List of Ballot Questions
In their correct order, the questions that will appear on the November 2, 2010 General Election ballot are as follows:
Question 1: Citizen Initiative
Do you want to allow a casino with table games and
slot machines at a single site in Oxford County, subject to local
approval, with part of the profits going to specific state, local and
tribal programs?
Question 2: Bond Issue
Do you favor a $5,000,000 bond issue to be awarded on a
competitive basis to increase access to dental care in Maine,
$3,500,000 to be used for a community-based teaching dental clinic
affiliated with or operated by a college of dental medicine to be
matched by $3,500,000 in other funds, and $1,500,000 to be used to
create or upgrade community-based health and dental care clinics across
the State to increase their capacity as teaching and dental clinics?
Question 3: Bond Issue
Do you favor a $9,750,000 bond issue to invest in land
conservation and working waterfront preservation and to preserve state
parks to be matched by $9,250,000 in federal and other funds?