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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NaturalNews: Has Google put humanity on a collision course with advanced AI robots?‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Has Google put humanity on a collision course with advanced AI robots that will ultimately seek to destroy humanity?
It's not as sci-fi as it sounds. Really intelligent people are now warning about the "rise of the machines" and why they might soon decide they don't need us:

In an atrocious example of gross medical injustice, a sick girl has been ripped away from her family and viciously abused by the medical establishment:

Good news: A California Senator has introduced a new GMO labeling bill (which is supposed to be better than Prop 37):

10 years of failure: A new film documents the failed legacy of genetically engineered crops:

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Mike Adams is back to discuss the rise of the machines while Ty Bollinger tells us how to avoid eating cancer. Listen in at

Today on
- Trader Joe's to settle false labeling lawsuit for $3.4 million
- Eat more berries to reduce risk of type-2 diabetes
- Learn why DHA is called the "fountain of youth"

Rise of the machines: Google robots, Kurzweil's AI, and why self-aware machines will inevitably seek to destroy humanity
(NaturalNews) In the brilliant techno-thriller fiction novel DAEMON by Daniel Suarez, a collection of clever computer scripts take over corporations, economies and entire governments...

Massachusetts judge orders sick girl abused by medical system to be taken from family
(NaturalNews) The medical mafia in Massachusetts has successfully removed a teenage girl from the guardianship of her parents and placed her into the cold arms of the government after first kidnapping and holding the child hostage for more than a year...

California senator introduces new GMO labeling bill providing greater clarity than Prop 37
(NaturalNews) Under the current agricultural paradigm in America, food grown from lab-engineered seeds is accepted, labeled and sold like its real, whole food. There is no mention on the label of its synthetic origins or the potentially dangerous doses...

10 Years of Failure: New film documents struggle of farmers deceived by biotech industry
(NaturalNews) It has been 10 years since the Philippine government approved the country's first genetically modified (GM) crops for commercial cultivation, and its farmers are now far worse off becauseo f it. In the new documentary film 10 Years of...

Studies show many health benefits from eating fermented foods
(NaturalNews) Although the human body is made up of 10 times as many bacteria as human cells, mainstream medicine and an unsuspecting public continue to kill off the bacteria that make up their body indiscriminately through the use of antibiotics and...

Colorado becomes first state to approve regulations to curb fracking emissions
(NaturalNews) A picturesque Colorado landscape, flowing with brushstrokes of the mighty Rocky Mountains, is being clouded over by smog. Free flowing rivers and healthy groundwater are slowly being contaminated by the emissions of fracking operations....

Beijing air pollution now 800% higher than WHO limits
(NaturalNews) China continues to sing the environmental blues, with air pollution levels in the capital city of Beijing now so high that they exceed the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommended safety level by nearly eight-fold. Bloomberg...

Red clover improves blood flow, bone density and alleviates menopause symptoms
(NaturalNews) Red clovers make beautiful flowers that can now be found just about anywhere in the US although they originally came from Europe, Africa and Northern Asia. The plants are believed to help soils by adjusting their nitrogen levels, thus making...

Dietary supplement users are more likely to recieve necessary nutrients, make better health decisions
(NaturalNews) Often enough, especially recently, Natural News has been fending off mainstream medical attacks on supplements. The mainstream media supports whatever biased and bogus reports mainstream researchers release, probably because a lot...

Forest fires release 44 tons of mercury into the air each year in North America
(NaturalNews) A recent study has found that, while mercury is released into the atmosphere every year from industrial sources, about 30 percent as much makes its way there via forest fires. According to researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric...

'Dementia Village' offers natural alternative to soul-crushing nursing homes
(NaturalNews) A small village in the Netherlands just outside of Amsterdam provides a home for people with dementia, a place that doesn't confine them to a small area or force them to live in sterile hospital conditions. Residents need fewer medications...

Low vitamin D levels increase risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy
(NaturalNews) Getting the right nutrients and eating well when you're pregnant or breastfeeding is vital to your baby's growth and development. If you don't get enough vitamin D, the baby's bones can become soft and more vulnerable to breakage and rickets...

Raw cacao beats processed chocolate in its health benefits
(NaturalNews) The plethora of research done on chocolate's tremendous health benefits has primarily studied raw cacao and processed dark chocolate. Raw foodies and experts argue that raw cacao contain all of the health inducing benefits left intact, while...

Deranged, Barbie-obsessed California woman undergoes hypnotherapy to become 'brainless' like children's doll
(NaturalNews) A California woman by the name of Blondie Bennett has decided to take her unhealthy obsession with the iconic children's doll "Barbie" to an absurd extreme. Convinced that the plastic toy has it all figured out in the brains department,...

Forging a healthy life while coping with ulcerative colitis
(NaturalNews) Ulcerative colitis, often shortened to UC or casually labeled irritable bowel disorder (IBD), is a debilitating physiological condition in which the body struggles with a daily ability to actively metabolize and retain foods and beverages...

Infographic highlights serious health risks associated with cell phone use
(NaturalNews) That slick new smartphone you've been eyeing could end up damaging your brain or even giving you cancer later in life. This is according to data compiled for a powerful infographic on mobile phone use, which pins electromagnetic radiation...

Super clean USA-grown mushrooms now available: Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Cordyceps contain zero lead; low heavy metals verified
(NaturalNews) The big problem with functional mushrooms sold these days is that so many of them are contaminated with toxic heavy metals because they're grown in China. This is well known across the industry, but nobody talks about it publicly because...

Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders
(NaturalNews) A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking in the foods we eat, the water we drink and the products we consume, says a new study recently published in ...

NaturalNews: Natural News breakthrough: laboratory-validated functional mushrooms‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Today we're annoucing a true breakthrough in functional mushrooms (Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Cordyceps, etc.) which are USA-grown and laboratory validated to be virtually free of all heavy metals.
Here's the full text of the remarkable innovations we are now making available to our readers, fans and customers!
The big problem with functional mushrooms sold these days is that so many of them are contaminated with toxic heavy metals because they're grown in China. This is well known across the industry, but nobody talks about it publicly because they don't want customers to know the truth.

What truth is that? Many of the "medicinal mushrooms" sold on the market today are grown in China, and they're grown in contaminated media materials which contain alarming concentrations of heavy metals like lead.

Lead is a common contaminant in cheaply-grown functional mushrooms like Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake and Cordyceps. High lead equals a cheap price, and because so many mushrooms are marketed on price alone -- with no disclosure of their heavy metals content -- the low price usually wins. As a result, many consumers who think they're buying high-end "medicinal" mushrooms are also buying a whole lot of lead.

An industry first: Low Heavy Metals Verified functional mushrooms grown in the USA

But today, we're changing all that. Over the past year, we meticulously sourced extremely clean, high-potency functional mushrooms grown and harvested in the USA and laboratory verified to contain extremely low levels of heavy metals.

We did this because as an industry innovator and pioneer in the realm of heavy metals, we actually care about what our customers are consuming. Most retailers never test any of their products for heavy metals, but we test EVERYTHING for heavy metals (and we reject most sources of raw materials).

We also believe consumers have a right to know what they're eating when it comes to mushrooms, or chlorella, or rice protein or any other superfood. On top of that, we strive to support U.S. farmers and growers who produce quality products right here in North America.

That's why we've just launched

It's a non-profit, open-source website describing a set of strict standards for low heavy metals in superfoods, herbs, supplements and more

When we subjected our own functional mushrooms to ICP-MS laboratory testing for heavy metals, they rated as follows:

Lion's Mane: A++
Reishi: A+++
Maitake: A+++
Cordyceps: A+++
Shiitake: A+++
Turkey Tail: A++

Every one of these mushrooms tests at zero lead and cadmium, with a detection limit below 5 parts per billion.

Click here to get some of our low heavy metals verified mushrooms from the Natural News Store.

Super clean, USA-grown mushrooms

Our laboratory-validated mushrooms are grown in a super clean medium of USA-grown brown rice. Our mushrooms are never grown in animal manure! Nothing comes from China, and every single production lot is tested for heavy metals using our Forensic Food Lab.

Every single mushroom product we sell is validated and rated with a certification seal, confirming the heavy metals content. These extremely low heavy metals levels can be confirmed by any ICP-MS laboratory.

Now, for the first time in history, people who buy functional mushrooms have a new, informed choice: laboratory-validated mushrooms with total transparency about what they truly contain.

Click here to get some now.

Welcome to the new era of superfoods validated for low heavy metals

The heavy metals standards described at are not just for Natural News; they're for everyone who wishes to use them.

This is a non-profit, non-commercial, open-source effort to bring increased transparency to foods, superfoods, herbs and more.

What you are going to see from here forward is more and more companies seeking to validate the heavy metals composition of their products using this scale, from "A+++" down to "F."

Products that rate "A" or higher will see a premium price in the marketplace. Products with lower ratings (or with no ratings at all) will have to be sold at lower prices because their heavy metals composition will be a mystery.

How will these low heavy metals ratings be regulated or policed? We will purchase off-the-shelf products that claim validated heavy metals levels and spot check them for accuracy. Any companies who are blatantly and maliciously lying about their heavy metals levels will be publicly exposed, so companies are strongly encouraged to test every single production lot if they intend to claim compliance with these voluntary standards.

Natural News Store is the first retailer in history to be Low Heavy Metals Verified

Watch for more products across the Natural News Store to be Low Heavy Metals Verified! We are the first retailer to adhere to such standards, and it's just one of the many ways in which Natural News is leading the natural products industry in the direction of enhanced consumer trust, transparency and safer products.

Quite literally, we are setting the standards for the industry; standards that mean cleaner superfoods, enhanced manufacturer transparency and vastly increased support for clean farming methods that help protect the natural world around us.

To help support our efforts, shop now at the Natural News Store. And have confidence, knowing we've tested every single product we sell for heavy metals.

Thank you for your support. Our ongoing consumer watchdog efforts would not be possible without your support. :-)
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lisbon School Department Financial Plan For 2014-2015

GOPDD: A Bunch of Informative Snippets to Follow Including Loretta Fuddy Crash or Cover-Up

Mother of Justina Pelletier Collapses After Judge Says She’ll Stay in MA State Custody

by Dylan
  The mother of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier collapsed and was taken to a local hospital today after a custody hearing. Justina's parents today learned that she would be transferred from Wayside Youth and Family Support Network in Framingham, Mass., to foster care. Justina will remain in Massachusetts state custody. Lou and Linda Pelletier have been […]

Boehner, Obama Set New Amnesty Push, It’s Time For a New Speaker

by Rick Wells
It looks like Americans had better get ready to rumble.  The warning sirens should be going off all across the country. John Boehner is going in for a collaboration session with the pro-amnesty illegal alien-in-chief in the White House. When he comes out, we can be prepared for another round of the “shove it down […]

Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed

by clyde
by Robby Soave If this Harvard University student got her way, free speech on campus would be abolished and professors with dissenting views fired, because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy and the First Amendment is a barrier preventing modern colleges from fulfilling their proper role as indoctrination camps. Her name is Sandra […]

Dems’ Inner Turmoil: Top Biden Supporter Calls Hillary PAC a ‘Cult’

by Dylan
By Emily Hulsey Not everyone is okay with many Democrats’ presumptions that Hillary Clinton is their only hope for 2016. One such person is Dick Harpootlian – the former South Carolina Democrat Party Chair and Joe Biden’s top supporter in the state – who had some harsh words for Clinton’s Super PAC, Ready for Hillary: “Is […]

[Watch] Trey Gowdy on Susan Rice, She’s Wrong, Arrogant and Lying

by Rick Wells
Trey Gowdy flat out calls Susan Rice a liar both in what she claims now as well as in September of 2012. She still has no regrets, she did her best, according to Rice, that she had faulty information. According to her it’s “been well validated in many different ways since.” Gowdy says that there […]

Cruz Envy: Why Ted Cruz Is the Most Influential Politician in Washington

by clyde
By Andrew Stiles Liberals don’t like Ted Cruz, but they’re rooting for him, because they feel he’s going to destroy the Republican Party. What they ought to be feeling is this: profound embarrassment. Ever since his unexpected primary win over an establishment-backed lieutenant governor in 2012, Cruz has been a source of great frustration to […]

Cop Tells Citizen Slave – You Have Lost Freedom of Speech

by Rick Wells
The citizen videographer in this instance is recording the arrest of persons not known to him in the middle of a public street in Maryland. One officer comes over and tells him to stop, who then goes back and reports to another one that the camera man refused. That brings the second cop over, who […]

AND an extremely interesting one here that should get you all thinking.

[Watch] Video Shows Possible Scuba Divers in Loretta Fuddy Crash

by Rick Wells
There were nine people on board the airplane that went down resulting in the death of B. Hussein Obama’s woman on the inside at the Hawaii Department of Health. This video copy of the GoPro camera taken during the post crash and rescue periods shows what looks like a couple of scuba divers or some […]

The Maine Wire: “Medicaid expansion said to move this week” plus 1 more‏

Medicaid expansion said to move this week
Posted: 24 Feb 2014 01:58 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Multiple State House sources have confirmed that a bill to expand Medicaid may move forward this week as an amendment to an Augusta Republican’s bill. By tying House Speaker Mark Eves (D-North Berwick)’s Medicaid expansion bill to Assistance Senate Minority Leader Roger Katz (R-Augusta)’s L.D. 1487, backers of the expansion proposal can float […]
Daily Catch: Howie Carr, Dividing California, Welfare for Pot and more…
Posted: 24 Feb 2014 08:07 AM PST
Cumberland County GOP: Talk radio legend Howie Carr headlined the Cumberland County Republican convention Saturday. Carr told an audience of more than 100 Republicans to make sure their “moonbat” friends know that independent gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler is a viable option for progressive voters. The Portland native also told the crowd that the Federal Communication […]

TMB: End of American Military Dominance‏ and More

End of American Military Dominance
By Bill Gertz
President Barack Obama will sharply cut ships, aircraft, and troops as part of a major reduction of U.S. military forces that will face even steeper downsizing in 2016, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced on Monday.

Austerity Has Lost Its Meaning
By The EditorsAusterity. The media keeps using that word. We do not think it means what they think it means. If it means anything. In America today austerity means whatever liberals want it to mean.

The Lawless South
By CJ CiaramellaGRANTS PASS, Ore.—On the evening of Oct. 30, 2013, a car traveling down a highway south of Cave Junction struck and killed Jarred Houston, 21, and Robert Calvin, 41. Four months later, their case remains unsolved.

Cloud Computing Costs for More than Quintuple Original Estimates
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe federal government will spend more than five times the originally contracted amount for computing cloud software, according to government contracts released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

House Holds ‘Stop Government Abuse Week’
By Elizabeth HarringtonHouse Republicans will push a series of bills this week in an effort to curb abuse and increase transparency in the federal government.


Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Officials Meet in Iran to Discuss Concert
By Alana GoodmanThe Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra sent a representative to Iran this week as part of an exploratory trip aimed at arranging the first official U.S. orchestra concert in Iran since the fall of the Shah.

Five Most Ridiculous House of Cards Season 2 Subplots (Spoilers)
By Sonny BunchThe first season of House of Cards wasn’t terribly realistic—as I’ve long argued, if you want a realistic look at life on Capitol Hill and the White House, you’re better off watching the bumblers who inhabit Veep—but it at least had some grounding in reality.

The Kerry-Yanukovich Phonecall
By Andrew StilesThe Washington Free Beacon has obtained* the transcript of a conversation that took place sometime over the weekend between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and ousted Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich…

The Worst of Piers Morgan

By David RutzPiers Morgan Live, the CNN primetime interview show hosted by British gun control advocate Piers Morgan, is being canceled, ending a three-year run of ratings ineptitude.

NaturalNews: The 5 most insane media lies about health and nutrition‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In today's article, I've identified the five most insanely stupid lies about health still being pushed by the mainstream media... an institution that's increasingly detached from reality and losing readers and viewers at a record pace:

Science breakthrough on fluoride as a prominent Harvard professor declares fluoride lowers IQs and makes children stupid:

Radiation from Fukushima contaminated 20,000 square miles in Japan: report

Can melatonin help prevent the growth of breast cancer tumors?

More news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Pediatrician Dr. John Hicks joins RSB to discuss the use of cannabidiol (CBD) from industrial hemp for seizures, anxiety and even cancer! Listen in at

Today on
- Bladderwrack as a source of iodine
- 12 months of weight loss tips
- 9 shocking symptoms of copper toxicity

Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders
(NaturalNews) A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking in the foods we eat, the water we drink and the products we consume, says a new study recently published in ...

Mercury is good for children and other insanely stupid health lies still pushed by the nutritionally illiterate media
(NaturalNews) If you want to get truly terrible advice on health, foods and nutrition, just tune into the mainstream media. Across all the three-letter networks, high-circulation newspapers and establishment websites, you'll discover a bizarre cesspool...

Radiation contaminated more than 20,000 square miles and 43 million people in Japan: EU report
(NaturalNews) In the three months following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, which occurred back in March 2011, a land area larger than 20,000 square miles (mi2) became contaminated with high levels of radionuclides of both cesium and...

Could this gene mutation be the cause of your health problems?
(NaturalNews) Science has discovered certain gene mutations within many individuals that restrict their body's ability to effectively function. One of the most important mutations is methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms. Researchers...

FDA releases flawed study proclaiming BPA to be safe at low doses
(NaturalNews) A poorly designed study with one obvious goal -- to cover up the health effects of exposure to the plastics chemical bisphenol A, or BPA -- is right now circulating the mainstream media with corresponding claims that BPA is completely safe...

EU Chief Scientific Adviser's GMO lies called out in open letter
(NaturalNews) A prominent scientist and biotechnology expert has issued a public indictment of Professor Anne Glover, the Chief Scientific Adviser to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and a vehement supporter of genetically modified organisms...

Fennel can help neutralize cancer and encourage weight loss
(NaturalNews) It may not be well known in North America, but the more we go east, the more we see fennel being incorporated in dishes, especially in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines. The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds are all edible, and you may also...

Doctors unwilling to participate in Covered California Obamacare exchange
(NaturalNews) Many independent and small-practice doctors throughout California are in for a rude awakening as they learn that Obamacare will require them to provide medical services without full financial reimbursement from the government. CBS San...

Melatonin could help prevent growth of breast cancer tumors
(NaturalNews) New research from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit suggests that breast cancer rates may be increasing due to lack of melatonin production in today's sleep deprived, light stimulated generation. Melatonin, produced in the brain's pineal...

Exposure to chemicals could reduce sperm count
(NaturalNews) More reports detailing the damaging effects of exposure to chemicals have been released. Though important to both women and men, this particular finding is especially important to men. This includes their partners if they are wanting to...

White House attempts to unleash Ministry of Truth to control all news sources in America
(NaturalNews) If you weren't already outraged by the illegal and unethically intertwined relationships between government and the mainstream media, then this revelation is sure send you over the edge. Aside from the fact that the Obama administration...

Quitting smoking can improve your mental health, say researchers
(NaturalNews) By now you'd have to either be living in a cave -- or another planet -- to be unaware of the dangers and negative health issues associated with smoking tobacco. Most people know that smoking causes cancer lung disease, and heart problems...

Natural ways to move mucus and expel phlegm
(NaturalNews) Spring is around the corner and as it begins to warm up, no one wants to deal with any lingering congestion from this winter's variety of allergies, coughs and colds. Congestion can be more than the physical buildup of fluids that causes...

New hemp plants bred to have increased oleic acid for enhanced cooking properties
(NaturalNews) Scientists have found a way to make hemp produce 70 percent more oleic acid, making the crop more viable as a source for cooking oil and other industrial purposes. Scientists breed hemp to increase its monounsaturated oleic acid content...

Scientists devise new ways to remote control living organisms
(NaturalNews) Imagine a world where one person's brain could be used to control the hand movements of another through electrode stimulation... Imagine machines that could be triggered and told what to do just by one man's thought... Remote control...

Suffer from fibromyalgia? You might be sensory defensive
(NaturalNews) Fibromyalgia sufferers experience chronic widespread muscular pain, achiness, poor sleep, and extreme fatigue. Following a sleepless night, sufferers of FM wake up exhausted, their mind in a fog, and their bodies feeling beaten up with intense...

Antidepressant Paxil, commonly precribed for depressed cancer patients, increases risk of breast cancer
(NaturalNews) New research suggests that one of the more popular antidepressants, Paxil, may actually contribute to the growth of cancerous tumors in women. That's according to a team of scientists from the City of Hope in Duarte, California, which...

Monday, February 24, 2014

TMB: Obamacare Victim Caught in Political Storm‏ and More

Obamacare Victim Caught in Political Storm
By Adam Kredo
Julie Boonstra, a cancer patient who was kicked of off her health plan due to Obamacare, lashed out at Rep. Gary Peters (D., Mich.) on Saturday after lawyers for his campaign demanded that Michigan broadcasters cease airing ads featuring her story.

Cruz Envy
By Andrew StilesLiberals don’t like Ted Cruz, but they’re rooting for him, because they feel he’s going to destroy the Republican Party. What they ought to be feeling is this: profound embarrassment.

Feds Spending $175,000 to Observe ‘Swimming Abilities’ of Fish
By Elizabeth Harrington
The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will spend $175,000 for a study on the “swimming abilities” of fish in the Northern Rockies, the agency announced on Thursday.

The Right to Try
By Mary Lou ByrdA bill allowing the terminally ill to use experimental drugs not yet approved for use by the Federal Drug Administration has advanced to the full House in Arizona.

UAW Appeals Historic Loss in Tennessee
By Bill McMorrisThe United Auto Workers (UAW) union asserted in an appeal to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed Friday that Republican public officials and union opponents unfairly influenced workers at a Tennessee Volkswagen plan...

Experts: Obama Not Pushing Hard Enough for Trade Deal
BY DANIEL WISERThe Obama administration has not pushed hard enough for a wide-ranging free trade deal that could yield significant economic and geostrategic benefits, experts say.

BREAKING: Liberal Billionaire Believes in Democracy
By The EditorsLeft-wing billionaire hedge fund tycoon Tom Steyer believes in democracy, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Economic Inequality Is Only Bad When Your Face Gets Rubbed In It, Ctd
By Sonny BunchThere was much harrumphing last year when I noted that I think allowing people to pay extra to jump the lines at amusement parks is problematic.*

Statues of Lenin Topple Across Ukraine

By WFB StaffA day after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted from power through a parliamentary vote, monuments of Lenin are being toppled across the country.

Lisbon Has A Great Deal of Talent So Mark Your Calendar for a Night of Entertainment


 Lisbon High School Class of 2014 cast members of a talented local ensemble take a break to promote their upcoming performance in Lisbon’s Got Talent Show. The group will be performing a known classic, one night only with other members of the Class of 2014 on Friday, March 28 in the LHS Gymnasium in Lisbon Falls.  Pictured (l-r) back row:  Quincy Thompson, Zachary Stevens, Tucker Brannon, Jacob Johnston and Justin Crocker.   Front row:  Jordan Torrez, Cameron Ramich,  Michael Jenkins.  Not available for group photo Tyler Bard and Brandon Laurelez. Photos by Monica Millhime

Lisbon – Are you looking for a night of fun, laughter and excitement for you and your family and friends?  Your search is over!  Mark your calendar to attend the Lisbon High School Got Talent Show on Friday, March 28 at 7 p.m.  Show will be held in the LHS Gymnasium, 2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls. Adult admission $4; students $3.  Treat yourself to a night showcasing the incredible talent in Lisbon.  Everyone is eligible to win fabulous prizes provided by local area merchants.  All proceeds benefit the Lisbon High School Tech Club.  FMI contact Tech Club Advisor, Paul Giggey at 353.3030 or email or Monica Millhime or call 754.0021.  Watch for more news and upcoming events on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.   

 (click on above to print out and share)