Local resident and Lisbon Concerned Citizen, Dot Fitzgerald pauses before going into the Lisbon Town Office to turn in the signatures gathered for the recall of Town Council Chair Michael Bowie.
We, the undersigned, qualified voters in DISTRICT 2 of the TOWN OF LISBON, Maine entitled to vote in town affairs, hereby propose to recall: MICHAEL ROBERT BOWIE, 282 MAIN STREET, LISBON FALLS ME from the office of COUNCILOR for the following reason(s):A) denying any councilor the right to place an item on the agenda (charter sec. 2.04),B) not consulting with all councilors when dealing with town manager (charter sec. 2, 04.)C) Improper influence and/or conflict of interest regarding use of town funds (chapter 12), andD) Failure to properly preside over a Town Council meeting.THESE ARE ALL VIOLATIONS OF THE LISBON TOWN CHARTER!
After successfully navigating some hurdles put up by the administrators in Town government the petition was issued in the beginning of October. A group of citizens began circulating and collecting signatures for the removal of Bowie from office through a citizen initiative. The target goal of 285 (or so) signatures needed to valid such an effort was later amended to 304. Makes one wonder about the information provided by town officials, but that is a whole other story.
So after diligently circulating and filling the petitions with signatures, WAY MORE than enough of them were turned in. Indicating a GREAT frustration with residents, regarding Town Issues of Government Administration by the Town Council.
Just last week the petition was rendered valid by Lisbon's Town Clerk. Now this is the second of successful petitions to be validated for the removal of a Town Council Chair. The first was completed in 2008 for the removal of then chair Norma Wells. Only to fall short at the polls because of insufficient voter support.
Lisbon residents anxiously await a chance to not let this one fail. After some questionable tactics by current Town Manager and fellow councilor to render this petition by the citizens improper. It was finally validated as sufficient to warrant being put on the next agenda for Town Council meeting scheduled for next Tuesday evening, Dec. 7th. NOW the waiting continues to see if this will in fact be an item on the agenda.
Stay tuned we will bring more as it develops.