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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Milk, "It Does A Body Good", Right? Well Not Exactly; Monsanto's Money Making Milking Machine; BrasscheckTV: The great FOX-Monsanto lying machine‏

Unlike others, you won't hear me 
rail against the so-called "sheeple"
Because no one is lied to more often,
more thoroughly and more effectively
than Americans.
Here's how Monsanto not only
controls the news, but actually
controls it. 
- Brasscheck
 How Monsanto kills the news
The hollowing out of investigative journalism
 Sep 9, 2006

Investigative news report regarding cancer-causing additives to milk by Monsanto is shut down by Fox News executives.

 The free press in America
When it comes to food, it would be in your best interest to realize that you are being lied to on a daily basis.

If a big company grows it, processes it and sells it, then it’s probably garbage that you’d be better off not consuming.

In some cases, this problem goes far beyond “garbage” into another realm entirely.

This video is a rare glimpse behind-the-scenes of how news is really “made” in America and why corporate and “public” broadcasting - like corporate food - is entirely unreliable.

To learn about REAL food, visit The Real Food Channel

- See more at:

WILDCAT Doc to Show Resolve of Inner City 4th Grade Basketball Team

Norfolk, VA--Can basketball change kids’ lives? Ask the 4th graders who make up the WILDCATS, an inner city AAU basketball team, and the answer will be a resounding “yes.”

“These kids are excited about the prospect of reaching nationals and having their stories captured,” said Anthony Clary, director and producer of the WILDCAT documentary. “They’ve worked hard and have given 110%. The coaches have spent countless hours with a group of young boys who have a dream. Basketball has become an important positive tool used to keep them motivated in school and out of trouble.”

After closing out last season with a regional loss to a bitter out-of-state rival, the drive for redemption has never been more pressing. This year's team has a "serious business" approach, especially with so much on the line. It's amazing how much change can happen in 12 months--especially for kids who are determined to win.

“Basketball is changing these kids’ lives,” said Clary. “It’s teaching them hard work, determination, and character building. Most importantly, it’s showing them a world outside of the projects, where they often see much turmoil and dismay.”  

The 4th graders are legitimate national contenders this year. The road has and will be a difficult one, but the kids are determined. The director is turning to Indiegogo, a crowdfunding service, and basketball fans around the world for help capturing their journey on film.

“This is an inspirational story about a group of kids with a knack for overcoming incredible odds.  at home and on the court,” said Clary. “We know once people get introduced to the team, they’ll be interested in the story. Indiegogo is helping us tell it.”

The campaign launches Today, January 14 and the director is seeking $30,000 to supplement personal funds donated to the production for: filming, editing, crew expenses, etc.

“We want to show them its more to the world than the graffiti-filled walls surrounding their neighborhood,” said Clary.

For more information, visit:

WILDCAT: The Movie Pre-Trailer #1 (2015)

"Got Salt?" More Correctly, Does Your Municipality Have Enough Salt? KJ: Kennebec County towns, cities seeing higher costs in aftermath of icy weather

From a health standpoint we all hear the words, cut down on your salt intake.  

But for the 'thirsty appetite' of Maine's Infrastructure not having enough salt is almost pandemic now as we are just in the midst of the Winter grip upon Maine's roadways.  Thank you to Lisbon's Public Works for keeping our roadways clear and safe for travel during a most 'challenging' winter period thus far.

The people that make up the Public Works department have a tremendous responsibility to the community and more often than not, do not get the appreciation that they ALL  deserve.

So we would like to say THANK YOU!

Check out this story and see how things are going in other parts of Maine.

Kennebec County towns, cities seeing higher costs in aftermath of icy weather

If FEMA declares the ice storm a disaster, those in eligible counties could recoup 90 percent of costs.

By PAUL KOENIG Kennebec Journal 
Icy weather this winter has eaten into municipalities’ sand and salt supplies and maintenance budgets, but most aren’t worried about going over budget or running out of supplies.
While municipalities could potentially receive federal funds reimbursing costs from the ice storm in late December, Kennebec County hasn’t reported enough damage from the storm yet to receive the funds.
In Gardiner, which has already used two-thirds of its salt and winter maintenance overtime budgets, the potential assistance would prevent possible cuts to other portions of its public works budget.
“We’ve had to budget tighter and tighter every year, so there’s no wiggle room,” City Manager Scott Morelli said. “If we go over there, we have to go under somewhere else.”
That could mean less summer paving, he said, a budget line that was already cut down to $127,000 from the $170,000 requested in the first budget proposal last spring. The city also hopes to use a large chunk of the approved sum for debt service on a planned Highland Avenue project with the Maine Department of Transportation
Read More:


The Maine Wire: “Schaeffer: A Medicaid Bubble – and How to Get There” plus 3 more

Schaeffer: A Medicaid Bubble – and How to Get There
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 01:05 PM PST
Maine Wire readers should be well aware that the most controversial policy issue at the State level this year is sure to be Medicaid expansion (or MaineCare, as it’s called here in Maine.)  In fact, the legislature has scheduled a public hearing for LD 1578 on Wednesday of this week (violating their own rules, we […]
Frary: Maine’s Medicaid Expansion Follies
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 11:18 AM PST
Mark Giangreco, my new friend at the Democratic Governor’s Association (DGA), just sent an e-mail urging me “to join Mike Michaud and the DGA to tell Governor LePage to support Medicaid expansion TODAY!” Mark tells me our governor has it in his power to “give health care to thousands of people in need.” The DGA’s […]
Welfare Jackpot: Gambling with TANF cash
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 10:59 AM PST
Are Maine’s cash welfare recipients gambling with taxpayer money? According to The Maine Wire’s investigation into the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, the answer is, yes! The Maine Wire obtained three years’ worth of TANF transaction data from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) pursuant to a Freedom of Access Act […]
LePage talks welfare abuse, GOP presidential candidates with Laura Ingraham
Posted: 13 Jan 2014 09:05 AM PST
Republican Gov. Paul R. LePage joined talk radio host Laura Ingraham to talk about welfare abuse in the Pine Tree State and the 50-year-old war on poverty. “As Ronald Reagan said, the liberals waged war on poverty, and poverty won,” said LePage, who has made welfare reform a top priority in the current legislative session. […]

NaturalNews: The cleanest superfoods we've found in the lab so far...‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We've been laboratory testing a lot of superfoods lately, and many of the products we're testing are surprisingly contaminated with heavy metals.
But we're also finding some really clean superfood products! Here's a list of what we're finding so far that's incredibly clean:

The Governor of Maine has signed a GMO labeling bill, but it doesn't kick in unless other states get on board, too:

Even low exposure to lead causes childrens' reading scores to fall:

Omega-3s lower the risk of mini-strokes by 40 percent!

Under Obamacare, hospital workers starting to go unpaid:

P.S. See more heavy metals test results each day at

More news continues below...
Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Ty Bollinger and RSB take on the Big (organic) Apple as they broadcast LIVE from NYC! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Yes, America: Fukushima IS a big deal
- The truth about fat-burning foods
- Dying to look good? Choose natural hair coloring instead
Maine governor signs GMO food labeling bill
(NaturalNews) Food labels aren't telling the whole story. Today's food labels are a mask, a cover-up of sorts. Many people have no clue that their food may contain high levels of toxic heavy metals like aluminum and cadmium. Likewise, many don't know...

Even very low lead exposure causes children's reading scores to fall
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was wrong in its assessment of how much lead is safe for children. Researchers from the University of Maryland (UM) in Baltimore recently found that children with blood lead levels...

Obama administration to ditch CGI Federal as developer
(NaturalNews) The federal government continues to struggle with implementing its new forced insurance law. Incapable of getting a website to function, federal intervention proves once again to be wasting people's time and money. Not only are countless...

Omega-3 fatty acids lower the risk of mini-strokes and brain abnormalities as we age by 40 percent
(NaturalNews) Strokes, mini-strokes or infarcts and vascular dementia, along with heart disease, account for one in three deaths each year. Expert analysis shows that nearly 200,000 of these deaths are fully preventable by following simple lifestyle modification...

Natural Grocers pledges no aspartame, no trans fats, no irradiation, but GMOs still present in 50 percent of products
(NaturalNews) Whole Foods Market says it is aiming to phase them out completely by 2018. Trader Joe's says absolutely none of its private-label products contain them, and haven't since the early 1990s. And Natural Grocers, another major U.S.-based grocery...

The healing potential of cinnamon
(NaturalNews) When it comes to spices, cinnamon has been found to be one of the healthiest for you, not to mention its delicious taste. Cinnamon can have far reaching health benefits with recent research indicating that it can reduce blood pressure and...

Root canal procedure kills three-year-old girl in Hawaii
(NaturalNews) The family of a three-year-old child who died just days after undergoing a series of "baby" root canals at a Hawaii-based dental practice, which has since closed, is suing for negligence and malpractice. Young Finley Boyle reportedly suffered...

Reduce pain and cramping with white willow bark
(NaturalNews) White willow bark has been used therapeutically for thousands of years. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, advised his patients to chew on the bark to reduce inflammation and fight off infection. Many herbalists continue to use...

Students across America being inspired to opt out of Obamacare fiasco
(NaturalNews) The progressive gurus on Capitol Hill thought they had pulled off a political coup de grace when the president took pen in hand (several, actually) to sign the Affordable Care Act into law in March 2010. And indeed, in terms of...

Cloves rank amongst the best herbs for their antioxidant and antifungal properties
(NaturalNews) It's a known fact that most spices are good sources of antioxidants, and cloves are no different, as they should definitely be ranked among the best if not at the very top. Research from the Miguel Hernandez University back in 2010, demonstrated...

Vitamin D levels inversely linked to colon cancer risk, overall mortality
(NaturalNews) Evidence continues to mount showing that vitamin D may help lengthen life span and decrease the risk of cancer, particularly colon cancer. Scientists have long known that vitamin D is essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy...

Herbal tea key to relieving depression and stress
(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. However, taking better control of your depression and significantly reducing related stress may be a cup of tea away. Herbalist...

Obamacare nightmare begins as hospital workers go unpaid
(NaturalNews) For sure, most people who work in the healthcare field do so because they care about taking care of folks and making people well. But at the same time, it is the way in which they make their living, so, like the rest of us who still have...

Fine particulate matter causes inflammation, diabetes and heart disease
(NaturalNews) Fine particulate matter, the kind that comes from vehicle exhaust (PM2.5), has recently been found to cause inflammation beyond the lungs. Through specific protein pathways in the immune system, fine particulate matter invites inflammation...

Report shows which countries are ready to embrace sustainable energy
(NaturalNews) "The Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report 2014" was released last month by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture. The publication evaluates 124 countries based on the energy triangle, involving energy security...

Check out the cleanest superfoods we've found so far at the Natural News Labs: low lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and more
(NaturalNews) Word is spreading about -- the place where you can now get heavy metals test results for foods, superfoods, herbs, spices, supplements and much more! Although we've only posted about 20 products so far, we're posting...

UK bread and cereal bars found to be contaminated with glyphosate
(NaturalNews) The UK and EU populace doesn't embrace Monsanto's propaganda, and their governments are somewhat less dominated by Monsanto minions than the US government is. So traces of glyphosate in major British non-GMO food brands should be a huge...

TMB: Congress Voices Concerns About Chinese Hypersonic Missile Test‏ and More

Congress Voices Concerns About Chinese Hypersonic Missile Test
By Bill GertzThe chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and two senior committee members voiced concerns Monday about China’s first test of a new high-speed missile vehicle.

DNC Chair Sends Mixed Messages on Iran
BY ADAM KREDOJewish community leaders in South Florida say they are growing frustrated with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) over her conflicting statements regarding a bipartisan Iran sanctions measure in the House.

Obama’s Recess Appointments Challenged By Supreme Court
By Bill McMorrisThe Supreme Court grilled the Obama administration over the president's abuse of executive power on Monday.

Farewell to Ariel Sharon
By Abraham RabinovichJERUSALEM—Two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip during the funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon next to his farm in Southern Israel, prompting retaliation from the Israeli Air Force.

The Five Worst Things About Ecuador
By Daniel WiserObservers wondering who would assume the mantle of Hugo Chavez as Latin America’s fiery, anti-American strong man did not have to wait long. That man is Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.

Iran: ‘We Will in No Way, Never, Dismantle’ Nuclear Infrastructure
By Adam KredoIran vowed to maintain its nuclear infrastructure and threatened to boost its uranium enrichment capabilities just hours after announcing that it had agreed to a deal to halt some aspects of its contested nuclear program.

Taxpayers Paid Nearly $175M for Penis Pumps Between 2006 and 2011
By Lachlan MarkayTaxpayers paid nearly $175 million for vacuum erection systems (VES), commonly known as “penis pumps,” from 2006 to 2011, according to an inspector general report released on Monday.

2013: The Year of Amy Adams By Sonny BunchI’ve previously argued that 2013 was the Year of James Franco, who, it seemed, was everywhere. But you could just as easily make the case that 2013 was the Year of Amy Adams, who took home the Golden Globe for best performance by an actress in a motion picture (comedy/musical) last night.

Dubowitz: Iran Deal Riddled with Flaws, Loopholes

By WFB StaffIran remains resolute in their efforts to produce more nuclear weapons, as previously reported by the Free Beacon.

Monday, January 13, 2014


The Maine congressional delegation scored low on the 2013 Liberty Index compiled by a panel of libertarian scholars headed by Dr. Clifford F. Thies, Elden R. Lindsey Chair of Free Enterprise and Professor of Economics and Finance at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA. The Index was released Monday by the national Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC), of which Thies is former National Chair.

House and Senate members were rated on a scale of zero to 100 on a series of 2013 roll call votes involving economic liberty issues and rate on the same scale on a series of roll call votes on personal liberty issues. The average of the two scores produced the Liberty Index.
“I was disturbed when I read the scores and learned how out of touch our Maine congressional delegation is with the will of the American people when it comes to free enterprise, smaller government, lower taxes and personal liberty without government intrusions. And it crossed party lines with disappointing scores whether Republican, Democrat or independent,” said Maine RLC State Chair Vic Berardelli.
Republican Senator Susan Collins scored 40 on economic liberty and 50 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 45. The average Senate Republican scores were 86 and 81 for an average Liberty Index of 83 for Senate Republicans.
Independent Senator Angus King scored 5 on economic liberty and 11 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 8, giving him one of the lowest scores in the Senate but placing him close to the average Senate Democrat scores of 6 and 14 for an average Liberty index of 10 for Senate Democrats.
The highest scores in the Senate, all Republicans, were Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, both of Idaho and scoring 100; Mike Lee of Utah 98; Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Jerry Moran of Kansas, all at 95. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky scored 90.
The lowest scores in the Senate, all Democrats, were Barbara Boxer of California, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and the late-Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, all scoring zero. Eight others scored 3. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada had a Liberty Index of 5.
Rep. Chellie Pingree, Democrat of Maine’s 1st District, scored zero on economic liberty and 75 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 38.
Rep. Mike Michaud, Democrat of Maine’s 2nd District scored 10 on economic liberty and 68 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 39.
For comparison, the average House Democrat scored 11 on economic liberty and 55 on personal liberty for an average Democrat Liberty Index of 33. The average House Republican scored 90 on economic liberty and 50 on personal liberty for an average GOP Liberty Index of 70.
The highest House scorers, all Republicans, were Mark Sanford of South Carolina 100; Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina, Tom McClintock and Dana Rohrabacher, both of California, and Jim Huelskamp of Kansas, all at 95. House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio was not scored because he did not cast enough votes. House Republican Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia had a Liberty Index of 61 based on average a 95 on economic liberty but only 26 on personal liberty.
The lowest House scorers, all Democrats, were Ed Markey of Massachusetts ZERO and five Democrats all at 18. House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi of California scored 20.
“This year, on the economics side, the index reflects votes on “hot issues” such as Health Care Overhaul, the Ryan budget, carbon taxes, the Keystone pipeline, hydraulic fracturing, TANF (welfare) work rules and SNAP (food stamp) eligibility. Some curious votes are also included, among these are price supports for Christmas Trees, declaring stones to be agricultural commodities (and, thus, eligible for price supports), and funding the Navy’s grossly-overpriced Z-class destroyer,” explained Dr. Thies.
Thies explained further, “On the personal liberties side, there was some difficulty assembling sets of roll call votes that reflect the breadth of libertarian concerns. The House roll calls over-sample the tension between personal liberty and national security (as neo-conservatives see things). The Senate roll calls over-sample Second Amendment issues. This is a not unusual problem in the history of the Liberty Index. There simply are years when one or the other chamber generates disproportionate numbers of personal liberties votes in certain areas. All that can be said is that, hopefully, over time, the vagaries of this component of the index are evened-out.”
Dr. Thies has published the Liberty Index annually for nearly 20 years, except for 2011 and 2012 while he served as President of the Faculty Senate at Shenandoah University.

Council Workshop Thursday, January 16, 2014‏

6:00 P.M.


___ Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___ Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward







1. Please obtain a copy of the evening’s agenda and note the order that items may be acted upon by the Council (if this is a regular or special meeting where action may be taken by the Council). In some instances, the Council may elect to change the order of the agenda.

2. If the Council is holding a Council workshop, public comment is not typically allowed. There are occasions where some public comment may be recruited, but generally speaking, the workshops are reserved for Council members to educate themselves on and discuss a variety of issues facing the Town.

3. Note that “Consent Agenda” items (if there are any) are acted upon first, voted upon as a group, and will most often be voted on without discussion as these items often involve “housekeeping” issues (such as minor parking changes). On occasion “Consent Agenda” items are separated out as stand-alone action items by the Council to allow for more discussion.

4. The Council Chairman presides over the meeting. When the Chairman is not present, the Vice Chairman serves that function.

5. Action on agenda items. As each item on the agenda for any meeting is brought to the floor for discussion:

a. The town clerk reads the agenda item and the action being requested of council.

b. The sponsor of each item or, if there is no council sponsor, the town manager or town staff, shall first be allowed to present their initial comments for consideration by the public and other councilors.

c. Following this introduction of the issue, there will be time devoted to any questions of the sponsor or the town manager or staff regarding the agenda item which any councilor may have which would help to clarify the question presented by the agenda item. The chair may allow questions from the public during this time (4b), and no debate or discussion of collateral issues shall be permitted.

d. Once the agenda item has been explained by its sponsor or the town manager or staff and clarified by any questioning as provided above in (4c), the discussion on the specific agenda item will remain with the council and public comment will only be allowed at the Chairman’s discretion. The public shall address the item during the Public Hearing or Audience Participation section of the agenda.

e. The chair may, if the topic warrants, allow a second period of public comment no longer than two minutes per person, prior to final council vote. Second comments by the public must be to furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints.

6. If an “Executive Session” is conducted by the Council, State Statute prohibits public attendance for any discussion of the action to be addressed by the Council. Any action taken by the Council on any “Executive Session” matter must be acted upon in a public meeting, and may occur at the end of the “Executive Session” (which has no time element relative to the length of the discussion involved in the “session”).

Note: Detailed Council governing rules may be found on our website under Town Council.

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  breezy and dry. Highs 33-46 N/S.
Tuesday; light icing inland early. See discussion. quiet. Occasional light rain/snow. Lows 30-39 N/S. highs 38-45 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet. Flurries north and west late. Lows 27-34 N/S. highs 38-45 N/S.
Thursday; flurries and showers. Lows 19-27 N/S. highs 24-36 N/S.
Friday;  Flurries, breezy pm. Lows 13-22 N/S. highs 29-40 N/S.
Saturday; breezy and dry. lows 14-22 N/S. highs 22-33 N/S.
Sunday; mtn. flurries. Windy. Lows 6-18 N/S. highs 15-28 N/S.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Friday;  isolated flurry?  Quiet. Lows 0-13 N/S. highs 25-34 N/S.
Saturday; lite mix inland early. Heavy rain,  windy coast at nite. Discussion to follow. Lows 20-29 N/S. highs 39-48 N/S.
Sunday; heavy rain early. Dry pm. Breezy. Lows 32-37 N/S. highs 33-49 N/S.
Monday; breezy and dry. Lows 23-31 N/S. highs 37-47 N/S.
Tuesday; breezy and dry. Lows 22-30 N/S. highs 32-41 N/S.
Wednesday; light snow early, breezy. Lows 18-26 N/S. highs 28-39 N/S.

The Maine Wire: “Welfare cash spent at Funtown Splashtown, Aquaboggan” plus 1 more‏

Welfare cash spent at Funtown Splashtown, Aquaboggan
Posted: 09 Jan 2014 12:23 PM PST
Maine welfare cash has been used at two amusement parks in Saco, according to Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) data obtained by The Maine Wire pursuant to a Freedom of Access Act request. The DHHS data shows that money from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash welfare program has been accessed […]
Massive welfare data cache made public
Posted: 09 Jan 2014 11:46 AM PST
On Thursday, The Maine Heritage Policy Center, which owns and operates The Maine Wire, made public three years’ worth of transaction data related to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash welfare program. “For the first time, the people of Maine can see how their tax dollars are being spent on Maine’s cash welfare […]

TMB: Poverty Chic: The Latest Political Fashion Plus More‏

Column: Poverty Chic
By Matthew Continetti“Poverty,” the New York Times announced yesterday, “is suddenly the subject of bipartisan embrace.” I have spent a lot of time parsing that sentence.

Dangerous Waters
By Bill GertzChina’s imposition of new restrictions on foreign fishing in the South China Sea is a “dangerous and provocative” measure, the State Department said on Thursday.

Report: Iran Sanctions Supported by 62 Percent of Senate Dems
By Adam KredoA new Iran sanctions bill in the Senate may already have the support of 34 Democratic senators despite White House attempts to ensure the measure dies before coming to a vote.

Rep. King: Republicans ‘Sounding Like 1960s Antiwar Democrats’
By Alana GoodmanRep. Peter King (R., NY) continued to take shots at the isolationist wing of the Republican Party on Thursday, claiming many in his party believe the National Security Agency and drone program poses more of a “real threat” than al Qaeda.

Business Group with Obama Ties to Address Minimum Wage
By Lachlan MarkayA business group run by former Democratic operatives with deep ties to the Obama White House is attempting to sway media coverage of the debate over a federal minimum wage increase.

‘Lone Survivor’ Review
By Sonny BunchDirector Peter Berg opens his latest film with a montage of real footage of Navy SEALs pushing their bodies to the limit. We see them go to the point of exhaustion and push through, limbs shaking, eyes glazing over, lungs screaming for air.

Steven Hyden Grossly Underrates Bruce Springsteen’s Live: 1975-85
By Sonny BunchI was with Steven Hyden on the rating of Bruce Springsteen’s studio albums. I think he nails each and every one of them. Nebraska? A little overrated. Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.? Entirely underrated. But then we get to the live albums and this little aside about Live/1975-85.

Bolton: Score One for Bob Gates

By WFB StaffFormer Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton joined Fox News Thursday to discuss Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ new book, Duty, saying he agrees with Gates’ assertion that Vice President Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue of the past 40 years.

Eagle Rising: Harry Reid Blames Bush For Democrat Problems

 By Onan Coca / 10 January 2014
 New day, same script – the Democrats have been “leading” our nation for almost 6 years now, and they are still blaming President Bush for our problems. Who keeps voting for these mindless partisan hacks? […]
Read more at:
New day, same script – the Democrats have been “leading” our nation for almost 6 years now, and they are still blaming President Bush for our problems. Who keeps voting for these mindless partisan hacks? […]

Eagle Rising: Ray Stevens Blasts Obama in Song! (Ray Stevens - Mr. President - Mr. President)

By Onan Coca / 10 January 2014
 Here is one of our favorite bits of satire from a master of the genre, Mr. Ray Stevens!
It may be just our personal opinion, but we think Mr. Stevens hits the nail on the head with his depiction of the President.
I’m not sure there has ever been a politician more ripe to be made fun of…and yet we’ve seen too little of it. It’s nice to see that some comedians still have the guts to mock our “leaders.”
 Mr. President,
We got record foreclosures, folks are losing their homes,
the banks got money but they won’t make loans,
the taxes are bringing small business to their knees,
and we owe our soul to the Red Chinese.
Mr. President, Mr. President, what are you going to do?
Well, I’m going to take off my coat and roll up my sleeves,
turn on the teleprompter and give another speech,
act real cool and talk real soft,
then go out and play another round of golf.
Throw a party at the White House and give a big show,
board Air Force One and away I go,
up to New York, take Michelle to a play,
shoot a few hoops and call it a day.
But Mr. President!
We got illegal aliens crossing our borders,
and drug lords committing mayhem and disorder,
states are going broke trying to pay their benefits,
bond markets in the toilet, job markets in the pits,
Mr. President, Mr. President, what are you going to do?
Now listen real close, hear what I say,
never let a good crisis slip away,
you got to look at things out of my window,
what’s bad for America is good for my agenda!
Mr. President, what are you going to do?
I’m going to take off my coat and roll up my sleeves,
turn on the teleprompter and give another speech,
act real cool and talk real soft,
then go out and play another round of golf.
Throw a party at the White House and give a big show,
board Air Force One and away I go,
to blame George Bush and his capitalist ways,
shoot a few hoops and call it a day.



Here is one of our favorite bits of satire from a master of the genre, Mr. Ray Stevens!
It may be just our personal opinion, but we think Mr. Stevens hits the nail on the head with his depiction of the President.
I’m not sure there has ever been a politician more ripe to be made fun of…and yet we’ve seen too little of it. It’s nice to see that some comedians still have the guts to mock our “leaders.”


CORRECTED: Lisbon High School Honor Roll‏: Lisbon High School Principal Kenneth Healey Announces Honor Roll

"Please note:  Quarter 1 Honor Roll was submitted earlier.  Data was incorrect due to our file server of information generated.  Please accept the following corrected copy.  We sincerely regret this error."

Lisbon – Lisbon High School Principal, Kenneth Healey, recently announced the QUARTER 1 HONOR ROLL SCHOOL YEAR 2013-2014:

Jacob Bremmer, Dylan Busler, Benjamin Caron, Jennifer-Lynn Clifford, Nicholas Corey, Sierra Crosby, Robert Dall, Andrea Danforth, Paige Galligan, Chelsey Harrington, Claudia Lemieux, Cory O’Connor, Cassandra Pace, Colby Perron, Jennifer Smith, Stefan Smith, Bryanna Sult, Keri Woodcock

Tyler Bard, Joshua Bedell, Tucker Brannon, Dillon Clifford, Bailey Cutler, Katelyn Fowler, Kayla Fowler, Nichole Jones, Shantal MacWhinnie, Robert Paradis, Tabitha Porter, Cameron Ramich, Adam Rodgers, Alexis Sardella, Quincy Thompson 

Monica Austin, Ashley Caron, Mia Durgin, Amanda Hazelton, Reilly Johnson, Arianna Kahler, Taylor Martin, Taylor Plourde, Hannah Stritch, Charles Sult, Mikayla Yanez

Sean Ball, Kyle Bourget, Daniel Boyer, Stevie Charest, Connor Craig, Adam Desjardins, Patrick Dexler, Ashley Field, Alexis Gamache, BrieAnna Hartley, Kailyn Hill, Courtney Lawrence, Richard Sargent, Draven Walker, Johnny Yim

Jake Angelico, Alyssa Briglio, Brittany Brown, Cody Campbell, Nicholas Harrriman, Charlotte Mooney, Breeann Sautter, Deliah Schreiber, Adrianna White, Eric Yim

Christian Childs, Nicholas Huston, Alexis Rider, Breann Vachon

Olivia Botting, Jacob Fusaro, Bryant Hall, Jasmin Le, Kaylin Le, Mikella Kipri Steele, Kyle Welsh

Ryley Austin, Alesha Bard, Jessica Call, Elise Chase, Jasmine Clark, Selena Cordner, Devin Libby, Zoe Meagher-Touchette, Christopher Normand, Karli Rogers, Michael Yohe

FMI on other events, programs and volunteer opportunities in Lisbon Schools email, visit or Community Resources News in Lisbon Schools on FaceBook. 

Governmental Snooping, Violation of First and Fourth Amendment Rights OR All? BrasscheckTV: Your address book belongs to the NSA‏

The revelations just keep coming...
If you use one of the big e-mail providers
and maintain an address book - and that's
pretty much everybody - the NSA has helped
itself to your address book. 
Here's how they did it. 
- Brasscheck

 NSA: “We’re doing it ethically”
The revelations just keep coming...

Missing from this report - and many other news reports - is this:

Because of the way the Internet works, your personal e-mail traffic may be processed outside of the US. Once that is done, your mail is now “foreign” and subject to anything the government wants to do.

So the domestic/foreign distinction is completely bogus and the apologists from Obama on down know it.

 NSA stealing e-mail contact lists too
The revelations just keep coming