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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

NaturalNews: China air pollution in crisis; and it's drifting over here!‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon and NaturalNews readers,
The pollution in China has reached crisis levels, and it's being exported from China and settling on agricultural lands in the USA. The result? Contaminated foods loaded with heavy metals and other toxins:

Exclusive: College counselors in Illinois are seeing their pay cut in half by Obamacare requirements. Workers and students suffer:

More young Americans are wising up and skipping the flu vaccine. Flu shot manufacturers are horrified and are working on more scare tactics:

Fish oil found to cure brain-damaged kids!

Blueberries can help protect you from cadmium toxicity:

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Billy DeMoss previews the Dead Chiropractic Society’s California Jam and Liz Reitzig reports LIVE from a hearing to consider legalizing raw milk in Maryland. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Top 6 health benefits of cabbage
- Why sports drinks are not a healthy choice
- The 7 easiest ways to stay healthy

Beijing air pollution reaches crisis levels; can China survive its toxic environment?
(NaturalNews) China is the world's worst industrial polluter, spewing tons of toxins derived from man-made production into the air, soil and water at a steady rate. It has refused to comply with the same standards adopted by other leading nations of the...

Federal judge excuses Shell's pollution of Illinois town with chemical benzene
(NaturalNews) Roxana, a village of 1,550 people in southern Illinois, now sits on many acres of benzene-contaminated soil, including toxic groundwater that contains benzene levels 26,000 times greater than allowed by state law. Thanks to multiple chemical...

More young adults skipping the flu vaccine
(NaturalNews) Either the truth about vaccines is finally reaching the masses or Americans in general have simply lost trust in the government and the pharmaceutical industry, because this year many young Americans skipped the strongly pushed flu shot...

Coconut flour: A nutritious, gluten-free substitute to processed flour
(NaturalNews) Coconut flour is a flour made from coconut solids that have been ground into a very fine powder. It has a mild coconut scent and flavor, which makes it suitable for flour-based recipes that don't have other strongly-flavored ingredients...

Egyptian GM maize study shows toxic effects after just 91 days
(NaturalNews) A new study by Egyptian researchers has found that Bt corn is not substantially equal to non-genetically modified parent corn and is actually toxic to rats after barely three months. Meanwhile, a second study, which examined the effects...

Most Obamacare enrollees already had insurance; the uninsured refuse to sign up
(NaturalNews) A large number of uninsured citizens continue to refuse health insurance plans designated by the Affordable Care Act. People just aren't signing up as big government intended. As a matter of fact, only 15 percent of those expected to sign...

Fish oil found to cure brain-damaged kids
(NaturalNews) If there is one area that keeps bombarding humanity with new and interesting discoveries, then it is the field of human health. The latest news is the discovery that fish oil has the capacity to cure brain damage. This is based on the case...

Media ignores Fukushima as probable cause of declining West Coast marine populations
(NaturalNews) Scientists are warning about an alarming decline of marine life along the western coast of North America, with bizarre episodes of malnourished sea lions, starving brown pelicans, whales and dolphins migrating out of season - and a rapidly...

Blueberry extracts can protect against cadmium toxicity
(NaturalNews) Vaccinium corymbosum is the scientific name for the northern highbush blueberry, a species of blueberry native to eastern North America. These beautiful shrubs of berries can be found growing from the Great Lakes region east to Nova...

The magic of Manuka honey
(NaturalNews) Honey has the ability to reduce the risk of infection and improve healing naturally. However certain kinds of honey will go further to prevent infections. Multiple studies have proven and suggested that the natural chemicals in Manuka honey... security 'shockingly bad' say computer experts
(NaturalNews) The federal government had years to design it, build it and test it. They had the full backing of the U.S. Treasury, compliments of the (dwindling) American taxpayer. And still, Washington bureaucrats couldn't make it work. A government...

Lemon: The quintessential cancer destroyer and all-around health tonic
(NaturalNews) After the excesses of the holiday season, the unassuming lemon can offer much needed relief for an overtaxed body. Jammed packed with nutrients, this upbeat fruit is a cost-effective way to trim down, detoxify and boost vitality. Lemons...

Military food to blame? Harry Reid asked Pentagon to research Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(NaturalNews) At a time when the nation was involved in two wars and there was already plenty of strain on the military's budget, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., was pressuring the Defense Department to spend scarce Pentagon resources (and...

Calendula can reduce inflammation, heal the skin and help protect the heart
(NaturalNews) Calendula, sometimes named marigold by certain people, is a plant that comes from the Asteraceae family. It grows up to be approximately two feet tall and usually produces some very beautiful yellow flowers. Calendula is believed to originate...

U.S. military deploying robotic 'transformer' helicopter/truck
(NaturalNews) The age of autonomous robotic vehicles indeed has more than meets the eye. The latest drone being developed for the Pentagon's next-gen capabilities comes out of Advanced Tactics in El Segundo, California, who announced their helicopter/truck...

Exclusive: College counselors, substitute teachers across Illinois seeing pay slashed in half due to Obamacare
(NaturalNews) As the economic fallout of Obamacare continues to devastate U.S. workers, Natural News has learned that a new class of victims is now feeling the wake: college counselors and substitute teachers across the state of Illinois are seeing their...

Exclusive: Lab results of clean vegan proteins now being posted at Natural News Labs
(NaturalNews) Responding to urgent requests from our readers to let them know which vegan proteins we've tested so far are showing the better results, we've begun posting protein product results at Many readers were overjoyed when...

TMB: Medicaid Overpays Millions for Diapers‏ and more

Medicaid Overpays Millions for Diapers
By Lachlan MarkayA lack of competitive bidding processes among state Medicaid agencies caused the program to overpay for diapers by about $62 million in 2012, according to a report released by federal auditors on Monday.

AIPAC Gives DWS Cover for Anti-AIPAC Lobbying Campaign
By Adam KredoFlorida Democratic Party donors affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are coming to the aid of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.), who has come under fire in recent weeks over her efforts to quietly block new Iran sanctions measures in the House and Senate.

Mobility Has Remained Flat, Contrary to Obama’s Claims 
By Daniel WiserThe economic mobility of children in America has remained relatively flat in the last three decades and varies widely by geographic area, according to two new studies that disrupt President Barack Obama’s message that income inequality has increased ahead of his State of the Union address.

Political Review Hampers FOIA Process, Watchdogs Say
By CJ CiaramellaGovernment watchdog groups and reporters say political appointees have been given increased sway over Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in the Obama administration, slowing down the release of public records and introducing political pressure to the process.

Bipartisan Task Force Calls on U.S. to Support Possible Israeli Strike on Iran
By Alana GoodmanA bipartisan task force led by Ambassadors Dennis Ross and Eric Edelman is calling on the Obama administration to support a possible Israeli military strike on Iran as soon as July if no acceptable final nuclear agreement is reached with Tehran by then.

Nation Celebrates Annual School Choice Week
By Elizabeth Harrington
The fourth annual “National School Choice Week” launched on Sunday, bringing students, parents, activists, and lawmakers across the country together to advance educational opportunities for children.

The Keep’ and the Art of Adaptation
By Sonny Bunch
In my indisputably accurate ranking of Michael Mann’s films, I more or less brushed aside The Keep, noting solely that it’s terrible and you shouldn’t watch it unless you’re a completist. I was somewhat surprised to hear back from three separate people whom I trust and respect that The Keep, the book, is actually quite good. Curious, I sat down this weekend and read it.*

State of the Union: GOP Ad Blasts ‘Empty Suit’ Obama

By Washington Free Beacon StaffThe American Action Network took aim today at President Obama’s record of empty talk in the web-based ad “Empty Suit.”

WND EXCLUSIVE: Democrats scramble to block 'New World Order'

 Obama wants to ‘fast track’ job-killing, sovereignty-threatening plan
 Jerome R. Corsi

Obama wants to 'fast track' job-killing, sovereignty-threatening plan
NEW YORK – As President Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, powerful groups in the Democratic Party base are organizing to oppose “fast track” authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping free-trade agreement the Obama administration is ready to push through Congress.

On Monday, an impressive group of 564 political analysts from labor, environmental, family-farm and community organizations sent Obama a strongly worded letter to the White House arguing that pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, undermines the president’s message on income inequality.

“President Obama can’t have it both ways,” Arthur Stamoulis, the spokesman for Citizens Trade Campaign  , the group organizing the letter, told WND. “Either the president is for reducing income eligibility as we expect he will say in the State of the Union address, or he can push for fast-track legislation on the job-destroying TPP free-trade agreement. He can’t have it both ways.”

NEW YORK – As President Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, powerful groups in the Democratic Party base are organizing to oppose “fast track” authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping free-trade agreement the Obama administration is ready to push through Congress.
On Monday, an impressive group of 564 political analysts from labor, environmental, family-farm and community organizations sent Obama a strongly worded letter to the White House arguing that pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, undermines the president’s message on income inequality.
“President Obama can’t have it both ways,” Arthur Stamoulis, the spokesman for Citizens Trade Campaign, the group organizing the letter, told WND. “Either the president is for reducing income eligibility as we expect he will say in the State of the Union address, or he can push for fast-track legislation on the job-destroying TPP free-trade agreement. He can’t have it both ways.”


The Maine Wire: “Left-wing advocates manipulate statistics to levy partisan attacks” plus 4 more‏

Left-wing advocates manipulate statistics to levy partisan attacks
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 12:51 PM PST
Robyn Merrill of the Maine Equal Justice Partners attacked the LePage administration on Sunday, accusing the Republican governor of supporting policies that have increased child homelessness in Maine. But a review of some of Merrill’s source materials shows that her analysis is off the mark. Merrill writes, “Over the course of his administration, the number […]
Tooth Fairy Government: Bringing Medicaid expansion to a town near you
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 11:33 AM PST
“It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.” ― Thomas Sowell, Knowledge And Decisions A long, long time ago, in a place far, far away known as […]
RGA releases first LePage campaign video
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 07:31 AM PST
The Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) released Monday the first campaign video supporting Gov. Paul LePage’s reelection campaign. At a little more than three minutes long, the video includes testimonials from Mainers who knew LePage as a child and as a mayor of Waterville, along with First Lady Anne LePage. “I believe in self reliance, self […]
Bucklin: In making Maine competitive, attitude is everything
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 07:12 AM PST
Maine’s economy is beginning to show signs of relative competitiveness. After years of ranking dead last for business friendliness, the pro-growth resurgence of the 2010 elections is starting to bear fruit. The Wall Street Journal published a study last week showing the number of millionaires in each state. In 2013, Maine had the second largest […]
Poliquin reports $148,000 raised in final quarter, $300,000 cash on hand
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 06:25 AM PST
OAKLAND, Maine – Former Maine State Treasurer Bruce Poliquin told reporters Monday he raised nearly $148,000 in the final quarter of 2013 and will report the Federal Election Commission a cash-on-hand balance of nearly $300,000. “Since Poliquin entered the race just before Labor Day, his campaign has received nearly $370,000 from 384 donations ranging from $5 […]

Monday, January 27, 2014

We Would Like To Know, What is "Unfavorable Expenditure Budget Variance‏" ?


I’ll bet you are wondering what “unfavorable expenditure budget variance” means and how does it affect you?  I have tried several times to get the town to explain what this term means.  No one in the town or Town Council could provide me with the answer.  So I decided to contact the Office of the Maine State Auditor.  Mrs. Mary Gingrow-Shaw, Deputy State Auditor, called me back and provided me with an explanation for “unfavorable expenditure budget variance”. 

The Town Council approves the yearly budget when the Revenue equals the Expenditures.  At this point, taxpayers know how much their taxes are going to go up.  However, at the end of the year, if the town has spent more than what was approved and had to take it from the Undesignated Fund it is called “unfavorable expenditure budget variance”.  In the case of last year, the town spent $223,514.00 of our tax dollars OVER what was approved by the Town Council.  I believe that the Town Manager and the Finance Director concealed the fact that they were spending funds from the Undesignated Fund.  As a result, the Undesignated Fund balance is below the recommended level outlined in our Charter to protect the town from going bankrupt.

This type of reckless spending is going to continue to raise our taxes year after year until someone steps in and puts a stop to this irresponsible spending.  It is imperative in this year’s budget that nothing that is not critical be purchased.  Another way to get the town back on track is to turn the Dispatch Center over to the County.  This will save the town approximately $500,000.00 tax dollars.  The Communication Center is the responsibility of the County since the Androscoggin County Dispatch is the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for this area.  What does PSAP mean to you?  It is the point where all 911 Calls are received and where Police, Medical and Fire should be dispatched from since they are the first to receive the 911 call.  Lisbon is NOT a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).

Reducing spending is the responsibility of both the School and the Town!!!!!

Larry Fillmore

Ketchikan: The Bush Pilots

Ketchikan: The Bush Pilots chronicles the history of aviation in Southeast Alaska, from the pioneer bush pilots integral to developing the area to today's bush pilots who keep commerce humming and communities connected. Through all the industry booms—mining, fishing, logging, tourism—Ketchikan's bush pilots have been a lifeline, serving as scouts, air taxi drivers, medivacs, and the Pony Express all rolled in to one. Without them, Ketchikan's remote communities would remain distant and sea-locked.
Often called "swashbucklers of the sky," Ketchikan's bush pilots are equal parts skilled and safety-conscious, a necessity in Southeast Alaska, where the weather can pick and roll on a penny. Told by pilots, dispatchers, and aviation mechanics, Ketchikan: The Bush Pilots is a window into the area's past and present. But the real star here is Alaska. Filled with celestial cinematography, the film showcases Ketchikan's very picturesque backyard, a stunning reminder for those who've been lucky enough to see it in person and a bucket list prompt for those who haven't.

Ketchikan: The Bush Pilots from Laurel Lindahl on Vimeo.

Submitted by: 'Friends of Flight'

The Primer Fields Part 1 Please share!!!!!!

David Lapoint is also working on Plasma Technologies like Keshe...please watch and spread the word...find David's youtube channel for the other parts!

January 27 This Day in History


Thomas Edison was granted a patent for his incandescent light.


The Soviets announced the end of the two-year siege of Leningrad.


The Russians liberated Auschwitz concentration camp, where the Nazis had killed over 1.5 million people, including over 1 million Jews.


The U.S. Air Force started atomic testing in the Nevada desert.


The Apollo I fire killed astronauts Grissom, White, and Chaffee during a simulated launch at Cape Canaveral.


Vietnam War peace accords were signed in Paris.

The United States, South Vietnam, Viet Cong, and North Vietnam formally sign "An Agreement Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam" in Paris. Due to South Vietnam's unwillingness to recognize the Viet Cong's Provisional Revolutionary Government, all references to it were confined to a two-party version of the document signed by North Vietnam and the United States—the South Vietnamese were presented with a separate document that did not make reference to the Viet Cong government. This was part of Saigon's long-time refusal to recognize the Viet Cong as a legitimate participant in the discussions to end the war.
The settlement included a cease-fire throughout Vietnam. It addition, the United States agreed to the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and advisors (totalling about 23,700) and the dismantling of all U.S. bases within 60 days. In return, the North Vietnamese agreed to release all U.S. and other prisoners of war.
Both sides agreed to the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Laos and Cambodia and the prohibition of bases in and troop movements through these countries. It was agreed that the DMZ at the 17th Parallel would remain a provisional dividing line, with eventual reunification of the country "through peaceful means." An international control commission would be established made up of Canadians, Hungarians, Poles, and Indonesians, with 1,160 inspectors to supervise the agreement. According to the agreement, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu would continue in office pending elections. Agreeing to "the South Vietnamese People's right to self-determination," the North Vietnamese said they would not initiate military movement across the DMZ and that there would be no use of force to reunify the country.
Footnote: The last U.S. serviceman to die in combat in Vietnam, Lt. Col. William B. Nolde, was killed by an artillery shell at An Loc, 60 miles northwest of Saigon, only 11 hours before the truce went into effect.

LiveintheNOW: Study Finds This Activity Slows Alzheimer’s Progression Better Than Drugs and much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and Live in the Now readers,
There is a natural compound that researchers are saying holds more promise when it comes to fighting brain decay than any other medical finding to date. Find out what it is.

In addition, research is showing that this natural brain protector fights inflammation and can even extend your lifespan.

In other brain health news, a new study has found that doing this for just 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week can slash your Alzheimer's risk.

And lastly, Crohn's disease is a serious digestive disorder for which conventional medicine offers no real solutions. However, many Crohn's sufferers have successfully healed their condition with natural foods.

Enjoy reading and please share your comments!
In good health,
Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief

Gain Permanent Relief From Heartburn Without Resorting To Drugs!
It's a fact — curing acid reflux can never be achieved by tackling just one of the many factors responsible for creating it. If you've ever tried to cure your acid reflux using one-dimensional treatments like drugs, apple cider vinegar or antacids and failed, it's probably because you have tackled only one aspect of the disease. This system will teach you the only effective way to prevent your acid reflux from forming, and how to cure it for good — the holistic way.

Click Here to Learn More...

Here's today's recommended reading:

Ancient Secret Beats Modern Day Memory Pills

Why Curcumin is Officially the "King of All Spices"

Study Finds Exercise Slows Alzheimer's Progression Better Than Drugs

Here's How You Can Overcome Crohn's Disease With Nature's Foods

The Secret to Preventing Most Age-Related Diseases

What Reading a Novel Does to Your Brain

Last Days to Sign Up: Verifying Video and Working with Citizen Journalists, Webinar from Poynter's NewsU‏

Latest Webinar from Poynter's NewsU

Don't miss Tuesday's Webinar and learn how you can enhance your news with credible eyewitness video, photos and more.

Readers and viewers can play a valuable role in enriching your news coverage with eyewitness video, photos and more. Join us for Best Practices for Working with Citizen Journalists, and learn how you can work with audience contributors to get the content you want and build meaningful relationships with your contributors.

Join Daphne Sashin, a producer at CNN iReport, CNN's participatory journalism community of more than 1 million registered users, in this Webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Jan. 28.
You will learn:
  • How to vet contributors and verify submissions 
  • How to edit non-professional journalists 
  • How to empower your audience to tell you what to cover 
  • How to reward contributors so they come back
This Webinar is for reporters, writers, editors, producers, students, educators and anyone interested in working with citizens to enhance your news coverage.

 The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is an international leader in journalism education, and a thought leader that stands for uncompromising excellence in journalism, media and 21st-century public disclosure. Poynter faculty teach seminars and workshops at the Institute in St. Petersburg., Fla., and at conferences and organizational sites around the world. Its e-learning division, News University,, offers the world's largest online journalism curriculum, with more than 400 interactive courses and 250,000 students. 

The Institute's website,, produces 24-hour coverage of news about media, ethics, technology, the business of news and the trends that currently define and redefine journalism news reporting. The world's top journalists and media innovators come to Poynter to learn and teach new generations of reporters, storytellers, media inventors, designers, visual journalists, documentarians and broadcast producers, and to build public awareness about journalism, media, the First Amendment and protected discourse that serves democracy and the public good.

Submitted by: 'Dwight Hines'

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook

Today:  snow showers. Windy. See discussion. highs 24-37 N/S.
Tuesday; windy and dry. lows 9below-8 N/S. highs 8-24 N/S.
Wednesday; breezy and dry. lows 2below-7 N/S. highs 15-25 N/S.
Thursday; quiet and dry. lows 0-8 N/S. highs 18-28 N/S.
Friday;  flurries. Quiet. Lows 11-17 N/S. highs 25-35 N/S.
Saturday; flurries. Quiet. Lows 10-22 N/S. highs 23-35 N/S.
Sunday; breezy and dry. lows 11-23 N/S. highs 23-34 N/S.

From Our Neighbors Across The Northern Border, (remember to breathe) - Travel Alberta

Shot on location throughout Alberta. This spot features some of the breathtaking landscapes and authentic experiences from across the province.

The Unmasking of Maine….and Beyond: Charlotte Iserbyt – Common Core – Save Long Island Forum 1/18/14

“Author and former educator Charlotte Iserbyt spoke with the electricity of a spark plug about how the American school system purposely indoctrinates our children into robot servants of the system.”

Friday night speech by Charlotte Iserbyt at Long Island, NY conference, view video (15:46) HERE.

Saturday night  speech by Charlotte Iserbyt at Long Island, NY conference, view video (40:36) HERE.

Learn more about Charlotte Iserbyt and her book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America:…

Learn more about Save Long Island:
Check out the Save Long Island Forum website to see a list of all the speakers:

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

We Present A Plethora Of Information For YOUR Perusal, Have A Wonderful Week!

Afghan Puppet Karzai Gives the Strings a Strong Jerk

by Rick Wells
It’s not hard to say who is playing whom in the political standoff taking place in Afghanistan.  The corrupt American puppet Karzai seems to have forgotten his place and who put him there. He’s acting as if he’s the one running the country.  Maybe this is evidence that he is. For Karzai it’s a smart […]

[Watch] Operation American Spring – Lessons From 1932 Bonus Army Attack

by Rick Wells
While many Americans who are frustrated with the situation in Washington DC are looking for solutions, some have opted to follow Col. Harry Riley’s call for a Ten Million March as an unarmed, peaceful act of civil disobedience. These Americans recognize that their country is under the control of subversive forces and are intent on retaking the […]

[Watch] Obama State of Union, Year of Unconstitional Pen, Amnesty and Socialism

by Rick Wells
Obama senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer is interviewed by Candy Crowley in what is a preliminary prepping of the media and interested Americans for what they can expect to be leveled at them this coming Tuesday evening. The themes that have been being repeated since the end of last year, amnesty and his proud ownership of […]

Dinesh D’Souza’s New Film Trailer Released, “America”

by Dylan
“America” Trailer from Dinesh D'Souza on Vimeo. The film will focus on how the 1960s radical ideology is now the mainstream ideology of the Democratic progressive party, and the fundamental premise of the left is that America is based on theft. D’Souza debunks this thought in his film, by debunking such leftist notables as Noam […]

Darion Marcus Aguilar, 19, shot two dead at a Maryland mall yesterday before turning the gun on himself

by Dylan
I bet another Right Wing Extremist .. Via Daily Mail: A teenage shooter who killed two people in a suburban Maryland mall Saturday before committing suicide has been pictured for the first time as his dumbfounded mother described him as ‘a gentle, sweet kid’ who has never been interested in guns. According to police, Darion […]

Obama Should Resign and Apologize In State of The Union Address

by clyde
E.T. Williams

NaturalNews: Natural News begins publishing lab results of clean proteins‏, plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
By popular request, we've started publishing lab results of the cleanest proteins we've found so far in our testing:

Swine flu vaccine discovered to cause narcolepsy:

Shocking list of all the drugs the USDA still allows in cattle:

Modern science validates chlorella as a true superfood:

The myth of vaccine safety exposed:

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Rashid Buttar and RSB discuss natural methods for healing from metastatic melanoma. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Hummus, the smart, healthy snack choice
- Antioxidants 101
- The 5 health concerns from wearing spanx

Exclusive: Lab results of clean vegan proteins now being posted at Natural News Labs
(NaturalNews) Responding to urgent requests from our readers to let them know which vegan proteins we've tested so far are showing the better results, we've begun posting protein product results at Many readers were overjoyed when...

Researchers discover swine flu vaccine causes narcolepsy
(NaturalNews) A team of Swedish clinicians have clinically linked a 2009 swine flu vaccine to increased risk of narcolepsy in young adults, and a group of Danish researchers now understand how and why. Pandemrix, an influenza vaccine unleashed...

Want some ractopamine with your cheeseburger? See the list of drugs the USDA still allows to be used in cattle
(NaturalNews) Unless you are seeking out meat that is certified organic, certified antibiotic- and hormone-free or raised by a local farmer you know and trust, chances are very good that you are eating plenty of pharmaceutical drugs with your cheeseburger...

Numerous studies validate chlorella's 'superfood' status
(NaturalNews) Chlorella is a genus of single-celled, green algae that grow in the sunniest parts of freshwater bodies. According to Dr. Beth M. Ley, author of the book Chlorella: The Ultimate Green Food, it is one of the earth's oldest living...

The great medical myth of vaccine safety and effectiveness
(NaturalNews) The medical establishment continues to credit the smallpox and polio vaccines for eliminating these diseases. Both vaccines were in fact failures. The National Institutes of Health's funding of nine Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units...

Mega-dose fish oil supplementation leads to quick recovery for teen with brain injury
(NaturalNews) When John Virgin and his son Bryce heard sirens just outside of their neighborhood in Palm Desert, California, they ventured out to see what was up. Pulling up to the scene of the accident, John gestured for an emergency medical technician...

Scientists predict radioactive cesium-137 from Fukushima to reach North American coast soon
(NaturalNews) Fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in northern Japan in March 2011 continues to mount, as scientists now estimate that radioactive materials from the contaminated site are likely to reach North American shores later...

Research shows this food could impair immunity by 50%
(NaturalNews) It forms a big part of most modern-day diets, but research suggests that sugar consumption can impair immune function for a significant period of time, by as much as 50%. Indeed, sugar has been described as "one of the food components...

Iron and copper cause oxidative damage in liver
(NaturalNews) Both iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) are necessary elements in the body and vital to numerous processes for good health. Iron, in particular, is known for its use in the transportation of oxygen in the bloodstream, while copper is known for regulating...

Curcumin protects against neurodegenerative effects of lead poisoning
(NaturalNews) A new study has found that the compound curcumin can reduce memory deficits caused by a higher lead content in the body. The results of the study, published a few years ago in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, "show...

Human trials for cocaine vaccines to begin in 2014
(NaturalNews) A team of researchers led by Ronald Crystal at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York have developed two "anti-addiction" vaccines, which stop cocaine from reaching the brain. Crystal says he hopes to see people "thinking about addiction...

Obamacare is the final nail in the coffin for the disappearing American middle class
(NaturalNews) If you are still fortunate enough to call yourself "middle class," enjoy it while you can, because thanks to the ravages of Obamacare, you're liable to lose that status at some point in the future. Since Oct. 1, when the individual mandate...

Study proves omega-3 fatty acids lower risk of type 2 diabetes
(NaturalNews) The results of a 1980s human diabetes study are in. After conducting nearly 20 years of follow-up work, researchers in Finland have discovered new evidence showing how omega-3 fatty acids have the potential to help lower the risk of type...

Six things emotionally secure people do more than others
(NaturalNews) Can you become more emotionally secure by doing certain things differently? Research says that yes, you can. Certain habits, done...

Six health benefits of drinking more green tea
(NaturalNews) Although green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the entire world, its consumption has quickly become one of the biggest health trends, and for good reason. By simply consuming more green tea, you can possibly improve your overall...

Too much green energy could lead to sudden collapse of power grid
(NaturalNews) Renewable "green" energy is an admirable goal, and our country should strive to develop it as quickly as possible, but we've got a problem that needs addressing first: a power grid that is simply outdated, aging and in danger of becoming...

Exposure to heavy metal tungsten increases chances of stroke
(NaturalNews) A popular metal used in mobile phones, wedding rings, light bulbs, computers and various other consumer products has been linked in a new study to increasing the risk of stroke. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the U.K. observed...

GOPDD: Hobby Lobby’s Awesome Video on Obamacare and Religious Freedom…‏

What's at stake in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby

 Hobby Lobby's Mandi Broadfoot outlines what's at stake in the upcoming Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby United States Supreme Court case. For information and updates about the case, please visit