Brief recap of Tues. town council meeting.
Absent were Mike Bowie & Fern Larochelle.
It was nothing really special. The same old 'scripted' dialogue from most. BUT, for local readers, be sure to tune in tonight (hopefully it airs) on local cable channel for the EXPOSURE of the Dasteredly Dealings of Lisbon Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge (watch him get all red n steamy) & Town Lawyer, Roger Theriault ( he was in the hallway, just about doing backflips).
As Lisbon Water Department's, Paul Adams, Brings to the surface the MISREPRESENTATION of FACTS pertaining to the "Wellhead Protection Ordinance". NOW everyone can see first hand for themselves, JUST WHAT REALLY GOES ON IN LISBON.
Oh, and one more tidbit, seems now the "Lisbon Officials" have found the $32,500 Missing Money from the Economic Development Department in Lisbon. Really? Please don't insult our intelligence by concocting more DRAMA for Lisbon. Stupid is as Stupid does. We know the difference. It has been enlightening to follow the trail of corruption from Lisbon to say the least.
If anyone was to be seen rolling around in the local hardware store gleaming "Get some popcorn and pull up a chair" Tonight would be the night, Huh Dale?
Enjoy and Have A Nice Day! ! !