What began as a challenge for summer readers at the Lisbon Falls Community Library, quickly turned into reality for Jo-Jean Keller and Diane Nadeau as they "proudly" hold up their end of the deal by sitting on the Lisbon Falls Fire Station Roof. It was a team effort, by ALL personnel at the Library Diane quickly points out, to get Lisbon's youth to read more. The staff challenged the eager readers by stipulating that if they read more books than last year's program Diane and Jo-Jean would sit on the roof of the Fire Station for an afternoon. Both agreed that after the program began it was at about week 4 they realized that sitting on the roof next door was going to happen.
Last year the summer readers read 1221 books, and this year the children read 1460. Readers ranged in ages from 5-14 years old comprising almost 200 participants in the Summer Reading Program. Some of the 'hot' topics this year were Science, Technology, and Animals in books that the Library purchased. The new books were an inspiration in themselves with beautiful photos and updated information.
During the weekly visits, which were Tuesday afternoons from 1pm to 5pm, staff at the Library would read to the group creating a well rounded learning experience. Their progress was kept track of on a graph were it was visible for each to see their own progress. Many of the summer readers improved their reading skills dramatically, enough that Diane and Jo-Jean both agreed that when school starts the teachers will even notice.
Great Effort Everybody!
Congratulations and Thank You All.
Story and Photos by Todd Comber