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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Where Are Lisbon's Priorities?


I find it unconscionable that our town leaders see fit to increase pay rates for many of our employees and give a 10k increase to a Department head at a time when most of the country is cutting back on expenses.

Someone needs to let our Councilors know that we are in a nationwide depression. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and Millions more are underemployed  or forced to take part time work.

Lisbon residents are not immune from this economic down cycle as evidenced by the number of Lisbon taxpayers having a hard time paying taxes and sewer/water bills.

If our leaders feel such a great need to spend tax money they should at least spend it to help those who are having a hard time. They should spend it on The Bus Service or Food pantry where it can do the most good.

The main role of a Councilor is to improve the quality of life for residents but in doing so they shouldn’t take money from the poor to give raises to Lisbons upper middle class.

In my opinion its just morally wrong.

Joe Hill

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