Renewal Liquor Licenses & Special Entertainment Permit for the Slovak Catholic Association
There were no questions from the public.
2008-182 ORDER
A. Minutes of October 7, 2008
B. Renewal Liquor Licenses & Special Entertainment Permit – The Slovak Catholic Assoc
Both orders passed unanimously
2008-183 ORDER – Use of Town Property Permit – Christmas Tree Lighting
Formal request by Faye Brown on behalf of the Green Thumb Gang for the annual Tree Lighting festivities
at the gazebo across form Lisbon High School. Tree Lighting will be Dec 6th from 4-8 PM.
The order passed unanimously.
2008-184 ORDER – Sewer Foreclosures
Ora Madden presented a report outlining the procedure for sewer liens and foreclosures. As of August 2nd,
300 properties were in arrears for the ‘06-‘07 tax year. Notices were mailed, most property owners have
either paid or worked out a billing arrangement with the Sewer Department. The original 300 are now down
to 27 properties. December 15th is the date sewer foreclosures go into effect, Ora requested a continuance to try and get compliance from these other property owners.
The order passed unanimously.
2008-185 ORDER – Tax Foreclosures
Nancy Bosse reported that 73 tax foreclosures will take place on December 15th. Several of these are on
mobile homes, that the town is uninterested in acquiring.
Vote tabled until Dec 2nd meeting.
A. Finance Director’s Report
Kathy Ricker says excise tax revenue is down, historically it picks up in the spring. One bond will be paid off this year. It was also discussed that part of the reason revenue sharing is low is that the re-evaluation hasn’t happened. Lisbon is operating at about 53%. Steve Eldridge will be meeting
with Jerry Samson and an appraisal company next week to see what can be done.
B. Town Manager’s Report
Rosie Bradley is getting a good response to the Thanksgiving Dinner to be held on Thursday, Thanksgiving
Day, Nov. 27, at Holy Trinity Church. Area businesses have been solicited for donations of cash or food items. They are still in need of people willing to work as well as homemade pies. Anyone who would like to donate time, a pie, or cash should contact Rosie Bradley at 353-3000, ext. 122, or e-mail to sign up. Any and all pies will be welcome. Pies can be delivered on Wednesday, Nov. 26, to the town office or they may be delivered the morning of Nov. 27 to the church.
A four-acre property on Ferry Rd property has been donated to the town, the donation was forwarded to
the Conservation Committee and Verla Brooks.
Steve Eldridge met with Ryan Leighton regarding Rt. 9/196 project. Ryan won’t be getting bids on this
project until Spring as paving plants are now closed.
Steve Eldridge has been discussing with Bowdoin and Bowdoinham the idea of sharing an animal control officer. Lisbon and Sabattus are already sharing an officer and expenses.
Steve Eldridge reported he and Police Chief David Brooks had recently visited Camp Kieve for a
Students Against Destructive Decisions program. About 30 LHS students were there, the program was
organized through Detective Bernie McAllister with several school volunteers and parents.
C. Capital Improvement Plan – Buildings
The Council again talked about the old Lisbon High School building and what they were going to do with it.
Steve Eldridge is having the roof checked. He is looking at the council to tell him what to do with the building. Fern wants to get all the information together from past meetings on ideas Lisbon residents had for this property. They are also looking at MTM, the gym at LHS and PW building. Steve Eldridge talked about the cost to go through a feasibility study – cost of $1,500 to do this study, and said they need to come up with a way to fix the building, replace the building, or get better ideas. The Council decided to hold a workshop in December to get public input on the old Lisbon High School building as well as other properties
D. Lisbon Code Review List
Norma Wells mentioned that the need to get back to reviewing the codes. Mike Bowie suggested putting them on a schedule so they all get covered, because the wording of several chapters of town codes must be made to comply with the town charter.
E. Recreation - Purchase of van for seniors
Item was withdrawn from discussion as the Recreation Department has decided not to pursue this option, for the time being they will rent a van as needed until usage is determined.
There were no questions or comments from the audience.
2008-186 - (2) Council Members to serve on the Worumbo Mill Redevelopment Review Committee, Gina Mason and Mike Bowie volunteered, Fern Larochelle commented that he felt it would be a good tie-in with the Revitalization Committee.
Janet Henry talked about getting kicked out of the polls as she was campaigning less than 100 feet from the polling place. TLR wonders how many feet were Norma and Mike during the “special election“? Janet also mentioned that the School Committee has instituted a complete budget freeze and hopes the town is considering the same.
Dale Crafts congratulated the Lisbon Greyhounds Football team on making it to the Western Maine Playoffs. They played in unbelievable conditions, and the town should be proud of their accomplishment this year.
Mike Bowie thanked Charlie Smith for his 16 years of service to Lisbon.
Charlie Smith made note that as of that meeting, his term of office ended. He felt he had accomplished much during his tenure on the Town Council, but felt that the last year was especially difficult, not only due to economic hardships Lisbon was facing, but also because of the negativity he felt coming from a select group of citizens and what he felt was interference concerning every aspect of the town government and their questioning of decisions made by the Town Council.
2008-187 ORDER to Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote.