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Thursday, February 6, 2014

TMB: Israeli Widow Blasts ‘Insensitive’ Kerry Claim‏ plus more

Israeli Widow Blasts ‘Insensitive’ Kerry Claim By Adam KredoIsraeli victims of terrorism lashed out at Secretary of State John Kerry for his “insensitivity” after he inaccurately claimed “not one Israeli was killed by a Palestinian from the West Bank” in a recent speech.

Report: 4 in 10 Government Security Breaches Go Undetected By Elizabeth HarringtonA new report by Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.) details widespread cybersecurity breaches in the federal government, despite billions in spending to secure the nation’s most sensitive information.

Biden Thanks UAW for Helping Start Political Career By Bill McMorrisVice President Joe Biden thanked the United Auto Workers for helping him get his start in the Senate at the 2014 UAW National Community Action Program (CAP) Conference on Wednesday.

Russian Officials Implicated in Death of Sergei Magnitsky Could Face Sanctions By Daniel WiserRussian officials implicated in the prosecution and death of corruption whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky could soon face new European sanctions on their travel and financial assets.

Cuban Activist Arrested Ahead of Human Rights Summit By Alana GoodmanA prominent Cuban opposition activist has been arrested ahead of a United Nations-related human rights conference he was expected to attend in Geneva, his supporters said Wednesday.

Philip Seymour Hoffman vs. the Field By Sonny BunchFollowing Philip Seymour Hoffman’s untimely death, JVL wrote that he “might have been my favorite actor of my generation.” There was much such praise for the actor as one of the greatest of his generation, praise that prompted* John Podhoretz to ask, “It’s last Friday. Someone asks you to name the best actor of our time. How many of you would have said Philip Seymour Hoffman. Honestly.” 
WFB’s McMorris and Markay Featured in New Documentary ‘Bankrupt’ By WFB StaffA new documentary featuring a pair of Washington Free Beacon reporters examines the bailout of General Motors and the decline of the once great American city of Detroit.

Local government services and contracts: Best practices and key issues to watch‏

Municipalities in dire straits are found all over the United States — from Detroit in the north toStockton, Calif., out west, and Central Falls, R.I., in the east, to name just three. While each city’s case is different, the root causes have much in common. They can include the still-lingering impacts of the Great Recession, ongoing deindustrialization, tax limitations, and demographic changes that increase the costs of pensions and health care. Sometimes the causes are spectacular: Jefferson County, Alabama, was hit with debt from an expensive infrastructure upgrade, a corruption scandal, and a drop in revenue. At other times they’re near-silent, including “zombie subdivisions” laid out during the real-estate boom that drain resources and resist solutions.
Even for cities in good financial shape, the current economic climate has increased pressure to trim expenses, keep costs under control and manage complex assets efficiently — expensive projects might once have been limited to roads and sewers, but now can include a 411 system, state-of-the-art hospitals or laptops for public schools.
New ways of funding infrastructure upgrades have been developed, including tax-increment financing, but the benefits are often matched with substantial risks. Public-private partnerships have potential for service delivery, but serious problems can arise if they’re not properly structured and monitored. For example, in 2008 Chicago signed a 75-year lease of its parking meters to a private company for $1.15 billion. The agreement gave the city some much-needed cash, but also could have cost them as much as $1 billion in future revenue, according to the city’s inspector general. The entire deal has been mired in controversy since it was signed.
Covering these issues can be especially challenging for journalists. If your city proposes or announces a new public-private partnership, what’s the best way to judge if the right questions have been asked? If public assets are being sold to a third party or managed by them, is that decision really in the public’s interest? And what happens to issues of equity when all budgeting seems like a zero-sum game?
A 2013 study published in State and Local Government Review“Collaborative Service Delivery: What Every Local Government Manager Should Know,” seeks to provide some of these answers. The authors — Cheryl Hilvert of the nonprofit Center for Management Strategies and David Swindell of Arizona State University’s Center for Urban Innovation — examine a wide range of literature in the field and also analyze the results of a survey of city managers conducted since 1982 by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA).

- See more at:

[The FOIA Ombudsman] Getting Ready for Sunshine Week‏

'Getting Ready for Sunshine Week'

Sunshine Week is less than six weeks away! Agencies, what are you doing to prepare?

Last year, Archivist of the United States, David Ferriero sent a message during Sunshine Week to National Archives’ staff reminding them that FOIA is everyone’s responsibility and responding to access requests doesn’t rest solely on the agency’s FOIA and archival staff. [...]

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kirsten Mitchell

Ethical Journalism Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines 2014 - Final - Online Version-1

Please post this with the attached book from Ethical Journalism.

Good examples, even though they are from a more advanced journalism culture.  Interesting to read and think about how these codes would be of use to us in Maine and the U.S.

Dwight Hines

NaturalNews: Natural News fans reshape the superfood industry‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Today we made history together.
Natural News fans and followers helped achieve an historic milestone -- the first voluntary heavy metals limits ever announced in the natural products industry.
And more companies are instantly joining the effort! A few hours ago, Boku Superfood announced they intended to meet or exceed the new limits LONG BEFORE the 18-month timeline that was announced.
Here's the latest:

The U.S. government is now seeking to use human beings as guinea pigs in influenza medical experiments:

What if food ads had to list side effects like drug ads?

When it comes to organic food, who can we really trust?

P.S. We have a few hundred of these amazing raw chocolate truffles in stock for Valentine's Day! Grab 'em while they last:

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Liam Scheff explains why HIV tests cannot determine the presence or absence of HIV and discusses a study that calls into question its sexual transmissibility. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- How to survive when modern medicine fails
- Detecting hearing loss in infants
- Constantly sick? Maybe it's your adrenals

After Obamacare, families still struggle with medical bills
(NaturalNews) One of Obamacare's "selling points" - and yes, there were many - was that the cost of healthcare would come down. That is, the cost of actual care that Americans would have to pay out-of-pocket, as well as the prices that people pay for...

What if food ads had to list the side effects like prescription drugs on TV?
(NaturalNews) It is as if we are living in total "idiocracy" - that any human being would even consider any medication advertised on television with all those crazy side effects, like internal bleeding, loss of vision, coma, feelings of suicide and death...

US government using humans as guinea pigs in flu virus medical experiments
(NaturalNews) More than 100 Americans will be deliberately infected with live influenza viruses this year as part of a devious government medical experiment designed to help the pharmaceutical industry develop new flu vaccines. The Associated Press (AP...

Is your toothpaste harming your health?
(NaturalNews) In our modern world the message to brush, floss and gargle is drummed into us by media and dentists alike, delivering the message that although our lives may not depend on our commitment to oral hygiene, our teeth definitely do. So for many...

My, your field smells fishy: GM scientists try to grow fish oils in flax
(NaturalNews) Springtime could bring rolling fields of fish-infused flaxseed to Great Britain this year if genetic manipulators are successful in convincing regulators to approve this latest genetically modified (GM) monstrosity. The Telegraph...

DDT increases risk of Alzheimer's disease
(NaturalNews) Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative condition that adversely affects cognitive functioning. With about 44.4 million people worldwide displaying some type of dementia disease, Alzheimer's is the most common disease of its type. While...

Organic food - who can we trust
(NaturalNews) Organic food is big business. According to the Organic Trade Association, U.S. sales of organic food and beverages went from $1 billion in 1990 to $26.7 billion in 2010. The Organic Monitor estimates that organic sales (globally) reached...

Top Natural News articles guide our health for 2014
(NaturalNews) Reflecting is part of living, and if we don't look back and reflect, we lose touch with where we came from. Some people say just live in the now - in other words, live in the moment - and that is right on, but you have to reflect and plan...

Melatonin could inhibit breast cancer growth: study
(NaturalNews) A recent study carried out by researchers from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and Foundation for Research Support of the State of Sao Paulo has revealed that melatonin, a hormone which regulates the body's sleep-wake cycle...

When it comes to mainstream media, more people trust Comedy Central than NBC News
(NaturalNews) Perhaps it was destiny, given the overt political slant their news broadcasts, but a just-released survey shows that, among news outlets Americans trust, NBC News and sister cable network MSNBC rank at the very bottom. And that's...

Simple breath tests could detect lung cancer
(NaturalNews) A recent study has found that a basic breath test could help indicate if a person has developed early-stage lung cancer. Persons whose CT scans showed suspicious lung lesions had their exhaled breaths tested by the study team. Specifically...

Global warming actually decreases storm activity, says science paper
(NaturalNews) Current weather patterns are changing, we are constantly told by everyone from President Obama during his most recent State of the Union Address on down through various academic circles. And few of us dispute that; weather, after all,

Mind over matter: Sense of power tied to perception of objects' weight
(NaturalNews) We've all heard the saying "mind over matter." Well that may be an extremely appropriate adage. Recent research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that the more powerless a person feels socially and personally...

It takes one to know one: TSA employee arrested after making terroristic threats
(NaturalNews) Calls are growing, both from the general public and from lawmakers, to pull the plug on the hapless criminal enterprise known as the Transportation Security...

Bitcoin advocate steeped in criminal money laundering for hardcore drug dealers
(NaturalNews) Where once it was considered the currency of the future, replacing the U.S. dollar and other physical currencies in the new high-tech world of finance and economics, Bitcoin is increasingly being seen instead as a haven for the criminally...

Heavy metals in rice protein products to be strictly limited thanks to history-making agreement
(NaturalNews) A history-making announcement has just been released by Natural News, describing a natural products industry...

NaturalNews: History made today with first-ever announcement of heavy metals limits in protein products‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I've got two significant announcements for you right now:
First, we made history today with the natural product industry's first ever agreement to limiting heavy metals levels in popular products.
Garden of Life, SunWarrior and Natural News agreed to the terms described here:
I want to be clear that Garden of Life and SunWarrior are not the only companies that need to be on board with this. In truth, many brown rice proteins we've tested has been found to contain significant levels of heavy metals including tungsten. The entire industry needs to commit to these improved composition goals, and I expect we will soon hear from other companies who join this commitment to clean food!
If you are currently consuming brown rice protein products, I suggest you request a copy of the manufacturer's lab report on your particular batch. GMP-compliant companies test every single production batch and should have that lab data available. Most companies will not yet have tungsten lab data available, however, as very few labs test for tungsten.

On the subject of clean food, we now have a large quantity of ultra-clean probiotics in stock at the Natural News Store. I have personally conducted the ICP-MS testing on all these supplements and have confirmed they are extremely clean of any heavy metals which might concern a health-conscious person.
We have:
Just 4 Kids Banana probiotics (they really taste great!)
MegaFlora Plus (food-based supplements with probiotics)
Sunbiotic probiotic + prebiotic tablets (also super delicious and chewable, based on Yacon root!)

P.S. Use coupon code gratitude99 to save 5%! (Quantity discounts or sale items excluded, but everything else counts.)

Thank you for your support. Our ongoing consumer watchdog efforts would not be possible without your support. :-)
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop and Meeting‏ February 4, 2014


Last night’s Town Council workshop and meeting was another tension free meeting.  It is so rewarding to attend Council meetings without being lied to or talked down to.  These last few workshops and meetings are very refreshing because this Council listens to the people and provides answers to our questions.  This is a concept the residents have not had in over six years.  It is very rewarding to be part of the process and I can see transparency coming back to Lisbon.

The Workshop was conducted first and Mr. Richard Metivier from Eaton Peabody Consulting gave a presentation on what his company can offer in our search for a new Town Manager.  This was the third and final organization to provide a presentation to the Council.  Mr. Metivier outlined the process to the Council.  Now, the Council has to choose between Maine Municipal Association; Municipal Resources and Eaton Peabody Consulting.  Remember that Mr. Eldridge was the poster boy for the Maine Municipal Association and we do not need a repeat of that situation.

The normal Council meeting took place at 7:00 PM.  There were three Public Hearings on Renewal Pawnbroker Establishment License – Double Diamond Pawn; Mass Gathering Permit - #1 Flea Market and the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget. No one spoke during any of these Public Hearings.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances there were discussions on both the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget and Energy Savings Performance Contract.  During the Capital Improvement Budget, both Mr. Fellows and Mrs. Maloy participated in the discussion.  In the end, the Council voted 7-0 to accept the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget.  Also, there was a small discussion on the Energy Savings Performance Contract among the Councilors about approving the contract to Siemen Industry.  It appears if there is no savings to be gained; the Taxpayers will have to pay for the analysis which will cost between $35,000.00 to $40,000.00.  However, the Council believes there are plenty of savings to be found.  The Council voted 7-0 to award the contract to Siemen Industry.

Under Other Business, Chief Galipeau, Fire Chief, gave a presentation of the history of the Lisbon Fire Department and what vehicles are currently in the Fire Department Inventory.  There was a small discussion on if the town should go to one fire station or keep two stations.  Chief Galipeau said he would love to discuss this with Council anytime the Council was ready.  He also said the Lisbon Falls station is in a poor situation and that something needs to be done to eliminate that situation.

Mrs. Paula Gibbs, reporter for the Sun Journal, left in the middle of Chief Galipeau’s presentation.

Next, Chief Brooks, Police Chief, gave a presentation on the makeup of the Police Department.  This included a breakdown of the manpower and cited several officers which had received recognition in the past year.

During Council Response to New Business, Chairwoman Ward provided an update on the negotiations between the Town and the Department of Environment Protection (DEP).  The fine has been reduced by a few thousand dollars which is good and the DEP has agreed that the town can pay the fine by paying for a project benefiting the town.  Of course, the DEP has to approve the project first.

But the best event took place at the end of the meeting.  Mr. Dale Olmstead was sworn in as the Interim Town Manager.  This is a very good thing for the town and an excellent way to end the meeting. 

Welcome aboard Dale Olmstead!!!!!!!!!

Larry Fillmore

MHPC to host conference analyzing "Global Citizenship" in the context of American higher ed‏

The Maine Heritage Policy Center
The Maine Heritage Policy Center to host conference analyzing "Global Citizenship" in the context of American higher education
February 6th Event to Revisit What Does Bowdoin Teach and Feature National Association of Scholars’ Dr. Peter W. Wood 
PORTLAND – The Maine Heritage Policy Center will host the “Global Illusions: Bowdoin’s Post-Citizens and the Future of American Higher Education” conference on February 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Inn at Brunswick Station in Brunswick, ME. A follow up to last year’s study by the National Association of Scholars (NAS), What Does Bowdoin Teach?, this conference will analyze “global citizenship,” which has become widespread in American higher education.
Dr. Peter W. Wood, President of the NAS and main author of the study, will speak on the ways that Bowdoin College emphasizes a “global” commitment over national identity. Event participants will examine the fundamental question of which is more important: learning to become a “citizen of the world,” or learning how to live up to the responsibilities of American citizenship.
Dr. Herbert London, Chairman of the NAS Board of Directors, will present the keynote address on how the idea of “global citizenship” diverts attention away from core educational goals.
Additional speakers include:
  • Dr. Michael Poliakoff, Vice President of Policy of The American Council of Trustees and Alumni
  • Dr. KC Johnson, a history professor at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York Graduate Center
  • Dr. John Fonte, senior fellow and Director of the Center for American Common Culture at the Hudson Institute and author of Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Ruled by Others?
  • Dr. Susan Shell, a professor of political science at Boston College and author of Kant and the Limits of Autonomy and co-editor of America at Risk: Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty
“The dream of becoming a citizen of the world is very old,” stated Dr. Wood. “It stretches back to the ancient Greeks and has always stood for a deep dislike for the obligations to one’s local community and one’s country. The idea, however, has gained a new life on college campuses where becoming a ‘global citizen’ is now very fashionable.”
The conference will explore two central questions that are critical to today’s discourse on the liberal arts and higher education. Is a thirst for global citizenship eroding our sense of what we owe to America? Is global citizenship a threat to the liberal arts?
“The second question comes directly from our study of Bowdoin College,” continued Dr. Wood. “Through our analysis, we found a sharp decline in courses that deal with traditional ‘core’ topics in U.S. history and Western civilization, and a significant rise in courses that emphasize so-called ‘global perspectives.’”
Date:                 Thursday, February 6, 2014
Time:                 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Morning Panel Discussion
                            11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Luncheon
                      1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Afternoon Panel Discussion
Location:          Inn at Brunswich Station, 4 Noble Street,            Brunswick, ME                         
Admittance:    The conference is open to the public.
                            There is a $35 registration fee for the luncheon.
Media credentials will be required. To confirm your attendance, please register via email to no later than 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 5, 2014.
For more information, please visit

EagleRising: Nancy Pelosi Makes a Fool of Herself on National TV!‏ Plus More

Watch Nancy Pelosi Look Ridiculous

 By Onan Coca
Nancy Pelosi appeared on Comedy Central’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart last week and it’s a good bet she didn’t expect what ended up happening. Things got pretty tense, pretty quick, when Stewart tried to get the minority leader to explain why government seems to function so ineptly. Pelosi went to her go-to move… Blame the Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi appeared on Comedy Central’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart last week and it’s a good bet she didn’t expect what ended up happening. Things got pretty tense, pretty quick, when Stewart tried to […]
More Here:

Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Gun Owners 
 Comedian, activist and political prankster Mark Dice tells some of the students signing the petition that he’d like to kill all registered gun owners, and it doesn’t deter them from signing! Liberals would like to see all of us God fearing, gun toting and homeschooling conservatives tossed in prison... we better work harder to change the political climate.
 More here:

 Liberal Educator Says Your Kids Belong to Everyone
 It’s amazing how presumptuous liberals can be – from their fervent belief that their ideas represent the majority, to the sanctimony they have when speaking down to we conservatives. All of their ideas are theirs, so they must be better than what we small-minded, fly-over country Americans believe. The Common Core has driven some of these liberal elitists to up their game in insane rhetoric. One Massachusetts liberal and former Secretary of Education for the state of Massachusetts now claims that your children belong to everyone  … so everyone should decide how they are educated.
(And by everyone he of course means liberal coastal elites and not you.)
Continue reading more here:
It’s amazing how presumptuous liberals can be – from their fervent belief that their ideas represent the majority, to the sanctimony they have when speaking down to we conservatives. All of their ideas are theirs, so they must be better than what we small-minded, fly-over country Americans believe. The Common Core has driven some of these liberal elitists to up their game in insane rhetoric. One Massachusetts liberal and former Secretary of Education for the state of Massachusetts now claims that your children belong to everyone… so everyone should decide how they are educated.
(And by everyone he of course means liberal coastal elites and not you.)

Liberal Educator Says Your Kids Belong to Everyone
Comedian, activist and political prankster Mark Dice tells some of the students signing the petition that he'd like to kill all registered gun owners, and it doesn't deter them from signing! Liberals would like to see all of us God fearing, gun toting and homeschooling conservatives tossed in prison... we better work harder to change the political climate.

Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Gun Owners
Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Gun Owners
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GreatFallsTV Presents: Explore Maine Moxie Festival


A great deal of thanks to Brian Soucy, Phil Larlee and everyone else at Great Falls TV for their effort in keeping people informed about the happenings in and around the State of Maine.

Learn more at

2014 Moxie Festival theme winner had her first Moxie in Lisbon

(from left) Moxie Festival Parade Volunteer Judy Arledge, 2014 Moxie Festival theme winner Dale Morgan, and Tracey Steuber, Lisbon’s Economic and Community Development Director get ready to open the Moxie gift basket.

The Moxie Festival Committee is pleased to announce that the 2014 Moxie Festival theme is   “It’s Always Moxie Season in Maine.”  Lisbon resident and 6th generation Mainer Dale Morgan won the annual theme contest that drew contestants from Virginia and Pennsylvania. 

 Dale grew up in Woodland, now called Baileyville, in Washington County.  Her mother was a faithful Moxie drinker but she never tried a sip until she moved to Lisbon.

“Moxie took on a whole new meaning for me when I moved to Lisbon three years ago.  I love marching in the parade and once dressed up as a can of Moxie,” said Dale.

She tasted her first Moxie at the Moxie Festival three years ago and “loved it.”  It is now her soft drink of choice.

Dale  received her degree at the University of Maine in Machias.  She held various jobs including Activities Director at the Alzheimer’s Center in Gardiner for six years and ran the State House snack bar in Augusta for three years.

Dale has two children and two grandchildren who live in Maine. 

Dale received a basket filled with Moxie items from Kennebec’s (The Moxie Store) and the Maine Art Glass Studio both in Lisbon Falls.  She will be one of the judges for the Moxie Festival Parade on Saturday, July 12th where floats depicting the theme, It’s Always Moxie Season in Maine” will vie for awards.

The parade which attracts over 100 participants follows the two mile plus route that begins on Capital Avenue and Route 196 and ends at the MTM Center on School Street in Lisbon Falls.

According to Lisbon Public Safety Officials, over 50,000 people attend the three-day Moxie Festival.  The Town of Lisbon has approximately 9,300 residents.

Since 1982, The Moxie Festival in Lisbon, Maine has been held on the second weekend in July.  The Festival now includes a three day Pow Wow; Friday night fireworks; a Saturday parade, Moxie Day 5K Race, Moxie Day ATV Charity Ride, and Family Fun Fair; and on Sunday, the Chief Worumbo Androscoggin River Race and the Moxie Car Show.  Moxie was designated Maine’s official soft drink on May 20, 2005.

Keep checking the Moxie Festival website: for the latest information on events.
32nd Annual Moxie Festival July 11-13, 2014
2014 Moxie Festival Committee
Lisbon, Maine

Rufe's Weather Outlook * Update *

 Storm trending a bit farther north, more robust, hard hitting. 

 Snow will arrive 4AM-5AM today in Kittery and spread rapidly north and east during the morning, the first inch in Portland by 8AM. The heaviest snow will fall at midday at the rate of at least 1”/hour. The last inch will occur by 6PM, snow last to exit the coast by midnight.

 One clean storm, and winds at most could gust to 28 mph right at the shoreline tomorrow evening. Winds inland will likely not exceed 22mph. 

 Expect 6”-13” from north to south. Temps will remain below freezing for most right into early next week.
 Yet another major system will sweep up the Eastern Seaboard Monday, its track still a bit uncertain. The signature for wind is stronger.

Charlotte Iserbyt Speaks Out on The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

“January 18, 2014.. At the Save Long Island Forum in New York, Anthony Antonello had a chance to sit down with Charlotte Iserbyt, American whistle blower and author of the book titled ‘The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America’. She served in the Reagon administration and was let go after going public with information confirming that there is in fact an agenda to “dumb down” the American people through many means, the one she mostly speaks about is government indoctrination via the Department of Education.
Thanks to John Diliberto from the WB Independent Gazette for his help with this Interview.”

View interview HERE.

Related: Charlotte Iserbyt – Common Core – Save Long Island Forum 1/18/14. Click here.

The Maine Wire: “The Governor: Maine is at a crossroads” plus 1 more

The Governor: Maine is at a crossroads
Posted: 04 Feb 2014 05:22 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Republican Gov. Paul LePage delivered his third State of the State address Tuesday night, using the opportunity to outline his plans to promote private-sector job creation with “Open for Business Zones”, reform Maine’s welfare system, and crack down on drug-related crime. “I love my state. I am proud to call myself a Mainer. […]
Video: Alfond delivers Democrat response to LePage State of the State
Posted: 04 Feb 2014 03:47 PM PST
Senate President Justin Alfond (D-Portland) delivered the Democratic address in a video released roughly 30 minutes before Gov. Paul LePage’s State of the State address.

TMB: Recalled Report Raises Question of Politicization of Intelligence‏ and more

Recalled Report Raises Question of Politicization of Intelligence
By Bill Gertz
A member of the House Intelligence Committee said Tuesday she is investigating whether an intelligence report warning about risks to Americans who posted data on the Obamacare website was suppressed for political reasons.

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Meets Obama in White House 
By Adam KredoA senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood was recently hosted at the White House for a meeting with President Barack Obama, prompting an outcry from critics of the global Islamist organization.

Wendy Davis Used Campaign Funds to Pay for Luxury Apartments
By Ellison BarberEmbattled Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis has spent more than $131,000 in campaign funds to pay for luxury apartments in Austin, Texas, since her election to the Texas State Senate in 2008, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

Treasury IG to Admin: Stop Changing Obamacare
By Elizabeth HarringtonA new audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration warned that further changes to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act would create “challenges” for the IRS.

Feds To Spend Up to $95K to Teach Haitian Prisoners How to Make Their Own Uniforms
By Elizabeth HarringtonA newly announced grant opportunity will provide prison inmates with “vocational training” so they can make their own uniforms, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

The Predictability of the PC Scolds
By Sonny BunchAround 7 p.m. last night I noticed an interesting retweet.* Ben Smith, the head honcho over at, had forwarded along a message from Jack Mirkinson: “Jerry Seinfeld on choosing diverse guests for his show: ‘who cares?’”


Mary Katharine Ham Charms ‘The View’

By Washington Free Beacon StaffFox News contributor and Hot Air writer Mary Katharine Ham joined the liberal ladies of The View Tuesday, giving her take on everything from why she’s a conservative to being a mother to Juan Pablo’s latest exploits on The Bachelor.