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Friday, February 21, 2014

Mixed Emotions‏

                              MIXED EMOTIONS

Last Tuesday night there was a snow storm that dumped approximately a foot of snow in Lisbon.  In the middle of the storm, our Town Council conducted its normal council meeting.  I could not understand the urgency in putting lives at risk for the meeting.

After sitting through the entire council meeting which lasted until 10:00 PM, I am even more confused.  On one hand, I understand it was critical to select the firm that would assist the Town Council with the selection of a new Town Manager.  It certainly is critical that we fill this position as quickly as possible.  I understand the need to get the ball rolling on this process.

However, I do not understand the need to have Department Heads and Chairmen of Committee’s provide the council with their presentations.  One Department Head had to travel to Lewiston after her briefing.  I know of another Department Head who also had to travel out of town to get home.  The Interim Town Manager also had to travel outside of Lisbon to get home.

Had Chairwoman Lisa Ward streamlined the agenda to only hearing the critical information that needed to have action taken on it, I would have been more understanding but to sit through three hours of briefings, not that they are not important, but these briefings could have been done on this coming Tuesday night since there is nothing scheduled on the town calendar for Tuesday.  I cannot understand the need to put these individuals’ lives at risk.

During all snow storms, Public Safety encourages everyone to stay off the road for two important reasons.  One is to allow snow plows to clean our roads and second to reduce the chance of accidents.  This is an excellent rule of thumb to follow because there are more open dates to conduct town business without putting people at risk. 


I can understand the need to vote on which firm to use to assist the town in the selection of a new Town Manager but I cannot understand the need for all the briefings conducted Tuesday night.

It is essential that the Town Council utilize a little common sense when deciding to hold Town Council meetings during snow storms.

Larry Fillmore

FBI Releases Preliminary Semiannual Crime Statistics for 2013

Statistics released today in the FBI’s Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report reveal declines in both the violent crime and the property crime reported in the first six months of 2013 when compared with figures for the first six months of 2012. The report is based on information from 12,723 law enforcement agencies that submitted three to six months of comparable data to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program for the first six months of 2012 and 2013.

Violent Crime

  • All of the offenses in the violent crime category—murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, aggravated assault, and robbery—showed decreases when data from the first six months of 2013 were compared with data from the first six months of 2012. The number of murders declined 6.9 percent, the number of forcible rapes declined 10.6 percent, aggravated assaults decreased 6.6 percent, and robbery offenses decreased 1.8 percent.
  • Violent crime decreased in all city groupings in the first six months of 2013 when compared to figures for the same period in 2012. The largest decrease, 9.2 percent, was noted in cities with fewer than 10,000 in population.
  • Violent crime decreased 10.5 percent in nonmetropolitan counties and 3.6 percent in metropolitan counties.
  • Violent crime decreased in each of the nation’s four regions. The largest decrease, 7.4 percent, was noted in the Midwest, followed by 5.9 percent in the South, 4.3 percent in the Northeast, and 3.7 percent in the West.
Property Crime

  • All three offenses in the property crime category—burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft—showed decreases in the number of offenses from January to June 2013 when compared with data for the same months of 2012. Burglary offenses decreased 8.1 percent. There was a 4.7 percent decrease in the number of larceny-theft offenses and a 3.2 percent decrease in motor vehicle thefts.
  • Each of the six city population groups had decreases in the overall number of property crimes. Law enforcement agencies in cities with populations under 10,000 inhabitants reported the largest decrease, 9.0 percent.
  • Property crime decreased 12.0 percent in non-metropolitan counties and 7.4 percent in metropolitan counties.
  • All four regions reported decreases in the number of property crime: 9.3 percent in the Midwest, 8.1 percent in the Northeast, and 5.5 percent in the South. Property crime declined 0.3 percent in the West.

In the UCR Program, arson offenses are collected separately from other property crimes. The number of arson offenses decreased 15.6 percent in the first six months of 2013 when compared with figures for the first six months of 2012. All four regions reported decreases in the number of arsons—25.5 percent in the Northeast, 22.9 percent in the Midwest, 10.5 percent in the West, and 10.0 percent in the South.
Arson offenses decreased 27.0 percent in cities with populations of 25,000 to 49,999, the largest decrease within the city groupings. Arson offenses decreased 20.4 percent in non-metropolitan counties and 15.8 percent in metropolitan counties.

New Definition of Rape

In 2013, the FBI UCR Program initiated the collection of data under a new definition for forcible rape within the Summary Based Reporting System. The term “forcible” was removed, and the definition changed to “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

Only data compatible with the historical definition of forcible rape are published in Tables 1-3. However, all rape data—whether submitted under the historical or the new definition—are presented in Table 4; agencies that reported under the new definition are referenced with a footnote.

Caution against ranking: When the FBI publishes crime data via its UCR Program, some entities use the information to compile rankings of cities and counties. Such rankings, however, do not provide insight into the numerous variables that shape crime in a given town, city, county, state, tribal area, or region. These rankings lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that can create misleading perceptions that adversely affect communities and their residents. Only through careful study and analyses into the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction can data users create valid assessments of crime. The data user is, therefore, cautioned against comparing statistical data of individual reporting units from cities, metropolitan areas, states, or colleges or universities solely on the basis of their population or student enrollment.
- Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report, January to June 2013

Well Golly, sell more guns to law abiding citizens and crime rates go down.  Liberal gun grabbers will be choking on this information. Legal Gun Ownership is at the highest level in America for about 20 years.  Can anyone figure out this correlation?  Arm the Citizens and get rid of the Politicians!

These figures come as self-reported gun ownership is at the highest levels in twenty years and polls showing that Americans are unhappy with current gun laws at rates that haven’t been seen in over a decade.
Check it out:
The FBI has released their Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report for 2013 and the numbers show that rates of violent crime, property crime, and arson have all decreased.
In the report the Bureau compares crime statistics for the first six months of 2013 (January to June) with the same time period in 2012.
The data comes via information garnered from 12,723 law enforcement agencies across the country and is compiled by the FBI for statistical purposes as part of the Unified Crime Reports.
- See more at:

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting February 18, 2014



If you can keep your head when all about you   

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;   

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   

    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;   

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

    And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   

    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

    If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   

    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man/Woman, my son/daughter!

From: 'a gentle giant and true friends'

The Maine Wire: “Daily Catch: Big Brother in Newsroom, Kerry the Warmist, Tough Love for the Maine Municipal Association” plus 1 more‏

Daily Catch: Big Brother in Newsroom, Kerry the Warmist, Tough Love for the Maine Municipal Association
Posted: 20 Feb 2014 12:51 PM PST
Big Brother FCC Enters Newsrooms: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is preparing to send spies researchers into newsrooms across the country to investigate how news outlets decide what to report. The so-called “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs” is scheduled for a field test this spring in Columbia, S.C. The FCC report will explore how […]
“Non-partisan” State House staff wrote Medicaid expansion talking points for Democrats
Posted: 20 Feb 2014 07:13 AM PST
AUGUSTA – A non-partisan analyst on the Legislature’s Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee engaged in partisan activism to push a Democrat-backed Medicaid expansion bill last year, according to emails obtained through a public records request. The emails surface one week after top State House staffers held a closed-door meeting with Republican lawmakers in an […]

Rep. Willette’s Tough Love to the MMA

Speech given by Assistant House Republican Leader Alex Willette at a Jan. 18, 2014 press conference organized by the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) to thank lawmakers for passing a bill to forestall cuts to state revenue sharing funding to municipal governments.  
Good afternoon.  Thank you, Rick, for inviting me to speak here today. 
I am glad that we were able to fund revenue sharing for our local communities.  
When the snow is flying and folks are counting on the plows to leave the town garage and clear the way so we can get to work, to school, or to the doctors’ offices, politics doesn’t seem very important. 
In my town of Mapleton, our town manager does a great job at managing local government and ensuring the efficient delivery of services to the people. 
It’s tempting to look at this recent vote as a win for bipartisanship or as a disaster averted.  But it’s important to warn all those who are concerned about local services that the issue of revenue sharing will likely come up again.
There is an elephant in the room and until we have the political courage to address it, our towns, our schools, our roads, our natural resources management agencies, and countless other important state priorities, will be under siege. 
I’m talking about runaway welfare spending.  I’m talking specifically about our Medicaid system here in Maine. 
Medicaid has doubled as a share of the state budget since 1998 and now consumes a quarter of all state spending.  It’s estimated to consume 40 percent of the state budget in 10 years from now.

TMB: Why American Foreign Policy is Headed for Disaster‏ plus more

Convergence of the Twain
By Matthew Continetti
Over the last several weeks, reading news of disorder and upheaval from Venezuela to the Levant to Ukraine to Iraq to Afghanistan, I have thought often of a poem written almost a century ago.

Report: Taliban Insurgency to Grow After Troop Drawdown
By Bill GertzThe Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan will intensify following the drawdown of U.S. and allied troops in Afghanistan later this year, according to a Pentagon-sponsored independent study.

Oxfam Accused of Ties to Terror Group
By Adam KredoThe aid group Oxfam International is said to be partnering with two Palestinian organizations tied to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), according to an Israeli advocacy group that defends victims of terrorism.

Lawmakers, Veterans Groups Want More Accountability at VA
By Daniel WiserLawmakers and veterans’ advocacy groups are intensifying their push to hold officials at the Veterans’ Affairs (VA) department accountable amid reports of preventable deaths, backlogged disability claims, and widespread mismanagement in recent months.

‘The Wind Rises’ Review
By Sonny BunchHayao Miyazaki releasing an animated film about the whimsical inner life of Jiro Horikoshi in America is roughly the equivalent of Brad Bird releasing a film about the whimsical inner life of Robert Oppenheimer in Japan. 

Why Conservatives Dislike Wendy Davis
By Andrew StilesConservatives tend to dislike Wendy Davis. Her defenders, meanwhile, tend to write psychoanalytic discourses on the real reason why conservatives don’t like her.

Politicizing Everything Makes You Sound Stupid, Bigoted
By Sonny BunchAce today highlighted a crucial aspect of my hobby horse that I haven’t spent a ton of time on. Namely, those who live the politicized life often come across sounding, well, dumb.

Here Are All 314 Times Al Sharpton Mentioned Race in 2013

By David RutzMSNBC host Al Sharpton mentioned race in some capacity a total of 314 times on PoliticsNation in 2013, according to Washington Free Beacon analysis. That is an average of more than once per broadcast.

NaturalNews:Join the petition for clean rice protein: almost 4,000 signatures so far‏ and much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Will you please take a moment to sign this petition for clean rice protein? So far nearly 4,000 readers have signed it, and we hope to reach around 25,000 before March 7th:

In other news, the NY Attorney General has confirmed a real-life conspiracy among drug companies:

From mainstream medicine news, a huge new study reveals that mammograms do nothing to prevent deaths in women:

Learn how to eat healthy when dining out:

More news continues below...
P.S. I'm on the Robert Scott Bell Show today from 3-5PM EST! Have we really lost the battle for humanity? Mike Adams returns to discuss his latest findings on heavy metals contamination of food and dietary supplements. Listen in at

Today on
- 3 supplements needed while on a plant-based diet
- Is carob a healthy alternative to chocolate?
- Proper brushing and scalp massage for healthy hair

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting -February 18, ‏ 2014


At last night’s Town Council meeting, the community continued to move forward in a positive manner.  It is so refreshing to see the interaction between the people and the Council.  It certainly has been a long time in coming.

A major step in the search for a new Town Manger was taken when the Council voted unanimously to utilize Eaton Peabody Consulting to assist the town .  This is yet another positive example of the Council working together for the good of the community.

The Council voted to allow Killatainment to use town property for the shooting of a film here in Lisbon.  The company plans to use the Police Department and a portion of Main Street.  The details of the shooting will be announced at a later date once all the legal work is done.

{Ed.'s note for more info:}

The Council read a Proclamation congratulating Mrs. Stella Carville on her 100th belated birthday.

Congratulations Mrs. Carville

Next, we listened to a presentation by Fern LaRochelle and Don Fellows, Chair personnel, pertaining to the Route 196 Master Plan.  During the briefing, Mr. LaRochelle asked the Council for $65,000.00 to extend the sidewalks along the walking trail on Davis Street to downtown Lisbon Falls.  They also asked that the Council set aside $50,000.00 yearly to match any grants the town may or may not receive. 

Next, Mrs. Diane Nadeau, Librarian, gave an excellent presentation pertaining to the Lisbon Library and all that it offers the residents of Lisbon.  The library has a super summer program for the young people in Lisbon.

Mrs. Verla Brooks, Park Ranger, provided an excellent briefing on Beaver Park and all different programs being offered to the citizens of our community.  She also provided an update on the 47 gardens and 3 cemeteries the Parks Department are required to maintain.

This was followed by a short presentation by Mrs. Maloy, Finance Director, on the revenue and expenditures for the month.  Also, included in the presentation was a short discussion on the duties and responsibilities of the Finance Committee.

The evening ended with an outstanding briefing by Mr. Dale Olmstead, Interim Town Manager, on the current financial situation the town is in and what can be done to recover from the shortfall experienced last year.  Mr. Olmstead provided 10 ideas to either generate additional revenue or reduce spending. 

Larry Fillmore

MHPC: Medicaid Expansion Is Not The Answer‏

Medicaid Expansion is NOT the Answer for Maine
The Maine Heritage Policy Center publishes report analyzing the adverse economic impact of expanding Obamacare in Maine.
PORTLAND, Maine – The Maine Heritage Policy Center, Maine’s premier free market think tank, on Thursday released a report analyzing the adverse impact of expanding Medicaid pursuant to the federal Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on Maine’s economy.
“As policymakers debate whether to expand eligibility for Maine’s medical welfare program, they should bear in mind the detrimental impact such an expansion would have on Maine’s private sector.” said J. Scott Moody, MHPC’s CEO and Chief Economist.
“Obamacare's expansion of Medicaid is not free. Our analyses finds that Maine families stand to lose up to $2,638 of income or the equalivent loss of 30,988 jobs. More government spending on welfare will mean higher taxes for Maine families and less funding for education, public safety, and infrastructure. Over the long term, expanding Medicaid under Obamacare will crowd out private sector economic activity, thus shrinking private sector personal income and depressing private sector job creation,” he said.
“Although progressive policymakers and two would-be governors believe Maine needs to grow our welfare state, the path to prosperity lies in growing the private sector.” 
Click here to download a copy of the study. For more information regarding this report, please contact J. Scott Moody at

About MHPC
The Maine Heritage Policy Center is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational organization based in Portland, Maine.  The Maine Heritage Policy Center formulates and promotes free-market, conservative public policies in the areas of economic growth, fiscal matters, health care, education, constitutional law and government transparency - providing solutions that will benefit all the people of Maine.  Contributions to MHPC are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, see

GOPDD: Democrats Busted In Major Voting Scheme‏ Battle Ground Texas

(Before It’s News)
Undercover video shows astonishing illegal plotA new investigative video by guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas reveals Democrat activists in Texas boasting about breaking the state’s election law by mining confidential records.
O’Keefe, who helped bring down ACORN, the community “organizing” behemoth for which Barack Obama worked as a lawyer, shows Battleground Texas Field Organizer Jennifer Longoria confirming on video that the group is culling names, telephone numbers and addresses from voter registration cards to campaign for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis.
However, Project Veritas points out that copying the personal details is illegal in Texas.
In the video, Longoria explains that the goal of her group, run by a former field director for Obama for America, is to increase the number of voters in Texas to try to raise the support for Democrats.
“So every time we register somebody to vote, we keep their name, number,” she says. When a Project Veritas investigator asks, “That’s from the voter registration form?” Longoria responds, “That data collection is the key.”
However, according to the video, state law forbids that.
“The registrar may not transcribe, copy, or otherwise record a telephone number furnished on a registration application,” the law states.
But Longoria says the Democrat group takes the information, puts it in a database and then uses it.
“So when we get to get out the vote, three weeks before, we can give those people a call,” she says.
Alicia Pierce, a spokeswoman for the Texas secretary of state, said the law doesn’t need interpretation.
“Section 13.004 speaks for itself,” she told O’Keefe.
O’Keefe recently investigated Obamacare’s “navigators,” the nearly 50,000 people who, according to the government, “will serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in [Obamacare] plans.”
O’Keefe also exposed how journalists with the newspaper that revealed the addresses of gun-permit holders in the New York City area were unwilling to take a dose of their own medicine and declare their homes “gun-free zones.”
He also produced a video to expose the double standards of Hollywood celebrities and filmmakers who support President Obama’s gun control agenda.
Among those confronted with a request to sign on to an effort to remove all guns from movies was Piers Morgan, who made a brief foray into the top-tier rankings at CNN by badgering guests over their support of gun rights.
O’Keefe’s undercover agents approached one of Morgan’s Hollywood properties and discovered a sign that said “Protected by Armed Response Security Systems.”
The agents also reached out to Morgan on a public street, asking if he would sign an “Act Against Arms” pledge to have guns edited out of past and future movies.
Hear about the navigators:

BREAKING NEW VIDEO: Battleground Texas Illegally Copying Voter Data

Morgan was willing to accept information about the campaign but would not sign on.
The gun control issue, Project Veritas said, “is being driven by a hypocritical media on the back of a national tragedy.”
O’Keefe quoted Obama’s statement that if there is anything that can be done to prevent the loss of even one life, the nation has an obligation to try.
O’Keefe also approached other companies, such as Robert DeNiro’s Tribeca Films, and got a few signatures but mostly was rejected.
One filmmaker got irate with O’Keefe, saying, “You’re not realistically going to remove all the guns from every movie every made. … Think about what’s logically, realistically possible.”
Another responded, “All of the ‘yes we can’ and all of that s*** doesn’t mean anything, man.”

TMB: Union Members Indicted for Burning Down Quaker Church‏ and some more

Union Members Indicted for Burning Down Quaker Church By Bill McMorrisThe federal government on Tuesday indicted multiple union members for burning down a Quaker church in 2012.

  Hagel Gives Vague Answers When Questioned at Synagogue By Adam KredoSecretary of Defense Chuck Hagel sought to downplay the viability of a U.S. military strike on Iran during an informal chat Tuesday evening at a Washington-area synagogue.

  Report: Anti-Zionism Integral to European Left-Wing Thought By Alana GoodmanAnti-Zionism is an “integral part” of left-wing ideology in Europe and serves as a replacement for anti-Semitism, according to a report on global anti-Semitic trends in 2013 released by Israel’s Information and Diaspora Ministry in January.

  HHS Seeking Access to ‘Full Twitter Historical Data’ By Elizabeth HarringtonThe Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is seeking a “social media analytic tool” that will give the government access to “full Twitter historical data,” according to a solicitation released on Tuesday.

  Matt Doheny Jumps into House Race Despite GOP Elise Stefanik Support By Daniel WiserThree-time loser Matt Doheny has decided to jump into the Republican primary for New York’s 21st Congressional District despite overwhelming local support for candidate Elise Stefanik, according to reports.

  Knock It Off with the LEGOs, Jerks By Sonny BunchThe biggest movie in America is The Lego Movie, which has grossed $142 million in just 11 days, shattering expectations. LEGO-based video games—that is, video games that take existing properties such as Batman and reimagine them in jokey, LEGO-based universes—are insanely popular. And you can’t go a day without discovering some jackaninny has “LEGOed” something; for instance, here are the posters for this year’s best picture nominees at the Academy Awards redone as LEGOs
  Oliver Stone Turns on Obama By Washington Free Beacon StaffHollywood director and ardent liberal Oliver Stone attacked President Obama from the left this past weekend, saying the President reneged on his campaign promises and has a “lack of spine”.