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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

SCGNEWS: Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told

There are some very powerful people who have done their best to cover up what really happened at the Bundy ranch in Clark County Nevada. Fortunately they failed.
Sources and full script:

Harry Reid's DC office number 202-224-3542. We should all call or mail and request for his resignation effective immediately. 
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington , DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-3542

Fax: 202-224-7327

Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID

NaturalNews: The New Rules Of Engagement In America: alt media, citizens, feds and more‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers
Something has just shifted powerful in America. There are now new rules of engagement between the feds and the People.
In a detailed analysis that I encourage you to "send to your favorite fed!" I break down these new rules which should govern the FDA, FTC, DEA, BLM and much more:

Release of Medicare data reveals massive medical billing fraud across America:

Hormone-free commercial milk is actually full of "girlie hormones," says Mother Jones:

Better than an HPV vaccine? Shiitake mushrooms can help prevent cervical cancer:

Check out these 3 superfoods that supercharge cognitive function:

more news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Diana Saba, a disabled, retired nurse, Founder and Editor of Women and Children of CFIDS discusses the use of CBD (cannabidiol) to overcome Celiac Disease (CD). Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Can cherry juice stop arthritis pain?
- Beat rheumatoid arthritis naturally
- Feds trying to outlaw GMO labeling

Much more here:

Bundy Ranch Update: Radio Interview With Sheriff Mack: Exclusive: Sources Inside The BLM and Las Vegas Metro Say Feds Are Planning A Raid On Bundy Home

 This Is Far From Over People.  Please follow the link at the bottom of the page and listen to more.
Help out by making a donation at :

By: Annabelle Bamforth
             Sheriff Richard Mack   ( Photo by Gage Skidmore)

Bunkerville, NEVADA, April 14, 2014– As reported yesterday, hundreds of federal agents are still at the Bundy Ranch and the area continues its status as a no-fly zone. Despite major media reports that the Nevada Bureau of Land Management is retreating, the remaining activity that still surrounds the ranch illustrates a different scenario.
Not only is the BLM not actually backing off of Cliven Bundy, Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has revealed stunning information: on Ben Swann’s radio program, Mack said that he has received intelligence from multiple, credible sources inside the BLM and the Las Vegas Metro that there is “no question” that the federal government is planning a raid on the Bundy home and the homes of their children who live on the property.
According to Mack, the so-called retreat was nothing more than theatrics. “It was a ploy to get people to back off, to get people out of the way. They weren’t expecting us to get this amount of people here. They were surprised by the numbers and so they wanted a way to get us out of here. This was a ploy to get us out of here and then they’re going after the Bundys.”  Mack said that when he was at the Bundy ranch on Saturday there were an estimated 600 to 800 protesters present when federal agents were releasing the cattle.

“If they do that kind of raid, I don’t believe there’s any way that could happen without bloodshed,” Mack told Swann.
Mack spoke about the tactic that protesters could use by putting women at the front of the line facing the federal agents to make them think carefully before opening fire.

“I would’ve gone next. I would’ve been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here,” said Mack.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Roy Pottter: The Real Story, Bundy Ranch Breakdown: ALERT Sheriff Gillespie Seeks Slaughter

"I am putting this up WAY out of chronological order because of its importance. LVPD Sheriff Gillespie said that the BLM would pull out and release the cattle back to Mr. Bundy within an hour of his (Gillespie's) speech to the crowd. It did not happen as he promised. Worse, an MRAD and a LVPD SWAT team were only one exit away. Why? After the discovery of the MRAP and the SWAT Team, Gillespie claimed they were to keep the peace. But, if the cattle were released according to the promise of Gillespie, no need to "keep the peace" would have existed. Therefore, Brand and I conclude that a more sinister and deadly trap was being set to end the lives of many people, especially BLM officers, and to use the massacre as an excuse to implement far more stringent and tyrannical controls over the American People. Gillespie sits on the board of the despicable Southern Poverty Law Center and the DHS. This was a highly sophisticated manipulation to kill as many as possible and blame it on the liberty/conservative movement."

Operation American Spring ~ May 16th 2014 in Washington DC... JOIN US!!!

JOIN US! Operation American Spring
May 16th 2014, Washington DC

Black, white, red, yellow,
brown, male, female, civilian,
military, truckers, bikers,
militias, veterans, old, young

Every American that loves
freedom and liberty!

Restoration of
Constitutional government,
rule of law, freedom, liberty

"of the people, for the people, by the people"

From despotic and tyrannical
federal leadership

Millions of Americans will participate

American Veterans and Patriots are
energized to end the tyranny,
lawlessness, and shredding
of the US Constitution

Government is not the target,
it is sound...

Corrupt and criminal
leadership must be removed

Field millions, as many as ten million Patriots

Who will assemble in a
non-violent, physically unarmed
(Spiritually/Constitutionally armed)
display of unswerving loyalty to
the US Constitution

Go full-bore, no looking back,
steadfast in the mission!

We are asking, pleading with you, and any others
that have resources, national voices,
email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter

To call for a non-violent American Spring
May 16 2014 in Washington D.C.

WND EXCLUSIVE Fort Hood Post Mortem: Crisis In Psych Testing {The Real Enemy Is Contained in the D.C. Beltway}

 Soldiers assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division’s Company F, 3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Travis Zielinski)
Soldiers assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division's Company F, 3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Travis Zielinski)
Top doctor warns, ‘There’s no way to keep up with the workload’
 Chelsea Schilling
The Army terminated its psychological testing contract at Fort Hood, Texas, only seven months before Spc. Ivan Lopez’s eight-minute shooting rampage that left Lopez and three other soldiers dead and 16 more wounded on April 2, WND has learned.
Instead, Fort Hood – one of the largest military installations in the world and the primary hub for deploying U.S. soldiers overseas – has been using free tests it finds on the Internet to evaluate soldiers’ psychological health and only employs a single neuropsychologist to treat up to 500 soldiers a month.
And while the post’s traumatic brain injury clinic has a brand-new hot tub in storage, it receives little money to test soldiers for psychological trauma.


The Army terminated its psychological testing contract at Fort Hood, Texas, only seven months before Spc. Ivan Lopez’s eight-minute shooting rampage that left Lopez and three other soldiers dead and 16 more wounded on April 2, WND has learned.
Instead, Fort Hood – one of the largest military installations in the world and the primary hub for deploying U.S. soldiers overseas – has been using free tests it finds on the Internet to evaluate soldiers’ psychological health and only employs a single neuropsychologist to treat up to 500 soldiers a month.
And while the post’s traumatic brain injury clinic has a brand-new hot tub in storage, it receives little money to test soldiers for psychological trauma.
The senior neuropsychologist in charge of Fort Hood’s outpatient psychiatry clinic – who resigned from his position only two months ago – tells WND the post has insufficient resources to treat soldiers seeking psychological help, including:
  • Inferior testing and evaluation procedures,
  • Lack of adequate funding for clinic services,
  • Senior mental health professionals forced into retirement by the Army,
  • Months-long wait times for soldiers seeking evaluation and treatment for psychological conditions,
  • Only one trained clinical neuropsychologist for more than 50,000 soldiers
Lopez, who had been assigned to Fort Hood in February, was in treatment for anxiety and depression, among other health problems, and was being evaluated for post-traumatic stress disorder, Army officials said. Lopez claimed to have suffered a traumatic brain injury while he was deployed to Iraq from August to December 2011.

Top doctor warns, 'There's no way to keep up with the workload'

Bad Moon Rising in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch

"The assault upon the American experiment may have already gone too far to be resolved by peaceful means. Our nation's Founders pointed muskets and placed improvised explosive ordnance in defense of their God-given Liberty. Harsh actions to even consider: They killed people--sometimes coating supporters of the enemy in tar and feathers and setting them afire.

Were they murderers? No they were not. It is right and just for a free people to wage just war against any and all who would strip them of their God-given Liberty, and to destroy that enemy whether in uniform or in civilian attire.

Our nation's Founders understood this. Horrible to consider that the time may soon come where American Patriots may once again arrive at a point in history where they will have no choice but to fight for to defend their God-given Liberty.

Patrick Henry is famous for his words, 'Give me Liberty or give me death!'

I will not go into what exactly we did or planned tactically at the Bundy Ranch or plans we may or may not have if the Federal government returns to the ranch, but I will tell you that we will stand with the Bundy family and defend them under Constitutional Authority.

Are there any Americans today who would put their lives, and treasure on the line for their Liberty? Honestly, I think not enough at this time, and we had better work fast to educate people because IMO time is running very short. Our enemy is here and he's/she's occupying every party of our government like it or not.

Very shortly after arriving at the Bundy Ranch it was brought to my attention that Harry Reids son had interest in the area and I mentioned it in some of my previous posts, and you are all now hearing various reports that point to him and his daddy as possible reasons of why what is happening is happening there presently, but IMO there is much more going on than just the land grab, and I will go into that in a moment.

First I want you to understand exactly what we are talking about, We are talking about desert land--land that the average person when driving through with their air conditioning blowing full blast would not stop at unless forced to. Over 120 years ago however Mr. Bundy's family not only decided to stop in this area but when they pulled into the area via wagon train decided to work the land and become beef producers which is what the newer generation of Bundy's still do today, NOTE: for those of you who may be unaware this land is not owned by the federal government but rather the State of Nevada, and Mr. Bundy HAS offered to pay grazing fees to but they declined payment.

I have said all along that Obama is most likely going make some kind of move and create problems before the midterms because he's aware that if Conservatives take both houses he will stand a very good chance of being not only impeached, but he could (and should) face criminal charges including but not limited to treason..etc.
If I am correct in my assessment the next step in their plans will be to try to spread us Patriots thin using MANY fronts and we need to keep this in mind as we move forward. What I mean by this is watch out for several issues to start around the same time in different areas of the country in an effort to not allow all of us to converge on one certain area.

If we stay focused on DC however then their plans will fail if this indeed becomes the case, and we need to act against an all out tyrannical government.
It is not illegal for Americans to prepare for war in the event that a tyrannical government attacks us or tries to take over our country, and that is exactly what we plan to do." (PaineAviation)

GOPDD: Dirty Harry Reid, Democrats and Chinese Oil Companies – America For Sale

Dirty Harry Reid, Democrats and Chinese Oil Companies – America For Sale

by Rick Wells

The recent dispute over the Bundy cattle and the BLM attempts to seize them have focused some attention on the area of public lands and the deals that are made by politicians supposedly on our behalf. Claims that the solar farm property reported to be a target of Chinese energy giant ENN and Reid family […]

NaturalNews: BLM Caught Selling Off American Land To Foreign Interests,‏ Plus More

People should be outraged at this "Jackboot Operation" by their so called United States Government.

Perhaps this is the way that the POLITICIANS have planned to pay off the Huge Foreign Debt by such egregious acts against the American Working Class.  Everyone, Stand Up! 

Call or Write all of your 'Political Pundits' and demand that they uphold their sworn Oath of Allegiance to The Constitution of the United States of America.

How to contact your United States Senator, click here.

To find  your United States House of Representative, click here.

And use this site to contact your own State's Elected Officials, click here.

Won't You Stand Up and Take Action? If not for you, how about for you children and grandchildren and Their Future?

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The  story of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada has exploded far beyond one family's disagreement with the BLM.
Now the truth is coming out about how the BLM has been seizing land in order to auction off huge chunks of America to foreign interests.
I've learned that a very important press conference is being held at the Bundy Ranch today (Monday) concerning the massive federal land theft from numerous western states.
Here's my story on why this is the beginning of the 2nd American Revolution:
Learn more about what's really going on from journalist Greg Hunter:
... and listen to this secret audio recording to hear history in the making as BLM Special Agent in Charge Dan Love and GMN journalist Pete Santilli threaten each other with arrest:

On a lighter note, did you know that common mustard is an anti-cancer superfood?

If you compute, you pollute! Learn more about the dark legacy of e-waste:

more news continues below...
Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Why did polio, smallpox and whooping cough decline over the last century if vaccines weren’t the reason? RSB and Dr. Buttar reveal the toxicological truth! Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Beat rheumatoid arthritis naturally
- Feds trying to outlaw GMO labeling
- Aspartame - a hidden schedule II narcotic
Follow more reading here: 

NNN: BUNDY RANCH: Militia Threat Matrix and the Shadow Corps

Once Again We Proudly Present; Kate Smith introduces God Bless America

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chief Brooks' Latest Performance - Final‏


Lisbon Police Chief Brooks

During last Tuesday night’s Town Council workshop, Chief Brooks presented his 2015 budget proposal to the Council.  Attached are the slides that were presented; and as you can see the total is $1,366,120.00 yes that is right over 1.3 MILLION tax dollars.

Is there any doubt that our taxes are going up again this year?  Keep in mind; this is without the bonds for the Public Works garage, gym or track.  A wise councilor once said that Chief Brooks has been sodomizing the taxpayers of Lisbon for years.  A review of Chief Brooks’ priorities and his spending habits confirm this councilor’s statement.

Chief Brooks has been abusing his position by wasting taxpayers’ money for years.  Now, I understand that there are a few of you that support Chief Brooks over the years but given the facts, do you still support Chief Brooks?  He has been in this community for many years and has cost the taxpayers an enormous amount of tax dollars.  Even though he has done some good for this community, the cost is too high.  The town cannot afford this frivolous spending by Chief Brooks. 

Without any bonds, our taxes are going to skyrocket again this year because of the Police Department budget.  The people need to put a stop to all this waste, fraud and abuse by Chief Brooks.

Larry Fillmore

Chief Brooks' Latest Performance - Part III‏


During Chief Brooks’ performance in which he presented to the Council his budget this year, he is asking the taxpayers to foot the bill for a Voter Radio System and eleven (11) mobile radios at a combined cost of $61,000.00.

This is extremely weird because if you remember correctly Chief Galipeau received a grant in January 11, 2011 for $14,690.00 for the following:
  1. A Repeater Station (SHSP)
  2. Two Control Stations
  3. Batteries
  4. Program/Install Radios
  5. Re-program Existing Radios
  6. TIA Compliant Tower System

Remember, the town installed a tower up on Route 9 because it was the highest point in the town.  This enabled the Police/Fire Departments to have communications throughout the town.  Chief Galipeau’s grant covered both Fire and Police. 

Now this bedroom community of Lisbon has all of this communications equipment and a communication center and they are unable to communicate.  If a Police Officer has all these radios, how is he going to hold his assault rifle?  It is totally ridiculous for Chief Brooks to force the taxpayers to spend $61,000.00 for more communications equipment.  Chief Brooks wants eleven (11) radios for whom?; according to him there are only one or two police officers on duty at any given time.  So where are the other nine radios going? Everyone today has a cell phone to communicate with.  

So exactly what is the purpose of the Communication Center?  If the Communication Center cannot communicate with the Police and Fire Department why are we paying $500,000.00 annual for it?  Think about how large Lisbon is and how relatively structure free, and then tell me again why we need to spend $61,000.00 of our tax dollars for the purchase of more radios to communicate with. 
Someone needs to remind Chief Brooks that this is not Detroit.
Let’s see if I can recap, our officers whether Police or Fire have cell phones, at least one mobile phone, vehicle radios, and a communication center.  Next, tell me again why Chief Brooks needs $61,000.00 of my tax dollars for yet another means to communicate with the town officers?

More fraud, waste and abuse of our tax dollars!

More to come!

Larry Fillmore

NaturalNews: History Was Made Today: Feds Surrender To American Citizens at Bundy Ranch Showdown‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We have extraordinary news for you today:
The feds (BLM) have surrendered to We the People over the Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada. Just hours ago, the feds announced a full retreat as a band of citizens stood against them in protest of federally-engineered cattle theft and an armed siege of an innocent rancher:

Hours earlier, the U.S. government ordered the FAA to erect a "No Fly Zone" over the Bundy Ranch, almost as if they were staging a war in Iraq! See the astonishing photo of the bovine concentration campsthe BLM had erected:

The situation had been rapidly escalating into America's "Tiananmen Square" incident, where bloodshed seemed imminent:

The lamestream media, meanwhile, pretended nothing was happening! On orders from Washington, every major media outlet willfully ignored this historic event and all but refused to cover it:

Finally today, the new replacement for resigning Kathleen Sebelius at HHS is none other than a pro-GMO, Bill & Melinda Gates operative wih ties to GMOs, Common Core and vaccine campaigns:

more news continues below...

 Sponsor: Spirulina webinar. Learn about health benefits, dosages, radiation concerns & more, Register here

Sponsor: What is nature's number ONE healing secret? Find out now from alternative doctor, Keith Scott-Mumby, MD.

Sunday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 1-3PM EDT: Why did the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) back down in its efforts to confiscate Bundy's cattle and block access to grazing in Nevada? We may have just witnessed the very reason why the Founding Fathers wrote the First Amendment. Welcome to the new media. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- 4 natural tips to lower your cholesterol
- Probiotics: different strains for different gains
- Herbs for naturally treating the flu

Alternative media upstages lamestream media in world-class coverage of historic Bundy Ranch showdown
(NaturalNews) One of the most extraordinary stories in the history of American journalism took place this last week, and the mainstream (liberal) media was AWOL the entire time. An historical showdown between heavily armed federal agents (BLM) and armed...

The People vs. BLM: Liberty defeats govt. tyranny as feds release all cattle at Bundy Ranch
(NaturalNews) Breaking news: The BLM, now in a full retreat against the Citizens of the United States of America, has announced a stand down and has begun releasing the Bundy family's cattle from ...

Smear campaign unleashed against Obamacare cancer victims who speak out
(NaturalNews) As the November elections draw nearer and Obamacare continues to ravage American families -- even as President Obama scrambles to try to delay the most controversial portions of the law -- more and more people are speaking out against it...

Legislators argue against new Obama Administration poultry regulations that would put Americans' health at risk
(NaturalNews) A coalition of legislators is urging the Obama Administration to abandon plans it made for overhauling the regulatory process guiding commercial poultry production, essentially making it easier for large-scale producers to skirt the law...

Exercising outdoors may help boost its positive health effects in children
(NaturalNews) Mother Nature may have even more positive health powers than we thought! According to Coventry University research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, children who exercise outside are...

Center for Food Safety sues to force USDA to explain why it approved genetically modified alfalfa
(NaturalNews) A food safety organization has filed suit in federal court in a bid to force the U.S. Department of Agriculture to hand over documents in court that could explain why the federal agency approved GM alfalfa despite several concerns...

Improve the health of your liver naturally
(NaturalNews) The liver is one of the most important of all our vital organs. The liver is responsible for filtering and detoxifying environmental toxins and pathogenic organisms. Unlike many organs a failing liver is unable to be surgically fixed or...

U.S. govt. bans air traffic over Bundy Ranch in desperate blackout effort to hide secret BLM 'bovine concentration camps'
(NaturalNews) Desperate to halt all journalism efforts near the Bundy Ranch and "control the narrative" of lies and disinfo, the U.S. government has now banned air traffic over the ranch, preventing journalists from taking any more video of the BLM's...

Armed govt. siege of Bundy ranch rapidly escalating into America's Tiananmen Square showdown
(NaturalNews) In 1989, members of China's Democracy Movement staged a massive protest in Tiananmen Square. In response, the communist Chinese government commanded near-total control over the nation's media while dispatching heavily armed soldiers and...

Sylvia Burwell, replacement for resigning Kathleen Sebelius, ran Common Core, Bill Gates vaccines and GMOs in Africa
(NaturalNews) Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Secretary who oversaw the disastrously botched Obamacare website and rollout, has finally resigned. In line with the sheer delusion being invoked to try to call Obamacare a "success," even this resignation is being...

Pharmacists caught paying AIDS patients to skip their meds
(NaturalNews) A pharmacy in New York's Bronx borough was shut down by state anti-fraud officers recently after it was discovered that the pharmacists working there had paid off poor AIDS patients to not take their medicines. The trio, which also...

"Giddy Up Go Cowboy Heelll Yeah!" GOPDD:[Watch] Bundy Grass Roots Meeting Erupts When Patriot Cowboy Finishes Talking‏

by Rick Wells

  This man’s name wasn’t available, but you can bet that Cliven Bundy knows who he is. He talks of the BLM Gestapo tactics saying, “This goes way the Hell beyond Cliven Bundy. They can throw an army of men around anybody and maybe they’re going to throw that army of men around you.” He […]


Read about a leaked Obama Land Grab memo back in 2010 here:

Friday, April 11, 2014



During last Tuesday’s night Town Council Workshop, Chief Brooks provided the council will a lot of misinformation.  He was talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.  During this article, I will try and explain how Chief Brooks can double-talk. 

Chief Brooks stated in October 1, 2013

when he was explaining the Federal Forfeiture Funds and what can be purchased using these funds.   He also stated that he would be using these funds for the purchase of vehicles.  Well, Tuesday night Chief Brooks stated he wanted the taxpayers to pay for the purchase of two cruisers and one Animal Control Officer truck.   However, he has added a twist this year by recommending all items on the 2015 Capital Improvement Plan be leased instead of purchasing outright.  Leasing cost the taxpayers additional funds! 

Councilor Garrison asked Chief Brooks if Unit 3 was the cruiser the town replaced the motor last year and Chief Brooks said YES in a very weak voice.  I always thought that once you replace a motor it would extend the life of the vehicle.  So what is the rush to replace this vehicle? 

Up until this year, Chief Brooks always comes into the council with a quote to purchase the vehicles.  Last year, he needed $48,816.00 for the purchase of two 2014 Ford Utility vehicles.  The Council approved the $48,816.00 for the “purchase “of two vehicles.

However, Chief Brooks and Mrs. Maloy, Finance Director, converted the approved purchase to a Lease to Purchase.  The Lease to Purchase cost the taxpayers $15,331.21 and the remaining $33,484.79 went somewhere else.  However, once this money was appropriated by the Council it cannot be spent unless the money is re-appropriated by the Council which was never done.  So this $33,484.79 was misappropriated by either Chief Brooks or Mrs. Maloy.  This is the reason our taxes continue to go up every year.  Leasing adds additional cost for each of these items to the taxpayers.  More BS from Chief Brooks! 

Chief Brooks stated that the reason he wanted to Lease to Purchase the vehicles is to establish a routine to replace these vehicles on a yearly basis.  This is the same line of crap he has been giving the Council every year for the last four or more years.  Establishing a Life Cycle Management takes about fifteen minutes to complete and Chief Brooks cannot accomplish this in four/five years. 

Chief Brook continues to double-talk the Council by asking the Council to spend taxpayers’ dollars instead of using the Federal Forfeiture Funds.  Each and every one of the items on the 2015 Capital Improvement Plan qualifies for purchasing under the Federal Forfeiture Fund program.  Chief Brooks acknowledged these items fall within the programs but did not explain why he has not purchased anything off the list since October 1, 2013.  Of course, Chief Brooks’ priority has been assault rifles, GPS Bundle and toys for the K9 Officer.  There is approximately $44,282.04 left in the Federal Forfeiture Funds which could be spent to cover some of the items on the 2015 Capital Improvement Plan.

Talk about fraud, waste and abuse by Chief Brooks.  Why doesn’t the Council put a stop to this frivolous spending?

More to come!

Larry Fillmore


In September 2013, Chief Brooks received $71,750.78 in Federal Forfeiture Funds.  These funds could only be used by the Lisbon Police Department.  As of March 11, 2014, Chief Brooks had spent $27,468.74 on such things as:

1.   Three (3) 16M4A4 Telestk MPC assault rifles.  What possible use is there for assault rifles in Lisbon?  The loudest noises here are people snoring too loud.  Contrary to what Chief Brooks says Lisbon is not Detroit.

2. A GPS bundle.  What possible need is there for a GPS in Lisbon?  If we have a member of the Police Department who cannot find his way to work or how to find his way back home then I suggest that person maybe over qualified for the Police Department.  Get serious, a GPS to find your way around Lisbon.

3.Finally, plastic balls, ball launcher and bed for the K9 officer.  These maybe items used in the training of our K9 officer but these items should be part of the operating cost and not Federal Forfeiture Funds.

This is the priority that Chief Brooks decided to put ahead of the items on the 2015 Capital Improvements Plan.  

The items on the 2015 Capital Improvement Plan are listed below:
Animal Control Truck                $24,000.00
    Mobil Radios (11)                    33,000.00
    Voter Radio System                  28,000.00
    Document Imaging Unit           14,000.00

Chief Brooks put on an excellent performance when he justified the purchase of the Document Imaging Unit.  I personally believe that this is a necessity and should have been purchased before the assault rifles, GPS or doggie toys.  Chief Brooks continues to stick it to the taxpayers’ year in and year out.  The big ticket items are always purchased by the people instead of any Forfeiture Funds the town receives. 

Chief Brooks could have purchased two or three of the items from the list above in September but instead he spent some of the forfeiture funds on “Toys for the Boys” and screwed the taxpayers.  Well, he has approximately $44,282.04 remaining from the Federal Forfeiture Funds and should immediately purchase the Document Imaging Unit and the Animal Control Truck which the combined cost is approximately $38,000.00 dollars.  This will save the taxpayers some tax dollars.

Chief Brooks’ proposal the other night was to LEASE these items and have the taxpayers pay for the items over years.  If we have the money we should always purchase the items.  Leasing cost the taxpayers more in the long run.

Why should the taxpayers have to suffer because Chief Brooks cannot get his priorities straight?

More to come!

Larry Fillmore

Hang On People, Lisbon's Upcoming Agendas April 14,15, & 17 Are Really Going To Mess Y'allz UP!!

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014
5:30 -7:00 P.M.

7:00 P.M.

___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules
A. 2014-2015 Municipal and School Budgets
B. Consideration of a $1,100,000 Order providing for the issuance of general obligation securities for the purchase or construction of a replacement Public Works Garage
C. Consideration of a $5,700,000 Order providing for the issuance of general obligation securities for the Lisbon High School New Gymnasium
D. Consideration of a $500,000 Order providing for the issuance of general obligation securities for a new track and related improvements at Lisbon High School
2014-38 ORDER − A. Minutes of April 1, 2014
B. Minutes of April 8, 2014

C. Renewal Mobile Home Park Licenses

2014-39 PROCLAMATION − Municipal Clerks Week
2014-40 ORDINANCE − Route 196 Design Standards and Guidelines (1st Reading)
2014-41 ORDER − For the issuance of $1,100,000 in general obligation securities for the purchase or construction of a replacement Public Works Garage
2014-42 ORDER − "YES" OR "NO" Recommendation to be printed on the ballot for the $1,100,000 Bond Issue
2014-43 ORDER − For the issuance of $5,700,000 in general obligation securities for the Lisbon High School New Gymnasium
2014-44 ORDER − "YES" OR "NO" Recommendation to be printed on the ballot for the $5,700,000 Bond Issue
2014-45 ORDER − For the issuance of a $500,000 in general obligation securities for a new track and related improvements at Lisbon High School
2014-46 ORDER − "YES" OR "NO" Recommendation to be printed on the ballot for the $500,000 Bond Issue
2014-47 ORDER − Consideration of an order for public hearing on a proposed Charter Amendment to reduce the number of signatures necessary to call a Special Town Meeting to consider budget issues from 15 percent of the qualified voters voting in the last gubernatorial election to 10 percent of the qualified voters voting in the last gubernatorial election
2014-48 ORDER − Consideration of an order for public hearing on a proposed Charter Amendment which will clarify that the municipality will follow and reference title 21-A for Election procedures
2014-49 ORDER − To Adjourn
6:30 P.M.



___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

2014-50 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter

2014-51 ORDER − To Adjourn

Tell Congress NO ONE, NOT Russia or China should control the Internet

  UPDATE: Conservatives in Congress have introduced the DOTCOM Act to stop Barack Obama from giving away your Internet to the United Nations and despotic regimes around the world.

       Time is short. We need the House and the Senate to pass this legislation A.S.A.P. and force Barack Obama to either sign it or explain to the American people why some international body like the United Nations and the tyrants and despots of the world need to regulate - and later tax - your access to the Internet.

       Make no mistake, the "bad boys" of the world will start to regulate your online activities - in short order they'll eventually tax your Internet as well - and we must draw a line in the sand and stop this international Internet takeover now.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the Leadership of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

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A "Global Multistakeholder Community"?

       Barack Obama isn't going to just hand control of YOUR Internet over to the United Nations; instead, he's handing it over to unnamed members of a so-called "global multistakeholder community."

       And "global multistakeholder community" is not some term we made up, or one that is being spouted about by conspiracy theorists. It comes directly from Barack Obama's Commerce Department, which announced in a press release on March 14 that they will "transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community."

       And while the members of this "global multistakeholder community" are as of yet unnamed, we do know that some of the bodies involved in the planning over just who has ultimate control are, in fact, two agencies within the United Nations and a number of regimes that despise freedom such as Vladmir Putin's Russia and China.

       The Wall Street Journal got to the crux of what is happening: "Russia, China and other authoritarian governments have already been working to redesign the Internet more to their liking, and now they will no doubt leap to fill the power vacuum caused by America's unilateral retreat."

       The Journal adds: "In the past few years, Russia and China have used a [United Nations] agency called the International Telecommunication Union [ITU] to challenge the open Internet. ... They want the ITU to outlaw anonymity on the Web (to make identifying dissidents easier)... The unspoken aim is to discourage global Internet companies from giving everyone equal access."

       And what's the big deal about "equal access"?

       National Review Online quotes Daniel Castro with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation: "We may be concerned about the lack of free communication in other countries, but we don't have to sweat about those countries' governments shutting off our access here. And yet, having grown cocky in its maturity, the U.S. government is now considering inviting those countries' censors to the table and giving them a vote on how to fix a problem that never was. Why?"

       Why indeed... but now that Congress is moving to stop this international attempt to squelch your freedom and your liberty, we must move to make sure that this legislation is passed as soon as humanly possible.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the Leadership of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

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Oh Yes... Your Free and Open Access To The Internet Is An "Existential Threat."

       And just in case the dangers posed by what Mr. Obama is doing aren't clear, consider the fact that even one of Obama's former aides, Andrew McLaughlin, said that the ITU is "the chosen vehicle for regimes for whom the free and open Internet is seen as an existential threat."

       The ITU has a major seat at the table and you can be sure that when the dust settles, after Obama gives away your Internet to the thugs and tyrants of the world, that the ITU will be a major player.

       Also consider what Esther Dyson, one of the founders of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers [ICANN] - the private corporation that manages the vital system that ensures all devices on the Internet can communicate with one another - recently said:

       "In the end, I'd rather pay a spurious tax to people who want my money than see [ICANN] controlled by entities who want my silence."

       Only Congress has the authority to stop this lunacy and madness and we must demand that it stop this lunacy right now.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the Leadership of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

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And Just In Case The Dangers Still Aren't Registering...

       National Review's Charles C. W. Cooke puts the dangers in greater perspective:

       "As it stands, a tyrant is able to restrict access to certain parts of the Internet in his own country, but he is unable to make a page or a server or a service disappear completely. To wit, if I write something nice about Taiwan on NRO, the Chinese government can restrict access to that page in any territory that it controls - in the name of 'national security' or what you will. But it can't delete NRO entirely; nor can it restrict access to our servers from outside its jurisdiction."

       If Barack Obama and the tyrants and thugs of the world get their way, that's all going to change.

       If you believe the NSA and other agencies within the United States government having access to what you do on the Internet is a threat to liberty, just wait until the United Nations, Vladmir Putin and China get into the act.

       And it's happening right now because Barack Obama is giving away your Internet freedom and liberty to the thugs and bad-boys of the world on a silver platter... in exchange for nothing.

       Cooke adds: "'The United Nations has been angling quietly to become the epicenter of Internet governance,' warned Mary Bono Mack, a Republican from California... 'We cannot let this happen,' she vowed gravely. Just a year later, we are. Yesterday, the United States found itself in an advantageous and virtuous position: the benign steward of an astonishing network that it developed, refined, and then gave to the world without caveat. Today, provoked and shamed into action by actors who have neither the moral nor legal claim to its work, it is on the cusp of giving up control. An unforced error. For shame."

       But what Barack Obama is doing isn't just "shameful," it's tyrannical. To quote an article from Net Right Daily, "it is up to Congress to reassert its power to regulate in this area - before Obama gives away the Internet to the international community, at the expense of future generations' vital freedom of expression."

       It's up to Congress to stop Obama... but it's up to you to force Congress to do what must be done and the time to force Congress to do what must be done is now.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the Leadership of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

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Yours In Freedom
Center For Individual Freedom

Center for Individual Freedom
815 King Street
Suite 303
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-535-5836
Fax: 703-535-5838

CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights. Contributions to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Lisbon Town Council Workshop/Meeting April 08, 2014

Part One

Part Two

Lisbon Schools' Informational Night April 15th, 2014

Lisbon - On Tuesday, April 15,the Lisbon School Department will be holding a Public Hearing on the Proposed School Budget and Bond Initiatives to provide an update on the proposed June Bond Referendum and updated costs associated with building a new gymnasium and renovations to the track. The meeting is scheduled to be held at Lisbon Community School, 33 Mill Street, Lisbon starting at 7:00 p.m.  Please feel free to contact Richard Green, Superintendent of Schools, at 353-6711 X1005 or  if you have any questions related to this evening. We hope that you are able to join us.