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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TMB: Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal‏

Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal
By Adam KredoIranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.

Iran-North Korea Missile Cooperation Undermines Recent Geneva Nuclear Deal
By Bill GertzIranian collaboration with North Korea on a new rocket booster for long-range missiles undermines the deal with Tehran on its nuclear program, a senior House Republican said on Tuesday.

Experts Say IRS Guidance Will Restrict Free Speech
By Lachlan MarkayCampaign finance experts criticized on Tuesday guidance from the Internal Revenue Service on activity by 501(c)(4) advocacy groups, saying it will unduly restrict activity that rightfully falls under the federal government’s “social welfare” moniker.

Poll: Mark Warner Vulnerable in 2014
By Elizabeth HarringtonSen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) could be facing a tough reelection campaign next year, according to a Washington Free Beacon poll of Virginia voters conducted last week.

EPA Appoints Green Group Scientist as Integrity Official
By CJ CiaramellaThe Environmental Protection Agency has tapped Francesca Grifo, a top staffer at the Union of Concerned Scientists, as its next scientific integrity official, the agency announced Monday.

My Epic Notre Dame Tailgate With Generation Opportunity (Photos)
By Robert CharetteCollege neighborhood liquor counters are the only places in the country where the demand for bottom shelf liters of Vladimir and Skol vodkas outpaces the demand for top shelf brands. Most undergrads are limited by strict budgets and unsophisticated palettes [...]

Fake Hate Receipts and Hate Letters: The New Fake Campus Hate Crimes
By Sonny BunchPerhaps you heard about the waitress who was not only left no tip but also viciously insulted by a family of bigots who didn’t approve of her gay lifestyle. It was really horrible! Here’s the important part of the story […]

Ellison Barber: Pro-Obamacare Ads Will Not Overcome ‘Sticker Shock’

By Washington Free Beacon StaffThe Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber said the Obama administration has transitioned from pitching the Affordable Care Act politically to a business centered approach Tuesday on Fox News.

NaturalNews: Pet owners using medical marijuana; Natural News iPhone app released‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We've just released the Natural News iPhone app! Download it here:

Why are more and more pet owners using medical marijuana to treat their pets? Find out:

Cell phone radiation potentially linked to breast cancer in yet another study:

Five important detoxifiers for every home farmacy:

more news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Ty Bollinger talks about the fallacy of asking the U.S. government to approve cancer cures. Stephen Heuer discusses how to maintain good digestion through the holidays. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- Psycho-biotics: Using probiotics to treat depression
- Colorful holiday vegetables
- Alternative health program for cancer prevention

30,000 more people freed from water fluoridation after Australian town rejects poison
(NaturalNews) An outstanding ban on artificial water fluoridation has been upheld in the Australian coastal town of Byron Bay, located in New South Wales, following a heated encounter among local residents, scientists, dentists and city officials. The...

Pet owners increasingly using medical marijuana to help their pets feel better
(NaturalNews) As the social stigmas and taboos about marijuana that largely emerged during the "Reefer Madness" generation continue to be stripped away from the public consciousness, an increasing number of people are beginning to look at this all natural...

Cell phone radiation breast cancer link - New study raises grave concerns
(NaturalNews) A new study raises concerns of a possible association between cell phone radiation exposure and breast cancer in young women. The research team, led by Dr. Lisa Bailey, a former president of the American Cancer Society's California Division...

Merck betting $100 million on new China-based pharmaceutical factory
(NaturalNews) A recent Rueters article covered Merck's plan to invest $108 million for a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant to be up and running in China by 2017. This announcement is motivated partly by the anticipation of China's annual sick...

10 Percent of China's cooking oil could be 'gutter oil'
(NaturalNews) According to a short documentary produced by Radio Free Asia entitled "The Making of 'Gutter Oil,'" the use of so-called "gutter oil" - illegal oil made from processed sewage and other waste matter - is rampant among China's food establishments...

Blue light found to improve brain function and focus better than coffee
(NaturalNews) Swedish researchers have made a fascinating discovery with regard to short wavelength blue light that suggests that it could be used as a natural therapy to help improve cognitive function and boost energy levels. In a test comparing the...

Portland public schools now consider peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be 'racist'
(NaturalNews) A Portland public school principal is on a crusade to eradicate what she sees as racism and "white privilege" lurking around every corner, and in the process has come to the deranged conclusion that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches somehow...

Five important go-to detoxifiers for every home farmacy
(NaturalNews) For the health of the nation to change, individuals must stop relying on pharmacies and must instead start creating their own farmacies at home. While pharmacies carry drugs that cover up symptoms, a personal farmacy provides beneficial...

Feds may force all new cars to broadcast their location, speed and direction to government authorities
(NaturalNews) You may have heard that driving is a privilege, and in some ways it is, but being afforded guarantees contained within the Constitution is an expectation, not a "privilege" to be doled out by the ruling class. So anyone who says the government...

Six things happy couples do differently than the rest
(NaturalNews) An unhappy relationship can wreak havoc on your emotions and health. In fact, a ten-year study has shown that stressful relationships...

Scientists develop amazing new waterproof surface that mimics plant leaves, butterfly wings
(NaturalNews) The advancement of science has taken yet another groundbreaking cue from nature, this time in the development of state-of-the-art waterproof materials. A team of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has reportedly...

Black widow spiders found in grapes in several states
(NaturalNews) Halloween may be over, yet it seems that the feared black widow spider is still lurking around. But instead of appearing as a scary plastic prank, the live arachnid is ending up in our food. Ongoing sightings of black widow spiders appearing...

Yet another scandal: Census Bureau faked unemployment data to help get Obama re-elected
(NaturalNews) A little-discussed element regarding the various and sundry scandals committed during the Obama years is that many of the agencies committing breaches of the public's trust are filled with bureaucrats who have the same statist, left-leaning...

Support your heart with chocolate
(NaturalNews) Recent recommendations from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology expanding the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs to a whole new segment of our population underline the medical community's continued reliance...

Ban-crazed Bloomberg now pushing to outlaw Styrofoam
(NaturalNews) With a little more than one month left before his final term as mayor comes to an end, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the politician famed for trying (but failing) to ban large sodas, is attempting to get just one more ban in before he...

Natural News Exclusive: (AMZN) sells fake, counterfeit nutritional products to unsuspecting consumers
(NaturalNews) A Natural News investigation has confirmed that (AMZN) is functioning as a retail "front" for a rapidly-expanding list of dietary supplement counterfeiters who profit by exploiting the trust factor to sell fake products...

Looking For A Unique & Affordable Christmas Gift? 2013 Paul Cyr DVD Sample Video plus 2014 Calender

Paul Cyr's 2013 pictorial DVD set to instrumental music composed and performed by Brian Mosher. This is a five minute sampling of the original 23 minute video showing the spectacular scenery and wildlife in northern Maine.

If you would like to purchase the DVD please visit
In addition to the DVDs they also have Paul’s 2014 calendars available for sale.

To see a gallery of photos Paul has taken or to join his email list go to

Be Certain to Tell them you found them on The Lisbon Reporter!!!!!

Submitted by: "A 'True Mainah' Living in Exile"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lisbon Project UNIFY Week Starts Dec. 2‏

Members of the Lisbon High School Project UNIFY are gearing up for the week-long inclusive week of activities.  Pictured (l-r):  Back Row-  Austin Fournier, Jake Patenaude, Olivia Bulgin, Richie Thuotte, Delanie Ouellette,  Jeremy Wilson, Nichole Jones, Lacey Thomsen, LHS Teacher, Jody Benson.  Middle Row – Cameron Ramich, Paige Galligan, Cassandra Pace, Sarah Craig,  Stefan Smith, Abigail Roy, Dustin Wood
First Row – Tabitha Porter, Andrea Danforth, Shayla Pesce, Chelsey Harrington.  FMI on other events and programs in Lisbon Schools find us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon - Lisbon High School Project UNIFY Inclusive Schools Week Activity Calendar Dec. 2-6, 2013

Monday Dec. 2, 2013

Inclusive Schools Week Daily Announcement about Respect and Lisbon HS Core Value


Project UNIFY Wall of Character/Core Value Essay Project Begins

Lisbon HS Banner in front lobby to be signed by all students & staff designating supporting Inclusive Schools Week and its activities

Project UNIFY – Minute to Win It Activity #1 to be done in all Advocacies

Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013

Inclusive Schools Week Daily Announcement about Diversity and 
 Lisbon HS Core Value Innovation

Project UNIFY – Minute to Win It Activity #2 to be done in all Advocacies

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

Inclusive Schools Week Daily Announcement about Responsibility and Lisbon HS Core Value Application

Project UNIFY – Minute to Win It Activity #3 to be done in all Advocacies

Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013

Inclusive Schools Week Daily Announcement about Tolerance and Lisbon HS Core Value Civil & Social Expectations

Project UNIFY – Minute to Win It Activity # 4 to be done in all Advocacies

Project UNIFY Wall of Character/Core Value Essay Project Winners Announced (Winners receive a Little Caesars Pizza for lunch)
Ice Cream Sundaes will be served to all students during 1st & 2nd lunch as a thank you for participating in the activities for the week to celebrate Inclusive Schools Week and to show we are all unique individuals with individual differences but together as a small group we can be better and as a whole school we are the BEST!

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

Inclusive Schools Week Final Daily Announcement /Thank you to students and staff at Lisbon High School

Special Olympic Athletes & Project UNIFY Partners participate in a Tennis Training Day at Bates College

Note to Advocacy Teachers: These activities have been approved by the Administration and we would like to ask you to support this week by encouraging your students in Advocacy to participate. Sustained Silent Reading is on hold from Monday to Thursday if students participate.   You can’t mandate students to participate but hopefully you feel this is important enough to convince students to become involved.   All Minute to Win It Activities will be delivered to your classrooms with the directions & a tally sheet to keep track of individual student’s accomplishments as well as your Advocacy as a team working together.  Please bring the materials back to Room 108 after Advocacy so the next group can utilize them the next day.  Please do not throw anything away or give to the students. Thank you in advance for your support in promoting Inclusive Schools Week at Lisbon High School.

Thanks for supporting Project UNIFY’s  Inclusive Schools Week Activities at Lisbon High School Dec. 2-6, 2013.

Submitted by:

The Lisbon High School Special Olympic Athletes & Project UNIFY Partners and Team Members.

Rufe's Weather Outlook Update: A challenging storm with varied precipitation

 A challenging storm with varied precipitation. This morning’s dusting is unrelated to the main event.
 Snow will overspread the south border around 10PM with little if accumulation. Snow will press north during the night, blending with sleet/freezing rain the liquid rain by dawn all the way to the north border. 
The western border from Fryeburg-Greenville-Coburn’s Gore stands the greatest likelihood of up to ¼” accretion. Snowfall amounts will range from a scant coating at the coast to 3”-5” over the mountains prior to heavy rain which may approach 2” total throughout the service area. The heaviest precipitation will occur between 3AM and noon tomorrow, ending 4PM to 9PM south to northeast.
 SE winds from 3PM through 8PM within 5-15 miles of the coast may reach 40-45 mph, greatest threat east of Casco Bay. Winds slacken thereafter as the storm passes just to the west of Maine.

 Southwest then northwest winds behind the storm tomorrow night will ramp up after midnight and likely exceed 40 mph system wide from perhaps dawn through dusk. There is the threat of gusts to 50 mph for several daylight hours Thursday. Another fairly long duration event

Monday, November 25, 2013

MHPC: Economics, education, letters to the editor, and current events‏

Moody On Economics     click to read more
Check out the blog
J. Scott Moody is CEO of The Maine Heritage Policy Center. He has more than 13 years of experience as a public policy economist, including six years as chief economist for MHPC and stints at The Heritage Foundation and the Tax Foundation. He is the author, co-author and editor of over 140 studies and books and has testified twice before the House Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. Congress, as well as before various state legislatures. 
Great Schools For ME    click to read more
How can you ensure your children are enrolled in the curriculum that best meets their needs and interests? provides site visitors with a wealth of information on Customized Learning in Maine, Maine schools, student performance, and comprehensive data on school spending.
The Maine Wire            click to read more
The Maine Heritage Policy Center's online news service
The Maine Wire is the Pine Tree State’s premier destination for political news. Written by conservatives and for conservatives, The Maine Wire provides a perspective of Maine news and current events you won’t find in the liberal media. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding The Maine Wire, please contact the editor at Have an opinion? The Maine Wire is always accepting reader contributions at
Stay Informed



Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  dry. breezy east during am. highs 20-31 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 15-23 N/S. highs 32-42 N/S.
Wednesday; rain, snow,wind. See discussion. Lows 27-39 N/S. highs 45-50.
Thursday; mnt. Flurries. Very windy. Lows 19-28 N/S. highs 21-32 N/S.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 7-17 N/S. highs 21-33 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 9-18 N/S. highs 26-35 N/S.
Sunday; quiet and dry. Lows 16-26 N/S. highs 30-40 N/S.

Lisbon's Very Merry Main Street offers free family holiday fun‏

Carolers singing holiday favorites on Main Street Lisbon Falls during the Very Merry Main Street celebration which this year will be Saturday, Dec. 7 from 5 pm until 7 pm.

Bring your family and celebrate the holiday season in Lisbon Falls at the 5th Annual Very Merry Main Street on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 5-7 pm. Free activities include horse drawn carriage rides, musical performances, and the chance to visit Santa.

“Lisbon Falls is the perfect place to experience an authentic small town holiday celebration. As a family friendly destination, we offer activities that will bring smiles to children of all ages,” said Ross Cunningham, President of Positive Change Lisbon, the coordinator of the event.

The evening begins at 4:30 at the MTM Center on School Street where carolers from Lisbon Falls Baptist Church will lead the singing as Santa lights the town’s Christmas tree at MTM park. After the lighting, everyone is invited to follow Santa in a "Caroling Procession" down Main Street to Route 196.

From 5 pm to 7 pm, over 15 businesses in Lisbon Falls will open their doors and welcome visitors to their stores with many providing snacks and drinks and activities. Stop by the Positive Change Lisbon table outside Mike's Flooring on Main Street to receive a card to be stamped by local businesses. Return the stamped cards to be entered into a contest to win a gift basket.

Children will be able to meet Santa for free after he arrives at the “North Pole Annex” in the Masonic Hall on Route 196. Parents can take photos of their kid's visit. All visitors are invited to line up at the Outside Mike's Flooring on Main Street for free horse drawn carriage rides.

During the evening, the Lewiston trio known as “Present Company” will perform holiday favorites at Drapeau's Costumes on Main Street. Local singer songwriter Steve Hildonen will be playing sing a long songs at The Railroad Diner. Participants will be able to hear familiar tunes at Tangles Hair Salon broadcast by Lisbon’s own WQRY Internet Radio.

For more information, contact Ross Cunningham at 751-2417 or

Positive Change Lisbon is an organization of business owners, citizens, and government officials who work together to make Lisbon a more attractive place to live, recreate and to conduct business.

Give the 2014 Moxie Festival a theme‏

 Lisbon’s Moxie Store Owner Frank Anicetti and Moxie Festival Committee member Brenda Rogers encourage you to participate in the 2014 Moxie Festival theme contest.

32nd Annual Moxie Festival July 11-13, 2014
2014 Moxie Festival Committee
Lisbon, Maine

The Moxie Festival Committee is pleased to announce the opening of the 2014 Moxie Festival theme contest. The theme entry must include a reference to Moxie and Maine and be submitted by Jan. 1, 2014.

When entering the contest, keep in mind that the winning theme will determine:

  • How contestants will create a winning float for the Moxie Festival  parade on July 12
  • How artists will compete for the winning 2014 Moxie Festival logo
Entries can be made at the website, emailed to or mailed to Debra Wagner, Moxie Festival Committee, 23 Center Street, Lisbon Falls, ME 04252 until January 1, 2014. Theme entries become the property of the Moxie Festival Committee.

The winner, chosen at the Moxie Festival Committee meeting in January, will win a deluxe Moxie-filled basket and will be invited to serve as a parade judge.

The 32nd Moxie Festival will be held in Lisbon Falls on July 11-13, 2014.

Since 1982, The Moxie Festival in Lisbon, Maine has been held on the second weekend in July. The Festival now includes a three day Pow Wow; Friday night fireworks and Moxie Recipe Contest; a Saturday parade, Moxie Day 5K Race, Moxie Day ATV Charity Ride, and Family Fun Fair; and on Sunday, the Chief Worumbo Androscoggin River Race and the Moxie Car Show. Moxie was designated Maine’s official soft drink on May 20, 2005.

According to Lisbon Public Safety Officials, an estimated 50,000 people attend the three-day Moxie Festival. The Town of Lisbon has approximately 9,300 residents.

The Enigma‏

  As I have asked many times over the years, my questions about revolving loans were either ignored or told by the town manager & his sidekick, Mr. Feeney, it was classified information.  So who ever got loans, it was only known by rumors - who they maybe  and their status of defaulting,  Only the STAR CHAMBER knew. The Lisbon Video, the Farwell furniture & its cohort businesses (who never ran a business previously ), Maria's (Ronnie Anctil's old place) are just a few names. The town manager, I believe, should be responsible as this leadership should be accountable. WHERE DOES THE BUCK stop?

     How much money has been defaulted? For those loans in arrears-what are the consequences?? Who is in CHARGE?  Is anything TRANSPARENT??  As Abbott and Costello would ask who is one first, who is on second.....
                                                                                          DEEP THROAT

TMB: Iran to Build Two More Nuclear Plants‏ & "OhBunnyCare"

By Adam Kredo
Iranian officials announced the upcoming construction of two new nuclear plants on Saturday, just hours before the United States and Western nations signed a nuclear pact that will allow Iran to continue enriching uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon.
By Bill Gertz
The Pentagon invoked a U.S. defense treaty with Japan and warned China on Saturday that its declaration of an air defense zone over the East China Sea is increasing the danger of military conflict.
By Bill Gertz
The Pentagon on Friday unveiled a new strategy to defend the Arctic region from security threats as Russia builds up cold-weather forces in the region and China prepares to claim resources.

By Bill McMorris
Taxpayers are expected to lose $10 billion on the deal unless General Motors (GM) can turn the government’s $1.2 billion stake into $11.1 billion, growth that would have GM trading at more than $350 per share, on par with elite companies, such as Amazon.
By Adam Kredo
A prominent Jewish human rights institute has accused the United Nations of intentionally barring pro-Israel Jewish groups from attending a major meeting on the pursuit of Palestinian statehood.
By CJ Ciaramella
THE REALM OF DARKON — The marauders poured out of the woods, swords and spears in hand. Salty veterans escorting the caravan full of the king’s gold along a narrow forest path turned to face them. They were expecting an ambush.

By Sonny Bunch
Earlier this week I noted that a bunch of busybodies with too much time on their hands decided to wage a social media campaign against a establishment that had dared to point out that a massive increase in the minimum wage for tipped employees would hurt their business, hurt their workers, and hurt their customers.
By WFB Staff
Nevada’s Moonlight Bunny Ranch “working girls” are excited about Obamacare, KXTV reports.