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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Facts of War, America's Four Wars, Wait, the gov't says Not, therefore we aren't, Right?

Fox News sounding like Brasscheck TV
Endless, undeclared war not a good idea? Duh.

Go figure

We told you a few months ago that the "humanitarian action" in Libya was a total fraud. We were against the Iraq War for very detailed strategic and tactical reasons (not to mention the moral ones.) We've pointed out that whatever we're doing in Afghanistan has more to do with controlling the heroin business than anything else.

Now at least one mainstream news channel is starting to ask some questions about the US policy of numberless, endless wars.

Is this just arch-scumbag Fox News Roger Ailes busting Obama's chops?

Or has Fox figured they lost the war market to CNN and trying to grab more market share?

If Bush Jr. were doing these things, I have a feeling Fox News would turn them into a sacrament.

 Editor's note:
 Just where are our so called Political Leaders? 

Don't be alarmed, they are all together out lining their own pockets.

The care and concern for you the voting constituent is not their Top Concern.  When they want your Vote, they will come out and tell you everything you want to hear to get it.  And you will vote the best liar in.  Case in point, our current Puppet in the White House for starters.  

Fact is they are all puppets. 

Politics in America has been turned into a 'cash cow' for them at our expense.  

The majority are only serving their own self interests.  You have to search 'high 'n low' for someone who isn't.  And it doesn't matter where you are looking either.  LOCAL, STATE or NATIONAL
greed has overcome good conscience.  

And it doesn't matter whether you are Democrat or Republican, both parties are a complete failure of Our Founding Fathers vision.

The Constitution & Bill of Rights have been cast aside for a "Change" in the vision of our leaders, (term only).

Our politicos are only looking for the next best camera, handshake, or baby kissing opportunity.  The Main Stream Media is nurturing the whole stage of events.  Well hang on cause you are going to have two summers once again with the hype and roadsides being littered with campaign garbage.

Meanwhile, we have flooded farmers, tornado ravaged midlands, unrelenting fires in the southwest, homeless, hungry Americans and we are pumping Billions of our tax dollars overseas as WE ALL are facing merciful prices for food, gas, health insurance, etc.

Way to Go America!

Another local example is the recent vote in Lisbon and most others for that matter.  It is really SAD that only 10% of the registered Voters bother to go out and cast a vote that the rest will have to live with.  Just wondering if that means many others feel it is not worth the effort or have lost faith in America's political voting process.

It doesn't seem to matter that so many voiced their support for a chance to vote on the Town Budget. Nor does it seem to matter that no other councilor will step up and support this request with Councilor Cote and move it to referendum like the town charter allows.  No Lisbon, you are merely pawns in a "Culture of Corruption in Local Governance" and seem to enjoy it.

Yeah, I've Got $um Moxie!
