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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Senate Bill S 510 "Don't Let Them Vote It In, Then Find Out What Is In It"


The Vote was postponed yesterday because so many calls came in to them. 

Don't Stop, Call again today. 

We the People, Need to Wake Up, Them the Politicians, in Washington.

Senator Snowe: 202-224-5344
Senator Collins: 202-224-2523

U. S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

In part thanks to a barrage of phone calls and emails that hammered U.S. Senate offices all day Monday, the vote on S.510 has been pushed to Tuesday.

On the good news side, the Tester Amendment has been incorporated, and the 10-year prison sentences that could have been used against raw milk farmers have been eliminated.
But S.510 is still a food tyranny monster and we're pushing hard to defeat it. Here's the latest update: