Well, by his own admissions, he once was a Democrat, now he has been reborn again, so to speak as an Independent running for the candidacy of governor in this great state of Maine. So, just because he has been successful in his private life as a businessman, he now wants to come back here and help Mainer's. Ah,, hello, does anyone else think this is just a little bit awkward?
No matter how much money you throw at the problem, it still has to be fixed.
For instance, now just how wrong is it for a person that basically snubs their nose at being educated in public schools and was afforded the opportunity to get an education in the private sector. But NOW, society is good enough that they are wanting your vote for the position they seek. Come on people see through the "smoke and mirrors".
The political season in Maine and across this nation is in full swing. And I liken it to not much difference then Carnival season. Only real difference is our roadsides don't look like a paper and poster dump along the roads when the carnivals roll into town. The entertainment is just about the same maybe even more stimulating. But anyways, I just had to vent. Read what one group has done for research on Eliot Cutler and take it as it may.
Thanks and make certain you get out and Vote this year.
Todd Comber
The Secret Files On Eliot Cutler