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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

GOPDD: A Plethora of Stories For Your Perusal

Obama and Obamacare Is The Biggest Scam Ever Ran On America

by clyde
E.T Williams

Michelle Obama, Her Mother and Children take a taxpayer-funded trip to China

by clyde
by Neil Munro The first lady, her mother, her two kids, plus numerous White House aides and security personnel are going to tour China this month, but White House officials are refusing to say how much the taxpayers will pay for the trip. However, they did say it would be a thrill for everyone on […]

Irish Justice – Beer Companies That Abandoned St. Patrick Parades Should Pay

by Rick Wells
In recognition of an American trend of caving to political pressure, three brewers withdrew their support of St. Patrick Day parades in New York and Boston. Those brewers in essence are being bullied into being bullies themselves. They don’t have the backbone or the will to stand up to extortionist tactics, in which special interests […]


by clyde
by RAHEEM KASSAM Convicted terrorists, extremist preachers and dozens of other Islamist activists rallied in East London on Saturday, in a sure sign that the newly founded 'Need4Khilafah' group is becoming increasingly emboldened in its anti-Western agitation efforts in the UK. A video released by the group (below) shows their rally, led by Islamist preacher […]

Exclusive: Russia Will Sanction U.S. Senators

by clyde
Putin is set to respond to Obama's sanctions of Russian officials with his own list. Several U.S. Senators and officials will be banned from visiting Russia, including Sen. Dick Durbin. U.S. senators, congressmen and top Obama administration officials are sure to be on Vladimir Putin’s sanctions list; a response to the Obama Administration’s announcement on […]

Is Jay Carney Packing His Bags and Running From Obama Too?

by Rick Wells
Anonymous insiders with access to the White House and close personal contacts have leaked word that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is probably on his way out. He reportedly has said so himself and that it will be fairly soon. Carney has been at the job since 2011 when he replaced Robert Gibbs. One […]

VIDEO: Republicans Want Trey Gowdy To Become Next Speaker Of The House

by clyde
Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has been fighting against the tyranny of the Obama administration since he was elected to Congress in 2011. Last week, Gowdy impressed us all with an epic speech on the House floor, in which he condemned President Obama and his lawless activities. His riveting words helped pass the ENFORCE the Law Act, […]

Rush Limbaugh mocks ‘absurd’ media coverage of missing Malaysian flight (Audio)

by clyde
by Brendan Bordelon Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh ridiculed the media’s “absurd” coverage of missing Malaysian Air Flight 370, venting his frustration over “ten days of nameless, faceless experts all over any network — none of whom know ANYTHING — all advancing theories.” Limbaugh opened his program Monday afternoon mocking “the supernatural impact on the […]

Is TSA now America’s National Local Police Force?

by Rick Wells
The TSA is the Transportation Security Administration. Their performance in that regard is dubious but that is their supposed function and the reason they exist; to safeguard transportation. Does transportation include walking now? Of course, sitting is also transportation when it comes to TSA presence at sporting events. There is no justification for TSA agents […]

Choosing American Workers Over Amnesty

by clyde
The new GOP strategy will lead to one party rule JFK won Macomb County, Michigan in 1960 by 75 percent. In 1980, Reagan won it by 66 percent. This heart of ‘Reagan Democrat’ country was closely split by Gore and Bush and Bush and Kerry… until Obama won it 53 to 45 in 2008 and […]

Connecticut City To Include Islamic Holidays In School Calendar, CAIR Gloats

by clyde
Celebrate diversity! (H/T NBC News) An advocacy group is welcoming New London’s recognition of Muslim school holidays in its calendar for the next school year. The calendar lists certain Muslim and Jewish holidays as days when observing students can be excused for absences. It also asks teachers not to schedule tests on those dates. The […]

Navy SEALs ‘feel politicized under Obama’

by Dylan
By Greg Corombos The Obama administration endangered the elite Navy SEALs that killed Osama bin Laden by publicly revealing their role in the mission, and the SEAL culture is under assault from a politically correct Pentagon, according to a new book on the SEALs and their role in the war against Islamic extremism. In “Eyes […]

Open Letter To The Americans In Connecticut And Out Benjamin Smith (SEAL Veteran)

by Dylan
OPEN LETTER to the AMERICANS IN CONNECTICUT AND OUT. Benjamin Smith (SEAL Veteran) A State Government (CT) seeks to physically take our guns and 1st and 2nd amendments from its own citizens without any Constitutionality. Know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, America is with you! Our so called movement leaders feel safe to talk the […]

UNBELIEVABLE — White House Issues New Obamacare Rule Allowing Insurers To “Modify” Plans To Cut Down On New Round of Cancellation Notices…

by Dylan
(Washington Examiner) President Obama’s team at the Department of Health and Human Services has a plan to prevent insurance companies from sending out politically toxic cancellation notices by making it easier for companies to modify existing plans without officially canceling them. HHS unveiled the idea late Friday. “We propose that a modification made solely pursuant […]

On the Menu: Burning Gun Registration Forms and Firing Complicit Politicians

by Rick Wells
The un-American progressives who have taken government and are mandating gun registrations are going to be stamping their feet. They expect gun owners to do as they are told. Rebellious citizens in rural New York State are following the lead of Connecticut and telling the governor to position an AR-15 in a personal area with […]

Michelle Obama Claims She is Irish and she can’t wait to get back home to Dublin Ireland

by Dylan
It's Ok to  tell the truth about what horrible President & 1st lady we have today they are Irish. You will be insulting their white side. Last June Michelle Obama visited Dublin Ireland where she told the crowd..It is good to be home.” Speaking at the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin, Ireland, at a performance by […]

Allen West: ‘Faux Commander in Chief’ Obama Thinks ‘Beards, Turbans, & Hijabs’ More Important Than Vets

by clyde

Russia seizes a country, Obama seizes a boat.

by Dylan
TheBlaze's Headline: "The Raid on an Oil Tanker by the Navy SEALS Ordered by Obama Himself" (TheBlaze) -- U.S. Navy SEALs boarded and seized control of an oil tanker Sunday night that was held by Libyan rebels off the Cyprus coast. The mission was approved by President Obama, according a Pentagon press statement. “The boarding […]

Russia and Putin Looking Strong While The West and Obama Looking Weak

by clyde
E.T Williams

Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says NAS Spying With Fake Accounts

by clyde
E.T. Williams

Carney Brushes Off Russian Threat To Turn America Into “Radioactive Ash”: No Biggie

by clyde

The Secret is Out – Opposing Amnesty Is A Winning Position

by Rick Wells
The mainstream media didn’t report it because their job is to keep things like this hush hush. Even the villainous “Bush’s Brain,” (if your brain is just below your back) Karl Rove didn’t want to mention it. What’s the it, you ask? Opposing amnesty can win you elections. Fortunately, the word is getting out. The […]

[Watch] Federal Govt Drunk and Out of Control – States are Solution

by Rick Wells
Claude O’Donovan is interviewed in the video below. He characterizes our federal government saying “we have a Congress that is drunk on spending and we have an Executive Branch that is just drunk with power.” He’s supporting efforts by South Carolina Rep Bill Taylor to make their state one of the 34 needed to convene […]

THIS IS OBAMA‏ and Many Others

Submitted by: 'Gordie'

NaturalNews: Research breakthrough: How to block nearly all dietary mercury with common foods and much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Here's another research breakthrough I've made that's immediately applicable to your life.
I've just documented how to block nearly all dietary mercury by using common, everyday foods.
See the complete list of foods (and full details) in my article here:

Chemotherapy myth shattered! See how chemo drugs actually cause more cancer than they prevent:

Antibiotics make cop go crazy and stab firefighters. It's being called "antibiomania"

How regular meditation can actually make you smarter in just four days:

more news continues below...
Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: When is the flu not the flu? Scientists now acknowledge that many people have it but have no symptoms. RSB reveals what it really means for the future of flu shots. Listen in at

Today on
- Amazing uses for turmeric
- Environmental impact of GM crops
- Anti-inflammatory foods that fight joint pain naturally

Read more today at:

Monday, March 17, 2014

BrasscheckTV: Music for St. Patrick's Day with a message‏ Paul McCartney - Give Ireland back to the Irish

He may have been knighted by the Queen...
...But before that the surviving member of the
greatest Irish songwriting team in history
knew how to write a song that meant something. 
- Brasscheck

"Give Ireland back to the Irish"
Paul McCartney 

Thoughts for St. Patrick's Day
The joke about Mexico is that it's "so close to the US, so far from God."

Replace the saying with Ireland and the UK and multiply the consequences 1,000 times and you've got the last 1,000 years of Irish history.

The majority of normal people of the UK support Ireland as an independent country. Of course, what normal people and what elites want are two different things.

One thing to reflect on: How many Irish Americans are there in the US? The number surely numbers in the tens of millions.

Yet, how many know the even first thing about the details of the ongoing depredations of the UK in Ireland? Now that's a first class job of propaganda and thought control. Hats off to the British on that one.

Note: Lennon and McCartney, two of the greatest songwriters in the history of the English language, were Irish.

Just because they were born in Liverpool (the great slave port and staging ground for invasion and subjugation of Ireland), does not make them English.

Many of the best writers in the English language were Irish: Jonathan Swift; W.B. Yeats; Oscar Wilde; James Joyce; Samuel Beckett; and G.B. Shaw


Give ireland back to the irish
Dont make them have to take it away
Give ireland back to the irish
Make ireland irish today
Great britian you are tremendous
And nobody knows like me
But really what are you doin
In the land across the sea

Tell me how would you like it
If on your way to work
You were stopped by irish soliders
Would you lie down do nothing
Would you give in, or go berserk

Give ireland back to the irish
Dont make them have to take it away
Give ireland back to the irish
Make ireland irish today

Great britian and all the people
Say that all people must be free
Meanwhile back in ireland
Theres a man who looks like me

And he dreams of God and country
And hes feeling really bad
And hes sitting in a prison
Should he lie down do nothing
Should give in or go mad

Give ireland back to the irish
Dont make them have to take it away
Give ireland back to the irish
Make ireland irish today

Give ireland back to the irish
Dont make them have to take it away
Give ireland back to the irish
Make ireland irish today

"Give Ireland back to the Irish"
Paul McCartney
- See more at:

We might have to help them out with some FOAA Action~The Daily Caller: Justice Department won’t release names of lawyers responsible for more than 650 ethical violations

Eric "holdout" Holder
 By Patrick Howley

The Department of Justice will not disclose the names of its lawyers responsible for more than 650 ethical violations found in internal agency watchdog reports.
DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility documented more than 650 examples of its lawyers violating department ethics rules, according to a review of internal documents and OPR reports compiled by the Project on Government Oversight.
The review, spanning fiscal year 2002 through fiscal year 2013, found more than 400 cases of recklessness or intentional misconduct, according to OPR’s own standards. The office investigated approximately 2,100 alleged abuses during this time.
DOJ upholds a practice of not disclosing the names of lawyers identified by OPR as having committed offenses.
“The result: the Department, its lawyers, and the internal watchdog office itself are insulated from meaningful public scrutiny and accountability,” concluded the Project on Government Oversight.
Federal attorneys misled courts at least 48 times, including 20 intentional violations, breached constitutional or civil rights 13 times, and did not provide exculpatory information to defendants 29 times, according to OPR.
OPR also found examples in fiscal year 2012 in which lawyers were given brief suspensions or letters of admonishment for severe instances of misconduct.
Follow Patrick on Twitter

Dancing with Staff Rescheduled to Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Lisbon – The Lisbon School Department’s Grand Finale of Dancing with The Staff  has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 19.  Postponed due to wind, rain, snow and sleet last Thursday, our final three couples will take to the gymnasium/ballroom dance floor at Lisbon High School, 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls to compete for the prestigious gold ball trophy. 

Darrell Orr and Catherine Messmer

Gretchen Ward and Sara Brown

                                         Rastus Coombs and Maddy Cornish (with Richard Allen)

 The event features the sensational artistic talents of Darrell Orr and Catherine Messmer; Gretchen Ward and Sara Brown; and Rastus Coombs and Maddy Cornish.  This event happens only every two years and Wednesday’s performances will be the end of an era.  Don’t miss the excitement and our dance performances one last time.   

Additional entertainment will be  provided during intermission by Alma-Lea’s Dance Studio of Lisbon Falls.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m.  Show starts promptly at 7 p.m.   Tickets are available at the door.  Adults $5, Students $3 and under 3 FREE.  All proceeds benefit the Class of 2014 and the Drama Club.  FMI contact Monica Millhime, 754.0021 or email   

Photography provided by Sandy Orr.   

NaturalNews: Common Core curriculum engineered to make children mentally ill‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The Common Core curriculum seems intentionally designed to make children mentally ill:

Here's another bombshell about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: The pilot may have redirected the plane in protest of the oppressive Malaysian government:

Wi-fi-allergic Americans flock to a West Virginia town where wi-fi is banned:

Simple ways to avoid GMO foods:

more news continues below...

Today on
- Nature's best skin exfoliators
- Live better with self hypnosis
- Top 5 herbs for a sore throat;postID=4659196325807916668

Read today's top stories here on:

Hundreds of Justice Department Attorneys Violated Professional Rules, Laws, or Ethical Standards‏

If this is happening at federal level, what is going on at state levels?

Dwight Hines

And they say "Crime doesn't Pay," ever hire a Lawyer?

An internal affairs office at the Justice Department has found that, over the last decade, hundreds of federal prosecutors and other Justice employees violated rules, laws, or ethical standards governing their work.
The violations include instances in which attorneys who have a duty to uphold justice have, according to the internal affairs office, misled courts, withheld evidence that could have helped defendants, abused prosecutorial and investigative power, and violated constitutional rights.
From fiscal year 2002 through fiscal year 2013, the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) documented more than 650 infractions, according to a Project On Government Oversight review of data obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and from OPR reports.
In the majority of the matters—more than 400—OPR categorized the violations as being at the more severe end of the scale: recklessness or intentional misconduct, as distinct from error or poor judgment.
The information the Justice Department has disclosed is only part of the story. No less significant is what as a matter of policy it keeps from the public.

Town Council Agenda For Tuesday March 18th, 2014

7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward
Town Clerk reading of meeting rules





2014-40 ORDER − A. Minutes of March 4, 2014

2014-41 ORDER − Discussion regarding concerns raised about the Trails Commission
2014-42 ORDER − Criminal Forfeiture
2014-43 ORDER − Town Report Bids

A. Finance Director's Report






2014-44 ORDER − To Adjourn to Budget Workshop



a.Finance/Tax Departments
b.Town Clerk
c.Town Manager
e.Economic & Community Development

Town Council Agenda, Monday or Tuesday March 17th, 2014 Hey We Report You figure it out.

"Good Morning,

Please see attached agendas for a Special meeting of the Council on Monday, March 17th and the Regular meeting on Tuesday, March 18th.

Jody M. Durisko
Administrative Assistant/Human Resources
Town Manager's Office
Town of Lisbon
3oo Lisbon Street ~ Lisbon, ME.
(P) 207-353-3000 Ext. 102 ~(F) 207-353-3007"

5:30 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

2014-38 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters - Town Manager Search

2014-39 ORDER − To Adjourn

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Maine Wire: “DOJ: More than 1/3 of new Medicaid eligibles have criminal history” plus 1 more‏

DOJ: More than 1/3 of new Medicaid eligibles have criminal history
Posted: 13 Mar 2014 12:14 PM PDT

More than one-third of individuals covered under the Affordable Care Act’s proposed expansion of Medicaid have criminal histories, according to U.S. Department of Justice. In 2011, President Barack Obama’s DoJ estimated that “at least 35 percent of new Medicaid eligibles under the Affordable Care Act have a history of criminal involvement.” According to Forbes writer […]
Democrats murder charge debunked by Obama appointee
Posted: 13 Mar 2014 09:55 AM PDT
A report from an Obama appointee puts the lie to Maine Democrats’ charge that Gov. Paul LePage and Republican lawmakers are killers for opposing a Medicaid expansion bill. “Adjusted for demographic, health status, and health behavior characteristics, the risk of subsequent mortality is no different for uninsured respondents than for those covered by employer-sponsored group […]

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Watch Out, NSA - Here Comes the Snowden Phone‏; Edward Snowden and ACLU at SXSW

Take Action:
More information:

Edward Snowden speaks about privacy and technology with the ACLU's Ben Wizner and Christopher Soghoian at SXSW Interactive.

Submitted by: 'Roger T.'

LISBON Students Send Hearts to Seniors‏


Pictured (l-r) front row:   Chase Doucette, Caleb King, Reese Maynard, Syriana Rich, Kashlin Addison-King, Camrin Hebert

Middle: MacKenzie Adams, Andrew Calhoun, Christopher LaValley, Harmony Wright, Kellsie Buzzell

Back: Zyler Boden, Jillian Bennett, Luke Booker, Jasmine Pitard, Deanna Adams, Ella Splude, Corey George

Lisbon - Students in Mrs. Chris Cormier's second grade class at Lisbon Community School once again participated in the Hearts for Seniors Project for the residents at the Lamp Alzheimer’s Facility in Lisbon.  Students volunteered their time to make special Valentines for the residents at the nursing home.  This is the tenth year students in Mrs. Cormier’s class assisted with the project.  “The students love making the connections in the community with our seniors.  They make their Valentine’s very unique and many of my students include poems and other messages with their Valentine cards,” shares Cormier. For more information on classroom partnerships at Lisbon Community School contact Monica Millhime, Community Resources by calling 754-0021 or email  FMI on other projects and programs in Lisbon Schools visit Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on Facebook.

Well, with Everything Else Being "Made in China" it was only a matter of time; TMB: Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China’s Stealth Fighter
 Read today's headlines by clicking on banner above.
Design data on F-35 stolen in 2007


A cyber espionage operation by China seven years ago produced sensitive technology and aircraft secrets that were incorporated into the latest version of China’s new J-20 stealth fighter jet, according to U.S. officials and private defense analysts.
The Chinese cyber spying against the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II took place in 2007 under what U.S. intelligence agencies codenamed Operation Byzantine Hades, a large-scale, multi-year cyber program that targeted governments and industry.
 Continue reading more of this story here.

TUMAB: A System in Crisis - Judicial Confirmation Hearing of William J. Schneider‏

Maine Judiciary Committee – Confirmation Hearing – William J. Schneider to the Maine District Court, Tuesday March 11, 2014.
The Judiciary Committee voted unanimously on the confirmation of William Schneider.
View hearing, click here.
Judiciary Committee members.
Related, click here.
This committee and all attorneys in attendance now have personal knowledge of crimes committed.
Please forward to all of your contacts.

The Maine Wire: “Katz-Saviello Medicaid expansion passes senate, 22-13” plus 2 more‏

    Katz-Saviello Medicaid expansion passes senate, 22-13
    Posted: 12 Mar 2014 12:06 PM PDT
    AUGUSTA – The Maine Senate approved a Medicaid expansion proposal Wednesday, but the vote, 22-13, fell short of the two-thirds total needed to surmount an inevitable veto from Republican Gov. Paul LePage. Absent something extraordinary, Medicaid expansion now has no path to become law. The bill under consideration, L.D. 1487, was introduced by Republican Sens. […]
    Maine Obamacare enrollment goal beat with help from Republicans
    Posted: 12 Mar 2014 07:21 AM PDT
    Maine has exceeded the Obama administration’s  enrollment goal for the insurance exchanges thanks, in part, to the Republican reluctance to expand Medicaid pursuant to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Nationwide, a total of 4.2 million people have selected a plan on the Obamacare exchanges — a number which still significantly trails […]
    Maine Democrats: LePage is a murderer
    Posted: 12 Mar 2014 06:41 AM PDT
    PORTLAND, Maine – The Democratic activist group Maine People’s Alliance is calling Gov. Paul LePage and Republican lawmakers killers for opposing a bill to expand Medicaid. “157. Number of Mainers estimated to die this year if Gov. LePage and the Legislature fail to accept federal health care funds,” screams the landing page of a new […]

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Hey Lisbon, How Come We Cannot Vote On The Municipal Budget That We Voted On Telling The Councilors We Wanted To?


    Councilor Roger Bickford

    A review of the minutes of September 6, 2011 reveals some interesting facts that need to be addressed by the people.  Please go to the town web site  ( to read what the council discussed pertaining to the people having the right to vote on the Municipal Budget.  It starts on page 9 and continues on for several pages.  Councilor LaRochelle stated in there he has heard about this for the past three years.  That means, the people have been trying to vote on the Municipal Budget since 2008.

    It is truly disgraceful when the people, whom these Councilors represent, have totally dismissed the wishes of the people.  The Council decided to put a Referendum Question on the November 8, 2011 ballot to determine if the majority of the people really wanted to vote on the Municipal Budget.   

    The results were 2025 Yes and 514 No.  From this point on, it should have been a no-brainer but instead the sitting Councilors at the time ignored the wishes of the people and took no action to provide what the majority of the people clearly wanted their representatives to do.   

    How much plainer could the desires of the people have been and yet the sitting Councilors did nothing?  Councilors Bickford and Lunt are the only remaining Councilors.

    Now according to Councilor Bickford, the people will vote in June on a Charter change to lower the requirements for a “people’s petition”.  This is yet another delaying tactic by the Council.   

    Lowering the requirements for a “people’s petition” was never voted on and has absolutely nothing to do with the citizens of Lisbon voting on the Municipal Budget.  Council Bickford knows perfectly well what the desires of the people are because he himself collected signatures from the people to vote on the Municipal Budget by Department.   

    Why is Councilor Bickford doing this to the people who elected him?

    Why should it take six (6) years for the people to get what they want?   

    Since 2008, the sitting Councilors have been doing everything in their power to deny the people the right to vote on their Municipal Budget by Departments.  It is time the people speak out and demand these current Councilors honor the wishes of the people.

    Lowering the requirements on a “people’s petition” is NOT what the people asked the sitting council to do.  The people expressed their desires to vote on the Municipal Budget by a majority of votes 2025 to 514How much clearer do the people have to be?

    Let’s put an end to the delaying tactics and give the people what they want.  Six years is enough to wait for the right to vote by Departments on the Municipal Budget.

    Larry Fillmore