Remember to watch the replay of the Town Council meeting TONIGHT at 7:00 pm on Area Cable Access Channel 7
_X_Councilor Bowie _X_Councilor Larochelle _X_Councilor Cote _X_Councilor Crafts _X_Councilor Mason _X_Councilor Wells_X_Councilor Henry
2009-11 ORDER A. Minutes of December 16, 2008 Order passed 7-0
2009-12 ORDER – Androscoggin River Island (Map R7, Lot 26) –
Androscoggin Land Trust
After much discussion, Mike Bowie made a motion, seconded by Norma Wells, that the Town Council councilors recommend the town offer Androscoggin Land Trust a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the property. It will be reviewed by the Conservation Commission and the Trails Commission for their input before coming back to the council for a final decision.
2009-13 ORDER – State of Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group Grant Award
Police Chief David Brooks asked that the Town Council vote to accept a grant awarded Lisbon by the Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. The grant was $14,040 a year for two years for the LEED Program. Originally, this program was funded by a Weed and Seed grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. It is a Lisbon-only program, although they have also helped kids form Durham. The program reaches out to kids who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system. Janet Henry made a motion, seconded by Gina Mason, to accept the grant, vote passed 7-0.
Although it wasn’t on the agenda, Chief Brooks then proceeded to discuss the way he felt the Lisbon PD was bashed at the previous Council meeting, also stating that he felt it was the wrong forum. He suggested if councilors have a problem they should discuss it with him.
Roger Cote replied that according to the town charter, councilors are supposed to go through the town manager, not directly to the Chief.
Chief Brooks responded that he didn’t want to debate the issues in the Town Council meeting forum, but felt the issue at hand needed clarification. According to Chief Brooks, on the day in question (1/4/09), there were two additional officers on duty, one regular and one reserve. He called it a "saturation patrol". The hours for those officers were paid by a grant from the Department of Highway Safety for traffic enforcement. Lisbon as well as several other local police departments and sheriffs offices all received grants, Lisbon received $6,700. Chief Brooks continued to inform the Council that on that day, traffic enforcement resulted in four summons, 24 warnings, and one OUI arrest.
Roger Cote stated that even though wages were paid by the grant, Lisbon still was responsible for the gas, oil, and wear and tear on the vehicles.
Chief Brooks said that any amount of money that was spent by Lisbon was worth keeping a dangerous situation off the road.
A. Ethics Panel Report
David Bowie, Ethics Panel Chair, reported that the Ethics Panel had met to discuss issues brought before the Panel by Janet Henry and Roger Cote. The issue was whether Mike Bowie was in conflict of interest when he voted on the town budget for the current year, as it included the salary of his wife, who is Administrative Assistant to Chief Brooks. After much research and review, the Ethics Panel did feel there was conflict of interest, and suggested that in this year's budget process, the budgets be voted by line item so that Mike Bowie or anyone else having a conflict could abstain from the line votes that create a problem.
B. Finance Director’s Report
Cathy Ricker reported this month state revenue sharing is down $7000 from projections. Excise tax is down $37,000 for the year despite a small jump last month, and tax interest is up, although that may not be a good thing, as it reflects that citizens are holding off paying their property taxes. Wayne Ricker reported to her that recycling will be down $7,000-$8,000.
C. Town Manager’s Report
Steve Eldridge reported that he is still reviewing health insurance policies, there are many differences in the policies under consideration form the current policy. Norma Wells suggested a workshop to review the policies, workshop will be held on a Tuesday of an off-week of Town Council meeting.
The server upgrade at the Town office has been completed by Ryan Leighton and Jon Paul, everything is working smoothly so far.
If the federal stimulus program is approved, Lisbon will apply for the Route 9 rebuild and the completion of another section of the river trail. The PW garage plans are “shovel-ready“ and may also qualify.
The initial budget review shows Lisbon losing more than $97,000 of revenue sharing.
The Sausage Kitchen will hold it’s Grand Opening Saturday.
The Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce annual dinner is coming soon.
2009-14 ORDER – Audit Committee (2 Councilors to serve on Audit Committee)
Norma Wells and Fern Larochelle volunteered to be on this committee, the committee still needs a citizen volunteer.
Janet Henry reported that the LHS Athletic Boosters' Club is having a Scrapbooking Day Fundraiser on January 31, 2009 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Lisbon High School Cafeteria. Registration includes lunch, and there will be door prizes, raffles and goodie bags for all. All proceeds will benefit the Lisbon High School Boosters Club. For more information, contact Kimberly Donovan at 353-1604 or Michelle Huston at 353-5134.
Janet also reminded everyone there will be a Maineiac's Hockey game January 31st to benefit the Lisbon/Oak Hill Hockey versus the Victoriaville Tigres at 7:00 pm. The hockey team needs to sell 300 tickets. The tickets are $12.00 each. they also get a share of the 50/50 and 75% of the puck event. Call Janet Henry at 353-9733 or Noreen Morin 353-5805 for more information.
Roger Cote said he had spoken to the MTM Board of Directors and they are against merging with the Rec Committee as the Board feels their focus is different.
Roger also asked what would become of the Ethics Panel recommendation. Mike Bowie stated it was up to the Town Council to decide what to do with the recommendation. Roger made a motion that they accept the recommendation, that Mike Bowie will abstain form voting on the salary line of the police budget. Vote was 6-0-1, Mike Bowie abstaining.
Mike Bowie informed the council that due to the server upgrade all councilor email addresses had been changed, and all must login and change their password.
He also relayed the Water Department was looking to meet with the Town Council to go over a possible rate increase.
Dale Crafts apologized to Chief Brooks for using the Town Council meeting as the forum to express his displeasure with the PD, however, he still feels the PD is too large.
Gina Mason commented that the Lisbon Falls downtown area is really looking good, what with the Sausage Kitchen and Dr. Mike's Cafe. Members of the audience reminded the Council that Aubuchon's was also having its Open House this weekend.
2009-15 ORDER 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (C) Acquisition of real property or economic development
2009-16 ORDER 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters - Town Manager Review
2009-17 ORDER to Adjourn