Dear Editor,
"Thank You" to Charlie Smith. He responded to my phone call of yesterday concerning the MTM Center roof. He said he called the person I was referring to and will be checking into it.
Next, Town officials are complaining about the high cost of heating town owned buildings. I think I can safely say that heating costs is first and foremost on everyone's mind. At my home, we turn the thermostat down amd put on sweaters. Does anyone check thermostats in the Town Office, MTM Center, and other buildings to see if they are set at a conservative level? If not, shame on you. It does no good to complain about something, but not do anything about it.
Rule #1 Do not 'play' with thermostats. Set and keep them at one temperature.
Rule #2. Are thermostats set high and air conditioners running at the same time?
I have reliable information that this occurs in the police department section. Shame on you.
Common sense suggestions: All thermostats in town owned buildings should be pre-set and automatically controlled for a higher temperature during the day and lower at night. They all should also have protective covers so temperatures cannot be changed to suit one's preference. We all have different hot/cold tolerances. With ten or twenty people working in the same area, some are hot, some are cold. Thermostats should be preset, and if someone is cold, put on a sweater. You probably do at home. You can do it at work. These devices are actually available. Isn't techmology amazing? So simple, and think about the savings!
Sincerely Yours,
Dorothy Fitzgerald
A Concerned Citizen and Taxpayer