I attended a Special Lisbon School Committee meeting on July 24th at the Central Office building in Lisbon (the former Lisbon Elementary School). This meeting was to discuss an update on facilities. Chair Grant noted that she had asked that the subject of the agenda be "the cutting of the trees" behind P. W. Sugg Middle School.
It was obvious Chair Grant was upset about the trees being cut but more upset that the school administration kept her and the rest of the School Committee in the dark about the whole project. The School Committee was not informed of this project and only found out about it when Lisbon Residents confronted them about it after the work had already been done.
The perception that this gives the Lisbon Residents pertains to the cost of wood these days. The company that cut the trees down didn’t charge for removing the trees and stumps as they are getting the wood in lieu of payment.
There is a group of volunteers in town that are working very hard to maintain and perfect our fields. Apparently they had been talking with folks in the School Department but someone forgot to tell the School Committee about the project.
Shannon was tasked with finding out how much money the wood taken out of that area was worth.
There are several people in town that don’t understand how anyone could allow this to happen. After attending this morning's meeting, I can report that all five members of the School Committee were not informed and they were not happy about it at all.
The Superintendent, Shannon Welsh, apologized to the committee and stated she would try to do a better job at communicating to the committee in the future.
Todd Comber