPJ story was just repeating what dozens of chapters around the country tell its members in regular seminars: Unless someone is considerate enough to wave around a sign saying, “Kill Honky,” or issue a press release or utter racial expletives in front of lots of witnesses, the fact that the suspects just happen to be black has no bearing on the story.
And if you wonder about it, you are probably a “racist and hater,” said the SPJ.
Never mind that when Indianapolis police dispatchers take a 911 call, one of the first questions they ask is about race.

Read more at  
City's epidemic silenced by national 'journalism' society
City's epidemic silenced by national 'journalism' society

The citizens of Lisbon deserve equal justice for all!

                               PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURES

Property tax foreclosures will be a topic of discussion on Tuesday night's agenda.  I find this to be hilarious.  Chairman LaRochelle is going to preside over property tax foreclosures when LaRochelle Properties, LLC paid back taxes without paying Interest and Penalties.  This is outrageous because the town is requiring some taxpayers to pay Interest and Penalties and others do not.

Normally justice is dispensed equally for all but here in Lisbon that is NEVER the case.  There is the “Good Old Boys” network and then there are the normal residents.  It is well documented members of the “Good Old Boys” network get special treatment when dealing with the town while normal residents are required to comply with every aspect of an ordinance.  Take for example a councilors husband receiving a TEMPORARY LAND USE PERMIT without an expiration date.  How can one have a temporary condition without an expiration date? 

As you can see from the above document, the town assessor did not charge LaRochelle Properties, LLC for Interest or Penalties for the back taxes owed on 140 Main Street.  Tell me again how the town can charge taxpayers on the Property Tax Foreclosure list with Interest and Penalties and not LaRochelle Properties, LLC.  Can anyone call this equal justice? 

It is my understanding  the reason LaRochelle Properties, LLC did not have to pay Interest and Penalties was because the mistake was caused by the town.  However, it is the responsibility of each taxpayer to ensure all the information on their tax bill is correct.  For over 14 years this discrepancy had been going on in favor of LaRochelle Properties, LLC, so the LLC has to assume some responsibility in this situation.  Just because the error is in their favor is no excuse to allow it to continue without trying to get it corrected.  LaRochelle Properties, LLC should be charged the Interest and Penalties for allowing this situation to go on for 14 years.

Remember Councilor Roger Cote and his problems with the town on Excise Tax.  The town screwed up Councilor Cote’s excise tax in his favor and then charged him the difference and Interest until he paid for the town’s mistake.  This is another prime example of the “Good Old Boy” network in action.  LaRochelle
Properties, LLC does not have to pay Interest and Penalties and Councilor Cote had to pay Interest.
   Both of these situations were created by a mistake by the town.  

Can anyone tell who is a member of the “Good Old Boys” network and who is not?

The citizens of Lisbon deserve equal justice for all!!!!!!!!

Larry Fillmore

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Just Getting "Winter" Sand For Lisbon Roads Presents Problems

Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge


If you look at the Town Council Agenda for November 5, 2013, you will find the Winter Sand Bid on it again.  This is the third time the council has had to consider the Winter Sand Bid.   So why are we still playing with the Winter Sand Bid?   

This is a direct result of the Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, not complying with our town ordinance, Chapter 86, Purchasing Policy.  Mr. Eldridge accepted a sealed bid that was incomplete and then tried to justify it with the council but Councilor Pesce pointed out the bid was incomplete.  Mr. Eldridge’s attempt to slide the incomplete bid was because the majority of the council believes EVERYTHING he says.  Councilors LaRochelle, Ward, Bickford and Mason believe every word that comes out of Mr. Eldridge’s mouth. 

Once Councilor Pesce pointed out the bid was incomplete several others supported Councilor Pesce in getting the agenda item tabled until the next meeting of the council.  When the next meeting came up, the bid was still screwed up and Council Pesce brought it out to the council.  Instead, of throwing out the incomplete bid, the majority of the council voted to approve the bid.  Councilors Pesce and Lunt voted against accepting the incomplete bid.

The winning bidder delivered the sand to Public Works.  Public Works inspected the sand and performed a Sieve test on the sand upon arrival and the sand failed the Sieve test not once but twice.  It is my understanding that the Town Manager, made a command decision and rejected the winning bidders sand and elected to go to the next lower bidder.  The sand was immediately delivered because of the changing weather.  I believe this was the right decision because of the changing weather in Maine there is no telling what could happen. 

So this brings us to Tuesday’s agenda and why the Winter Sand Bid is back on the agenda.  The town manager made the right decision and went with the next lower bidder and the sand was delivered.  According to the documentation, the total cost of the sand is $8,925.00.  The amount of the bill is under $10,000 and therefore does not require council approval so why are we wasting the council’s time with this again? 

Can someone tell me why this town is paying the Town Manager over $90,000 dollars a year?

Larry Fillmore

Lisbon Town Council Agenda Tuesday November 5, 2013

6:30 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Larochelle
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Mason
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Victualer's License for Bootleggers




2013-165 ORDER −
A. Minutes of October 15, 2013

B. Off Premise Catering Permit - Chick-A-Dee of Lewiston

C. Victualer's License for Bootleggers


2013-166 ORDER −
Winter Sand Bids

2013-167 ORDER −
Property Tax Foreclosures

2013-168 ORDER −
Energy Savings Audit Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with School Department

2013-169 ORDINANCE −
Supplemental Appropriation (1st Reading)


A. Presentation from Auditor's (begins at 6:30 p.m.)

B. Town Manager's Report



2013-170 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (D) Labor negotiations - Teamsters Local 340 - Sergeants Unit

2013-171 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Discuss Finance Committee Role in upcoming budget

GOPDD: Bombshell!! Three Benghazi Survivors to Testify

by clyde

via Free Patriot by Steven Ahle Lindsay Graham, R-SC, has announced that three CIA survivors of Benghazi will testify behind closed doors the week of Nov 11th. Senators are hoping for new information, that will give them a clearer picture of what happened that night in Benghazi. They have already deposed 2 state department security […]

The Maine Wire: “Video: Maine People’s Alliance pushes welfare expansion” plus 3 more

Video: Maine People’s Alliance pushes welfare expansion
Posted: 01 Nov 2013 12:05 PM PDT
Cautionary tale about solar energy
Posted: 01 Nov 2013 11:47 AM PDT
The California company SolarCity estimates that it will install 1 million new rooftop projects in the next five years and that they sign up a new customer every five minutes. In fact, six of the ten largest US homebuilders offer a solar panel option in the construction in new homes. According to the Solar Energy […]
House Speaker finally explains opposition to sex slave immunity bill (sort of)
Posted: 01 Nov 2013 11:43 AM PDT
Speaker of the House Mark W. Eves (D-North Berwick) offered an explanation on Friday as to why he and other Democrats on the Legislature’s Executive Council voted against a bill to protect victims of human trafficking. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Amy Volk (R-Scarborough), would allow courts to give immunity to victims of human trafficking […]
Revealed: Chinese missile attack would target Portland
Posted: 01 Nov 2013 08:25 AM PDT
Chinese state-controlled media revealed this week its plans to counteract U.S. nuclear deterrence in the Pacific, including suggestions that an attack on America would target Portland, the largest city in Maine. According to multiple media reports, China’s state-run media outlets including China Central TV, the People’s Daily, the Global Times, the PLA Daily, the China […]

Daylight Saving Time?

Friday, November 1, 2013

WND: Obama's ex-bodyguard: Scandals 'worse than you know'

Obama's ex-bodyguard: Scandals 'worse than you know'
The Secret Service agent tasked with guarding Barack Obama is finally going public with some astonishing revelations about the man he was paid to protect.

Look what scandals he's dishing the dirt on …
Read the latest now on


by clyde

via WND Congress needs to assign special prosecutors to investigate Obama administration misbehavior, charges a congressman who has distributed to members of the U.S. House copies of the book “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office.” “From Benghazi to Fast and Furious to crony deals for ‘green’ energy to Obamacare the lawless […]

BrassCheckTV: Something truly scary‏

Halloween was yesterday, but 
if you want to see something
truly scary...
How profoundly clueless the
nation's "leaders" really are. 
They can't even get it right
when their own skins depend
on it. 
- Brasscheck

ObamaCare contractor accused of criminal behavior
Pay $1 million, get a $1 billion contract


Didn't any Obama geniuses read the newspaper?

The US is a high tech/software/eCommerce powerhouse.

We're really good at this stuff.

So why did the Obama administration give a $1 billion plus ObamaCare website contract to a UK company that is already under investigation for everything from gross incompetence to government fraud to sexual assault?

Follow the money.

The corporate felons spent $1 million on lobbying (read that "legalized bribery to dirtbag politicians.")

That's a 1,000 to 1 return on their investment (bribe to contract size.)

Why can't every American get in on this corporate gravy train? Think of the good it would do the country.

I'd be happy to give Obama $1,000 to get a million dollar contract to create a web site. I'd ever make sure it works. Which government punk to I give the money to?

The Maine Wire: “Liberal lawmakers refuse to explain vote against bill to help victims of human sex trade; main stream media ignores” plus 4 more

Liberal lawmakers refuse to explain vote against bill to help victims of human sex trade; main stream media ignores
Posted: 31 Oct 2013 01:03 PM PDT
Top liberal lawmakers, including Senate President Justin L. Alfond (D-Portland), House Speaker Mark W. Eves (D-North Berwick) and Senate Majority Leader Troy D. Jackson (D-Aroostook),  have refused to explain why Democrats on the Legislative Council voted against a bill to help victims of human sex trafficking. Maine’s old guard newspapers, despite previously covering the bill, […]
Friends of Maine’s Mountains begins petition for moratorium on industrial wind
Posted: 31 Oct 2013 10:46 AM PDT
Opponents of industrial wind power began a petition drive on Thursday as part of their effort to persuade Gov. Paul LePage and the Legislature to repeal Maine’s Expedited Wind Law and place a moratorium on future wind power projects. The initiative, known as “Saving Maine”, was a project of Friends of Maine’s Mountains, a group […]
Democrats seek high ground with military recruiter bill
Posted: 31 Oct 2013 08:34 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – The Democrat-controlled Legislative Council voted Wednesday to allow a military recruiter bill to move the Legislature in January, leaving Republicans wondering: What’s changed? The issue of whether schools can restrict the access of uniformed military recruiters to campus grounds arose in July, when Democratic lawmakers put up resistance to a Republican-backed bill (L.D. […]
LePage congratulates ‘Boston Strong’ World Series Champion Red Sox
Posted: 31 Oct 2013 07:36 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – Republican Gov. Paul LePage offered congratulations to the World Series Champion Boston Red Sox on Thursday following the teams 6-1 rout of the St. Louis Cardinals. “I am so proud of the Red Sox and the effort they put into this series,” said LePage. “Not only did they play hard and come back […]
Maine women’s group announces fall events
Posted: 31 Oct 2013 06:45 AM PDT
Concerned Women for America’s Maine chapter is announcing their schedule of events for November and December, including Christmas Tea at The Blaine House with First Lady Anne LePage. On Monday, Nov. 4, the group will hold a Prayer/Action Chapter meeting at the First Baptist Church in Waldoboro, at 6:30pm. “All are welcome … men and […]

TMB: Column: Hillary Clinton (D., Goldman Sachs)‏

Column: Hillary Clinton (D., Goldman Sachs)
By Matthew ContinettiTwo recent events organized by the investment bank Goldman Sachs featured a special guest.

China Launches New Crackdown on Unofficial Churches
By Bill GertzChina’s communist government launched a new crackdown on unofficial Christian churches in October, claiming the groups are illegal for operating outside of government control, according to a Chinese dissident.

Emails: IRS Sent Tea Party Tax Documents to FEC
By CJ CiaramellaThe Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shared confidential tax records from several tea party groups with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), emails obtained by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal.

Watchdogs: Government Paid Millions in Medicare to Deceased, Illegal Immigrants
By Lachlan MarkayThe federal government has paid tens of millions of dollars in Medicare benefits to dead people and illegal immigrants, according to a pair of reports from federal watchdogs released on Thursday.

U.S. Institute of Peace: ‘Masculinity’ to Blame for Violence, Terrorism
By Daniel WiserSpeakers at a symposium hosted by a taxpayer-funded institute this week said some aspects of masculinity contribute to mass violence and criticized the United States for spending more on counterterrorism operations than sexual assault prevention efforts.

Pro-Israel Organization Pushing for Tougher Iran Sanctions
By Alana GoodmanThe nation’s largest pro-Israel organization is ramping up its push for tougher Iran sanctions, vowing that lawmakers will “pay the price” if they cave to White House pressure and delay a new round of penalties against the Iranian regime.

‘Ender’s Game’ Review
By Sonny BunchOf all the nerd adaptations in recent years—all the comic book films, all the Lord of the Rings movies, all the TV show remakes and reboots—Ender’s Game is the first property with which I have no prior familiarity.

The Wrap: Blacklist Orson Scott Card the *Right* Way
By Sonny BunchAs I’ve written here before, I find the campaign to blacklist Orson Scott Card—which is, at heart, an effort to punish an artist for his political views—pretty disturbing, all the more because it’s Hollywood [...]

Psaki Has No Answer for Why Benghazi Suspects Aren’t on ‘Reward for Justice’ List

By Washington Free Beacon Staff
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki was asked again why the Benghazi suspects have not been placed in the State Department’s “Reward for Justice” program.