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Friday, January 10, 2014

A Lesson In History Can Help The 'Discord' Between LePage and Mills; U4ME & Beyond: Public Notice To Maine Governor Paul LePage

Last, Wednesday January 8, 2014, the local news channels addressed the tension between Governor LePage and Attorney General Janet Mills as it relates to the medicaid report, and he said that she could sue him for not releasing the report.
He is a republican, and she is a democrat.
Here is what Governor LePage does not know about.
What happened as a result of the 1855 resolve?
In order to understand what the fraudulent 1855 resolve accomplished, you must understand what the original constitution says and means.
First of all, in the original Constitution of the State of Maine (1820) it states in part in Article V, Part First, Executive Power, Section 8: “He [Governor] shall nominate, and, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint all judicial officers, the Attorney General (emphasis is mine), the Sheriffs, Coroners, Registers of Probate and Notaries Public……….
This is an Executive Department function ONLY. All of this belongs in this department.
Here is what the 1855 resolve states in part: (View 1855 Resolve, click here.)
“SECT. 10. The land agent and attorney general (emphasis is mine) shall be chosen annually by joint ballot of the senators and representatives in convention.
Vacancies in said offices occurring when the legislature is not in session, may be filled by appointment by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council.”
What is the problem with this resolve?
First of all, the legislative department has NO delegation of authority to “interfere” with another department.
The function of the Attorney General is to “execute” the laws of the state, and that is an Executive department function ONLY.
The legislative department ONLY makes the laws.
“Separation of Powers” is a common law principle among many principles.

Read more here:

Excellent Presentation  a 'must read' for ALL!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting January 7, 2014

 Part One

Part Two

Lisbon Music Boosters Baked Bean Supper‏

Lisbon High School’s brother and sister, Silas and Sierra Crosby, enjoy the culinary specialties prepared by the Lisbon Music Boosters Association.  All fundraising from dinners scheduled throughout the school year benefit the Summer Music Camp Scholarship Fund.  Photo by Monica Millhime. 

Lisbon – The Lisbon Music Department invites one and all to a Baked Bean Supper on Friday, January 24 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.  The dinner will be held at
Philip W. Sugg Middle School Cafeteria, 4 SUGG DRIVE, LISBON FALLS.  Menu includes hot dogs, homemade macaroni and cheese, American Chop Suey, brown bread, coleslaw, assorted casseroles,  and assorted desserts.  Tickets  are available at the door.  $3 for children 10 & under/$6 for adults.
All proceeds benefit the Summer Music Camp Scholarship Fund.  FMI on other events and programs visit and like us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

The Maine Wire: “Robinson talks welfare abuse on Howie Carr” plus 2 more‏

Robinson talks welfare abuse on Howie Carr
Posted: 08 Jan 2014 07:17 AM PST
Maine Wire Editor Steve Robinson joined talk radio host Howie Carr on Tuesday to talk about his investigation into abuse of Maine’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. According to an analysis of TANF data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine cash welfare has been spent in all 50 states, […]
Maine welfare cash spent at liquor stores, bars, strip clubs and smoke shops
Posted: 08 Jan 2014 06:32 AM PST
Maine’s welfare system is supposed to provide a social safety net for poor families, but an analysis of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program suggests some are spending their welfare cash on tobacco, alcohol and adult entertainment. According to Department of Health and Human Services records obtained by The Maine Wire pursuant to […]
Brakey breaks fundraising record in race for state senate
Posted: 08 Jan 2014 06:31 AM PST
AUBURN – Republican state senate candidate Eric Brakey announced Tuesday that his campaign has raised more than $21,000 in his bid to replace incumbent Sen. John Cleveland (D-Androscoggin). Brakey, the former chair of the libertarian Defense of Liberty PAC, is running for Senate District 20, which, following the last round of redistricting, includes Auburn, New […]

TMB: Max Baucus Advised Foundation Funded by U.S. Branches of Chinese-Owned Banks‏

By Daniel Wiser
Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.), President Barack Obama’s nominee for the next U.S. ambassador to China, has advised a foundation funded by the U.S. branches of Chinese state-owned banks and companies and a Chinese telecommunications giant accused of spying on Americans.
By Adam KredoThe White House on Wednesday denied reports that negotiations between Iran and Western nations had broken down after a dispute over Tehran’s nuclear research.
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe Justice Department (DOJ) and Louisiana filed separate proposals for information sharing on the state’s school voucher program Tuesday evening, as the Obama administration continues to seek federal approval of each scholarship awarded to a child fleeing a failing school.
By Adam KredoIranian oil exports hit a high in December, just one month after Western nations inked a nuclear pact with Iran that guaranteed up to $7 billion in economic sanctions relief.
By CJ CiaramellaA transparency advocate is suing the Central Intelligence Agency to obtain the agency’s files on Nelson Mandela, the late South African anti-Apartheid activist and Nobel Prize laureate.
By Sonny BunchI couldn’t help but feel a bit of solidarity with Frank Luntz while reading this profile. Luntz is really depressed about the state of political discourse in this country. And he doesn’t have any idea what to do about it.
Speaker John Boehner (R., OH) stated that House Republicans would continue to focus on creating jobs for Americans in 2014 during the GOP leaders press conference on Tuesday.

GOPDD: Widow of Murdered Police Officer on President Obama’s DOJ Nomination: “It’s Like Spitting on All of Our Officers”

by sophia
Townhall/Katie Pavlich Last night on Fox News' The Kelly File, Maureen Faulker, the widow of murdered Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, reacted to President Obama's nomination of Debo Adegbile to head up the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Adegbile has worked as an advocate for cop killer Mumia-Abu-Jamal, the man who was […]

NaturalNews: Third and final food science breakthrough this week: the MCC‏

The Metals Capturing Capacity discovery that protects you from toxic heavy metals

 Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
This week has been a whirlwind of activity here at Natural News, and the wave of positive feedback has been truly amazing. Thank you all for your outpouring of support and compliments on our food science breakthroughs.
The third and final installment of our breakthrough announcements is all about the Metals Capturing Capacity. Through months of scientific research, I pioneered the methodology to measure and document this seemingly magical property of foods and superfoods. Read all about it here:

The video that explains the Metals Capturing Capacity is available at:

See examples of the lab data revealing this remarkable food property at:

For example, Cacao Powder has a low but measurable ability to capture arsenic:

And Coriander (spice) Powder has an unusual ability to bind with a medium level of both Cesium and Lead:

Chopped clams are relatively high in Lead, but they are remarkably good at binding with Aluminum:

More data is being published almost daily, so be sure to check frequently at

Swine flu vaccine causes horrible neurological damage to young girl (probably because of the heavy metals it contains)

Insanely stupid EU officials are trying to ban cinnamon:

Beat inflammation with these amazing food-based solutions!

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: We’ll discuss more strategies in restoring gastrointestinal integrity and avoiding unnecessary surgical interventions associated with colitis and Crohn’s. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at
Today on
- A positive mindset can help you overcome depression
- Pine pollen can boost libido
- 3 natural remedies that fight infections

Health Ranger announces discovery of Metals Capturing Capacity for foods, botanicals, herbs and dietary supplements
(NaturalNews) The Metals Capturing Capacity (MCC) describes the ability of any given food or dietary substance to bind with and "capture" a quantity of toxic elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium or even radioactive isotopes such as cesium-137. Mike...

Swine flu vaccine causes girl to fall asleep 30 times a day; vaccine pushers still claim 'zero side effects'
(NaturalNews) The family of a 15-year-old Australian girl is seeking answers after their daughter developed a severe sleeping disorder following vaccination with Pandemrix, the infamous "swine flu" shot pushed during the 2009 "pandemic." Australia's ...

Inflammation: Tame this silent killer with food-based solutions
(NaturalNews) The bane of health, chronic inflammation, is at the root of most disease. Cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cardiovascular troubles and periodontal issues are all influenced by an overactive inflammatory response...

EU officials trying to ban cinnamon rolls, ridiculously claim natural spice compound might damage liver
(NaturalNews) It is a dessert favorite across much of Nordic Europe. But the kanelsnegle, or what is more commonly known in the States as a cinnamon roll, is the target of new European Union regulations that claim it is a threat to human health...

Coronary artery disease associated with copper and zinc imbalance
(NaturalNews) Zinc and copper are considered trace minerals, which means that they're necessary for metabolic activity in smaller amounts than macro minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. That doesn't negate the importance of trace minerals...

Gardasil continues to devastate lives around the world, Obama administration responds by pumping another $1.2 million into HPV vaccine push
(NaturalNews) "After receiving her second dose of Gardasil ... she could crawl but ... needed to use crutches or a wheel chair ... She experienced problems breathing and had 'super migraines' that never went away ... She had swelling in her face, jaw...

After sickening US Navy sailors in 2011, radioactive steam continues to billow from Fukushima reactor
(NaturalNews) It was recently unveiled that U.S. Navy sailors aboard the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan during the time of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster suffered severe radiation poisoning after being left out to sea for months without aid. And...

Proof that energy medicine works
(NaturalNews) Are you interested in true disease prevention strategies? Maybe you've just become frustrated with a chronic health problem that just won't go away - in spite of your best efforts. If you're looking for a greater sense of balance and wellbeing...

How much pesticide does the average American consume in a day?
(NaturalNews) There is a cumulative effect from eating bug and weed killer daily. No human being on the planet can deny that, if you swallow a little bit of poison every day, your body will break down and "die." So how much weed killer (RoundUp herbicide...

A 'juicing' a day keeps the doctor away
(NaturalNews) One of the best things to do for health is daily juicing of organic vegetables and fruits. The initial investment in a juicer will pay off in daily detoxification and supplying the body with healthy antioxidants and nutrients. Several health...

Canada's former Defense Minister goes public with shocking claim: 'Aliens are real and walk among us'
(NaturalNews) Area 51. UFOs. Strange signs in cornfields. And, of course, aliens from space. They're all real, you see, and in fact, there are aliens among us. At least, that's what one former Canadian defense minister is saying, as reported by

Workers, union employees, totally 'pissed off' about Obamacare betrayal
(NaturalNews) Union leaders and members have long been Democratic Party constituents, so it was no surprise that, when President Obama and congressional Democrats were pushing the Affordable Care Act in 2009 and 2010, the country's largest unions backed...

Health and food choices must be won to improve American health
(NaturalNews) The deterioration of individual freedoms to make personal health care decisions and access safe foods has progressively worsened in the last 30 years. Highly adulterated processed foods, mandated vaccinations and widespread pharmaceutical...

Once called a conspiracy theory, NSA remote bugging of your iPhone is now confirmed
(NaturalNews) It has been said that one person's conspiracy theory is another's truth, depending on your interpretation of reality. Well, thanks to the rapid advances in technology - and a post-constitutional federal government, things that were once...

View the awards for the year's worst reporting by the lamestream media
(NaturalNews) Personalities in the mainstream media tend to say some ridiculous things, and one media watchdog, the Media Research Center (MRC), likes to hand out "awards" for some of the most outrageous every year. And this year, as in past years, the...

Health Ranger announces discovery, documentation of Metals Retention Factor for foods, superfoods, herbs and supplements
(NaturalNews) This article explains the Metals Retention Factor (MRF), a food science breakthrough pioneered by Mike Adams. MRF stands for "Metals Retention Factor." A video explaining the Metals Retention Factor in more detail is ...

MHPC Makes Cash Welfare Spending Available Online

The Maine Heritage Policy Center publishes the most comprehensive view of Maine's cash welfare program ever presented to the public.
PORTLAND, Maine - The Maine Heritage Policy Center, Maine's foremost free market think tank, on Thursday presented to the people of Maine an exclusive look at data related to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash welfare program. The data, which is available at, represents the most comprehensive view of Maine's cash welfare program ever presented to the public.
"For the first time, the people of Maine can see how their tax dollars are being spent on Maine's cash welfare program," said MHPC CEO J. Scott Moody. "It is our hope that this data will provide a solid, factual foundation for current policy debates over welfare reform. Based on this data, it is no longer possible for reasonable people to conclude that welfare abuse does not exist. The data shows that Maine’s cash welfare has been accessed in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It shows cash welfare has been accessed at liquor stores, bars, cigarette shops, strip clubs and amusement parks."
"This blatant abuse of Maine's TANF program is not compatible with its goal of encouraging benefit recipients to become healthy and productive members of the community," he said. "The people of Maine should demand responsible welfare reform that not only respects Maine taxpayers, but also ensures the TANF program is achieving its goals."
Members of the press are invited to join a conference call today at 3:00PM for a tutorial on using the Qlik View application in which the data is presented. To obtain the call in number and access code, please contact Jonathan Haines at

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting - January 7th, 2014



A Warm Welcome to Lisbon's Interim Town Manager, Michael Huston
Last night’s meeting of the Town Council was inspiring.  The atmosphere in the Council Chamber was oozing with energy.  There were approximately fifteen (15) residents in attendance.  This is more people than I have seen at a Town Council meeting in a long time.  It was very refreshing to see more citizens becoming involved.  

This Council has started 2014 off on a very positive note.  The Town Council approved the appointment of Mr. Michael Huston as the Interim Town Manager.  I personally believe this is an excellent choice.  Mr. Huston is a longtime resident who has been involved with the town for many many years.  He is honest and his integrity is beyond reproach.  Mr. Huston will move this town in the right direction very quickly.

The Council also appointed Ms. Jessica Maloy as the Interim Treasurer and Tax Collector.  Ms. Maloy has served as the Town Finance Director.

These choices by the Town Council are a perfect start to 2014 and I am so happy to finally be able to report outstanding news.  The new Council Working Rules allow residents to speak on items not on the agenda (New Business).  This is a great step forward to returning citizens with the right to free speech.  I commend the Town Council for doing this and I hope it continues to work for the council. 

All in all, this Town Council has made sufficient improvements to restore this community to the best town in Maine.  I hope and pray this trend will continue.   It will be critical that citizens of our community become more involved now that we have a Council that is listening to us and taking appropriate action.

Each and every one of the Councilors needs to be commended for making excellent decisions.

Larry Fillmore

NaturalNews: The second food science breakthrough from the Health Ranger‏

Food science breakthrough: the Metals Retention Factor explained

 Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Today we continue our series of breakthrough food science announcements with an article and a new mini-documentary video describing my discovery of the Metals Retention Factor in foods.
Read the article describing this breakthrough here:

The video is available at YouTube:

The lab data is being published at:

Tomorrow I will bring you the third and most amazing announcement in this series, so stay tuned to Natural News for yet more details that will radically reform the way you shop and consume foods, superfoods and supplements...

Thyroid cancer rates are on the rise in Japan; some experts warn residents to evacuate:

The Grocery Manufacturers Association, the same Monsanto-conspiring group that masterminded an illegal money laundering scheme in Washington to try to defeat the GMO labeling bill there, now wants the FDA to allow GMOs to be labeled "natural"

Learn how to detoxify heavy metals with the use of chlorella:

And turmeric may help protect against lead toxicity:

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Can you get the flu even if you are vaccinated? Ty Bollinger and RSB cover another tragic story of a child who died after a flu shot and subsequent flu! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- The best foods for weight loss
- Do you know the difference between the 3 types of omega-3s?
- Signs that you may have a nutritional deficiency

Health Ranger announces discovery, documentation of Metals Retention Factor for foods, superfoods, herbs and supplements
(NaturalNews) This article explains the Metals Retention Factor (MRF), a food science breakthrough pioneered by Mike Adams. MRF stands for "Metals Retention Factor." A video explaining the Metals Retention Factor in more detail is ...

Thyroid cancer rates on the rise in Japanese children, experts warn residents to evacuate
(NaturalNews) When Japanese Professor Toshihide Tsuda of Okayama University sat down with leaders from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, talk about citywide evacuation near the Fukushima nuclear breakdown site began. Deeply concerned about rising...

Grocery Manufacturers Association pushing FDA to allow GMOs to be labeled 'natural'
(NaturalNews) Not content with just hiding unlabeled genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the general food supply, the biotechnology industry now wants to freely add GMOs to food products bearing the "natural" label as well, according to new...

Hospital forces pregnant nurse to be injected with toxic mercury or lose her job
(NaturalNews) Horizon Healthcare Services in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is the latest U.S.-based medical facility to enter the "hall of shame" for its audacious trashing of the Hippocratic Oath. This is after it was reported that hospital administrators...

Detoxifying accumulated heavy metals and toxins with chlorella
(NaturalNews) With governments increasingly supporting the relentless greed of multinational corporations, with no apparent regard for people or the environment, we live in a toxic world with potentially serious, often fatal health consequences. How then...

Turmeric and myrhh protect against lead toxicity
(NaturalNews) Lead is a ubiquitous industrial chemical and a potent neurotoxin. As such, lead toxicity remains a major public health concern worldwide. Fortunately, research suggests that turmeric root and myrrh can significantly mitigate lead's toxic...

Changes in diet radically reform gut bacteria in just one day
(NaturalNews) A shift in diet can dramatically change the composition of your gut bacteria in just a single day, according to a study published in the journal Nature. This may explain the strong connection between diet and certain diseases. More...

The great health benefits of elderberry
(NaturalNews) Elderberries have been used for their medicinal benefits for thousands of years throughout North America, Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. In the Middle Ages, it was considered a Holy Tree due to its ability to improve health and longevity...

Obamacare: Cancelled plans vastly exceed enrollments so far
(NaturalNews) One of the many promises made by President Obama and his supporters regarding the Affordable Care Act was that, finally, all Americans would have health insurance. Well, like most of the other promises regarding the law, this one has...

Calcium has capacity to reduce copper toxicity, study shows
(NaturalNews) It is hardly a secret that millions of people living in the developed world are overworked, perpetually stressed and addicted to junk food, all factors which can impair adrenal function, toxify the liver and lead to other serious health...

Exercise-induced migraines can be avoided with aerobic exercise
(NaturalNews) Along with sleep deprivation and stress, scientists have long known that sudden, high-intensity exercise can trigger migraines. Migraines are attributed to cerebral blood vessels going through phases of constriction and dilation, stretching...

Twin photos reveal damage caused by lifetime of smoking
(NaturalNews) Cancer is the disease that most people probably think of when considering the major long-term health effects of a lifetime of smoking cigarettes. But a recent side-by-side comparison of multiple sets of twins, one twin a smoker and the other...

Biometric technology to conduct traveler identity verifications at airports
(NaturalNews) It's already tough to get a decent job in the Obama economy, but increasingly, technology is making it even tougher. That's because more and more functions of society are becoming automated - that is, machines are taking over duties that...

About being on time
(NaturalNews) In his classic existentialist novel, The Stranger, Camus wrote, "I'd read, of course, that in jail one ends up losing track of time." He then has his protagonist reflect upon how much "time" had governed his life before he had become incarcerated...

Shock poll: 72% of Americans see Big Government as greatest threat to their future
(NaturalNews) It is not a survey that bodes well for either the legitimacy of our leaders or, quite possibly, the future of our country. Five years into the "hope and change" regime of Barack Obama - the American president who promised to deliver us...

Natural News launches Labs reference website with heavy metals results for foods, organics, supplements and more
(NaturalNews) In conjunction with the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (, Natural News ( has begun publishing heavy metals lab reports for off-the-shelf food products. With industrial pollution worsening and many...

The Unmasking of Maine....and Beyond: LIST OF MAINE LOBBYISTS AND CLIENTS‏

To view the list, click here.

Related: Maine Lobbyists Get Public Pensions! Click here.

The Unmasking of Maine....and Beyond: The Making Of Our Children Into Robots

Courtesy of Charlotte Iserbyt:
“ I’ve always felt that Tucker was out there before he arrived at NIE in the late seventies, since he says so, but doesn’t give exact years, in interviews he has given.  Opal Moore really  found the mother lode when she got the letter from Doherty. 
That packet of info is at American Deception.  Type in “Goals”. “
“These notes were taken on the telephone from conversation with John O’Neil of Texas. Mr. O’Neil ordered the twelve volumes and is in the process of studying and evaluating them . The notes I took give verbatim quotes from “Introduction to Course Goals for Educational Planning and Evaluation,”2nd ed.,and “Program Goals and Subject Matter Taxonomies for Course Goals”, 4th ed.”  
Here is documented proof regarding roots of Common Core….in early 1970s.  To view notes, click here.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

BrasscheckTV: The great school lunch scam‏

Who determines what American kids 
eat each day?
To a large degree, it is the Federal 
Government. Congress and the 
Department of Agriculture approve 
what foods can (and can't) be served 
to over 30 million American school 
children who get daily meals from 
the National School Lunch Program. 
The government gets a ton of 
pressure from a food and beverage 
industry frantic to keep kids hooked 
on a diet of sodas, snacks and hot 
- Brasscheck

 The school lunch scam
Corporate pigs at the trough

 Creating a culture of disease
Who determines what U.S. children eat every day during the school year? Every five years Congress reapproves the school lunch program. In 2009, the program was renewed once again, and the Congress screwed over the people. A third of kids are either overweight or obese. This is the story of how the food and beverage industry got Congress to cave to pressure to keep the snacks, soft drinks and processed meats in the schools.
- See more at:

GOPDD: Obama Administration Paves the Way for Sharia Law‏

by Dylan
By William Bigelow Breitbart- The most terrifying danger Americans face from a second Barack Obama term isn’t the economy, which is scary enough. The most harrowing prospect is the Obama Administration’s passivity in the face of attempts to introduce aspects of sharia law into our legal system. Now there is strong and open evidence of […]

GOPDD: Shocker: Walmart’s Health Plan Is Better Than Obamacare‏

by clyde
via DownTrend By Robert Gehl Repeat after me: Obamacare good, Walmart bad. Obamacare good, Walmart bad. At least that’s the mantra we hear daily from the mainstream media and left-wingers. One of the myriad of criticisms against Walmart is the don’t offer adequate health care to their employees. Well, not so fast. It turns out […]

GOPDD: Robert Gates, former defense secretary, offers harsh critique of Obama’s leadership in ‘Duty

by Dylan
Washington Post [S]imilarly, in a battle over defense spending, “I was extremely angry with President Obama,” Gates writes. “I felt he had breached faith with me . . . on the budget numbers.” As with “don’t ask, don’t tell,” “I felt that agreements with the Obama White House were good for only as long as […]