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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Does This Sound Like Lisbon's Chief of Police David T. Brooks, AKA "Money Sucking Pig" ?; Personal Liberty Digest: Watch: Cop Speaks Out Against Ticket Quota, Urges Officers To Serve And Protect, Gets Fired

Former Auburn, Ala., police officer Justin Hanners became disturbed when a new chief at his department ordered officers to hassle, ticket and arrest specific numbers of residents per shift if they valued their jobs.
“When I first heard about the quotas I was appalled,” he said. “I got into law enforcement to serve and protect, not be a bully.”
Hanners filed formal complaints to his chain of command and, getting nowhere, eventually began to speak out publically about the abuses. His superiors order him to shut-up about the abuses—and when he didn’t, Hanners was fired.
He is currently looking for a lawyer to help him sue the department.
H/T: Reason 

Submitted by: 'Roger, aka "Councilor Cote" & RT'

Saturday, July 27, 2013



It is important that the residents of Lisbon recognize the similarities of the past and not make the same mistakes.  Towns such as Chelsea and cities like Detroit have waited too long for the citizens to take action.  Remember the immortal words of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”   Also the Reverend Charles F. Aked said “that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing”.  These leaders have just described the town of Lisbon.

The town of Lisbon has lost our freedom of speech and its voice during town council meetings.  This has opened the doors for our councilors to ignore the town’s charter and to perform illegal acts.  This is OUR town and it is time for the citizens of Lisbon to get off the couch, put down the remote and put a stop to this corruption.

Everyone is waiting for someone else to act but it is the responsibility of each of us to take action.  The Lisbon Reporter and have worked hard to bring the truth to the residents.  Former councilors slammed both blogs for reporting false information in order to cause trouble in Lisbon.  So these blogs started proving town documents to back up the information providedAs it turns out all the information reported was true and these former councilors had been lying to the people all along.  Everything Councilor Cote said during his tenure on the Town Council is coming true. 

Chairman LaRochelle has voted to take individuals properties for back taxes which included interest and penalties.  However, when it came to LaRochelle Properties, LLC owing back taxes, interest and penalties, Chairman LaRochelle volunteered to pay ONLY the back taxes; in fact, the town Assessor did not compute any interest and penalties for the Chairman. 

 Everyone else who owes back taxes is forced to pay interest and penalties.    This situation was created by an administrative error by the town but for over ten years Chairman LaRochelle never reported the error; probably because it was in his favor.  As Chairman of the town council, he should have recognized the error immediately.

The latest contracts awarded by the town council were a clear violation of the Purchasing Policy of the town.  The contract for the removal of sludge never went out for bid.  The contract is for $80,000 tax dollars and is required to be put out for bid.  The road striping contract went out for bid and was awarded to a Massachusetts company over a Maine company.  There were no sealed bids provided at the council meeting and yet our town council took the word of the town manager and approved the contract knowing the Maine company had never received the RFP but wanted to bid on the contract.

For the past two years, citizens of Lisbon have suffered a tax increase.  Town documents have shown in the Transfers and Carry Forward that a tax increase was not necessary in 2012-2013.   

Town Manager Eldridge stated the budget includes $100,000 tax dollar inflation in the tax dollars allocated for the TIF payments.  The town does not need the latest police cars tricked out with the top of the line police packet in them.  The town does not need to pay $500,000 tax dollars for a Communication Center that is not a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).  This means that all 911 calls are relayed from the Androscoggin County Dispatch before anyone is dispatched to respond to the situation.  This is a totally unnecessary step putting OUR lives at risk.  The only reason the town suffered a tax increase this year is to support Chief Brooks’ police department and the communications center.  In the meantime, residents are struggling to pay their taxes.

It is time for all citizens to become active before Lisbon becomes a Chelsea or Detroit.  One thing that can be done is in November; we can vote out Fern LaRochelle; Roger Bickford and Gina Mason.  These three are members of the Good Old Boys network.

Start today by calling or emailing your councilors and let them know your feelings.  Their contacts are listed below:

Chairman Fern LaRochelle – 353-2329

Vice Chair Lisa Ward – 353-7307    

Councilor Garrison– 353-2547                 gregg,

Councilor Bickford – 353-8946     

Councilor Mason – 353-9086        

Council Lunt – 353-9903               

Councilor Pesce – 577-4222          

I believe Joe Hill said it best in his article called “Councilors – Can you feel Lisbon’s Pain”.  This article is posted on both web sites.

Larry Fillmore

"Heroes Remembered " Today Marks 60 Years Since The United States, North Korea and China sign an armistice, which ends the war but fails to bring about a permanent peace.''

Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

Hagel Thanks Korean War Veterans in Armistice Anniversary Statement 




Korean War Chronological Concise Battle History
(U.S. & attached ground forces)



1950 Timeline
US Army Center for Military History online books - official histories
Policy and Directions: The First Year -
South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu -
Truce Tent and Fighting Front -


The Korean War (With lyrics) New Music 2013 HD


Thank You To All Veterans!

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Perspective That Cannot Be Ignored; LisbonMaine.Net: Councilors -- Can You Feel Lisbon's Pain‏

When we started LisbonMaine.Net we naively thought Lisbon Councilors as a whole cared about our little town and its people. We also thought the reason Councilors failed to act in the towns best interest was because they were unaware of the towns needs.  We thought our little blog could  highlight some of the major problems in town government and possibly offer a few humble solutions. 

This blog had its second birthday a few days ago and we hear the same remarks today that we heard back in the summer of 2011. The following is just one example of the many, mostly anonymous,  letters and comments we have received in those 2 years.  I picked these remarks because I think they best express the frustration I hear every day in Lisbon.  

 I can barely pay my property taxes, yet taxes keep climbing each year irregardless of whether I can afford them or not. At what point do we finally say that we can no longer afford these services and go from a local police force to a county sheriffs dept. This would save the town thousands of dollars including overhead costs. Furthermore, the Transfer & Recycling Center does not need to be open 40 hours a week. Maybe we should close the Public library or Beaver Park for a season so that the tax payer can have a break. I would also like to know who is paying for “Family Movie Nights in the Park” and “Concerts in the Park”. All of these programs are certainly wonderful but only if the town can afford them. Our schools have taken a beating as classes offered at the high school are down to the bare bones yet we are doing all kinds of renovations to the High School and fields. My child was unable to get any of the classes that he wanted with the exception of his English class .    Anonymous Sender


  • Can you hear the people in this town begging for relief from Lisbon’s high taxes.
  • Can you feel the anger every time you take a neighbors home for back taxes  then buy that home for yourself  for penny’s on the dollar.
  • Can you hear parents frustration with the School System.  If you feel you must levy these exorbitant taxes then at least spend them where it will do the most good.  We have an obligation to our children.

If you continue on the path you are now on there won't be a Lisbon in 10 years.  The only people that will be able to afford to live here will be the overpriced town employees. I am talking about  those paper pushers trying to justify taking 60,70 and 80 thousand a year from Towns people making 25 and 35 thousand.

I have lived in a dozen towns in Maine over the last 60plus years and through all those years I have never seen such a disconnect between the taxes levied by a town and the peoples ability to pay those taxes.

Twenty years from now your Lisbon neighbors won't remember you for that new state of the art "Police Comm Center"-- you built --- they will remember you and thank you for helping  them save their homes.

We are all in this together.  Lets help all of our neighbors through the coming tough financial times.  

Joe Hill 

NaturalNews: Obamacare train wreck, NY Weiner rules, Jenny McCarthy and more‏

Dear Lisbon Report and NaturalNews readers,
In the aftermath of the tragic event in Spain, there's a lot of scrutiny right now focused on train wrecks.
But this got me thinking: If we really want to save lives, we've got to stop the Obamacare train wreck and get to a system of natural medicine that ends the Big Pharma monopoly and finally empowers patients with nutritional wisdom instead of pill-popping ignorance:

Satire Friday: From time to time I write an entirely inappropriate comedy satire piece for your amusement. And for this Friday, it's a piece about none other than Anthony Weiner! (aka "Carlos Danger")

A Canadian health agency is viciously attacking Jenny McCarthy over her desire to have mercury removed from vaccines:

New science proves that ginseng helps cancer chemo patients have more energy. Now, if they would just drop the chemo, ginseng could help keep them alive, too!

The government continues to shut down family farms, severely restricting your access to healthy local food:

Canadian agency attacks Jenny McCarthy for demanding mercury-free vaccines
(NaturalNews) How ensconced is Big Pharma in our lives these days? Apparently so much so that entire governments have become cheerleaders for the poison they push. Consider the case of actress, model and devoted mother, Jenny McCarthy. As she prepares...

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer causes kidney failure: Study
(NaturalNews) Men who undergo conventional hormone therapy treatments for prostate cancer could be setting themselves up for another potential health problem later on in life: renal failure. This was the shocking finding of a recent study published in...

Ginseng found to help chemo cancer patients have more energy
(NaturalNews) What chemo- and radiation therapy take out of cancer patients, one simple compound - ginseng - puts back in, according to the results of a new study which extols further benefits of this root. Scientists, who published their findings...

Rooibos: African red bush tea is even better than green tea
(NaturalNews) Green tea has competition, and not just of the light kind. The word "rooibos" (roo-ee-bosh) means red bush and is a native South African herb, so rich in antioxidants, it supposedly puts green tea on the run. There is enough research and...

U.S. Marshals terrorize nurse in police state raid of her apartment
(NaturalNews) We here at Natural News have become more than a little concerned about the over-militarization of police and federal law enforcement, using helmet-clad, flak vest-wearing, automatic weapon-toting officers and agents when it is entirely unnecessary...

As the government continues to shut down family farms, your ability to make good food choices diminishes
(NaturalNews) Though much of it flies under the mainstream radar, there is a coordinated effort afoot to completely stamp out all private, small-scale food production in the United States, which means your ability to access the clean, high-quality foods...

Eat your way to weight loss with almonds
(NaturalNews) Obesity is a perennial issue that is affecting people of all age groups. If the popularity of weight loss reality shows and the continued patronage of the various slimming pills is any indication, then America has a huge problem. A study...

NY Times blatantly lies about costs of health insurance under Obamacare
(NaturalNews) A well-known mainstream media dinosaur has been caught yet again spreading lies about the supposed "benefits" of Obamacare, this time claiming that individual health insurance premiums will drop by up to half once the mandate comes into...

Arizona college student suspended for requesting that nursing classes be taught in English, not Spanish
(NaturalNews) When it has gotten to the point that Americans cannot even insist that their college courses be taught in English, the true language of our culture, the "debate" over immigrants and immigration has moved past the point of being absurd...

Proof that a living foods diet reverses breast cancer
(NaturalNews) Globally speaking, breast cancer cases have gone from 641,000 (in 1980) to over 1.4 million in 2010 - with 425,000 deaths associated to this preventable tragedy. Naturally, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation...

Meditation: How an ancient practice has come to be known as a panacea for modern ills
(NaturalNews) Meditation has long been considered an esoteric practice, far removed from the realities of the world. Yet modern science is telling us just how good it is for health, a fact always known to the ancient yogis of India and Tibet. Meditation...

Folate makes you smart and happy. Lack of folate makes you depressed and stupid: Research
(NaturalNews) Some things boil down pretty simply and thanks to, we have greater access than ever to the plain truth as validated by science. A simple search for folate...

New TSA PreCheck program designed to gather fingerprints on millions of Americans
(NaturalNews) It's being sold to us as a program that will "allow" us the kind of freedom at an airport that Americans used to have - the freedom from being felt up, hassled, degraded and debased by some government agency, just for the "privilege" of...

GMOs celebrated: Monsanto Executive wins the world food prize
(NaturalNews) It can't be any more sickening than to watch an idea, so poisonous, become so celebrated, rewarded, and praised. A major World Food Prize award, started by Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Norman Borlaug, was given out recently to Monsanto Executive...

TSA now searching cars at airports
(NaturalNews) How safe are airports, now that the TSA has guarded the gate for over a decade? Since 2003, 400 known TSA agents have been fired for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of luggage. One TSA agent, who was convicted for stealing...

The Weiner rules: Ten new laws to be enacted if Anthony Weiner becomes mayor (satire)
(NaturalNews) It's Friday and I've had an intense week, so for the sake of some public humor at the expense of someone who clearly deserves it, here are the top ten new laws you'll see in New York City if Anthony Weiner becomes mayor. Read the list...

Obamacare train wreck will kill far more people than the disastrous crash in Spain
(NaturalNews) When 80 people die in dramatic fashion, it's the kind of tragedy that grabs global headlines. "Driver in custody after 80 killed in Spain train crash," ...

Research: How you respond to stress now determines your health in 10 years
(NaturalNews) Research now shows that the way you handle minor daily stressors - those little annoyances - has a tremendous impact on your long-term health. Human nature is to justify the nasty little moods, childish reactions and general grumpiness...

Health Ranger update: Monsanto Video Revolt and SCIENCE website expansion
(NaturalNews) Happy Thursday! I hope this update finds you well. Here's what we've got going on: The Monsanto Video Revolt that we held yesterday was a huge success. It was a LIVE broadcast that accompanied all your uploaded videos, and together...

Extended Weather Outlook For The Area

Extended Outlook
Friday;  rain, at times heavy. Breezy coast. Lows 54-60 N/S. highs 70-75.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 57-62. Highs 77-85 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; showers: eve thunder? Lows 61-66. Highs 75-80, cooler coast.
Monday; quiet, showers north. Lows 60-65. Highs 77-83.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 58-63. Highs 76-84 N/S, cooler coast.
Wednesday; quiet, showers arrive. Lows 57-62. Highs 77-82.

Submitted by: 'Rufe'

An Assimilation To Lisbon?; Kennebec Journal: Swan in-law paints different picture of abuse

By Betty Adams
Staff Writer
BANGOR -- Jurors got a different picture of former Chelsea selectwoman Carole Swan on Thursday as her trial on federal fraud charges neared an end.
Instead of a weak, battered woman baffled by government forms and beaten by her husband when she failed to do his bidding, Swan was described by her sister-in-law as sometimes angry, self-assured and highly competitive.
Roberta Jean Rood, the older sister of Marshall Swan, Carole Swan’s husband, was a rebuttal witness called by Assistant U.S. Attorney Donald Clark. Swan faces five counts of tax fraud, four counts of false statements with regard to workers’ compensation benefits, and one count of fraud on a federal program in U.S. District Court.
The trial is to resume at 10 a.m. Friday.

Continue reading:

MHPC: Friedman Legacy Day 2013‏

The Maine Heritage Policy Center
Joins Global Effort Celebrating Late Nobel Laureate

PORTLAND – Milton Friedman, a Nobel-recognized economist and advisor to several U.S. presidents, will be the focal point for numerous events in all 50 states and throughout the world on July 31. The Maine Heritage Policy Center is participating in the annual “Friedman Legacy Day” to showcase the late professor’s famous policies, including tax reform and school choice.

"The Maine Heritage Policy Center is dedicated to furthering school choice for all children, an educational model that lies at the heart of Dr. Friedman's biggest dreams,” said Amanda R. Clark, Education Policy Analyst for The Maine Heritage Policy Center. 

“We are thrilled to be hosting this year's Friedman Legacy Day at one of Maine's five new charter schools. The goal of this event is to increase public awareness of charter schools and their inner workings, to promote school choice as a proven approach to improving student outcomes, and to highlight the close relationship between school choice and economic freedom."


Considered by many to be the most influential economist of the 20th century, Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1976 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1988. The author of such books as “Capitalism and Freedom” and “A Monetary History of the United States,” Dr. Friedman is also well known for his appearance on the popular PBS series “Free to Choose.”

“Milton Friedman’s positive impact on America and the world is still being felt today,” said Robert Enlow, president and CEO of the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice. “The drive toward greater individual freedom and warranted skepticism about big government can be attributed to Dr. Friedman. And it’s groups like The Maine Heritage Policy Center that keep Milton Friedman’s legacy alive.”

In 1996, Dr. Friedman and his wife, Rose, founded the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice to research and promote school choice, an idea he first proposed in 1955.

Maine’s 2013 Friedman Legacy Day is proudly co-sponsored by The Maine Heritage Policy Center, Americans for Prosperity – Maine, and the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice.


Date:                    Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Time:                    12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Luncheon)
Location:            Baxter Academy for Technology and Science, 54 York Street, Portland, ME
Speakers:            Mrs. Amanda Clark, Education Policy Analyst
                                The Center for Education Excellence, MHPC |
         Dr. Allison Davis, Vice Chair
                                Board of Directors, Baxter Academy            |
                                The Honorable Carol Weston, Director
                                Americans for Prosperity – Maine | 
School Tour:      Ms. Michele LeForge, Head of School
                        Baxter Academy              




Amanda R. Clark

Education Policy Analyst

207.321.2550 | 

Hey Lisbon, Is This How Things Work In Town Government?

Submitted by:'Councilor Cote'

Thursday, July 25, 2013

And "America The Beautiful" Has Turned Into This; SAVAGE: White Businessman Beaten by Black Teenagers in Connecticut

Published on Jul 23, 2013
Read More Below:
7/22/13 - A New Haven, Connecticut businessman was savagely beaten so bad by a gang of black teens that he doesn't even remember the incident. Yet the media isn't picking up the story and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson haven't been heard from on this. Oh that's right, it's black on white, not white on black. Never mind about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Even though the local news doesn't mention that the teens were black, the following article does:

According to a New Haven Police press release, witnesses said "between five and six black male teenagers rushed him, pushed him from the moving scooter, assaulted him, and fled with the scooter."

Macquarrie received 31 stitches and 8 staples in his scalp, two fractured ribs, a fracture to his right eye-socket, a broken nose and scrapes to his hands and legs.

Read full article here:

ClashDaily – I wonder if Jay-Z, Beyonce, Obama, Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will protest the beating of this poor white business man…
A New Haven businessman was beaten so badly by rabid black animals that he doesn’t even remember the incident.
Oh, but wait. The report doesn’t even mention that these were blacks – it just says ‘teens.’
Though there is a source:
According to a New Haven Police press release, witnesses said “between five and six black male teenagers rushed him, pushed him from the moving scooter, assaulted him, and fled with the scooter.”
Read more:


United We Stand, Divided We Are Falling, Failing, and Fast!!!

May God Bless US All