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Monday, March 3, 2014

NaturalNews: Dr. Oz was right, and Vega joins protein heavy metals limits‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers, 
Dr. Oz was right to warn his viewers about heavy metals in protein products. It seems this message is really gaining traction in the mainstream all of a sudden:

Also, the Vega company is now officially joining the Natural News heavy metals limits for protein products!

Roundup herbicide may be linked to celiac disease, says a new study:

Must-see documentary: Red Reign exposes China's organ harvesting industry:

Good news: Fast food chains are really struggling as consumer choose healthier foods:

More news continues below...

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: A new painkiller drug is about to hit the market. Just how dangerous is it? RSB will discuss your many options for safe pain relief not subject to FDA approval. Listen in at


Today on
- Water kefir, the delicious natural (fermented) soda
- Can glucosamine really help with arthritis?
- Salt reduction produces huge health benefits

Why Dr. Oz was right to warn consumers about lead in Shakeology Greenberry protein powder
(NaturalNews) The health industry is suddenly buzzing with more findings about heavy metals in protein products, and Dr. Oz is beginning to warn viewers about lead in some products. This is on top of Natural News finding substantial concentrations of...

Roundup herbicide linked to celiac disease and gluten intolerance, new study suggests
(NaturalNews) A new study has found that the world's best-selling herbicide is linked to the global rise of celiac disease, gluten intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome. According to the U.S. peer-reviewed study, the details of which were published...

Red Reign: China's horrific nonconsensual organ harvesting and religious oppression unveiled
(NaturalNews) Imagine being arrested, imprisoned and tortured simply for holding religious beliefs that run contrary to what the government considers acceptable. And every day having to worry that you might be murdered at a moment's notice for your vital...

Author says Tyson Foods keeps farmers in state of 'indentured servitude'
(NaturalNews) The author of a new expose on the chicken industry chastises corporate giant Tyson Foods while claiming that farmers who supply meat to the company are locked into a sort of "indentured servitude" of which they are unable to free themselves...

Avoid eating dangerous, genetically engineered foods at your dining table
(NaturalNews) The growth of genetically modified foods continues to rise in the U.S. and around the world with the aggressive tactics of the biotech industry. This growth has contributed to an increase in invasive superweeds and rising challenges for...

Fast food chains struggle in wake of healthy eating trend
(NaturalNews) Heightened awareness surrounding the dangers of commercially processed food is hitting McDonald's, the number one global fast-food chain, where it hurts, their wallet. Due to a decline in company sales and an attempt to remain "relevant...

Uninsured Americans suddenly realize they were conned by Obamacare
(NaturalNews) The Affordable Care Act - Obamacare - has always had its opponents, but as more Americans become familiar with the law and begin to experience its ill effects, the more it is hated. And now, in perhaps one of the most compelling ironies...

Optimal cholesterol ratios not only good for the heart, but also lower Alzheimer's disease risk
(NaturalNews) Volumes of current research now clearly demonstrate that Alzheimer's disease, though influenced to a small degree by genetic predisposition, is largely caused by a confluence of lifestyle indiscretions over the course of one's early and...

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in rivers affect fish heart development
(NaturalNews) Mass-produced man-made chemicals that mimic estrogen should be a major concern for humanity, as they can go undetected in water and affect the reproduction and gender identity of various life forms. Lurking in the water, these chemicals...

Wheatgrass: a chlorophyll-rich superfood bursting with nutrients
(NaturalNews) Wheatgrass is a gluten-free food prepared from the young shoots of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, which grows in temperate regions throughout Europe and the United States. Consumption of wheatgrass only became popular in the...

California residents and officials to monitor radiation amid growing fears about Fukushima
(NaturalNews) Concerned about the effects of radiation still being released from the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan, towns and cities all across California have begun enacting monitoring programs to deal with what many agree...

Top ways to keep stress at bay
(NaturalNews) A high level of stress is not good for anyone. When a person is constantly exposed to stress, the individual can develop anxiety disorders. People suffering from high levels of stress can exhibit uncontrollable behaviors related to acute...

Electrocardiographs detect heart rhythm changes from lead exposure
(NaturalNews) It may seem odd to associate lead toxicity with cardiac health issues. But there has been considerable research put into that association. Health experts seem to agree that there is no safe level of lead in our bodies, and...

What's missing from the effort to stop the GMO threat to our food supply?
(NaturalNews) The effort to stop Monsanto and its league of corporate monsters from ruining our food supply should focus more on what gets planted than what gets labeled on retail shelves. "GMO seeds should not enter the soil" should be the mantra instead...

The Seven Countries Study hoax and how the politics of food policy keeps the USA in the dark
(NaturalNews) This is the true story of an American scientist named Ancel Keys who studied saturated fat long ago (in the 1950s) and made the cover of the illustrious Time magazine, although in that "infamous" way that we later learned of. The...

VEGA joins Natural News heavy metals limits for protein products; company's blends already test among cleanest in industry
(NaturalNews) Over the last month, Natural News rocked the dietary supplements industry by publishing laboratory research results which found significant levels...

FDA deliberately allows animal drugs to stay legal even when they threaten humans with superbugs
(NaturalNews) The FDA allowed 18 separate animal antibiotics to remain on the market even after concluding that they posed a "high risk" of leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause disease in humans, according to a new study by the Natural...

The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Medicare Fraud Scheme Busted‏

ABC news reports “Federal officials say they have taken down the largest Medicare fraud scheme investigators have ever discovered: a $375 million dollar home healthcare scam operating in the Dallas, Texas area.
The alleged “mastermind” of the fraud, Dr. Jacques Roy, is charged with certifying hundreds of fraudulent claims for Medicare reimbursement, and pocketing millions in payments for services not needed, or never delivered.
According to the indictment, Dr. Roy and his co-conspirators, for years, ran a well-oiled fraudulent enterprise in the Dallas area, making millions by recruiting thousands of patients for unnecessary services, and billing Medicare for those services.
He allegedly hid much of his Medicare money in an offshore account in the Cayman Islands.”
Read more HERE.
It’s time for an investigation into the state of Maine.
Repeated requests were made for a full investigation into Medicare/Medicaid payments that were paid out in excess for prescription drugs that were not needed, medical equipment that was not needed and stays (against the will of a person) at a local hospital and nursing home in Biddeford.  This has been brushed under the rug. The Maine Bureau of Corporations did not have any filing in the name of the nursing home. It was discovered through the Medicaid printout that North Country Health Care Assoc. received Medicaid payments for the nursing home in 1998 and their license was cancelled in the 1980′s.
An investigation is warranted into monies given to a corporation that was not licensed at the time of receipt of Medicaid funding , North Country Health Care Assoc.
 Read more HERE.
Former Governor John Baldacci had nearly 20 years to work on health care issues to include Medicaid funding and elder abuse which continues today. However, he chose instead to further his personal agenda with the help of his campaign contributors, ie. North Country Associates, at the expense of taxpayers and the precious lives of our family members.
Medicaid printout, click here.
Baldacci campaign contributors

Dysfunctional Right to Know Legislative Advisory Committee‏

N.B.  PDF attached preserves formatting and includes good graphics and all of the footnotes.d 

I. Dysfunctional Right to Know Legislative 
Advisory Committee
Right to Know Advisory Committee
State House
Augusta, Maine
Dwight Hines
March 3, 2014

Odd, most days when I get up the stairs, I expect to see Ken Curtis or James Longley.  But they aren’t here anymore.  When I turn the corner to head into the Legislative Library, I expect to see Senator Minette Cummings and Senator Joe, sitting at a table across from each other, pushing things that look like raisins along an imaginary line.  I’m just there to get or give her a printout full of numbers — on a good day, a day after a weekend when the university in Orono let me run my data on the weekend because it was too much, too big for Orono’s IBM Sierra mainframe to run during the week (1), numbers that she would look at like they were her prize orchids growing, “Look at them smile”, she’d say while we stood on the front porch of her island house built by a family of rich dwarfs.   But I never interrupted her and Senator Sewell, they were too intense and just watching and listening to them moving raisins, then scribbling on the back of an LD, then murmuring back and forth too quick for me to catch all the word shapes held my attention better than a slow cooking fresh blueberry pie.  What they were doing was a semi- quasi- qualitative multiple regression — though they never called it that — using raisins as indicators of groups of people who would be impacted by the details of the bill that the Democrat and the Republican they were (2) were hammering and chiseling and twisting and cajoling into near form shadows that went outside normal dimensions.  It was a classical mini-max calculus problem — though they never called it that — but deep, deep enough that someday, when computers got more powerful you’d be able to run these very human problems, problems that had to be optimized for alleviating pain without inflicting damages or distress in those unaware of how valued they were by the Senators.  They did it, and not once did they call what they were doing statistics or calculations or even figuring, or just working for their people.  I still sense them there, or off in one of the small rooms, Senator Joe humming to himself as he tried different fits, different structures Senator Cummings nodding slow yes or brief no.   Often, I couldn’t wait to see the form, the architecture, the Gestalt they created, a figure-ground that would be warm and happy in a fine art museum.  Mr. Sunstein, who knows about the freedom of information top-down and spinning and in qubits, knew and approved of what the Senators were doing, and has explained it to the rest of us in “Nonsectarian Welfare Statements”, “A central question is whether they [institutions, RTK committees] are helping a nation’s [Maine’s] citizens to live good lives.” (3).  If they are not helping, they be dysfunctional.

Then, all alone, without the canopy of the old ones, it’s today, right now and I can’t hear Governor Longley, and he was always heard, even when he couldn’t be seen, and I’II walk into the Joint Judiciary Committee room, into a Committee that is not just arithophobic but innumerate, lacking even the gentle rocking back and forth of the elected Rabbis who knew that numbers, little and big, blue, green, orange and lavender, moderately sprinkled with hard potato facts were their guide, the light on the path they needed to do their sacred jobs.  In ‘63 and ‘64, those Rabbis were everywhere, thank God.

The Right to Know Legislative Advisory Committee, with only one elected Representative, Kimberly Monaghan-Derrig, and only one elected Senator, Linda M. Valentino, is not data driven, is not best evidence based and has biases almost as deep and warpled as the ugly green ones I saw in the Louisiana Capitol, in Baton Rouge, in 1963.  A sad time that fresh gumbo couldn’t set right. Information was not recognizable, and logic and reason were lost in the sheets that scrawny men wore as they shuffled in slow, white buzzard circles.  My mother would have said their wives don’t think much of their husbands, letting them go out like that in unwashed, wrinkled up and rumpled old sheets.  Representative Monaghan-Derrig said not a word, not a sigh or shriek.  Senator Valentino, in a strong voice, that let you know she would not tolerate laziness, said we are going to get us an expert in information technology.

The RTK committee gave me more quotes to use than will fit on this page or the next.  Like when Harry Pringle, appointed by the Governor to represent the school system bellowed, “We don’t want parents’ emails being found using the Maine Right to Know Act because all someone needs to get into your bank account is your name and email address” (4).   Him saying that didn’t bother me but a little. The fact that no one corrected him, not even Percy Brown or Perry Antone, was proof my body and mind and soul were all in the wrong place.  Percy and Perry knew better but they ignored me eye-nudging them.

So a major theme of the right to know advisory committee was it maybe good for you to know, but you’re damned if you disagree.  Harry, maybe at a different meeting, maybe not, said that we needed to raise the charge that agencies and towns charge for processing and copying public records because “everything else has gone up so why shouldn’t information cost more too.”  No one disagreed, again, and then the raise was approved. [(5) with graphs to let you know the error sizes of his statement)]. There be ripples from vacuums like this that start slow, with a heavy amplitude sine wave that gains strength as it rolls out the door, down the hall and over to the Augusta Police Department, where they are unable to find the owner of a pickup truck when they have the license plate number, and the Chief, maybe bumped by that sine wave, maybe not, goes to the City Council and has them approve a charge of $25.00 for each police report someone requests, after the first one (6)  It’s sad the Augusta City Council thinks not of state law, or little of it, and builds on Mr. Pringle’s errors. (7)

A mildew scent comes into the RTK room that is too familiar because Harry Pringle doesn’t know how prices for computer hardware and software over the last ten years have dropped to levels that strain my economically challenged brain because as the prices have marched south, following General Sherman to and through Atlanta, the crank power, the amount and quality and speeds of volatile and fixable memory, all done with chips and mirrors, have gone north, past the pole and into the northern lights.  Yep, that old von Neumann slab of silicon, without morphing into non-von Neuman slabs, as some said was ordained by physical laws, by God, made Moore and Moore’s law answers to prayers of dollar struggling pointy-headed nerds.  Prayer answers that continue to defy economic gravity with their every 18 months doubling answers.

As I sit in the back of the room, taking page after page of notes to keep my attention on these folks and their crippled advice that the legislators are going to rely on for their law making decisions, I accept that no one on the RTK committee represents the ordinary citizen, the taxpayer, the one who is without resources when attempting to obtain information about his government.  My acceptance is soon verified and validated by Mr. Richard Flewelling, who tells another committee member sitting across the room, so it’s a loud telling, to be sure to give the RTK requesters only PDFs, not spreadsheet files.  In those words, which echo around in my ears, you know that a significant component, some democracy and governance specialists would say the most substantive component, of the RTK, the component that transforms the roles of the requester and the responder from US versus THEM, to We, is lost.  Barrier placement  between citizen and government, even when it requires extra work of the government, reminds me of how much effort the government spent in making some people sit in the back of the bus, and go to a completely separate, but not equal, school.  In those few words, a RTK Advisory member squint-narrowed the sharing of useful information to the community, the state, and the individual, without a single objection from the rest of the committee (8).

1) Computer Programs 200K or larger, with data, were too large to run during the week.  Today, my 3 year old MacIntosh MacBook Pro has 8 Gigabytes of volatile memory (RAM), one terabyte of hard memory, and a CPU with blister speeds of 2 GHz. 
2) The Senators were problem-solving driven, they knew there would be many years for them to discuss party affiliations and political differences after they solved the problems and created the opportunities for Mainers.  The Senators could have written Cass R. Sunstein’s, Incompletely Theorized Agreements in Constitutional Law, Public Law & Legal Theory Working Papers No. 147, 2007. <>.
3)  Sunstein, C. Nonsectarian Welfare Statements. Preliminary Draft, 8/28/2013, Regulation & Governance, Symposium on Institutional Dysfunction.  
4) There was excitement when a newspaper reported that a “hacker’ had gotten into a school’s computer system and stolen all the email addresses of the parents.  The excitement tripled when the hacker sent the parents an email.  It then appeared that the hacker received the emails attached to an email the superintendent unknowingly sent to him.  But, it was too late.  Well, the RTK Advisory Committee, based on bad information, recommended to the legislature that school email addresses for parents be confidential.  I believe that law passed. “ except: E-mail addresses obtained by a political subdivision of the State for the sole purpose of disseminating noninteractive notifications, updates and cancellations that are issued from the political subdivision or its elected officers to an individual or individuals that request or regularly accept these noninteractive communications. [2013, c. 339, §3 (NEW).]”
5)  Ernst R. Berndt, Zvi Griliches, Neal Rappaport, Econometric Estimates of Prices Indexes for Personal Computers in the 1990s, NBER Working Paper No. 4549,August 1995.  <>
In this paper we construct a number of quality-adjusted price indexes for personal computers in the U.S. marketplace over the 1989- 92 time period. We generalize earlier work by incorporating simultaneously the time, age and vintage effects of computer models into a fully saturated parameterization, and then develop a corresponding specification test procedure. While the simple arithmetic mean of prices of models by year reveals a price decline of about 11% per year, use of a matched model procedure similar to that commonly used by government statistical agencies generates a much larger rate of price decline -- about 20% per year. Since the matched model procedure holds quality constant, it ignores quality change embodied in new models. When data on new and surviving models are used in the estimation of hedonic price equations, a variety of quality-adjusted price indexes can be calculated, with varying interpretations. Although there are some differences, we find that on average these quality-adjusted price indexes decline at about 30% per year, with a particularly large price drop occurring in 1992. Parameters in hedonic price equations for desktop PC models differ from those for mobile PCs. Moreover, quality-adjusted prices fall at a slightly lower AAGR for mobile models (24%) than for desktops (32%). We conclude that taking quality changes into account has an enormous impact on the time pattern of price indexes for PCs.

The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Maine Judiciary Committee - LD 1389 An Act To Expedite The Foreclosure Process‏

LD 1389, click here.

Just learned that the public will be allowed to speak at the Judiciary Committee’s work session on LD 1389.
Room 438 State HouseWednesday, March 5, 2014, 1:00 p.m.

The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Walter Burien – “Collective” Government’s True Wealth Exposed!

Walter welcomes you to – To view this informative and impressive web site, click here.
BIO of: Walter Burien HERE.

NaturalNews: The false paradigm of ADHD exposed‏

 Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
ADHD is a totally false paradigm which has been projected onto modern culture in order to sell mind-altering drugs to parents and children:

The recent Bitcoin exchange collapse doesn't faze some "true believers" who remain totally delusional about the hacking and theft vulnerabilities of this once-cool currency:

The TSA is one again caught strip-searching and publicly humiliating a cancer patient. Isn't chemo difficult enough without the TSA making it worse? What happened to DIGNITY in America?

Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formulas really can help prevent type-2 diabetes:

More news continues below...

Today on
- Water kefir, the delicious natural (fermented) soda
- Can glucosamine really help with arthritis?
- Salt reduction produces huge health benefits

FDA deliberately allows animal drugs to stay legal even when they threaten humans with superbugs
(NaturalNews) The FDA allowed 18 separate animal antibiotics to remain on the market even after concluding that they posed a "high risk" of leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause disease in humans, according to a new study by the Natural...

ADHD: A false paradigm projected onto the minds of a generation
(NaturalNews) In today's healthcare climate, where prescription drug use has multiplied, it's becoming increasingly important to question medical professionals on the diagnoses they dish out. It's equally important to question one's own belief in pharmacology...

Federal government sues California companies for unsafe toxin levels in children's toys
(NaturalNews) Leaded gasoline for vehicles and lead-based paint for homes used to be the norm, as the dangers of lead went unnoticed. While the public has become aware of lead's health dangers, there remains concern for high levels of lead persisting...

Health Basics: Xanthan gum is mutated corn sugar fermented with bacteria
(NaturalNews) Xanthan gum was discovered in the 1960s and was approved in 1968 as a food additive in the USA and Europe. It is mostly used as an emulsifier. It is made from bacteria that create black spots on broccoli and cauliflower. Xanthan gum...

Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formula shown to help prevent diabetes
(NaturalNews) A recent study to be published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) has revealed that a particular Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbal formula helped to slow the progression from pre-diabetes to a full...

Healthcare organizations under massive attacks from cyber thieves stealing your information
(NaturalNews) If the failings of Obamacare haven't been bad enough, especially in terms of losing more of your privacy, now healthcare organizations are increasingly coming under hack attacks that phish for, and steal, personal information. A new study...

Scientists discover a new natural sleeping pill for children
(NaturalNews) Having children who develop problems at night can wreck havoc on the sleeping patterns. According to the Canadian Sleep Society, a massive 25 percent of young children have difficulties settling and falling asleep. When they are asked...

EFSA pesticide panel infiltrated by industry insiders, according to new report
(NaturalNews) A report by Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe reveals how the pesticide industry has infiltrated global environmental regulatory bodies and sabotaged efforts to research the chemicals' toxic effects. The report focuses on the pesticide...

Why are taxpayers subsidizing bad food choices?
(NaturalNews) One quick perusal of the recently passed agricultural bill in Congress will show you what is inherently wrong with it: Taxpayers are being forced to heavily subsidize some of the worst crops in terms of our health. According to The...

Obesity-mortality paradox debunked: Overweight type 2 diabetes patients do NOT survive better
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has debunked the findings of some recent studies which suggested that diabetics who were overweight or obese could have lower mortality rates than their normal-weight...

Many hospitals ignore protocols that would prevent infections
(NaturalNews) With 100,000 Americans a year killed by healthcare-associated infections and adding approximately $33 billion in excess medical costs, you'd think something isn't being done the way it's supposed to be. And that's a fact, according to...

Low iron in your blood may increase stroke risk
(NaturalNews) New research by scientists in the United Kingdom has found that iron deficiency increases your chance of suffering a stroke by making the blood stickier. In a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers from the Imperial College...

Neanderthals gave humans the gene for disease
(NaturalNews) The results of a new study by German and United States researchers showed that there is a genetic connection between Neanderthals and modern humans. This connection could be responsible for something as benign as being able to tolerate cold...

TSA agents strip-search and publicly humiliate cancer patient
(NaturalNews) A man's wife wrote up an account of what happened to her and her husband when they attempted to board a flight recently. Her husband is a prostate cancer victim undergoing conventional treatments that usually make things worse. One of...

Why Bitcoin true believers are still delusional even after the collapse of MtGox
(NaturalNews) To all those who are still swooned by Bitcoin's false hope, I offer you this letter of compassionate but stern wisdom. My aim is to help you learn from the harsh lessons that have now undeniably unfolded with the bankruptcy of MtGox and...

Anti-fluoride activists pressure Austin City Council not to renew contract
(NaturalNews) On February 27, the Austin City Council addressed agenda item no. 19, an action to authorize and award an extending million-dollar contract with ...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

CAFR1 Revisited "09"- Solving State Gov Shortfalls - "Updated 03/02/14"



The updated article, with TX (archived) links makes this updated article as explosive of an eye opener as it gets per "scope" and "size".

  CAFR1 Revisited "09"- Solving State Gov Shortfalls - "Updated 03/02/14"
   by Walter Burien - - 03/02/14

 [ CAFR1 Note 03/02/14 TX pulled the links to the "Detailed" Cash Report shortly after this CAFR1 Article. People were looking - ]


CAFR1 Note 03/02/14 - Thank God for:  the 2002 to 2005 TX State Cash Report, a snap shot was taken and the report can be viewed and "SAVED" from the following links:

If access to the links above are busy, try back again latter. Now known, many will be looking and that will strain's bandwidth. Two of the "Detailed" reports I have now archived on the CAFR1 Download directory also at -

A little (much) digging may be necessary to see the same in other states. 

I make one very important note here: State funds are strictly "State Funds". All other local governments within the state have their own separate investment funds and fund balances whereby if all local government fund balances were looked at from within a state, the collective totals from local governments from within the state would dwarf the state government's collective totals.

So, we all see how several state governments are playing out their "budget short fall game", now it is up to the people to decide if they are tired of the entertainment presented at their expense of promoted shortfalls and budget deficit soundbites rammed down their throats by a bunch of spoiled, ruthless, yuppies operating from within the halls of government, pockets bloated with hundred dollar bills (with most of the top orchestrator's being attorneys), or shall the people muster to break through and break free from the orchestrated soundbites that are designed to maintain the cash flow and wealth base of others operating from the inside, or must the people force a showing of the collective wealth held by government and then the application of option "E" to solve any immediate fiscal problems standing....

And one very IMPORTANT note; The CA article copied below mentions paying "Proposition 108 bonds", a debt investment instrument. It is VERY important to see who the investors are in that, and all other bond debt standing for all local governments. For decades local governments have been promoting debt at the front door and funding the same debt using their own investment funds through the back door. With them doing so it served a two fold purpose. It locked in an investment for the same local governments to stash their cash, and it allowed for promotion of the debt whereby they could justify by false promotions tax increases to pay the debt, a debt that was in reality a tool used by them to create investment vehicles to funnel their ever growing massive take of revenue (productivity value) from the people.

So the bottom line per debt as disclosed here is: What percentage of any local government's debt is actually funded in a round about way with the same local government's investment funds? Is it 50%, 70%, 80%, or maybe even 100%????  Every taxpayer BETTER and should know the answer to that question.... The Foxes are not going to tell you or make it easy for you to find out.

TWO EXAMPLES OF ROUND ABOUT SELF  DEBT FUNDING: 1.] City X has $100,000,000 in bond debt that was funded by (Bank, Insurance, Investment Company) X. The same City X has $100,000,000 invested with Company X.    2.] State X has $10,000,000,000 invested with the local government investment pool and the local government investment pool is funding $10,000,000,000 of State X's bond debt. The mix and cross play here is mind boggling but in end result, the largest proportion of local government debt is funded with their own investment funds....

OPTION "E" - Make it happen in your state!

Walter -

Russian Roulette vs Ouija Board? GOPDD: House Intel Chair: Putin’s Playing Chess, Obama’s Playing Marbles‏

House Intel Chair: Putin’s Playing Chess, Obama’s Playing Marbles

by clyde
CHRIS WALLACE: Let's sort of talk big picture. How do you think President Obama has been handling relations with Russia versus how Vladimir Putin has been handling relations with the United States? HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MIKE ROGERS (R-MI): Well, I think Putin is playing chess, and I think we're playing marbles. And I don't […]



by clyde
by JOEL B. POLLAK Russian President Vladimir Putin has humiliated President Barack Obama. He advanced soldiers into the Crimea--into the sovereign territory of Ukraine--without uniforms, in apparent violation of the laws of war. He knew that Obama would not dare complain—that the White House would, in fact, seize upon the ambiguity of the invasion as […]

BrasscheckTV: Recommended: "Coup D' Etat in Slow Motion"‏

Here's a book and author we highly
A new book by researcher Ole Dammegard
connects the operators behind the JFK
assassination to dozens of political 
murders and "terrorists" acts that 
followed in the intervening 50 years.
Superbly detailed research and critical
Over 40 different assassinations
over decades connected...
(Two short videos on this page. Make sure 
you  watch them both.) 
- Brasscheck

Coup D’ Etat in Slow Motion
Putting the pieces together

I speak with author and investigative journalist Ole Dammegard from Spain about some real U.S. history, JFK, 9-11, Operation 40, and the hope for humanity. The link for part 2 is here . Thanks for watching!

Pepsi MAX & Jeff Gordon Present: "Test Drive 2"

Over ten million views in about 4 days. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

BrssscheckTV: School security expert: "Sandy Hook was a hoax"‏

Former State Trooper, school principal, and nationally
recognized home security expert says Sandy Hook
did not happen the way it was reported. 
And he's been threatened with arrest for daring
to ask questions. 
If you still think Sandy Hook happened the way
if was reported, you need to listen to this. 
- Brasscheck

 School security expert: “Sandy Hook was a hoax”
Threatened with arrest for asking questions 

“The pieces of the puzzle don’t fit” 

 Wolfgang W. Halbig is not a conspiracy theorist.

He’s a former Florida State Trooper and was an Inspector for US Customers.

He went on to become a teacher, dean, assistant principal, and school principal.

He was also the Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.

The U.S. Department of Justice has hired him to train over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals.

He doesn’t buy the Sandy Hook story. He says it’s a hoax.

And he’s been threaten with arrest for asking questions.
- See more at:

"The pieces of the puzzle don't fit"
Wolfgang W. Halbig is not a conspiracy theorist.

He's a former Florida State Trooper and was an Inspector for US Customers.

He went on to become a teacher, dean, assistant principal, and school principal.

He was also the Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.

The U.S. Department of Justice has hired him to train over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals.

He doesn't buy the Sandy Hook story. He says it's a hoax.

And he's been threaten with arrest for asking questions.

- See more at:

Publish: Map your town with good EPA data‏

 This is a wonderful decision.  Once people can see the data for themselves it will not only reduce paranoia, but stimulate activities in other areas.  Maine is going to look very good on these maps.


Government Computer News (Feb 13) - "EPA to open its ArcGIS data to the public": 

International mapping software supplier Esri has announced a new policy regarding open data, allowing its government customers around the United States to release data stored on its ArcGIS platform to the public. With the company’s cloud server open to the public, federal, state and local agencies have the option of allowing the public to view the geospatial data they use to make decisions.

The Environmental Protection Agency will be the first Esri user to take advantage of the new feature.

It looks like the EPA GIS data may be indexed here: