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Monday, January 27, 2014

GOPDD: If It’s Real – Obama’s Foreign Student Columbia ID Surfaces

Barack Obama has long claimed that he attended Columbia University, although you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone from that period knows him or remembers having had a class with him.
Even Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 Libertarian party’s vice presidential candidate, who would have been Obama’s classmate, had this to say, “If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia has ever met him, saw him, or heard of him. –
Root’s statement seems pretty explicit, but now, new evidence has surfaced that would indicate Mr. Obama did in fact attend Columbia. Actually, that would be more correctly stated as Mr. Soetoro attending.  A copy of an identification card has been going viral around the internet.
It would seem to put to rest the notion that the American president didn’t attend Columbia. But the card clearly says “Foreign Student” under Mr. Soetoro’s name and photograph.  If Obama is a foreigner, how can he be the American president?
Did another piece of evidence just arise to be added to the reams of documents proving that the current occupant of the White House is a fraud?
Well, this will certainly need to be swept under the nearest rug as quickly as possible. We can’t have any disruption to the socialist agenda happening just prior to the State of the Union Address.
If it is a Photoshop creation, is it less legitimate than the PhotoShopped images created and circulated by the administration? Will Obama aka Soetoro now have to deny he attended Columbia?
What if people learned the guy destroying their country really is a foreigner, just like all those “crazy birthers” have claimed all along? What if rather than a mere dismissal as illegitimate claims, a real investigation was conducted?
Then we’d have a defeat for the gradual implementation of tyranny which is the coup presently underway in America and a victory for the Constitution and patriotic Americans.
Will America stand up? That’s the question.
Rick Wells is a conservative Constitutionalist author who contributes to conservative media outlets. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.

TMB: U.S. Identifies Terror Group Threatening Attacks on the Olympics‏ and more

BY BILL GERTZ Terrorists with a North Caucasus Islamist group are promising to carry out suicide bomb attacks at the upcoming Olympic games in Sochi next month, including chemical arms strikes.
New academic research released last week showing that extending unemployment benefits is a net economic drag could strengthen the conservative case against extending those benefits at the federal level.
The fugitive Ecuadorian bankers at the center of an alleged FBI probe of Sen. Robert Menendez deny that they traded campaign donations for political support from the senator.
The federal government is sanctioning a five-year study on the stomach flu using Twitter, which will involve bureaucrats from the Environmental Protection Agency analyzing tweets about unpleasant flu symptoms.
American intelligence and security agencies are not currently capable of detecting when foreign nations are building nuclear weapons or ramping up their existing programs, according to a newly released Pentagon report that faults a range of U.S. agencies.
BY THE EDITORS  Over the past several weeks, Washington Free Beacon reporter Adam Kredo has written a number of stories exposing a secret lobbying campaign by DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to stop the bipartisan Iran sanctions bill from advancing in Congress.
Given that I’ve worked my way through most of Michael Mann’s oeuvre over the last week in preparation for my column, I figured I’d stir up some trouble by ranking his films.
BY WFB STAFF Former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney “slow jammed the news” Friday evening on Jimmy Fallon.

WND: BETWEEN THE LINES Don't like Obama? Here's why ...

 Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks if president is capable of communication without deceit
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks if president is capable of communication without deceit
Here we go, again.
With Barack Obama’s popularity plummeting in the polls, it was only a matter of time before he played the race card – as he has been doing throughout his public life.
This is a guy who twice, for better or worse, was elected president of the United States.
He’s still doing it.
If you don’t like him, you must be a racist. You must just not like the idea of a black president.

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore 
It can’t possibly have anything to do with the following:
“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president.”

– Barack Obama in New Yorker interview
Here we go, again.
With Barack Obama’s popularity plummeting in the polls, it was only a matter of time before he played the race card – as he has been doing throughout his public life.
This is a guy who twice, for better or worse, was elected president of the United States.
He’s still doing it.
If you don’t like him, you must be a racist. You must just not like the idea of a black president.

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore
It can’t possibly have anything to do with the following:
  • He repeatedly lied frequently, easily, unflinchingly about his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare – proclaiming that Americans would pay less for health insurance, would keep their doctor and could keep their plans.
  • He and his entire administration lied about Benghazi – blaming the unnecessary deaths of four Americans on a YouTube video instead of their own incompetence or negligence.
  • He oversaw the worst political abuse of the Internal Revenue Service in the history of the agency – and is now setting out to change IRS regulations to make the harassment of political adversaries the official policy of the future.
  • The economy is in shambles with more than 90 million Americans out of work.
Of course it doesn’t have anything to do with that.
In his interview with the New Yorker, Obama revealed he is more than a liar and a crook and an incompetent. It turns out he’s delusional.
What do I mean?
Listen to what Obama thinks are his first-term accomplishments:
  • the economic rescue;
  • 44 straight months of job growth;
  • a reduction in carbon emissions;
  • a spike in clean-energy technology;
What does he mean by “economic rescue”? We’re mired in five years of economic decline and a malaise that would make Jimmy Carter flinch. Economic rescue? How about economic arson?
What does 44 straight months of job growth mean? Most people would assume that would mean more people are working, right? But that’s not true. In fact, there hasn’t been one day during the entire Obama presidency when as many Americans were working as on the day George W. Bush left office – which, by the way, was amid an economic crisis.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

BrasscheckTV: The battle for the border‏ Living on US-Mexico Border, Native Americans Face Daily Struggles

A visit to the US/Mexican border...
What's really going on. 
- Brasscheck

 The reality of the border...

Temperatures exceed 120 degrees in the summer.

“We usually find about six (dead) bodies a week...” And that’s just one stretch of the Arizona/Mexican border.

The Tohono O’odham Nation straddles the US-Mexican border. It’s a “sweet spot” for smugglers, putting the Native People who live there under a state of 24/7 federal occupation and under threat from gangs who use their lands as a way into the US
The border scam
“What’s all that money buying?”
Published on Jun 28, 2013
The Tohono O'odham Nation feels caught in a war between border crosses and the U.S. Border Patrol.

Maine Newspapers Violations -- Antitrust Laws‏

State and Local Freedom of Information Issues (
Please suggest references, cites, cases, or informal or unpublished AG opinions -- state and federal and administrative -- on newspapers being the required sole publisher of legal notices in your state or country. Off-- or on--list.

I'm preparing a formal complaint for the U.S. Attorney General, Antitrust Division, against the State of Maine law that requires state and local legal notices to be published in the newspaper for that area or region (excellent speech by Deputy AAG Hesse, "At the Intersection of Antitrust and High Tech: Opportunities for Constructive Engagement",

Jan 22, 2014, Sanford, CA, <>, prepared for Conference on Competition and IP Policy in High-Technology Industries). 

Given that more people get their news from the net than from newspapers, and given that Maine has provided their students for over 6 years with their own laptop computers and so are computer literate, and given that the First Amendment is still in effect and that a Nash equilibrium and other arguments would strongly suggest, if not prove, that subsidizing newspapers  (especially as their circulations decline) would be harmful to the newspapers, it is also time to file a formal complaint in civil court to block this law.  

We have support at the local town level where advertising for bids is way too expensive so the towns are left with simply calling local providers to get someone to do the work.  Indeed, one Selectman told me at the last board meeting to "pursue this with a passion." Not a single Board member objected to his statement.

We also have data now on five towns on the quality of local newspaper coverage -- and, as predicted by antitrust theory -- the quality of coverage of local government activities by the newspaper, compared to videotapes of the governing board meetings, is unacceptably low.  There are more legal and empirical grounds for demonstrating newspaper antitrust violations, without being in conflict with precedents (Associated Press v. United States; Tribune  Company v. United States; United States v. Associated Press, Citations 326 U.S. 1 (, or Noerr-Pennington Doctrine, or the Parker Immunity Doctrine (Parker, Director of Agriculture, et al. v. Brown, 317 U.S. 341 ( S. Ct. 307; 87 L. Ed. 315; 1943 U.S. LEXIS 1263; 1943 Trade Cas. (CCH) P56,250).

Dwight Hines

NaturalNews: Beware of Tungsten contamination in your foods and superfoods‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
My laboratory investigations have turned up a surprising contaminant in some products: Tungsten, an extremely heavy "heavy metal" which has now been linked to increased risk of stroke:

Also: I've been accused of staging an elaborate hoax for merely filming a science demonstration of magnets and Wheaties cereal. How stupid is the American public these days, really? Too stupid to understand common magnets. See the video:

The Post cereal company has announced GMO-free Grape Nuts!

Study shows that zinc can help protect your brain from the toxic effects of aluminum:

Illinois is proposing "granting" people access to medical marijuana, but only if they contractually agree to surrender the Second Amendment rights. Are they smoking crack?

Today on
- The important roles of calcium in the body
- Do you need to "unschool" your children?
- How to get insurance to pay for therapeutic massage

Exposure to heavy metal tungsten increases chances of stroke
(NaturalNews) A popular metal used in mobile phones, wedding rings, light bulbs, computers and various other consumer products has been linked in a new study to increasing the risk of stroke. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the U.K. observed...

Illinois proposes 'legalizing' medical marijuna as long as patients surrender Second Amendment rights
(NaturalNews) Lawmakers from the state of Illinois have proposed new medical marijuana rules that coerce patients to surrender their Second Amendment right in the application process. The new medical marijuana "legalization" bill requires Illinois...

Post follows suit and launches GMO-free Grape-Nuts
(NaturalNews) First Cheerios, now Grape-Nuts - shopping just got easier for the GMO-free consumer as Post rolls out its revamped version of the popular Original Grape-Nuts cereal, which unlike Cheerios, will carry the Non-GMO verification seal. "Grape...

Homeless people being used by criminal gangs as cheap labor for Fukushima cleanup
(NaturalNews) Police investigations have uncovered a new problem with Japan's error-ridden effort to clean up contamination from the Fukushima disaster: criminal gangs are recruiting homeless people to work in radiation zones, then cheating them out of...

Study shows zinc protects blood-brain barrier from effects of aluminum
(NaturalNews) Although many things remain unknown about the roles that zinc and aluminum play in the human brain, one thing is certain: high aluminum concentrations lead to brain damage. Because aluminum is ubiquitous as both an environmental and industrial...

World's oldest animal was 507 years old, until scientists killed it
(NaturalNews) Although scientists and their conservation efforts (let's forget their destructive efforts for this article) have done some amazing things to save numerous plants and animals, like determining that DDT was one factor affecting the birth...

Mark of the Beast for your feast? Microchipped food texts you when it spoils
(NaturalNews) Technology continues to improve our lives, but as we've often reported here at Natural News, technology - the Technology Age, for lack of a better term - is also a double-edged sword. Consider new technology that essentially allows...

Onion extract exhibits therapeutic effects against cadmium toxicity
(NaturalNews) One of the most commonly eaten vegetables may help protect the body against heavy metals, according to studies linking onion extracts to reduced damage from cadmium exposure. Cadmium is a widespread and highly toxic heavy metal that the...

Why your asthmatic child should eat more fruits and vegetables and stay off fast food
(NaturalNews) Asthma is a condition of the lungs, right? A recent study has revealed one aspect of the diet which helps protect against asthma: the consumption of fermentable dietary fibers found in vegetables and fruits. In gist, research funded by...

Designer babies: Chinese company working on technology to allow parents to pick 'smartest' embryos
(NaturalNews) Eugenics is quickly becoming big business in China, where at least one genomics company is attempting to pave the way for parents to literally pick and choose the "best" embryos to obtain the smartest possible children. Quartz reports...

Your cat thinks you are a big, lazy mama cat
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The Day We Were The Good Americans
(NaturalNews) I'm a Navy veteran who served a four year enlistment from 1979-1983. I was 17 when I signed up and turned 18 the day I completed boot-camp. I was trained as an Aviation Electrician. After all my schooling was completed I was assigned to...

Soda's popularity wanes amid health concerns
(NaturalNews) After decades of being the choice for people who were concerned about consuming too much sugar, diet sodas are seeing their popularity, and sales, diminish rapidly. While the decline started about a decade ago, it has gathered speed in the...

Biotech industry goes to court to fight Hawaii's GMO and pesticide restriction bill
(NaturalNews) Anti-GMO activists and Kauai County council members in Hawaii had to dig in as Kauai mayor Bernard Carvalho made a plea to not override his veto of Bill 2491. That's a bill that would monitor and restrict GMO planting and pesticide use in...

Study finds young men who feel 'too skinny' more likely to be depressed, use steroids
(NaturalNews) Young men experience many of the same insecurities as young women when it comes to self-perception and body image, say two new studies recently published in the journal Psychology of Men & Masculinity. The studies, which looked at...

Health Ranger accused of elaborate hoax for conducting science demonstration with Wheaties cereal
(NaturalNews) Yesterday I posted what I thought would be a rather ho-hum video showing Wheaties flakes clinging to a common magnet. I then explained that Wheaties cereal contains ferrous metal fragments...

BrasscheckTV: America's biggest war of conquest...‏The Mexican American War from Both Sides

America's biggest war of conquest...
"A constitutional war" - Abraham 
"One of one of the most unjust wars 
ever waged"  - Ulysses S. Grant
The war that Henry David Thoreau
went to jail over. 

- Brasscheck


 “Manifest Destiny” 
This is where it all began....

“An constitutional war” - Abraham Lincoln

“One of one of the most unjust wars ever waged” - Ulysses S. Grant

This is the war Henry David Thoreau went to jail over. It inspired him to write “Civil Disobedience” which had a big impact on Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

President James Polk...the guy who ran this operation?

While in the White House he and his wife ran a thriving business in slaves.


From a total of 44 US Presidents Obama is rated as the 5th best President ever! The A&M's Public Relations Office released the following statement, "after only 5 years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the 5th best President ever."
The details according to TEXAS A&M
1. Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,
2. Twenty three presidents tied for second,
3. Seventeen other presidents tied for third,
4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and
5. Obama came in fifth!
This appears to be totally reasonable . . . . . .

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lisbon HS Dancing with Staff‏

Lisbon – The Lisbon High School Drama Club in conjunction with members of the Class of 2014 are planning an evening to remember!  Thanks to the continued partnership with the Alma-Lea Dance & Studio in Lisbon, students are presenting one of the favorite events for the Lisbon Community of School.  Dancing with the Staff, the Grande Finale’ will be presented on Thursday, February 27.  Reigning champions Julie Wescott and Randy Ridley are breaking up their act and their trophies are retiring with them.  

The challenge is on for five couples to compete for the 2014 Gold Ball.  Back by popular demand, the sensational dancing duo of Darrell Orr and Cathy Messmer, will be challenging Brandon Ward and Katy Dodge; Gretchen Ward and Sarah Brown; Rastus Coombs and Maddy Cornish; and Sara Flowers and Amy Sewick for the championship!  

Darrell Orr & Cathy Messmer

Brandon Ward & Katy Dodge

 Gretchen Ward & Sarah Brown

 Rastus Coombs & Maddy Cornish

 Sara Flowers & Amy Sewick

Mark your calendar to attend the first night competition of Thursday, February 27 and the championship event on Thursday, March 20 at 7 p.m.  The event will be held in the Lisbon High School gymnasium’s transfixed into a grand ballroom for the event at the campus located at 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls.  Tickets are available at the door.  Adults $5 and students $3.  Children under 5 are free.  FMI contact Jen Fox at 353.3030 or email or Monica Millhime at 754.0021 or email  Proceeds benefit the LHS Drama Club and the Class of 2014.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Once Upon A Time Brooks Misplaced His Glasses...Enjoy The Day!

    Misplaced my Glasses.....
     Some seniors are so thoughtful and creative!!

Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me again asking why I didn’t do something useful with my time. 
Like sitting around the pool and drinking wine is not a good thing.
Talking about my "doing something useful" seems to be her favorite topic of conversation.

She was "only thinking of me" and suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys.

I did this and when I got home last night I decided to teach her a lesson about staying out of my business.

I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a parachute club.
She replied, "Are you nuts? You are about ?3 years old, and now you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?" 

I told her that I even got a membership card and e-mailed a copy to her.

She immediately telephoned me, "Good grief, where are your glasses!

This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club."
  "Oh man, I'm in trouble again; I really don't know what to do... I signed up for five jumps a week."

The line went quiet and her friend picked up the phone and said that she had fainted.

Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier but sometimes it can be fun.

Is There More Behind New Hampshire Corruption? Is There In LISBON?

Mike Gill Patch is 100% on target. View his interview HERE.
During the tenure of Gov. John Lynch (D) and Kelly Ayotte’s (R) tenure as Attorney General, Kelly Ayotte and Lynch covered up official corruption. The corruption and cover up extended to New Jersey, involving Fort Lee and Bergen County Prosecutors office. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) is fully aware, as is the Office of Inspector General, US DOJ. View response from OIG.
Is there a connection between Gov. Christie’s “Bridgegate“, US Senator Kelly Ayotte and the US DOJ? Is there political maneuvering behind the scenes?  Regardless, all three have personal knowledge of state and federal crimes committed, cover up, obstruction of justice and malfeasance of office. Documented evidence supports this.

Hey Lisbon Residents, Got YOUR Thinking Caps On Yet?

Hang On Lisbon YOUR Time Is Next! Chief Brooks Is Planning His TakeOver Once Again, Perhaps!?!

Arrests Of Political Enemies And Members Of The Media

Emergency: Obama Launches Purge
View Video HERE.

Alex is right on this – officials will trump up charges to silence people. The City of Biddeford, Maine is ahead in the game! If you’re not a “resident” of Biddeford you can’t use public access….no better plan than to steal your home to keep you away from the use of public access tv!
The Maine Forum – First Amendment Case, click here.


Related: Behind the Black Robes: Failed Justice, Author Barbara C. Johnson, click here.

Will Your Councilors Do The Right Thing Or Shall It Be "Corrupt ~ Collusion" Business As Usual ?

You just might want to get involved by attending Tues. Nights Special Town Council Meeting.  For the second week in a Row since your illustrious, Corrupt Chief of Police, David T. Brooks has been involved there is no Agenda for US to POST, however, because of mysterious computer glitches, and your Interim Town Manager becoming incapacitated, your COUNCILORS are forced once again to make a very Important Decision that does in fact have consequences  to you taxpayers.  
Feel Left Out Yet?  Quit Your Bitchin, succumb to the "Mafia~Mentality" and PAY YOUR TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh you want to see the AGENDA, go to the Town Website. No Longer Do They Share With US Since Chief Brooks and Attrny. Therriault are INVOLVED.  

Simply Amazing How Deep 'The Culture of Corruption' Reaches In Lisbon.

Mike Huston, Please with OUR sincerest of Wishes, Get Well Soon.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook

Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 19below-2below N/S. highs 3below-13 N/S.

Saturday; occ. Light snow, windy. Lows 7below-8 N/S. highs 24-34 N/S. 
Sunday; windy am, mnt flurries. Dry. Lows 10below-8 N/S. highs 0-15 N/S.

Monday; light snow, breezy. Lows 6below-14 N/S. highs 12-28 N/S. 

Tuesday; quiet and dry. lows 6below-9 N/S. highs 8-22 N/S. 

Wednesday; quiet and dry. lows 5below-8 N/S. highs 12-22 N/S.

Lisbon Town Council Meeting January 21, 2014

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Lisbon Town Council Workshop January 16, 2014

 Part 1

Part 2

The Wasting Of Time, Information, and Forests By The Sun Journal


It is a pure shame that the Lewiston Sun Journal wastes so much time and money printing only half of a story.  This so called newspaper is destroying trees in order to bring only half of the truth to the people.  A newspapers mission is to provide residents in the local area with events surrounding and involving their readership.  The Sun Journal does not come remotely close to this mission. 

I will provide you with a prime example.  Last Tuesday there was a Town Council meeting in Lisbon which was covered by Mrs. Paula Gibbs, Reporter for the Sun Journal.  On Wednesday, the Sun Journal published an article pertaining to a portion of the meeting.  The information provided in the article from Mrs. Gibbs was for the most part accurate. 

Paula Gibbs
But what it did not say was that Mrs. Gibbs left an hour and fifteen minutes before the end of the meeting.  So the remaining portion of the meeting was not covered.  This included a vote on the Separation Agreement for the former town manager.  I think the residents of Lisbon would be very interested in knowing what this agreement is all about.  There were several other items of business on the agenda that were never reported.

The article does not state this was ONLY A PORTION of what took place at the meeting.  Instead it makes it sound like the discussion on the Water Department bill before the Maine legislature was the ONLY item on the agenda.  Subscribers and readers are given only half of the story but paying full price for the Sun Journal.  There is no telling how many more articles are incomplete or do not reflect all the facts.  I am aware of other towns (Livermore, Peru, and Livermore Falls) having the same problem with the Sun Journal.

Why anyone would want to pay full price for half a story is beyond me?

If anyone is concerned about what the Sun Journal is doing to the community, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Judy Meyer, Day Editor of the Sun Journal at 207-689-2902 or or Mr. Rex Rhodes, Executive Editor, at 207-689-2902 or .

Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting - January 21, 2014


Last night’s Town Council meeting was once again a tension free meeting.  All personnel in attendance presented their points of view in a very cordial manner.

During Audience Participation, Water Commissioner Bill Bauer, presented two amendments to the current bill before the legislature which were discussed the prior week in a workshop.  This brought on a lengthy discussion about if the Town Council supported changing the Water Department to a Water District.  Today, the legislature was meeting with the Water Department to evaluate if progress had been made on their bill.  The Water Department was looking for a letter of support or at least no objections from the Town Council.  It ended with the Town Council stating they would prepare a letter for the legislature.

Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances the Town Council set the 2014 Delinquent Tax Rate as the same as last year which is 7%.  The Council approved the bid for replacement Backhoe.  And with a surprise action the Council went into Executive Session and when they came back, Chairwoman Ward announced that the Separation Agreement dealt with Stephen G. Eldridge receiving a Separation Agreement.  The following Councilors voted to approve the Separation Agreement:  Chairwoman Ward; Councilor Bickford; Councilor Lunt and Councilor Garrison.  Councilor Pesce; Councilor Brunelle and Councilor Metivier were against a Separation Agreement.  According to Chairwoman Ward once the Separation Agreement was completed she would make the terms available to the people.

Under Other Business – The Finance Director gave her monthly report.  Mr. Dennis Douglas provided an excellent presentation of what occurs in the Code Enforcement Office.  Mrs. Tracey Steuber provided an excellent presentation of what occurs in the Economic Community Development Office.  This was followed by presentation by Jamel Torres from Healthy Androscoggin with the results of the Rural Active Living assessment.  This was followed by Mr. Don Fellows endorsement of the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan.

Finally under Appointments – Dennis Douglas was appointed as ARTC Technical Committee Alternate.

Paula Gibbs, reporter for the Sun Journal, left at approximately 08:05 PM while the Town Council was in Executive Session so the article on the Sun Journal was only half of what happened at the Town Council meeting.

Larry Fillmore

Obama's "Catholic Plan" => Elimination Thru Neutralization

The Catholic Church is a major roadblock in Obama's quest to bring complete Socialism to the U.S. Of A. This video explains why Obama and his minions must "divide and conquer" the Catholic Church.

If you are Catholic, you need to watch it. If you are not Catholic, you should see it anyway. Our Christian churches need to stand united!
This video is being sent out quickly with the hopes that it will get as far as it can before it is pulled by the "Powers that be." Please watch this video as soon as you receive it, then forward it, please.
It tells all.


Lisbon Keep The Hope Alive: "Sinner In A Sailor Suit"; Rear Admiral Lee Addresses Restrictive Regulations on Religious Liberty

The Maine Wire: “Records show Speaker’s Sweetser landed sole-sourced state contracts worth $2.5 million last year” plus 3 more‏

Records show Speaker’s Sweetser landed sole-sourced state contracts worth $2.5 million last year
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 08:14 AM PST
Sweetser, a non-profit social services agency and major Medicaid beneficiary, has received nearly $2.5 million from no-bid, sole-sourced contracts with the state of Maine. House Speaker Mark Eves (D-North Berwick) serves as Director of Business Development for Sweetser and has been a prominent advocate for an expansion  Mediciad – an expansion that could increase Sweetser’s taxpayer-funded […] 

Why did the BDN refuse to publish this letter to the editor?
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 07:32 AM PST
The Bangor Daily News refused to publish the following letter to the editor regarding liberal blogger Amy Fried: It’s concerning to think that BDN columnist Prof. Amy Fried is teaching students at the University of Maine, considering the lack of facts and judgment in her columns.Last week, she was forced to apologize and correct her piece where she […]

New York Gov: Conservatives “have no place in the state of New York”
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 07:14 AM PST
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said in a telephone interview on Friday that conservatives “have no place in the state of New York.” Speaking with CBS 6, Cuomo unleashed the following tirade against right-to-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-traditional marriage Americans: “Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are […] 
Listen: Robinson talks welfare abuse and liberal media spin with Howie Carr
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 06:37 AM PST
Maine Wire Editor Steve Robinson joined Howie Carr on Monday to recap his investigation into welfare abuse in Maine. Listen here: In cased you missed it, here are the welfare abuse stories: Maine Welfare Cash Spent in All 50 States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands… Maine Welfare Cash Spent at Liquor Stores, Bars, […]
  This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now