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Sunday, February 2, 2014

TMB: What will the world look like in 2017?‏ Plus More

What will the world look like in 2017? By Matthew Continetti
Five months ago, you will recall, President Obama was preparing to launch military strikes against Bashar al-Assad. The strikes were averted when the Russians, seizing on a gaffe by Secretary of State John Kerry, proposed a deal in which Assad would give up his WMD if the United States did not bomb.

Pentagon intelligence official says Chinese hypersonic weapon poses major challenge By Bill Gertz
China’s testing of a new ultra-high-speed maneuvering warhead represents a major threat to U.S. military forces, a Pentagon intelligence official said on Thursday.

CAP Selectively Quotes Reports to Bolster Oil Export Ban By Lachlan Markay
Republicans criticized the left wing Center for American Progress at a Thursday Senate hearing for releasing a report that they say misrepresents the findings of studies on crude oil exports.

Environmentalists Defend Pedophilia Advocate By Lachlan Markay
Environmentalists are rallying to the defense of an anti-fracking activist who has advocated pedophilia and incest after a Pennsylvania court barred her from entering any land owned or leased by a local oil company.

Missile, Cyber Threats Endanger Israel By Abraham Rabinovich
JERUSALEM – Some 170,000 rockets and missiles are currently aimed at Israel’s cities from Arab countries in the region, the head of Israeli Military Intelligence, Gen. Aviv Kochavi, said this week.

‘The Act of Killing’ Review   By Sonny Bunch
The Act of Killing is an odd movie. The Oscar-nominated feature documentary is, in part, a look at mass murderers grown old, an examination of their feelings (or lack thereof) regarding the crimes they committed decades previously. It is also a surreal reconstruction of the crimes under consideration, played out by the killers themselves for director Joshua Oppenheimer. Finally, it’s a consideration of the way we choose to remember, and of the power of the moving image to shape the interpretation of history.

Twitter’s Feminists Prove Their Toxicity By Sonny Bunch
You may remember a piece I posted yesterday on an interesting article in the Nation about the ways in which the left’s norms have turned into weapons yielded by feminists against each other in a kind of race to the holier-than-thou bottom.

Running Scared: Senate Democrats flee from Obama By David Rutz
Vulnerable Senate Democrats in several states are running for re-election and away from President Obama in 2014.

The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Courtesy of Jeanette Triplett
“Do you think anyone of us here might be the victims of NSA, who is really WACKENHUT, who, along with George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Otto Skorzeny and other Nazi spies stole Nikola Tesla’s technology to do so,then murdered him, in violation of The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, with the intent to subvert the United states government through espionage, terrorism, kidnap, extortion, theft of technology, murder,and violating numerous other anti trust laws, but not limited to, each and all incorporated in entirety by reference.
Each/all herein named, but not limited to, and their agents etal acting in concert as co-conspirators, thus committing crimes against humanity and crimes against peace which further constitutes war crimes for which they are operating under a non American CEO acting as official chief executive of America, who, having adopted a name of Barrack Hussein Obama, all are knowingly, with forethought and malice and intent are operating with Nazi sympathetic bankers acting in concert laundering money with, for, by, through and under the blessing of the new Jesuit pope as for profit corporations for the Vatican?
Not here in Amerika you say? Really!!!!”
All God given rights reserved in perpetuity
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, click here.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Lisbon Town Council Workshop Agenda & Regular Meeting Agenda February 4, 2014

6:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

• Eaton Peabody - Richard Metivier




___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Renewal Pawnbroker Establishment License - Daniel Miller, Jr. d/b/a Double Diamond Pawn
B. Mass Gathering Permit - Stanley Costello d/b/a #1 Flea Market
C. 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget



2014-21 ORDER −
A. Renewal Pawnbroker Establishment License - Daniel Miller, Jr. d/b/a Double Diamond Pawn
B. Mass Gathering Permit - Stanley Costello d/b/a #1 Flea Market
C. Minutes of January 16, 2014 Workshop
D. Minutes of January 21, 2014 Workshop
E. Minutes of January 21, 2014
F. Minutes of January 28, 2014 Workshop
G. Minutes of January 28, 2014

2014-22 ORDER −
2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget
2014-23 ORDER −
Energy Savings Performance Contract

A. Fire Department Presentation by Chief Galipeau
B. Police Department Presentation by Chief Brooks




2014-24 ORDER −
Interim Town Manager



2014-25 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Citizens Involvement In Community Affairs!


The Town of Lisbon NOW has a Town Council that has demonstrated the ability to set aside their personal feelings and do what is right for the community.  I personally commend each and every one of the Councilors for their courage in doing what is right for the community.

Now, it is time for the citizens to get involved in community affairs by attending Town Council meetings on the 1st Tuesday and the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Town Office.  This Town Council has set aside two portions of the agenda for residents to express their concerns.  Audience Participation is still used to express your feelings on any agenda item.  The Council added a “New Business” portion for residents to express their concerns over any issues not on the agenda.

Presently, during normal Council meetings, Mrs. Fitzgerald and I are the only individuals that ask questions or express concerns.  The reason for this is because we feel strongly about Lisbon.  Both of us want to make this community the best in Maine.  We need more people to get involved and express their concerns.  This Council has shown a strong desire to listen to residents and to do what is right for the community.

This is our community and in order to restore the community to the way it was will take all of us working together to make our town a better place to live and raise our children. 

Larry Fillmore

Lisbon Town Council Meeting January 28, 2014

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

A Letter About Transparency By Bruce Poliquin (an important reminder)

Treasurer’s Blog: Transparency Saves Taxpayer Dollars
 Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2011
Dear Friend

Below is my most recent TREASURER’S BLOG. Please share it with your family, friends, and associates. My speaking schedule is posted on the Treasury website, where there is also a place to invite me to speak to your group. Thank you.

Transparency Saves Taxpayer Dollars

Fiscal transparency results in fiscal frugality.

Shining light on wasteful spending, inefficiencies, and abuses of the public trust save taxpayer dollars.  A few recently-exposed examples are: 

•$160,000 of unaccounted gift card purchases by the former executive director of the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA).
•$300,000 supposedly “affordable” 3-bedroom apartments created by Maine State Housing Authority (MSHA).
•$4,000 celebratory dinner and drinks in New York after a bond sale by the Maine Municipal Bond Bank (MMBB).
• 40 years of no-bid legal work performed by a New York firm for the Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority (MHHEFA).

The cumulative savings can be huge.  The gross fiscal misconduct at the MTA has resulted in a 60% reduction of future travel expenses, cancelled credit cards, and a criminal investigation of the resigned executive director.  New MSHA board members are forcing cost containment measures in building affordable housing: “non-profit” developers, solar hot water hookups, and union wages are no longer given preference to contractors bidding to receive taxpayer subsidies.  No more expensive 3-day trips to New York to sign MMBB bond closing documents. After 40 years, MHHEFA will send its legal work out to bid.

During nine months as State Treasurer, I’ve been told repeatedly that the eight quasi-independent Authorities are just that -- independent of state government.  If so, why do the Banking Superintendent, State Treasurer, and five State Commissioners serve on the various boards of directors?  Why does the Governor appoint vacant Authority board members?  Why does the State’s “moral obligation” stand behind most Authority bonds sold to investors to borrow the money used to fund their programs?  Perhaps because it’s in the best interest of all that these Authorities are more closely overseen by inquisitive board members having no conflicts of interest.

The eight Authorities were created over the years by the Legislature to provide valuable services to the people of Maine.  They are instruments of state government and should be held accountable to the hard-working people of Maine.  We public officials have a fiduciary responsibility to make sure they are.  Doing their good work doesn’t mean doing it at any cost.

Many of the new leaders in Augusta, myself included, have worked lifetimes in the private sector.  To succeed, we’ve been held accountable by our customers, employees, and investors. The new LePage Administration is bringing that common sense principle to state government. Transparency at all levels will continue to save money for our new customers, the taxpayers of Maine.

There’s never a free lunch.  Don’t be fooled by “it’s included in the deal,” or that “it’s always been done this way.”  Our fellow Mainers who pay the Turnpike tolls, fund the affordable housing, and borrow to build a new landfill expect us to be very careful with their hard-earned tax dollars.  Nobody wants to discover wasteful or reckless spending.

Transparency in government not only saves taxpayer dollars.  It also builds sorely needed trust. As our new leadership team transforms state government into one that’s affordable, there will be many more difficult decisions to be made.  We’re going to need everyone’s help and support. That will only come with trust.

After 35 years of looking the other way, Maine state government is marching down a path of fiscal discipline.  One that spends less, taxes less, regulates less, and borrows less.  One that pinches every taxpayer penny and sheds light on those who do not.  This is critically important because fiscal prudence is the foundation of a healthy private sector economy.  And successful businesses expand and hire more workers.  These new employees consume, save and invest, which further grows Maine’s economic pie.  These new opportunities will help to keep our kids here.  The increased tax revenues will help fund government services for our citizens.

There’s a new attitude in Augusta.  Join us in building a more prosperous future based on transparency, trust, and being frugal when and where it counts.

Best Wishes,


Bruce Poliquin

State Treasurer

U.S.Department of Treasury: FinCEN Publishes Two Rulings on Virtual Currency Miners and Investors

FinCEN Publishes Two Rulings on Virtual Currency Miners and Investors

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today published two administrative rulings, providing additional information on whether a person’s conduct related to convertible virtual currency brings them within the Bank Secrecy Act’s (BSA) definition of a money transmitter. The first ruling states that, to the extent a user creates or “mines” a convertible virtual currency solely for a user’s own purposes, the user is not a money transmitter under the BSA. The second states that a company purchasing and selling convertible virtual currency as an investment exclusively for the company’s benefit is not a money transmitter. The rulings further interpret FinCEN’s March 18, 2013 Guidance to address these business models.

News Release:

FIN-2014-R001: Application of FinCEN’s Regulations to Virtual Currency Mining Operations (

FIN-2014-R002: Application of FinCEN’s Regulations to Virtual Currency Software Development and Certain Investment Activity (

FinCEN’s mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit use and combat money laundering and promote national security through the collection, analysis,and dissemination of financial intelligence and strategic use of financial authorities.

For those interested, there is a great deal of information pertaining to the  Mortgage and Real Estate Fraud crisis that is prevalent across America today.  Click here to learn more.


Binary Options Trading Starts Here

In the past few years, binary options trading has emerged as an thrilling way to make money in the financial and trading markets. You don’t have to be a financial expert or economist in order to successfully trade binary options, you just need to have a basic idea of how price trends work and be able to take advantage of them. With binary option trading you can start today, and begin making money right away.

Unlike other forms of options trading, binary trading is incredibly simple because all you have to do is determine whether the price of something will go up or down. And you don’t have to waste your time doing tons of research because everything that you will possibly want to know is available directly on your broker’s website.

So how does binary options trading work? A binary broker will choose some sort of financial product or asset, such as a stock, bond, commodity, currency, or other type of investment, and a certain time period. At this point, you have just two choices (binary means “two) you can “bet” that the price of that asset will go up or down in that period of time. Once you’ve taken a few minutes to analyse the price trend and make a choice, you choose to how much money you want to place on the trade. If you win, your return can be as high as 85%!

With binary options, you aren’t actually buying the asset you are trading; you are simply placing a yes or no bet on it. However, this isn’t gambling where the odds are stacked against you and the house always wins because it is not only possible, but easy to make money consistently by choosing the best binary options to trade, and by paying attention to pricing indicators and trends.
When you make a binary option trade, it is an all-or-nothing trade. If you chose correctly you win the trade and make money, and if you were wrong, you lose the amount that you risked. If you are smart, and choose the right option more than half the time, and also choose a broker that offers high winning percentages and refunds on losing trades, you can make a lot of money.

The lightning-fast nature of binary options is perfect for the modern generation of plugged-in trader, though binaries can carry lengths of as much as a month, and can be a good way for position traders to make extra cash.

Choosing a broker that offers the best trading options is one of the most important parts of getting started in the world of binary trading. Brokers are always upfront about the percentages they offer, and you need to choose the ones that offer the best rates for you. Every broker has a different rate for different kinds of trade, as well, and you may find that having accounts at two or more brokers is the best way to maximize your returns and minimize your risk.

We can help you find the best binary options trading broker for you, as well as give you all the tools and information that you’ll need in order to succeed in the binary options market. Set up a demo account with a broker and use the resources you find on this site to help you learn the world of binary trading. And once you are comfortable with it, open a real-money account and start making extra cash from home with binary options trading!

**New** Fun For Friday January 31, 2014

With the help of everyone each week on Friday TLR will try and show something fun to do.

How To Draw Your Hand In 3D 

For complete instructions, simply click here.

Very cool way to separate egg yolk 


 Submitted by: 'Rufe'

Town of Lisbon: 4th Quarter Managerial Report‏

Town of Lisbon
4th Quarter Managerial Report
Please click on the following link to read the 4th Quarter Managerial Report.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Jody Durisko
Administrative Assistant
Town Manager's Office

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Corruption Is Corruption Here It Is Being Exposed In New Hampshire Mike Gill Patch Interview

 If this is happening in New Hampshire, Do You Think It Occurs In Lisbon or Maine? Oh yes it does. Stay tuned and check back with us for more information.  

If you have information or have been a victim of Corruption write to us here at The Lisbon Reporter.  

Please send Letters to the Editor to Please include your name, address, and telephone number for verification purposes. Under some circumstances, we will post letters anonymously but it is at the discretion of the blog members. Thank you.


Mike Gill Interview with Nashua Patch on FRM Cover Up

by Steve MacDonald
Mike Gill is naming names as he continues to seek accountability from those involved in New Hampshire’s  FRM banking scandal and beyond.  Elected officials, judges, members of the banking committee, friends and family of people in State Government, and the AG’s office, are all implicated by Mr. Gill in the scheme and its cover up.
We had Mike on GrokTALK! last week (I’ll post that individual segment up today) but you can listen to him here as well, in part one of two from an interview he did with Nashua Patch.


Mike Gill Patch Interview 01 16 2014 Part 1

Mike Gill Patch Interview 01 16 2014 Part 2

Published on Jun 5, 2013
This interview does not necessarily express the opinion of Hugh Fitzpatrick or anyone associated with New England Title/Fitzpatrick and Associates.

An Exclusive Interview with Mike Gill, Owner of The Mortgage Specialists. Mr. Gill discusses the current controversy in New Hampshire involving his company and the NH Banking Commission.

Exclusive Interview with Mike Gill



Guess which category Steve Eldridge comes under?
On Tuesday January 28, 2014, in an historic moment,
the Lisbon Town Council, wellll, not all of them,
voted to hire Dale Olmstead, former town manager
of Freeport as Lisbon’s new interim Town Manager.
Mr.. Olmstead, as newly hired Town Manager brought
Freeport from the brink of disaster.
Whereas Mis-Manager Steve Eldridge, in 6 years
brought the Town of Lisbon TO the brink of disaster.

Mr. Olmstead, Welcome to the Town of Lisbon.

Dot Fitzgerald
A Concerned Lisbon Citizen.
But not as concerned as before.

Modernizing FOIA

 The U.S. National Action Plan for the global Open Government Partnership is big news for FOIA. We’ve written about the plan’s five-part commitment for strengthening and modernizing the Freedom of Information Act.

One of the five components of the FOIA commitment calls for a new FOIA advisory committee: 
Please post.

Worth following.

Dwight Hines

Town of Lisbon Event: A Free Resume Writing Workshop

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. highs 18-30 N/S.
Friday;  dry. breezy pm? Lows 11-20 N/S. highs 30-38 N/S.
Saturday; Quiet. Snow late, to rain coast. Lows 10-24 N/S. highs 28-38 N/S.
Sunday; rain/snow end early, breezy pm. lows 28-35 N/S. highs 33-44 N/S.
Monday; quiet and dry. lows 9-23 N/S. highs 18-33 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. lows 4-15 N/S. highs 21-32 N/S.
Wednesday; stormy and windy. Lows 7-21. Highs 17-33 N/S.

Why is Lisbon High School NEASC Accreditation relevant and Important?‏

 I recently asked myself what would happen if Lisbon High School eventually lost accreditation, how it would affect our student’s college applications, how it would affect the community, and how it would affect prospective residents.  Currently, LHS is one step away from losing its’ accreditation.  (1. Warning, 2.Probation, 3. Loss of Accreditation.)  I keep hearing these big questions, so I did some research, and I called college admissions offices myself after hearing that other Lisbon residents have done the same (stating that they called all the sub-Ivy League colleges in Maine (Bowdoin, Bates, Colby, etc…)) and what they stated they received for answers were varied, generic and incomplete at best.  It took some time, but I have spoken with many guidance counselors not just the “big three.”  What I have found is that colleges do not have a blanket policy that they will not accept applications from non-accredited schools but applications from non-accredited schools will trigger stricter scrutiny.  It’s clear that no college wants to penalize a qualified student for problems at the student’s high school and that the student’s own qualifications, such as SAT scores and class rank, are the big factors in any decision.  However, one college admissions dean—yes, I actually spoke with one—told me that loss of accreditation may raise a “red flag” about the quality of a student’s education.  Several people have told me that, if a college is interested in a candidate and has the time, the college would call the school directly to discuss these issues.  However, the bigger risk is that a college may not have time or inclination to investigate the reason for the loss of accreditation and that loss of accreditation might hurt a student’s application.  I also researched into how a college would even know that a school is not accredited.  Come to find out, each high school submits an official School Profile, which summarizes college matriculation rates, course offerings, grade distribution and SAT scores at each school.  A school’s accreditation status is usually noted on the School Profile.  Colleges rely heavily on this School Profile to compare candidates.

In researching the benefits of, and the shortfalls of being fully accredited, I came across two research studies, both doctoral dissertations that examined local education leaders’ perceptions of the high school accreditation process and its impact on school and community improvement.  The first study involved a survey of the superintendent, high school principal, and a randomly selected school board member from 130 public high schools in Massachusetts.  These schools had participated in a NEASC visitation over a 5-year period.  The response rate was 47%, with the highest response rate from principals.  The second was a derivative of the first with a survey of similar groups from 66 public high schools in New Hampshire.  These schools had participated in a NEASC visitation for 10-years.  The response rate was 56%, also with the highest response rate from principals.  The two doctoral studies produced very similar findings.  Both studies found that a majority of superintendents, principals, and school board members held positive perceptions of the NEASC high school accreditation process, and felt the process was beneficial to their school and community in general.  All three groups viewed the NEASC self-study as the most important component of the process, and felt it was valuable for its potential to identify strengths and weaknesses in the school, and to indicate goals for school improvement.  Principals particularly emphasized the value of the accreditation process as a vehicle for positive change in their schools, and also noted that the process provided a means to validate school practices, an opportunity for self-evaluation and teamwork among teachers, and supported school funding requests and Capital Improvements.  School board members and superintendents emphasized the importance of the outcome of accreditation, in maintaining accreditation status to ensure public confidence in their local schools.  All three groups indicated that their communities EXPECT their schools to maintain accreditation, and the community (and prospective residents) would view that loss of accreditation very negatively.

Responses were remarkably similar and supportive of accreditation from superintendents, schools board members, principals and teachers for which I have spoken in the area.  One person stated: “It provides a uniform yardstick of quality and measures what high schools are achieving.”  Another person reflected on the value of the self-study: “I think it’s good for the staff and good for the folks in the school to really take a good look at what they’re doing and have some goals as to improvements that can be made that are good for kids.”  Another education leader was supportive of accreditation:  “. . . because that stamp of approval is expected by community members and many parents of kids who attend Lisbon high school.”

One of the main reasons that high schools seek accreditation is to strengthen students’ application to post-secondary institutions.  While some are unsure about how important high school accreditation is in the evaluation of college applications, their perception is that accreditation could only strengthen students’ chances of acceptance, particularly for more elite colleges and universities. 
To investigate the importance of high school accreditation in the college admissions process, these studies included a sample of post-secondary institutions in Maine and the New England region for the purpose of conducting phone interviews with experienced college admissions counselors and directors and reviewing on-line documents.  Broadly, the interviews asked counselors what criteria are most important in evaluating college applications, how important high school accreditation is in the decision to accept or reject an application, and how non-accreditation may influence that decision.

Across the diverse group of post-secondary schools contacted, there were some differences in the importance they placed on high school accreditation.  Yet, most of the counselors we interviewed agreed on certain points.  These schools generally assume that most high schools ARE accredited, and therefore they do not always look specifically for this credential.  Counselors said that the profile a high school submits with a student’s application includes information about what year the school was last accredited.  Information about the school’s accreditation is sometimes on the student’s transcript. If the high school profile does not mention accreditation, then college admissions counselors would be alerted that the school is most likely not accredited.  Although some colleges stated that a student may not be penalized if the high school is not accredited, the University of Connecticut admissions counselor indicated the school’s policy is not to admit students from non-accredited high schools.  Some representative comments included the following:

·        “We try not to penalize the student if the school is not accredited. “

·        “I do not think we would ever not admit a student if they were in a school that was not accredited.  But it’s easier for us to understand the value of the student’s education.”

.        “We need to look at the student as an individual.  We might want to find out more, but may not have time to inspect the application.  …we would try not to penalize the student.”

Across the colleges and universities, when asked specifically about the importance of high school accreditation in college admissions decisions, the responses were more varied and ranged from “not very important” to “extremely important.”  Admissions counselors from three selective small private colleges, two large private colleges, and two state universities placed more importance on high school accreditation than did counselors from two community colleges in Maine and three state universities.  Several of the schools, including the selective private schools and two state universities, indicated it would be more difficult to evaluate a student’s application without the certainty that the high school is accredited.  For these schools, the credential is important in that it indicates the high school has met certain standards that are consistent for the New England region. 

.        There’s no question that schools that are accredited give us a context to better understand the value of what the school offers. The school has achieved a standard . . . I think it is important enough for school boards and communities to invest in this, especially as college admissions are more competitive.  It gives you an outside standard (small private college in Maine).

        Of-course we want to see schools be accredited because it means they have achieved a certain level of quality (small private college in Maine). If we do not know a lot about the school, it is hard to judge the student (public university in New England).

Most of the schools contacted indicated they would look for more information to evaluate the quality of the high school program if the school was not accredited.  For example, admissions counselors said they might call a high school guidance office to find out why the school was not accredited or why the school was on probation status.  Some counselors said they would look at the rigor of courses offered by the high school, the percentage of high school graduates going on to college, and the caliber of post-secondary institutions the students attend.  While most schools indicated a certain degree of willingness to search for more information about a high school when the school is not accredited, some schools indicated that the large number of applications they receive, and competitiveness means that it may be impractical for them to spend additional time researching a particular high school.  This sometimes results in the rejection of that prospective student.  Some admissions counselors admitted that non-accreditation of a high school would make a student’s application less competitive or successful than other similarly qualified students from accredited high schools, and in the case of the University of Connecticut, the representative indicated that accreditation was a requirement for admissions, and the applicant wouldn’t be considered. 

Counselors from other schools made the following comments:

·        It would contribute to a candidate not looking so great.

·        If we saw that the high school is continually on probation or loses accreditation, that might be a concern and it might affect our review of the student’s application

·        We need the information [about accreditation] to be on the transcript.  If it is not there, then the student may not be as successful in the applicant pool.

·        If the school were not an accredited high school, then the student would not be admitted (University of Connecticut).

·        For the other state universities, non-accreditation would prompt the school to seek more information about the high school.  One counselor explained

·        If the school was not accredited, we would ask for more information from the school, go to their website, read the course descriptions, where students went to college, the percentage of students going on to four year high education. We wouldn’t exclude a student, but we would work to get more information.

For the community colleges, counselors indicated non-accreditation would not be an important issue, and would not prevent a student from being accepted.  One counselor said, “We aren’t going to reject a student because their high school is not accredited” (C.M.C.C.).

Currently, three public high schools in Maine are on probation status, Lisbon has been on probation since 2009.  The schools on probation status share a common need—community funding for renovation of aging, unsafe and/or crowded facilities specifically.  The two other public high schools on probation are Edward Little High School (Auburn), and Medomak Valley High School (Waldoboro).

So why is having an accredited High School important to the average taxpayer?  

Accreditation by NEASC assures that your taxes are supporting facilities, and programs that have been judged worthwhile by an unbiased team of evaluators, both in terms of the school's stated mission and expectations and in terms of the school’s adherence to the seven Standards for Accreditation (Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment of and for Student Learning, School Culture and Leadership, School Resources for Learning, and Community Resources for Learning).  Through the process of evaluation, the citizen is advised of the strengths, needs, and long-range plans of the school.  Finally, the reputation of the community benefits from accreditation since the retention or the loss of accreditation has a demonstrable effect on local property values.  It is quite common for principals of member schools to receive inquiries from potential home buyers or renters in a given community seeking information about the nature and quality of programs in that community’s high school.  In addition to requests for information about the breadth of curricular and CO-CURRICULAR programs, and about standardized and state test results, those inquiries often include specific questions about a school’s accreditation status.  A lack of accreditation could discourage individuals from pursuing residency in communities on probation.

You probably won't post this seeing that I haven't given my name, but I think this is important non-biased information that may be quite useful to folks.

False Deluder
Lisbon Falls, ME 04252

Lisbon Jr Vol Officers‏


Photo by Monica Millhime
 The slate of officers for LCS program include (pictured l-r) Emily Chapman, President; Olivia Chelsey, Vice President; Alexandra Conley, Treasurer; and Emma Willey, Secretary.

 Lisbon – The Lisbon Community School (LCS) Junior Volunteer Program is growing stronger each school year.  “The group of young, fifth grade volunteers, models the practices followed by the adult and young adult high school programs offered throughout the Lisbon School District,” shares Community Resource/Volunteer Coordinator, Monica Millhime. “We have experienced a growth in participation thanks to the many parents and older siblings who are in our program.  Every year a number of students and adults receive the prestigious National Presidential Volunteer Service Awards.  The award speaks volumes to the dedication and commitment our volunteers provide our within our community of schools.”  

FMI on programs and other projects in Lisbon Schools visit Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on Facebook. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial — “Puppy Love”‏

Watch Budweiser's Super Bowl XLVIII commercial following the special friendship between the Clydesdales and a puppy.

Positive Change Lisbon is pleased to announce an annual calendar of seminars

Positive Change Lisbon is pleased to announce an annual calendar of seminars designed to help the small business owner or professional succeed (see attached schedule).  Please join us or send your employees so they may succeed.  Also, if you could forward this email and/or print the attached flyer and post it in your place of business, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

 Ross Cunningham, President

BDN: ‘Survivor’ winner opens ‘glamorous camping’ retreat in lavish Durham yurt

Posted Jan. 29, 2014, at 2:04 p.m.

DURHAM, Maine — On a January day when the temperature barely reached double digits, 63-year-old Bob Crowley pulled the earflaps of his hat tightly to his head before steering his four-wheel Polaris Ranger through the woods of rural Durham to Fisher Ridge Yurt.
It was cold, but the 2008 winner of “Survivor: Gabon” showed no sign of the arctic conditions, except for an ever-reddening nose, as the temperature seemed to continue to drop.
After a five minute drive, Crowley led a group inside his insulated yurt, the heat from the wood stove beckoning, prompting Crowley, his wife, Peggy Crowley, and their guests to shed their coats and gloves.
Circular, portable tent-like yurts have been the traditional homes of nomadic people in Central Asia — particularly Mongolia — for thousands of years. The circular shape makes a yurt resistant to the region’s strong winds, and the structures are easy to erect and dismantle, making them particularly suitable to the roaming lifestyle.

Read more and watch video here.

Lisbon HS Promotes Motor Booty Affair‏

Class of 2015 students (l-r) fundraising committee members Draven Walker, Patrick Dexler, Connor Craig are busy working with parents to promote tickets sales to the Motor Booty Affair at the Ramada Inn in February.

Lisbon - Lisbon High School Athletic Boosters, along with the Class of 2015, are sponsoring a night of fun and dancing with Motor Booty Affair.  The 21 and over event will take place at the Ramada Inn, Lewiston, on Friday, February 28 from 9:00 PM-12:30 AM.  Doors open at 7:30.  Ticket prices are $20.00 each, or 2 for $30.00.  Tickets are available at Lisbon High School, 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls  by contacting class advisor, Debbie Weddle, 671-9786; or committee members Lisa Caron, 212-5720; or Kelly Wade, 751-7221. Credit card payments accepted.


Like What You See?

"Well you’re not alone! Motor Booty Affair have funkitized hundreds of thousands of fans across this big blue marble in their quest to make all of earths inhabitants a little bit funkier. Have you been funitized?"

Lisbon Community School Drama Presents "A Wild and Wacky Winter"


Cast Photo by Monica Millhime

Back row (l-r)
Donna Rimiller, Laurie Cincotta, Sarah Charest, Miranda Saucier, Ainslie Albert, Caroline White, Amelia Mooney, Johanna Kenney, Angel Tibbetts, Ashley LaCroix, Jennifer Robitaille

Front row (l-r)
Henry Eichman, Caleb Phillips, Benjamin Shambarger, Emma DeForest, Wyatt Perron, Katherine Tibbetts, Mary Cunningham, Paige Brawn, Erica Hill

Not available for photo: Olivia Booker

 Lisbon – Members of the Lisbon Community School(LCS) fourth grade drama students strike a pose during a recent rehearsal of the musical play by Michael and Jill Gallina, A Wild and Wacky Winter

The performance is scheduled on stage at the LCS Campus on 33 Mill Street in Lisbon on Friday, January 31 and Saturday, February 1.  Curtain time on Friday is at 6:00 pm; and a matinee time of 1:00 is set for Saturday.  

Director Laurie Cincotta shares “The fourth grade students in the LCS Drama Club at Lisbon Community School are no strangers to Maine’s Wild and Wacky Winters.  

Come see them perform this comical one act musical.  A donation jar will be at the front door to help support the drama club’s production costs.” FMI on other events and programs in Lisbon, visit us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Cato Scholars Respond to the 2014 State of the Union Address‏

Cato Institute scholars Alex Nowrasteh, Aaron Ross Powell, Trevor Burrus, Benjamin H. Friedman, Simon Lester, Neal McCluskey, Mark Calabria, Dan Mitchell, Justin Logan, Patrick J. Michaels, Walter Olson and Jim Harper respond to President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address.

Video produced by Caleb O. Brown, Austin Bragg and Lester Romero.

Jim Harper's reference to the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 refers to this document:


Lisbon Class '14 Spaghetti Dinner‏


Lacey Thomsen, a member of the Lisbon High School Class of 2014, and her friend Lynda Nailor, give a thumbs up on the culinary treats from the classes’ fall spaghetti dinner.  The final, final fundraiser of a spaghetti dinner is planned for Thursday, February 27 at the high school.  

Lisbon – Members of the  Lisbon High School (LHS) Class of 2014 are planning their final, final fundraiser endeavors.  A spaghetti dinner is planned for Thursday, February 27 on the LHS Campus cafeteria, 2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  Menu includes spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage.  Tickets available at the door – adults, $5; students, $3; and under 3, free!  

Directly following the dinner, the Grand Finale’ of Dancing with the Staff, co-sponsored by the LHS Drama and the Class of 2014, will be presented starting at 7 p.m. in the Gymnasium Ballroom.  All proceeds from the dinner benefit the Project Graduation events.  FMI contact advisor, Monica Millhime, 754.0021 or email  Check out the latest programs and events on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

(click above to print out)


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop & Special Meeting January 28, 2014


Tonight was another very special evening.  The Town Council held a Workshop and then a Special Town Council Meeting.  We are going to start off with the Workshop.

During the Workshop, the Town Council heard three presentations.  This first one was about the Maine Municipal Association (MMA).  This was presented by Mr. David Barrett.  If this organization sounds familiar to you; it is because they recommended Mr. Stephen Eldridge to the town of Lisbon.  At that time, Mr. Eldridge was the poster boy for MMA.   Do we really want to repeat our mistake?

The second presentation was presented by Mr. Bill Van Tuinen.  Mr. Van Tuinen is the current Town Assessor.  He provided an excellent outline of the responsibilities of the Assessor’s office.  He also briefed the Council on the Reevaluation his company is conducting in Lisbon.  According to Mr. Van Tuinen, the reevaluation should be complete in 2014-2015.  The new evaluations will go into effect in 2015.

The final presentation was done by Mr. Mark Stevens.  Mr. Stevens is the Director of the Recreation Department.  Mr. Stevens outlined the accomplishment of the Recreation Department.  He also explained the numerous programs available to the community.  The Recreation Department has programs available for all ages from seniors to 3 and 4 year olds.  The Recreation Department is one of the only departments in the town that actually make money for the town.

At this point, the Council ended the Workshop and started the Special Town Council Meeting.  The first order of business was to go into Executive Session.  At this point, Mrs. Paula Gibbs Reporter for the Sun Journal left.  The Council was in Executive Session for approximately one hour.   At two different times, they asked Mr. Dale Olmstead to join in the Executive Session.

When the Town Council came out of Executive Session, they took a vote to see if Mr. Dale Olmstead would be the Interim Town Manager or not.  The vote was 5 to 2 in favor of Mr. Olmstead becoming the next Interim Town Manager.  The two councilors NOT in favor were Chairwoman Ward and Councilor Bickford. 

The following is an article outlining what Mr. Olmstead did for the town of Freeport during his tenure as their Town Manager. .  After reading this article, how can anyone doubt that Mr. Olmstead is exactly what the town of Lisbon needs?  Mr. Dale Olmstead will be sworn in at the next Town Council meeting.

Larry Fillmore

***News Flash*** Lisbon's Newest Interim Town Manager-----> Dale Olmstead

Briefly there will be more detail tomorrow.  Two candidates were scheduled for interviews tonight for the position of Interim Town Manager.    And by a vote of 5-2 Mr. Dale Olmstead is now OUR Interim Town Manager. He is scheduled to be sworn in next Tuesday night.  Councilor Dillion Pesce did a marvelous job opening and conducting most of the meeting. Lisa Ward and Roger Bickford were the two discerning votes.  

Mr. Olmstead comes from Freeport with a track record of accomplishments.  For more information, click here.

 Mr. Dale Olmstead Welcome Aboard!



In today’s Sun Journal, there is an article written by Paula Gibbs about the search for an Interim Town Manager.  People can read this at: .  The most important part of this article, to the people of Lisbon, is the last paragraph.  The last paragraph reads and I quote:   “A separation agreement signed by Eldridge on Jan. 9 and by Ward on Jan. 10, specifies that Eldridge will receive three months of salary and three months of medical coverage.”

The following Councilors voted to approve this separation agreement:  Chairwoman Ward; Councilors Bickford, Lunt and Garrison.  These four Councilors are responsible for this separation agreement and should be held accountable for the contents.  So where are these four councilors going to come up with the money to meet the terms of this separation agreement? 

Eldridge spent all the towns’ money to include $223,514.00 of our tax dollars that was in the Undesignated Fund.  Over the past six years, our Undesignated Fund went from over $3,000,000.00 to $1,076,332.00.  Eldridge's salary is over $90,000.00.  His reckless spending required the town to raise our taxes the last few years.  He violated about every section of our town Charter.  Eldridge manipulated the Town Council into approving three contracts that clearly violated the Town’s purchasing policy.

With all these accomplishments by Eldridge, these four councilors felt the need to approve a separation agreement worth approximately $25,000.00.  I hope these four councilors are not thinking about taking it from the Undesignated Fund.

The people did not approve this settlement; so why should the people pay for it? 

Larry Fillmore

Eagle Rising: Ted Cruz Interview that CBS Didn’t Want you to See

By Onan Coca / 28 January 2014

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is no shrinking violet, and if you watched his most recent interview with Bob Schieffer you probably noticed that. Schieffer didn’t hold back any of his contempt for the Texas Republican and his laser focus on the government shutdown that the Democrat Party enacted was proof of that. Cruz continually noted that he spoke out against the government shutdown time and again, but the Democrat Party chose to shut down the government rather than negotiate with Republicans on the budget.
But CBS and Schieffer didn’t actually show you the entire length and breadth of his interview with Cruz. In fact, they left out the very best part.

Sen. Ted Cruz: The Abuse of Power from this Administration Concerns Me


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