A. Denying any councilor the right to place an item on the agenda (charter sec. 2.04)
B. Not consulting with all the councilors with dealing with the town manager (charter sec. 2.04)
C. Failing to provide prudent fiscal affairs to the town spending by over expending department budget lines (charter sec. 2.02)
D. Conflict of Interest (chapter 12)
It is about these specific items as listed. It is about getting control of the town spending, having better respect for issues brought to town council by council members and citizens. All anyone has to do is get involved by attending meetings or watching them when they publicly air and it is evident by their actions that this Recall is necessary. As chair of the Town Council she is ultimately responsible for the actions and demeanor of the way these meetings are conducted.
Please get out and VOTE.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 LIMITED HOURS of 1pm to 7pm at MTM CENTER
Ward 2 Lisbon Falls Voters ONLY