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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

NaturalNews: Associated Press caught "restructuring" old news from 2009 to make it look like breaking news in 2014‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In pursing some fact-checking on a story the Associated Press published about coal power plants contaminating U.S. waterways, we discovered that AP was dishonestly "restructuring" old news from 2009 and trying to make it look like breaking news in 2014.
And the really bizarre part is that hundreds of mainstream media news outlets blindly went along with it! Here's the full story:

Vaccine adjuvant aluminum hydroxide causes neurological disease:

Superbugs are breeding drug-resistant strains inside water treatment plants:

California schools to begin monitoring Fukushima radiation as it arrives on U.S. shores:

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Jeffrey Smith talks about genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida and shares breaking news about a major tipping point on the Non-GMO Verified front! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Meat-less macrobiotic diet works miracles for one woman
- Gluten-free, crazy-good pizza!
- Study shows plastic surgery makes you LESS attractive

Associated Press caught 'restructuring' old EPA news to mislead readers; mainstream media blindly plays along
(NaturalNews) Four days ago, the Associated Press reported that coal-fired power plants are dumping enormous quantities of pollutants into U.S. waterways. According to the Associated Press, the EPA says that coal-fired power plants are dumping nearly...

Study: Vaccine adjuvant aluminum hydroxide causes neurological disease
(NaturalNews) For years following the first Gulf War (1991), scores of returning American and Western military personnel suffered through a set of mysterious symptoms that doctors and scientists eventually described as "Gulf War Syndrome" (GWS), if for...

Superbugs are breeding, spreading drug-resistant genes at water treatment plants
(NaturalNews) What role does the current overuse of antibiotics play in encouraging the spread of new and invasive super bugs? Why are water treatment facilities spreading super bugs even after the water has been treated? Is chlorine an effective...

Vitamin E helps protect against toxic effects of mercury
(NaturalNews) A combination of vitamin E and selenium products may help reduce the toxicity of mercury from eating fish, according to a recent study involving lab rats. Scientists say that, if results can be replicated in human beings, the findings could...

Five signs that humanity is detached from the natural world
(NaturalNews) In his 2010 book, At Home: A Short History of Private Life, Bill Bryson wrote that the development of civilization was a process of "getting comfortable slowly." Of course, this desire for comfort is an understandable one: Most of...

California schools to begin monitoring for Fukushima radiation 'arriving this year'
(NaturalNews) Two prominent academic and research institutions in California are joining forces to conduct an in-depth study into how radiation from the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility is affecting California's pristine kelp forests...

Moviegoer interrogated by feds for wearing Google Glass while watching film
(NaturalNews) Evolution in technology is expected to bring about some degree of unfamiliarity and perhaps even a little bit of discomfort, but you wouldn't automatically jump to the conclusion that technology would contribute to the ongoing formation...

Self-proclaimed 'social' smokers may be delusional
(NaturalNews) A recent survey by the Co-operative Pharmacy may point to the fact that self-proclaimed social smokers may be delusional to the fact that they are actually frequent or common smokers, with many smoking up to 20 cigarettes a day. In the survey...

Scientists shocked to discover that dogs accurately sense Earth's magnetic field with precision
(NaturalNews) Not only can dogs sense the earth's magnetic field, but they can actually use it to orient their bodies when they relieve themselves, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Czech University of Life Sciences and the University...

Vitamin D supplemenation helps fibromyalgia patients manage pain
(NaturalNews) Fibromyalgia is a state of inflammation and fatigue that causes muscle pains and sensitivity. It's a condition that tears down one's quality of life, bringing anxiety and depression. It's a condition that more people are experiencing; estimates...

Who knew flavonoids from tea, berries and grapes protect against developing diabetes?
(NaturalNews) Amazingly, among the many thousands of those who are newly diagnosed with diabetes each day, very few realize that this disease can shorten normal lifespans by as much as 10 to 15 years when left unchecked and dramatically lower quality...

Denver police investigate TSA agent for sexually assaulting air traveler
(NaturalNews) Once again, employees of the nation's most worthless federal agency, the Transportation Security Administration, are in trouble with the law for allegedly committing a sexually abusive act against a passenger. According to the local CBS...

Great white sharks found to have extreme longevity
(NaturalNews) Great white sharks, formerly thought to have a maximum lifespan of about 20 years, can actually live as long as human beings, according to a new study that may have serious implications for ocean conservation. The study was led by the...

Meditation once again shown to reduce depression better than antidepressant drugs
(NaturalNews) Meditation is just as effective as antidepressant drugs in treating anxiety or depression, but without the side effects, according to a study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins University and published in the journal JAMA Internal...

Twisted mind games: Global warming crowd now characterizes opponents as being in 'climate denial'
(NaturalNews) Apologists of the man-made global warming myth have launched a new counterattack against their opposition that ridiculously paints them as deniers of the climate itself. A recent study put forth by scientists at Drexel University in Philadelphia...

Radiation levels at Fukushima plant increases to 800% of government standard
(NaturalNews) Radiation at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant has now exceeded more than eight times the radiation limit set by the Japanese government - presenting new concerns for problems that many say are exacerbating. The largely government-owned...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

RETRACTION on Unfavorable Expenditure Article


During the conversation with Deputy State Auditor, Mary Gingrow-Shaw, she originally stated to me that according to the information she was provided the Police Department ended up spending over $1.500,000.00.  However, I received a phone call today from her stating that was not what she told me.  Instead of the Police Department she was referring to the Public Safety Department. 

Because I normally do not write anything without verification in hard copy, I have submitted a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) request on January 17, 2014 for the ending balance for the Police Department.  

We shall see what figures Mrs. Maloy comes up with.

Larry Fillmore

The Maine Wire: “Angus on Benghazi: “I haven’t seen any real accountability”” plus 5 more‏

Angus on Benghazi: “I haven’t seen any real accountability”
Posted: 20 Jan 2014 07:18 AM PST
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Angus King told CNN host Candy Crowley on Sunday that there has been a lack of accountability in the Obama administration surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Said King: “I haven’t seen any real accountability.” Republican Sen. Susan Collins’ recent message on Benghazi may be viewed here: […]
Has Maine’s safety net turned into a hammock?
Posted: 20 Jan 2014 07:10 AM PST
I was surprised to read in a recent op-ed column by state Sen. Emily Cain (D-Orono) that federal dollars have been “set aside” to provide free medical care to an additional 70,000  Mainers under the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion. How can that be? Surely Sen. Cain is aware that the federal government is dead broke and […]
Dirigo Health – High priced lessons learned
Posted: 20 Jan 2014 06:44 AM PST
By Jonathan McKane — A tax in Maine has been repealed. After 10 years of paying for the Dirigo Health program, the Maine taxpayer is finally off the hook. As of Dec. 31, the Dirigo tax on health insurance has been repealed. Yes, indeed, some taxes do get repealed but, in the case of Dirigo, […]

Richardson leaves GOP to run as independent in CD2
Posted: 20 Jan 2014 06:39 AM PST
BELFAST, Maine – Blaine Richardson, candidate for Congress in Maine’s Second Congressional District, announced Monday morning that he is leaving the Republican Party to run as an independent. “Today I am excited to announce that I am filing my paperwork to run as an independent candidate for Congress in Maine’s second congressional district,” said Richardson, […]
Maine Welfare Cash Spent in All 50 States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Posted: 19 Jan 2014 11:00 PM PST
They may be on welfare, but that doesn’t stop them from vacationing. According to an analysis of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, Maine welfare cash has been spent in every other state in the Union, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Department of Health and Human Services records related to TANF, […]
Maine welfare cash spent at liquor stores, bars, strip clubs and smoke shops
Posted: 19 Jan 2014 10:00 PM PST
Maine’s welfare system is supposed to provide a social safety net for poor families, but an analysis of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program suggests some are spending their welfare cash on tobacco, alcohol and adult entertainment. According to Department of Health and Human Services records obtained by The Maine Wire pursuant to […]

TMB: Economist Spikes Anti-Semitic Cartoon‏ and more

Economist Spikes Anti-Semitic Cartoon
By Washington Free Beacon Staff
The Economist published on Saturday and then removed on Monday a cartoon that many observers criticized as anti-Semitic.

Film Fest Cancels Screening of Pro-Fracking Documentary
By Lachlan MarkayA documentarian is accusing a Minnesota film festival of political bias after it cancelled a screening of a documentary supporting the environmental and economic cases for hydraulic fracturing, an innovative oil and gas extraction technique.

Condemnation of Gabriel Sherman’s Roger Ailes Biography Mounts
By Washington Free Beacon StaffThe latest Roger Ailes biography, The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the Brilliant, Bombastic Roger Ailes Built Fox News—and Divided a Country, has been savaged by critics in numerous prestigious outlets.

Mother Caring for Disabled Son Seeks Rollback of Forced Unionization
By Bill McMorrisA 55-year-old woman who earns less than minimum wage caring for her disabled son could unravel decades of labor law and strike a blow against one of the most powerful political lobbies in the nation.

Kentucky Democrat Has History of Comparing McConnell to Nazis
By Elizabeth Harrington
Kentucky Speaker of the House Greg Stumbo (D.) compared Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) to the Nazis at the launch of Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign, according to video obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Left’s War on the Free Press
By Sonny BunchAs anyone who has been paying attention knows, the left isn’t terribly fond of the free press because the free press makes the narrative harder to control. That’s why you end up with “thought leaders” like Paul Krugman bemoaning the fact that his preferred narrative is “up for argument.”*

BEASTMODE: Kredo v. Wasserman Schultz

By Washington Free Beacon Staff
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) continued to evade questions about her efforts to block new Iran sanctions legislation in Congress when pressed Saturday by Washington Free Beacon reporter Adam Kredo.

NaturalNews: Does your breakfast cereal contain lead? Heavy metals lab results published‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We've just published our heavy metals lab data on 20+ breakfast cereals. You can see the results now at:

The good news is that most of the cereals we tested were very clean! (At least for metals like lead and mercury...)

Radiation levels at Fukushima nuclear plant have reached 800% of Japanese government "limits"

Monsanto sues Hawaiian island for attempting to restrict GMOs:

For selling an anti-cancer herb, a U.S. citizen was jailed and listed on Interpol as an international criminal:

Read how vitamin C cured this one man's pneumonia in just three hours!

More news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Barry Sears joins us to reveal more about the role of essential fatty acids in brain recovery. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Human DNA programmed for "instability?"
- Anger is an important tool (if you know how to use it)
- The health benefits of Aronia berries

Radiation levels at Fukushima plant increases to 800% of government standard
(NaturalNews) Radiation at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant has now exceeded more than eight times the radiation limit set by the Japanese government - presenting new concerns for problems that many say are exacerbating. The largely government-owned...

Monsanto sues Hawaiian island for passing legislation to restrict GMOs
(NaturalNews) The "big dogs" in chemical agriculture are on a witch hunt to reverse a bill passed by the Kauai County Council back in November that sets reasonable restrictions on the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the Hawaiian...

U.S. is now officially a 'police state' says NSA spook
(NaturalNews) During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, veteran U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said that, due to expansive domestic surveillance and spying by the National Security Agency, Americans are in danger of losing control of their country...

Man sells herbs proven to cure cancer, U.S. government jails him, lists him on Interpol
(NaturalNews) Doing the right thing, even if it means healing people with cancer, isn't always a good thing. In fact, it just may land you some serious jail time and get you listed on Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), which warns...

European Union Parliament decides against unleashing new GM maize
(NaturalNews) Herbicides like glyphosate and their counterpart transgenic seeds are failing farmers and the entire agricultural infrastructure of the world. Superweeds are beginning to survive through glyphosate herbicides, as biotech giants scramble...

Vitamin C cured one man's pneumonia in three hours
(NaturalNews) Thousands have been saved from death and devastating viral diseases, such as double pneumonia, polio, and others with mega-dose injected ascorbic acid or IV solutions of sodium ascorbate. Now LET (liposomal encapsulation technology) allows...

Number of U.S. sailors damaged by Fukushima radiation continues to rise
(NaturalNews) Sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, one of the nation's most modern aircraft carriers, were the first to respond to the stricken nuclear power station at Fukushima, Japan, in March 2011, following a devastating earthquake and tsunami...

Aluminum intake leads to dementia; silica intake decreases risk
(NaturalNews) How much aluminum is in your drinking water? It's hard to tell, but in a 15-year study on French elderly men and women, regular consumption of tap water was associated with aluminum toxicity and increased prevalence of dementia. How might...

Bad news for tattoos - Many tattoo inks contain dangerous heavy metals, phthalates and hydrocarbons
(NaturalNews) Would you knowingly inject dangerous heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic into your body? How about carcinogens and endocrine disrupters such as phthalates and hydrocarbons? Chances are that is exactly what you have done if you...

Genetic testing wildly inaccurate; different labs reach opposite conclusions on disease risk
(NaturalNews) If you or someone you know is considering taking a genetic test to assess future disease risk, you may be interested to know that the accuracy of such tests is hardly reliable. Writing for The New York Times (NYT), Columbia University...

Taiji dolphin hunt is not a 'tradition'
(NaturalNews) Claims being made by the Japanese government to the media and the public that the Taiji dolphin drive hunts, revealed to the world in the Academy Award-winning documentary The Cove, are part of Japan's "traditional culture" are completely...

Low-dose exposure to BPA could increase prostate cancer risk
(NaturalNews) New, eye-opening research on the negative effects of BPA chemicals on prostate health is emerging. After assessing the study of BPA on human stem cells, one researcher, Heather Patisaul from North Carolina State University says, "Overall...

Research indicates that organic milk has more health benefits than conventional milk
(NaturalNews) A recent research has established that organic milk has more health benefits than conventional milk. This research, published in December 2013 by PLOSOne Journal. This research reveals some interesting facts that can change the health of...

Fathers' diets and health found to influence offspring's obesity, insulin resistance
(NaturalNews) Passing on genes to children may have little to do with fate, coincidence or destiny. Maternal care is very important for healthy fetal development, but there may be even more at play in genetic development. New research suggests that...

USDA moves to deregulate herbicide-resistant genetically modified corn and soybean seeds
(NaturalNews) The USDA has recently released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), suggesting the deregulation of 2,4-D-resistant soybean and corn seeds. Dow AgroSciences, in direct competition with Monsanto Company, made the request and plans...

Popular breakfast cereals found to contain low levels of toxic heavy metals; Natural News Labs publishes results
(NaturalNews) A scientific study conducted at the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( has found that popular breakfast cereals such as Corn Flakes, Kix, Uncle Sam, Raisin Bran and Honey Bunches of Oats are relatively free of...

International marine science organization releases report on radiation in Pacific Ocean
(NaturalNews) If you've heard about Fukushima radiation spreading to the Pacific Coast of North America but were "corrected" by sources both official and expert that this was based more on rumor than reality, then consider the information presented at...

Rufe's Weather Outlook Update

Powerful storm to impact southern NE: we shall be in the bleachers.
 Light snow will overspread the southern border around 6PM reaching the northern fringes of the service area around midnight. The “heaviest” snow will occur around 1AM, departing the coast late tomorrow morning.  The snow will be quite light and combined with a stiff north breeze there should be little in the way of adhesion to coniferous trees.  
 Expect a dusting far north to 5” in Kittery.
 Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island will collect up to one foot, possibly more, with gusts to 40 mph. some issues may arise overnight and into the morning.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Why Won't They Explain An Unfavorable Expenditure?


During the meeting in November of the Town Council, the Annual Audit was briefed by the Accounting Firm that conducted the annual Audit.  In the presentation, the term “Unfavorable Expenditure” was used which I did not understand.  So I submitted a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) request on November 22, 2013:

“Respectfully request a copy of the Purchase Order for the “Unfavorable Expenditure” identified in the yearly Auditor’s report.  A copy of the “Unfavorable Expenditure” identified in the yearly Auditor’s report.”

Below is what took place:  On November 22, 2013, I received an email from the Town Clerk-

“Mr. Fillmore: The Finance Director indicated that she does not have enough information to determine what you are referencing? Therefore, she is unable to provide any further information.  You would need to be more specific with your request (FOA#152).”

Below is what I responded on the same day:

“Mrs. Lycette:  Page 4 of the Town of Lisbon, Financial Overview, prepared by Runyon Kersteen Ouellette and briefed during the Town Council meeting on November 5, 2013 the second item under Observations.  It states “The town’s Unassigned fund balance changed from 2012-2013 as a result of an unfavorable expenditure budget variance.  I am looking for all the Purchase Orders which make up this unfavorable expenditure budget variance. I hope this is specific enough.  Thanks”

On November 26, 2013, I received the following letter from Mrs. Maloy, the Finance Director.  See Below:

As you can see, Mrs. Maloy has been avoiding the question; so I asked a Councilor to look into it.  The Councilor could not get a straight answer, so I contacted the Maine State Auditor’s office last week.  The Deputy State Auditor returned my call and provided a definition for the term “Unfavorable Expenditure Budget Variance”.  According to Deputy State Auditor, Mary Gingrow-Shaw, this term is a common term in accounting.  When the town budget is approved the revenues equals the expenditures, however, at the end of the fiscal year for 2012-2013 the expenditures exceeded the revenue so the town dipped into the Undesignated Fund for the difference.  The Undesignated Fund is our tax dollars that are set aside for emergencies.  According to the Deputy State Auditor, the town exceeded their expenditures by $223,514.00.  She went on to say that the Police Department ended up spending $1,500,000.00 as of June 30, 2013.  The Police Department was approved for $1,297,852.00 so that accounts for the excessive spending.

Now, here come the tough questions; Why did we NOT hear about this during the year?  It is apparent that the people were never supposed to learn this because the Finance Director has worked very hard to keep this from getting out.  How much more money has been spent that the Town Council and the people are unaware of?  I attend almost every Town Council meeting and this excessive spending or using the Undesignated Fund was never brought up during the meetings I attended. 

What else don’t we know?

Larry Fillmore

TMB: Wasserman Schultz Ducks Iran Sanctions Questions‏ and more

Wasserman Schultz Ducks Iran Sanctions Questions
By Adam KredoORLANDO/FT. LAUDERDALE—Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) continued to evade questions about her efforts to block new Iran sanctions legislation in Congress when asked today about the issue during multiple public appearances on Saturday in Florida.

Supreme Court to Hear Case on Forced Unionization
By Bill McMorrisThe Supreme Court will hear arguments about forced unionization among government workers on Tuesday in a case that could greatly curtail powerful labor groups.

Gawker Got Literally Everything Wrong About Florida’s New Warning Shots Bill
By CJ CiaramellaThe viral content blog Gawker published an article Friday headlined: “The NRA Literally Wrote Florida’s New Bill to Legalize Warning Shots.” However, a brief investigation by the Free Beacon revealed that the NRA literally did not write Florida’s new bill to legalize warning shots.

Feds Release Details of ‘Urgent’ New Contract
By Elizabeth HarringtonNewly released documents reveal the anxieties of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about Healthcare. gov, which warn that failure to finish the website puts “the entire health insurance industry at risk.”

Catholic Priest Target of Retaliation by Feds, Complaint Claims
By Mary Lou ByrdA Catholic Navy chaplain barred from practicing his religion during the recent government shutdown is now the target of retaliation by the federal government, according to an amended complaint filed by his attorneys.

America’s Moral Foundation
By Andrew EvansThe Civil War was a turning point in the moral history of the United States. Previously the country had tolerated slavery, a direct affront to the founding proposition ...

When a Source Lies, That Becomes Part of the Story
By Sonny BunchYou may have missed the Two Minutes Hate last night against Grantland and its writer Caleb Hannan because, well, it was a Friday night and you have a life. Fortunately for you, I don’t, so I was able to keep track of it.

Rogers: Russia May Be Behind Snowden Leak

By Washington Free Beacon StaffThe chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Mich.) says Edward Snowden likely received help while stealing information from the National Security Agency — and that help may have come from Russian intelligence officials.