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Monday, February 24, 2014

NaturalNews: The 12 critical errors you might be making in food preparedness, plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I wrote this article after talking to several friends who, it turned out, were making critical errors on their food preparedness strategies.
Here are the top 12 mistakes you might be making right now in food preparedness and survival strategies for uncertain times:

New science reveals that a common antidepressant drug used by breast cancer patients actually increases the risk of breast cancer:

Looking for miraculous healing? Treat the hidden, underlying causes of disease and watch new health unfold:

Lead toxicity is responsible for a long list of health symptoms:

P.S. We've just launched a new line of specialty mushrooms which are meticulously tested to be virtually free of toxic heavy metals. (Many medicinal mushrooms are high in heavy metals, especially if they're grown in China.)
Click here to see our new specialty mushrooms including shiitake, maitake, cordyceps, reishi, turkey tail and lion's mane

More news continues below...

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Buttar and RSB discuss the purposeful targeting and attack on children by the vaccine industrial complex and how to undo the damage before it is too late! Listen in at

Today on
- 9 shocking symptoms of copper toxicity
- Healing waters: the benefits of aquatic therapy
- Natural remedies that enhance diabetes medications

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California doctors refuse to perform back surgery on man with Obamacare coverage
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Lead toxicity causes a host of suprisingly unpleasant health conditions
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Scientists develop breakthrough treatment in children with peanut allergies
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Obama administration launches devious FCC plan to control all news sources in America and FAILS
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Interim Town Manager Dale Olmstead Is A Change For The Positive In Lisbon


Mr. Dale Olmstead

At last Tuesday’s night Town Council meeting, Mr. Dale Olmstead, our Interim Town Manager, provided the council with a very enlightening presentation into the town’s financial situation.  This briefing not only outlined the town’s shortfalls but also came with solid recommendations as to how to recover from this bleak financial turmoil that Lisbon is in at this time. 

Mr. Olmstead provided several Revenue Opportunities the town could take to help our community get back to a strong financial backbone.  Mr. Olmstead experienced the same situation when he took over as the Town Manager in Freeport.   His professionalism and hard work turned Freeport around and made it the success story it is today.  Below is a short listing of the recommendations Mr. Olmstead detailed in his briefing. 

Mr. Olmstead is a proven professional with 30 years of experience as a very successful Town Manager.  The Town Council selected Mr. Olmstead because of this experience and should trust him to move forward on these recommendations.  Lisbon cannot afford to delay any longer or wait until the Council hires a new Town Manager.  The town is facing a tough budget process that needs immediate attention and delaying any longer will force yet another tax increase this year.  In order to reduce the amount of this increase, Mr. Olmstead should be empowered to make as many changes as possible as quickly as he can.

One of the additional recommendations Mr. Olmstead made was to turn the Dispatch Center (Communication Center) over to the County.  This is an excellent suggestion and will save the town approximately $500,000.00 tax dollars. 

I have an additional recommendation for the Council to consider and that is to ONLY purchase what is absolutely necessary.  There should be no fluff this year.  The town needs this time to recover financially and to allow Mr. Olmstead’s recommendations to take effect.

If you want to review Mr. Olmstead’s presentation, go to the Great Falls video for February 18th and fast forward to 120:47.  

Larry Fillmore

My school system is abuzz with the Common Core: is this a good thing?

My school system is abuzz with the Common Core: is this a good thing?

DEAR PRESIDENT OBAMA. A must read letter from a triple amputee and Purple Heart recipient

Dear President Obama,
My name is Brian Kolfage, I’m a triple amputee and retired Air Force veteran who was severely wounded on September 11, 2004 in Iraq.

I nearly died in a war that most of your colleagues supported overwhelmingly, including the two presidents who came before you. Many citizens may not agree with waging war in Iraq to free the oppressed Iraqi citizens, but it’s something that warriors like myself have no control over. I joined to serve my country and to better my life.  I’ve seen things that you could never imagine, and they have made me the person I am today.

Mr. Obama, even though we have extreme opposite views, we have one thing in common, we both attended school in Hawaii. However, that’s where the similarities end.  You see, as you attended your exclusive, private school, I would ride my bike to Kaimuki High School in one of the roughest areas in Hawaii.
 Every morning I would ride past Punahou, the exclusive private school you attended and I would notice all of the Bentleys, Maserati's, and fancy foreign cars that all the kids were dropped off in; wow it must have been extremely rough in Hawaii living that life, right? I could only imagine what it was like to have that kind of money. Fortunately for you, not many people are aware of the school that you and the upper class citizens of Hawaii attended. 
The tuition to attend your exclusive, private school was more than it cost me to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Arizona. You talk a big game when it comes to financial inequality, yet I’m quite sure you have no idea what it’s truly like to have to sacrifice. You were one of the elitist children in Hawaii.
Watch video here


After High School, we each chose very different paths. You were able to attend America’s finest Ivy League schools, while I pursued a career in the military, in hopes of earning a degree. What we have in life as children usually helps to set the tone for how we acheive success later in life. I worked to get where I am today, while it was HANDED TO YOU….Mr. Inequality.

I volunteered to go to Iraq on both of my deployments, and the second time I begged to go even after I wasn’t selected.  During that second deployment, I was ultimately placed on the team where I would lose both legs and my dominant arm.  Even though many Americans were against the war in Iraq, I’ve never asked myself if it was worth it after losing 3 of my limbs.

I am frequently reminded of the many young Iraqi children who would beg me for water, food, and toys while I was stationed in Iraq.  Children, who in all aspects made the poorest of poor American children look rich. You have no idea what it really means to be poor. It’s laughable that you, who would have no idea what it means to be poor would so frequently play the inequality card.

While I was in Iraq, our mission was to liberate the Iraqi citizens from a tyrant and that’s what we did. Never forget, it was your people who sent us there, like the Clintons, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi & Carl Levin.  However, since the day you busted onto the scene you’ve been talking about ending the war and pulling the troops out, not understanding the blood sweat and tears that so many Americans and Iraqi’s invested.  And with complete disregard for every life sacrificed, every limb lost, and every broken family, you bailed on our mission to pursue an agenda that was completely centered on your re-election in 2012. If you didn’t bail on Iraq you were worried that you may not get re-elected and that’s a fact. Just before elections on Oct 11, 2012 you said “Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead.”  Look at Iraq now, they are in shambles and the Al Qaeda flag is flying freely.  Clearly, you’re unfit for duty as a Commander in Chief. You put your own agenda ahead of America’s agenda, and now you have single handedly ruined and destroyed nearly everything we gained in Iraq. It clearly means nothing to you, because the only thing that you’ve personally invested in that country was a promise to bail on them. However, people like me gave limbs, friends have died, and we’ve watched families destroyed by war’s aftermath.

I’m not placing blame on you for the war, I’m placing blame on you for destroying what we’ve worked so hard to build. You’re not a leader, you’re a community organizer. A leader would have stood up regardless of the situation and put America’s agenda first and that is ensuring a secure Iraq even after 10 years of war. But, you placed Barack first, just as Robert Gates confirmed in his new book. I can’t help but think of those poor kids who I gave water and toys to 11 years ago. They’re probably 15 or 16 years old now, and I can only imagine what it’s like for them to have their nation being torn apart yet again; all because of your poor leadership qualities. 
Regardless of why we went to Iraq, its water under the bridge. We went there, we waged war, and we not only owed it to our KIA’s but we owed it to the citizens of Iraq. We invaded their country and turned it upside down, and you bailed on them. You bailed on our soldiers and you’ve wasted every death and every limb, it’s all for nothing.  And to make matters worse you blame others for your failures

You’re just another elitist rich thug who’s pretended to live the rough life growing up in the inner-city. You’re only worried about your own agenda and furthering your party instead of taking care of Americans.  Your inability to be a leader at some of the most critical points has caused both of our wars to fail. You’ve been a joke to most of our veteran community and we have no faith in your ability to lead.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF
“The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it.”
— Lou Holtz

Brian Kolfage endured a life-changing event that would have sent someone of lesser spirit into a downward spiral. But for this former SF Airman turned Architect life is about looking forward to what you can do, not what you cannot.
Then Senior Airman Kolfage was on his second deployment for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in 2004. On September 11, 2004 after working a night shift at Balad Air Base, Iraq, he awoke in the afternoon, left his tent to get some water and walked no more than 25 feet when the airbase came under a rocket attack. It would be the last time he would walk on the legs he was born with. A 107mm rocket shell exploded about three feet from Airman Kolfage. He was thrown several feet in the air and landed against a wall of sandbags, still conscious, and began calling for help.
Airman Kolfage’s best friend was thrown from his bed during the attack. He heard the screams and rushed outside to find his friend bloody, mangled, and clinging to life. The Airman and a medic rushed to help Airman Kolfage, who was struggling to breathe with only one lung after the other had collapsed. Brian’s friend desperately tried to divert his attention from the seriousness of his injuries, but calmly, Airman Kolfage assured him that he already knew the extent of his wounds, and that he just wanted to go home to his family.
Despite suffering multiple amputations and the looming possibility of death, Airman Kolfage still maintained incredible strength and courage throughout his recovery. The fact that no one with his level of amputation has ever been able to walk independently didn’t discourage him. With undiminished spirit, he still saw opportunities and worked with feverish determination through his physical therapy program, gaining strength and balance every day.
Incredibly, Brian walked out of Walter Reed 11 months after being injured; this is unheard of. Till this day he is still the most severely wounded Airman to survive any war. After leaving the hospital he immediately continued his service to the Air Force, and was assigned to Davis Monthan AFB 355 SFS as the base security manager. Brian furthered his service to the community by proudly accepting to be on Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s Veterans Advisory Committee. He provided crucial inside information to help the congresswoman make vital decisions which helped veterans nationally. He was invited by the Congresswoman to be her special guest at the 2012 Presidential State of The Union Address when she resigned.
Today, Brian is about to graduate from the University of Arizona’s School of Architecture, where he has risen among the ranks to the top of his class with an overall 3.5 GPA. He’s currently applying to Ivy League graduate schools for the next semester. He has never let the daunting tasks of drawing without his dominate right hand affect his ability to perform. With persistence and determination he has beat all the odds stacked against him and recently was awarded one of the most prestigious military scholarship’s, the Pat Tillman Scholar award. Brian continues to embrace a positive attitude as he makes great strides, both literally and figuratively, in learning how to walk with his prosthetic s. He and his wife continues to make trips back to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to visit with newly wounded vets, his insight and ability to connect with the veterans gives them new hope for their future

NaturalNews: Dr. Chris Shade blows the lid on mercury toxicity and detox‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Here's a must-listen interview on mercury toxicity and mercury detox:
I've just posted an interview with Dr. Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific. Dr. Shade knows more about mercury toxicity than anyone I've ever met, and this interview explains in great detail why mercury is so toxic to human biology:

I don't usually cover politics anymore, but this development was so devious I had to bring it to your attention: The Obama administration hatched a plan last week to launch a "Ministry of Truth" via the FCC which would send investigators / enforcers to every major news organization across America to interrogate news editors and reporters, making sure they covered the "correct" news that only the White House wanted them to cover.
Fortunately, the backlash was so loud and immediate that the FCC backed off this Orwellian plan which smacks of dictatorial control and the total betrayal of the First Amendment. That this attempt even took place is an urgent reminder of just how insidious things have become these days at the highest levels of government:

Check out these 8 ways to use honey beyond the kitchen!

A UK company plans to commit an environmental crime by release genetically modified mosquitos in Panama -- without even conducting adequate risk assessments:

Eat more nuts to lose weight! Can this really work? Here's why it does:

P.S. Please sign my petition for clean rice protein: So far nearly 10,000 readers have signed it, and we hope to reach around 25,000 before March 7th:

More news continues below...

Obama administration launches devious FCC plan to control all news sources in America and FAILS
(NaturalNews) The first amendment of the Bill of Rights states that "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the press." The words are clear and understood, but what if it's not Congress trying to control the press? What happens...

UK company Oxitec plans to release GM mosquitoes in Panama without required risk assessment
(NaturalNews) A British vector-control firm is planning to release genetically modified mosquitoes in Panama before the company performs an adequate risk assessment, according to several reports. The group GM Watch, an organization established to ...

Eight unique ways to use honey beyond the kitchen
(NaturalNews) As a healing and nutrient-dense food, many of us are familiar with the benefits of raw honey. But did you know that honey can be used in a variety of ways outside the kitchen? If we only use honey for its sweet taste and glorious texture...

Inmate challenges prison torture in lawsuit against LA County
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Taking a daily brisk walk lowers the risk of prostate cancer
(NaturalNews) Prostate cancer is one of the leading killers among men over 60 years of age. This type of cancer can go for many years undetected, and without causing any serious problems. However, it can also get very aggressive and spread rapidly to...

Talking to premature babies may help them develop faster while in the the hospital
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Look years younger by ditching health-sapping bad habits
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Constantly stressed out people are more likely to develop brain illness
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Go nuts to significantly lower risk of obesity and diabetes, and aid your weight management strategy
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Mercury toxicity explained: an interview with Dr. Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific
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Sustainable Man: How Wolves Change Rivers

Visit to explore the world of sustainability.
For more from George Monbiot, visit and for more on "rewilding" visit

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." - John Muir

When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, the most remarkable "trophic cascade" occurred. What is a trophic cascade and how exactly do wolves change rivers? George Monbiot explains in this movie remix.

Narration from TED: "For more wonder, rewild the world" by George Monbiot. Watch the full talk, here:

B-Roll Credits:
"Greater Yellowstone Coalition - Wolves" (
"Wolf Mountain" (
"Primodial - Yellowstone" (
"Timelapse: Yellowstone National Park" (
"Yellowstone" (
"Howling Wolves - Heulende Wölfe" (
"Fooled by Nature: Beaver Dams" (

Music Credits:
"Unfoldment, Revealment, Evolution, Exposition, Integration, Arson" by Chris Zabriskie (

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.

For any concerns or questions, you may contact us at

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saving Taxpayer Monies Thru Fiscal Responsibility

                                          FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY

 Ms. Dorothy Fitzgerald

As involved as I have been in Town of Lisbon affairs, attending council and Finance Committee meetings, I did not realize how bad a shape we are in until this past Tuesday's town council meeting when Interim Town Manager Dale Olmstead gave a presentation on the Fiscal Year 2014/15, Budget Challenges and Opportunities.

He presented the members of the town council with suggestions on trimming our budget and opportunities to make money.  

I will not go into details. Town council meetings are available on The Lisbon Reporter and on Channel 7 at 7 p.m. the first and third Fridays of the month. Please watch.

I see many ways to trim our expenses, many not popular, but at this time, necessary.

Case in point:

In 2013, Amanda Bunker was hired as Town Planner. She began working with the Planning Board June 2013. She assisted with working out problems with illegal businesses on Route 9.

Then she began working with the Planning Board on a Route 196 Master Plan and design standards.

We are paying Mrs. Bunker $20,000 per year. She will be completing her second year with us on June 30, 2014. With her able and dedicated assistance the Master Plan should be completed at that time.

I would think that, with Mr. Olmstead's guidance, and with a new, honest and capable Town Manager in our future, we are now on the right path.

It would seem that, in the capable hands of Dennis Douglass, our new Codes Enforcement Officer, and new direction of the Planning Board, that we should be able to continue with the Town's Master Plan without the added expense of a Town Planner.

A savings of $20,000 may not seem like much, but a little here and a little there adds up to a LOT.

Dot Fitzgerald

A Concerned Lisbon Citizen


Submitted by: 'Gordie'

AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME ~ 12-Year Old Plays With Heart

 Aiden Hornaday was 8 years old when he picked up his brother's dusty harmonica with no idea of how to play it. The next day, waiting for his mother at a restaurant, he took off his cap and started playing, and got 80 unexpected dollars in tips "just for taking his hat off." That night, he decided to donate the $80 to fight intestinal parasites for African orphans, and the seeds of Aiden Cares was born. Now 12, Aiden has raised over $60,000 in 4 years. Aiden believes that everyone has something to give. "It's one of the greatest rewarding things ever; and you get more from it when you help. Blessings just come - it's amazing." { read more }

Aidan Hornaday - WAGA-TV News Health Watch 1/15/2013

EagleRising: Hillary Clinton Has Blood on Her Hands - What's Next?‏

Hillary Clinton Just Don’t Care
By David Lawrence
 Hillary Clinton and Lady Macbeth have a whole lot in common.
Hillary Clinton does not care about consequences. Blame for Benghazi is irrelevant.
Lady Macbeth said, “Things without all remedy/ Should be without regard. What’s done is done.”
After Benghazi Hillary said, ““With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?”
She goes on to say, “It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again.”  If she didn’t prevent it the first time, what makes us think that she’d prevent it the second. And after our weakness on the world scene, who would be afraid of us now?

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