How to get the economy on track and bring jobs back to Maine’s 2nd District
Jason Levesque: “You don’t need 2400 pages of bureaucracy to call it a policy.”
Auburn, Maine – 2nd Congressional District Candidate Jason Levesque today released a series of policy goals and plans to get the economy back on track and bring jobs back to Maine. The multi-point plan incorporates ideas Jason has been sharing across the district through his campaign for Congress. These policies address the concerns voiced by members of the public during Jason’s 14 months on the campaign trail.
“I’m a small businessman, husband and father. I know what families are going through trying to manage their budgets right now. The biggest concern I hear from people is the lack of jobs and the government’s inability to enact policies that lead to job creation, stability, and prosperity. The path Congress has put us on is unsustainable. We must change course, and change course right away. We know the solution is not this unlimited government spending we’ve been put through. People want jobs and we must fix the problems and remove the obstacles that are causing our massive job losses and preventing job growth. We must eliminate the climate of uncertainty for small businesses.
“A part of my policy plan is to repeal and halt many of the activities of this current Congress. Mike Michaud will follow Nancy Pelosi’s talking points and tell you that makes me a member of the party of ‘no.’ However, I believe that to put our nation and economy back on track we must first change the direction. Repealing, reforming and stopping the massive spending and growth of government is the first step in doing so. Then, I will say ‘yes’ to policies that allow job creation so we can all get back to work.
“These are simple to address policy proposals that can be implemented quickly. You don’t need 2400 pages of bureaucracy to call it a policy.”—Jason Levesque, 2nd District Congressional Candidate.
“We live in the greatest nation in the world; that does not mean it is not without problems and does not mean we cannot improve. In a global economic world, we must realize our economic stability is foremost in our domestic and foreign policy decisions. We must be stable to succeed”. –Jason Levesque
Improve our economy and bring jobs to Maine:
· Repeal Obamacare and replace with:
Open state lines so people can purchase insurance from anywhere, same as car insurance. This increases competition thereby reducing costs.
· In addition to direct costs to employers--including a medical device excise tax, the massive cost for employers in this legislation is already killing jobs.
Reduce over regulation and require regulatory consistency:
Reduce the corporate tax rate:
Reduce taxes:
"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government." – John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964
Address Energy Independence:
Reduce our massive debt--$13 Trillion and Climbing:
Solve our Illegal Immigration Crisis: