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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Top Eleven Highest Paid Town Employees in 2007 ($55,000+)

1. Curtis Lunt, Town Manager, $112,490.12*
2. David Brooks, Police Chief, $72,241.34
3. Rodney Moody, Finance Director, $69,909.90
4. Gerald Kamke, Treatment Plant, $66,335.42
5. Ryan Leighton, Town Engineer, $65,972.26
6. Gerald Sampson, Assessor, $59,922.34
7. Laurier Plourde, Water Dept, $59,898.25
8. Bernard McAllister, Police Dept, $58,033.03
9. Harry Moore, Police Department, $56,417.62
10. Daniel Michel, Police Department, $55,605.94
11. Scott Stewart, Police Department, $55,061.54

*Please note that Curtis Lunt was making about $73,000 per year but received a contract settlement upon leaving his position which most likely included a buyout of his accrued sick & vacation time.

TOTAL: $731,887.76 (20% of Total)