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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Excellent Maine State of the Judiciary Address to Joint Legislature by Chief Justice Saufley‏

Dear Readers:

I've heard Chief Justice Saufley speak before, to a group of other Supreme Court Justices from other states.  She is excellent on detail and concepts.  We are lucky to have her.
Now, note that there is now a bill before the legislature to fund the Judiciary's electronic information system.  We need it, even if it requires a bond, which it will.  An electronic system will increase access to the courts for the little people, like us and, equally important, allow us to easily gather the data that will drive empirical studies and evaluations on Maine's Justice system.  We need those evals because the data so far makes it look like we are treading water on prevention and interventions.

So, read the attached address and let your representatives know that Mainers deserve a modern system of justice.  All of Justice Saufley's previous addresses are on the Court webpages.  

Let's plan on going to her speech next year.

Last Nights School Department Informational Seminar‏ February 25, 2014


Last night Superintendent Richard Green and Mrs. Tracey Austin provided residents with an excellent informational seminar pertaining to the School Department‘s many accomplishments.  These accomplishments were achieved without the use of a bond or asking the taxpayers for additional monies.  The School Department used money that was not used during the year that was previously budgeted.

Now, the School Department is at a crossroads.  There are two large tickets items that is needed which they cannot complete utilizing the previous method.  One is the creation of an all-weather track and the second is constructing a new gymnasium.  At the end of the presentation, the people were asked if they wanted to see a question on the June ballot for one or two of these items to go out to bond.

There was an open discussion period in which citizens provided support for both the track and the gym.  The cost for the Track is approximately $350,000.00 but that does not include equipment, fencing and overall maintenance.  The gym’s cost is approximately $5,707,864.00.  This year the town is facing a tough budgeting process and money is going to be tight.  Both of these projects will increase taxes even more.

The residents that were supporting the Track have strong feelings because the majority of them have young people involved in track.  It is a shame to have a track team that cannot host any home track events.  Lisbon’s track teams have won the Mountain Valley Conference (MVC) the last few years.  There is no doubt the town needs a new track.  There are probably a hundred young people involved in this sport.

The people that supported the Gym had strong feelings also.  The gym would open up a great deal of opportunities to the community.  The town would have a place to conduct graduation ceremonies, host a number of tournaments at the state level in various sports (basketball, wrestling, and cheering) to name a few.   Even though there was no mention of a Performing Arts Center, the old gym could easily be converted with grant money to become the Performing Arts Center.  All of these events will bring people to Lisbon and will increase revenue for the School Department and local businesses.  A new gym will impact a lot more students and provide more additional revenue than the track.

The gym is what is currently keeping our school on Probation.  Our schools are fully accredited but are on probation because of the gym.  However, having said that; there is no guarantee that with a new gym the committee will not find something else to keep Lisbon on probation.  Right now, this is why we are on probation.

At the end, the people were asked to complete a survey there or on-line asking the question of whether to put the gym and/or track on the June ballot.  It is not too late for any of you to express your opinions.  Please contact Mr. Richard Greet at 207-353-6711 Extension 1005. 

Larry Fillmore

EagleRising: Michelle Obama Thinks You're Stupid‏ And More

Michelle Obama Thinks You’re a Blockhead


Michelle Obama Thinks You’re a Blockhead
By Stephen Bowers / 26 February 2014
Michelle Obama’s recent helpful comments about how young people are “blockheads” and need to enroll in Obamacare because they could be injured “dancing” or cooking ... are telling. Her husband, the smartest guy in the world, has illustrated how important teleprompters are, and how they can spare us all lots of embarrassment.  When he leaves the T-prompter at home and ventures into the “real world” he can say painfully dumb things. One of my personal favorites was when he was quoting the Psalmist and misread the word “bow.” He pronounced the word as it is used to describe what he does in the presence of the Saudi royal family. (Remember the Saudis? They came to power by assassinating the former dynasty members. They also provided the young fellows who hijacked the planes on September 11.) 

 Terrifying Evidence of How the Government Could Treat Us
By Onan Coca / 26 February 2014

Imagine that you have been arrested and the story told to you in court sounds nothing like what actually happened at the time of your arrest. What would you do? How would you respond? How would you defend yourself?
Most of us would argue that the state’s story was a lie and then we would tell them what really happened… but who would the court believe? Would the court believe the arrested criminal or the state law enforcement officers who are supposed to be the good guys?
This scenario played out for a Bloomfield, New Jersey man, and he almost went to prison because of it.
Imagine that you have been arrested and the story told to you in court sounds nothing like what actually happened at the time of your arrest. What would you do? How would you respond? How would you defend yourself?
Most of us would argue that the state’s story was a lie and then we would tell them what really happened… but who would the court believe? Would the court believe the arrested criminal or the state law enforcement officers who are supposed to be the good guys?
This scenario played out for a Bloomfield, New Jersey man, and he almost went to prison because of it.


Michelle Obama's recent helpful comments about how young people are "blockheads" and need to enroll in Obamacare because they could be injured "dancing" or cooking ... are telling. Her husband, the smartest guy in the world, has illustrated how important teleprompters are, and how they can spare us all lots of embarrassment.  When he leaves the T-prompter at home and ventures into the "real world" he can say painfully dumb things. One of my personal favorites was when he was quoting the Psalmist and misread the word "bow." He pronounced the word as it is used to describe what he does in the presence of the Saudi royal family. (Remember the Saudis? They came to power by assassinating the former dynasty members. They also provided the young fellows who hijacked the planes on September 11.)
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by clyde
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by sophia
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by sophia
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by sophia
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by sophia
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by clyde

Rep Joe Wilson Was Right- 125,000 ILLEGAL Immigrants Eligible for Benefits Under Obamacare

by Dylan
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by clyde
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by clyde
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by Rick Wells
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by Rick Wells
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President tells liberal activists their efforts to combat Republicans and enroll people in Obamacare is ‘God’s work’

by clyde

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by clyde
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by sophia
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by clyde

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by Rick Wells
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by Rick Wells
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by Dylan
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50 Percent Of Democrats Think Congress Should Continue Investigating Benghazi

by clyde
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Trey Gowdy: I get tougher questions at a Bojangles drive-thru than NBC’s David Gregory asked of Susan Rice

by Dylan

Sebelius slashes Obamcare enrollment expectations, blames CBO [VIDEO]

by clyde
by Brendan Bordelon Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius lowered the bar on expected Obamcare enrollments by March 31, contradicting her pre-rollout support of a 7 million signup estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Sebelius appeared Tuesday on a “Huffington Post Live” interview moderated by Marc Lamont Hill, who asked the secretary about […]

[Listen] Rush Limbaugh: Left Permits Religious Considerations Only For Muslims

by Rick Wells
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The Maine Wire: “Maine nonprofits expect lower donations after charitable contribution cap” plus 5 more‏

    Maine nonprofits expect lower donations after charitable contribution cap
    Posted: 25 Feb 2014 11:38 AM PST
    AUGUSTA – Maine’s nonprofits are expecting to see a decrease in donations after the Legislature last year limited the tax deduction for charitable giving. Brenda Peluso, director of public policy for the Maine Association of Nonprofits, told WCSH that the $27,500 tax deduction limit imposed by last year’s budget bill is expected to have a […]
    House Republican Leaders, Senate Republicans Reject Katz-Saviello Medicaid Expansion Bill
    Posted: 25 Feb 2014 11:07 AM PST
    AUGUSTA – Top Republicans in the House of Representatives have rejected a bill from Assistance Senate Minority Leader Roger Katz (R-Kennebec) and Sen. Tom Saviello (R-Franklin) that would expand eligibility for Medicaid while simultaneously contracting with managed care service providers. The measure was unveiled Tuesday as an apparent compromise between pro-expansion Democrats and Republicans. “ObamaCare’s […]
    Daily Catch: Medicaid expansion, IRS crackdown, Collins on FCC, Rubio’s best speech yet…
    Posted: 25 Feb 2014 11:01 AM PST
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    “A Republican Vision of Mainecare Expansion” – Bill Text and Talking Points
    Posted: 25 Feb 2014 10:03 AM PST
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    Maine Senator blasts Obama admin over “offensive” newsroom research program
    Posted: 25 Feb 2014 09:43 AM PST
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    CMS: Two-thirds of small business employees to see health insurance rate increases under Obamacare
    Posted: 25 Feb 2014 08:38 AM PST
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    By Adam Kredo
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    Obama Administration Ignores Russian Nuclear Violations By Bill GertzRussia is covertly developing and testing nuclear missiles in violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and the Obama administration to date has failed to hold Moscow accountable, according to arms control specialists.

     Iran Sanctions Back on Senate’s Agenda
    BY ADAM KREDOA new measure to level harsh sanctions on Iran reappeared in the Senate on Tuesday when Republicans proposed it as an amendment to a new bill aimed at replacing retirement benefits for veterans.

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