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Thursday, February 27, 2014

PersonalLibertyDigest: 5 Minutes Well Spent‏ Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?

 Listen to Wayne........ things ARE getting interesting....... even with him!

Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty.
Something very big and very bad is happening. Prominent bankers are dying in droves. Have you ever heard of eight bankers committing suicide in a matter of just a few weeks?
A ninth banker was found dead only days ago. What is driving successful bankers with families to kill themselves in droves?
Here’s the tip-off that this is a very big story: The mainstream media are not covering it. There are nine dead bankers (and counting), and the story isn’t even mentioned in the national news. That itself is a major news story.
Bankers are dying so fast, you’d think they were all dentists. You get the joke, right? Dentists have the highest suicide rate of any profession. Sometimes, you need a little humor to brighten up a very dark story. But keep in mind, at no time in history have nine dentists all died under mysterious circumstances in a matter of a few weeks.
Why are so many bankers dying? Are the media asleep at the switch? Afraid to dig deeper? Ordered not to investigate? By whom? The government? Or are the media perhaps afraid for their own lives if they dig deeper? You think that sounds a bit absurd? Well not really. A Wall Street Journal reporter named David Bird, who covers the commodities market, is missing. As in gone. As in never seen again. He left his home on Jan. 11 and never returned.
Was he working on this story?
Something smells rotten in Denmark, because nine dead bankers and a missing reporter should be a huge headline story.
And if anyone has been watching closely, five other major bankers died in either suicides or mysterious circumstances in 2013. That’s 14 dead bankers.
Someone is going to win a major journalist prize for investigating a high-profile story like this. But for some mysterious reason, no one in the mainstream media seems interested. Doesn’t that alone make you nervous?
This story is real. The dead are:

  • William Broeksmit, 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG.
  • Karl Slym, 51-year-old Tata Motors managing director.
  • Gabriel Magee, 39-year-old JPMorgan banker.
  • Mike Dueker, 50-year-old chief economist of a U.S. investment bank.
  • Richard Talley, the 57-year-old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colo.
  • Tim Dickenson, U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG.
  • Ryan Henry Crane, 37-year-old executive at JPMorgan.
  • Li Junjie, 33-year-old Hong Kong banker.
  • James Stewart Jr., former CEO of the National Bank of Commerce.
Read all about it here:

Submitted by: 'Roger T.'

Our Woman Warriors Deserve Better; BrasscheckTV: Yankee Doodle disgrace‏ >How 55,000 Female Veterans Ended Up On The Streets

We all know that some military vets
end up homeless. 
But do you know how many female
vets of Iraq and Afghanistan are 
now homeless?
55,000 and counting...
- Brasscheck

How 55,000 Female Veterans Ended Up On The Streets

                               What’s next?
Fred Reed ( sums it up best:

“The Pentagon is more interested in crippling new soldiers than in caring for those it has already crippled.”

Now thanks to our “progressive” new society, women now get to share in the “male privilege” of having their limbs blown off and their minds permanently scrambled of behalf of the bottom lines of weapons contractors.

Here’s something to consider...

What if the Pentagon decides they want the draft back...Will it automatically include women too? The door is now wide open.

Don’t think this is happening naturally.

The entertainment industry has been more than happy to whore itself out behalf of the Pentagon to draw young women to “service.”

For example, Kate Perry, spawn of Satan.

Watch how she sells young women on the idea that fighting for psychopaths is the answer to problems in life and a path to fulfillment:
- See more at:

Katy Perry - Part Of Me


The Maine Wire: “Daily Catch: Cain Fakes Sick, ‘Shared Responsibility Payments’, and Sebelius in Denial…” plus 2 more‏

Daily Catch: Cain Fakes Sick, ‘Shared Responsibility Payments’, and Sebelius in Denial…
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 02:47 PM PST
Faking Sick: Sen. Dawn Hill (D-York), at last night’s meeting of the Appropriations Committee, told the audience that Sen. Emily Cain (D-Penobscot) couldn’t make the meeting because she was feeling ill. But it turns out Cain wasn’t too sick to enthusiastically fund raise for her congressional campaign. Cain put out this photo on social media at […]
Maine commissioners say Medicaid spending threatens natural resource agencies
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 01:19 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Members of Gov. Paul LePage’s cabinet gathered at the State House on Wednesday to deliver a message to the public: Expanding Medicaid will undermine funding for natural resource management and environmental protection. The cabinet members, surrounded by LePage supporters and Republican lawmakers, delivered the message one day after Assistant Senate Minority Leader Roger […]
Mayhew: Most vulnerable pay price of Medicaid expansion
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 06:28 AM PST
AUGUSTA – Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew delivered the Paul LePage administration’s weekly address, focusing on Medicaid expansion, difficult decisions and priorities within DHHS’ target populations. Here is her address: Difficult decisions must be made in Augusta.  Tough choices are needed to ensure that state government can live within its means […]

TMB: AIPAC ‘Neutered’ on New Iran Sanctions‏ Plus More

BY ADAM KREDO The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is staying silent about a new congressional amendment that would level fresh economic sanctions on Iran, leading some insiders to say that the pro-Israel lobbying group has been “neutered” following a high profile defeat last month.

BY ANDREW STILES Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) took to the Senate floor on two separate occasions Wednesday to attack libertarian philanthropy barons Charles and David Koch.
BY ELIZABETH HARRINGTON Members of Congress and constitutional law experts testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, warning that the legislative branch is in danger of ceding its power in the face of an “imperial presidency.”
BY CJ CIARAMELLA Several Environmental Protection Agency employees obstructed an investigation into the mismanagement that allowed a senior EPA official to bilk taxpayers for nearly $900,000, the EPA Inspector General said in a letter to Sen. David Vitter (R., La.) released Wednesday.
BY THE EDITORS The Washington Free Beacon has long considered itself an anti-traitor website. But we would very much like to interview Snowden. Here are five questions for him.
BY DANIEL WISER El Salvador could morph into another Venezuela if the current ruling party retains control in presidential runoff elections next month, a leading expert on the region tells the Washington Free Beacon.
By Sonny Bunch
New Yorkers love to jabber on about how great their city is. I’m curious to see how that holds up in the DeBlasio era, given that the new mayor is just as antagonistic toward freedom as Michael Bloomberg was and he seems intent on making rich and poor suffer equally.

UCLA Student Curses and Cries After Anti-Israel Measure Fails By WFB StaffA UCLA student burst into tears and launched into a mostly incomprehensible anti-Israel rant on Wednesday after her fellow students voted to defeat a student council resolution aimed at divesting from the Jewish state.

NaturalNews: The bitcoin collapse, and Paul Chek's lecture on humanity vs. food corporations‏ and mor

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
If you've been a fan of Natural News for more than a year, you may recall that I publicly warned about bitcoins in April of 2013.
Just two days ago, the largest bitcoin exchange, MtGox, suddenly collapsed. Somebody "walked off" with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoins, and faith in the virtual currency is shattered.
Now, I'm explaining why bitcoins are a Ponzi scheme and how to avoid being suckered by it all:

Must-see video: Health and fitness expert Paul Chek deconstructs the food industry's war against humanity:

Is Horizon "organic" milk really organic and clean? Not according to a third complaint filed by Cornucopia:

Incredibly valuable interview: Spirulina, the "ocean protein" explained in detail:

Yet another mumps outbreak affects only vaccinated students. When do people wake up and realize the vaccines *cause* the outbreaks?

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Frank King talks about exercising all 8 essentials of life and Anne Archer Butcher shares profound personal stories of healing to help us tap into our own inner guidance. Listen in at

Today on
- The health benefits of RAW milk
- How ozone therapy can repair injured tissue
- Why thyme is a powerful natural antiseptic

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As bitcoin exchange MtGox collapses, man who predicted the crash implores bitcoin holders to stop being suckered into a digital Ponzi scheme
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Cornucopia Institute files third legal complaint over alleged violations at Horizon 'Organic' dairy factory farm
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Spirulina - the ultimate ocean protein
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Fordham University mumps outbreak affecting only vaccinated students; school bans unvaccinated students anyway
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EU ministers write letter to Commission asking for withdrawal of new GM maize proposal
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Family farms under attack: Poles to stage massive protest at embassy in defense of traditional farming
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How accurate are mammograms in detecting breast cancer?
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Uninsured patients receive better treatment from American healthcare system than insured
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Health officials warn consumers to avoid pesticide-tainted cactus from Mexico
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Top 4 ways to reduce muscle and joint pain
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Study finds it is worse to be lonely than obese
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Kellogg Company claims it will only use palm oil from environmentally, socially responsible suppliers
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Geoengineering could cause real global warming
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Health and fitness expert Paul Chek deconstructs humanity's battle with the toxic food industry in eye-opening video lecture
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Rise of the machines: Google robots, Kurzweil's AI, and why self-aware machines will inevitably seek to destroy humanity
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Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Department of Veterans Affairs Officials Plot To Cancel Backlogged Exam Requests And Destroy Veterans’ Medical Files

The Daily Caller reports “Employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) destroyed veterans’ medical files in a systematic attempt to eliminate backlogged veteran medical exam requests, a former VA employee told The Daily Caller.
Audio of an internal VA meeting obtained by TheDC confirms that VA officials in Los Angeles intentionally canceled backlogged patient exam requests.”
Read more HERE.

GOPDD: Morning Snippets

[Watch] Your Obamacare Surprise “Shared Responsibility Tax Payment” is Coming Due

by Rick Wells
The “Shared Responsibility Payment” is another part of obamacare socialism that you probably weren’t aware was hanging over your head. Don’t look up, there it is. While it might seem like a tax, or the redistribution of wealth, or the payment into a socialized leviathan where a free government of the people used to be, […]

Terrorist Convicted of Bombings In Israel Worked As Obamacare Navigator In Illinois

by clyde
(National Review) A terrorist from Jordan briefly worked as an Obamacare navigator in Illinois while authorities remained unaware of her conviction for involvement in a deadly grocery store bombing and two other attacks. Rasmieh Yousef Odeh was convicted in Israel for her role in several bombings, including the 1969 attack on an upscale Shufersol grocery […]

[Watch] Man Passes Sobriety Test, Blows 0.00, Arrested For DUI Anyway in a Familiar Location

by Rick Wells
                After successfully performing the battery of tasks which compose the field sobriety test, Larry Davis ran a stop sign and was pulled over by the Austin, TX, Police Department. While he had a couple of moments of shakiness in his one legged stand and toe to heel […]

Sarah Palin Returning to Reality TV With ‘Amazing’ Show

by sophia
By Sandy Fitzgerald Sarah Palin is returning to reality television. The former Alaska governor's new program, "Amazing America With Sarah Palin," is scheduled to premiere at 8 p.m. EDT on April 3 on the Sportsman Channel, Politico reports. In a promotional video, Palin is seen in silhouette in front of an American flag as quotes […]

(Must Watch) SHOCKING Obama words bombshell anti white audio uncovered!

by clyde

34 Questions On Sandy Hook Shooting That Have Never Been Answered

by Dylan
By Dean Garrison D.C. Clothesline Why were no “Life-Flight” or “Life-Star” helicopters called in to assist victims at Sandy Hook? Why were paramedics and EMTs denied access to victims? Why did the medical examiner not allow families to see the bodies of their dead children? Why was such an effort made to tie both Adam […]
clyde | February 27, 2014 at 12:12 am | URL:

[Watch] Bill Protecting Free Speech From IRS, Executive Branch, How Far We’ve Come

by Rick Wells
                  Republican House member Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania gives his opinion on the sorry state of affairs we have reached when the House is debating a separate piece of legistation to prop up the first amendment. That bill, HR 3865 is designed to place a one year […]

Ted Nugent Annoys CNN Host by Taking Credit for Getting Piers Morgan’s ‘A** Thrown Out’

by clyde
clyde | February 26, 2014 at 11:42 pm | URL:

British Intelligence Advisor: Obama Born In Kenya In 1960 [VIDEO]

by clyde
British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael Shrimpton reported Obama’s purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960. He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama’s father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on […]

Must Watch} Muslims Pissed at Katy Perry Dark Horse Video

by Dylan
Who gives a rats ass about Muslims being mad. She should have wrapped herself in bacon.. Islam is portrayed positively in the popular culture. In movies, Islam is shown to be a tolerant and honorable faith, while Christianity is portrayed as evil. It is almost taboo to insult Islam in the popular culture and in […]

What’s the Hold Up in Releasing the Secret Clinton Records?

by clyde
by Fred Lucas Amid debate over how much of Hillary Clinton’s past is fair game for her expected 2016 presidential candidacy, the Clinton Presidential Library still hasn’t released 33,000 pages of documents pertaining to the former first couple that were legally supposed to be public more than a year ago. What’s the Hold Up in […]

RUSH: We Haven’t Had Communism BLASTED Like Rubio Did It

by clyde
RUSH: I’m kind of torn here ’cause I’ve really got some interesting callers on and I’ve gotta do this Marco Rubio response to Tom Harkin because he just nails Harkin, and this is classic. So I’m gonna try to get a lot of stuff done here. Let’s start with Harkin. This was late Monday afternoon […]

Dem senators insist Obamacare won’t be a problem for Dems in 2014

by clyde
Alexis Levinson Senate Democrats on Wednesday predicted that Obamacare would not be a problem for their Democratic colleagues facing re-election this year. “Over the next several months, the ACA is going to become less important as a Republican campaign issue,” said New York Sen. Chuck Schumer at a press conference, “because more and more Americans, […]
clyde | February 26, 2014 at 9:59 pm | URL:

Watch Sharpton Repeat What Obama Says Word-For-Word

by clyde
clyde | February 26, 2014 at 8:20 pm | URL:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GOPDD: Evenings Snippet Blast

Reid: Americans Who’ve Had Policies Canceled Or Premiums Increased Are Phonies

by Dylan

Bill Clinton Urges Dems To Be Like Ukrainian Protesters During Midterm Elections And “Give Us Back Our Country!”…

by sophia
Apparently this is their country.


Louis Farrakhan calls on Obama to end UFO cover-up

by sophia
The Nation of Islam teaches that Allah will send UFOs to help black Americans win a race war against white people. The group says that in the new future, whites will be exterminated from North America. Louis Farrakhan says that he once boarded a UFO while visiting Mexico. Farrakhan claims the US government hides UFOs […]

Putin orders military tests amid Ukraine tensions – Now What will Our Chicken and Chief Obama do…

by Santo
By Associated Press MOSCOW… President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered massive exercises involving most of its military units in western Russia amid tensions in Ukraine. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in a televised statement made at a meeting of top military brass in Moscow that the exercise is intended to “checks the troops’ readiness for […]

Two Illegal Immigrants Sentenced For $1.4 Million Food Stamp Fraud

by sophia
By Wynton Hall Two Korean citizens in the United States illegally were sentenced last week in Baltimore to prison for obtaining over $1,400,000 in payments for food sales that never occurred as part of a food stamp and wire fraud scheme. U.S. District Judge George L. Russell III gave Hyung Cho 38 months in prison […]

Black Pastor Says Obama Is Worst President Of All Time

by clyde
E.T. Williams

Company that makes medical equipment for kids hit hard by Obamacare

by sophia
By Patrick Howley The world’s only company specializing in making orthopedic equipment for children is slashing its product development budget and freezing hiring as a result of Obamacare’s medical device tax. “We are a company that is not yet profitable. We’ve only been in the market for 5 years. This is a very burdensome tax […]

Biden: Voter ID Laws Based On “Hatred” And “Zealotry”…

by sophia
Then again, a slug has a higher IQ than this clown. Vice President Biden said new voter ID laws in North Carolina, Alabama, and Texas were evidence of “hatred” and “zealotry” during a Black History Month event at the Naval Observatory on Tuesday. The vice president said his votes to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act […]

Liberal Prof.: Obama’s Abuse Of Executive Orders Has Brought Us To ‘Constitutional Tipping Point’

by clyde

Jonathan Turley: We are now at a constitutional tipping point in our system


9th Circutit Court Of Appeals Orders Google To Remove ‘Innocence Of Muslims’

by clyde
A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google Inc to remove from its YouTube video-sharing website an anti-Islamic film that had sparked protests across the Muslim world. By a 2-1 vote, a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday rejected Google’s assertion that the removal of the film “Innocence of Muslims,” […]

{Must Watch} Awesome Sheriff Clarke “I admire President Ronald Reagan because he stood up for liberty & freedom.”

by Dylan
Thank you Sheriff Clarke and all the Constitution Supporting Peace Officers out there.  CSPOA St. Charles Highlights Video

CSPOA St. Charles Highlights Video