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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Need to get Facts!‏

I appreciate Joe F's. comment about 20 y/o paper backs and his words. I just feel you should not be the school committee's worse nightmare later, tell us now, the future kids need your criticism also.  As far as the other concerned citizen that takes pride in watching my home, that concerned citizen should get facts straight before writing wrong facts.  Here is a short follow up, we had a for sale sign on our motorhome for over a year, if you drive by you may notice it has been gone because it was sold a few months ago.  We sold our boat two years ago when my business in Lisbon was falling slowly, and had to shut my doors a year ago. We have a friend who stores a boat at our house.  We have a truck in our backyard that cannot get anywork and we are barely holding on to our home as well as everyone else going through these times.  We have sold alot of TOYS as you put it. Glad I could share my personnal life.  But I would rather have the facts the truth than the lies that are printed.  The concerned citizen/tax payer should be able to sign their name to what they publish.  We due pay taxes on our home, car, the motorhome we had, the boat we had.  We contribute to our town and all I want is for the town to flourish.  I want as many employees of the Town of Lisbon not to loose their jobs, I feel that is not a bad thought.  Do I believe some things could change, of course, but that is why we have council members to work together.  Once again, my first letter to the council should of been sent to them without it being published.  Just plain bad taste, and then the follow up about my life, situation and having my young children read comments.  Someone should just have asked instead of assuming.  An apology from this concerned citizen would be nice since alot of facts were of bad taste and hurt after I have already lost so much.
Kathi Yergin (Mrs Yergin)