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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Radiation From Fukushima: 14,000 deaths in the USA now attributable to Fukushima (plus other news)‏

Even as the U.S. media was downplaying the real story on Fukushima, babies across America were dying from radiation contamination.
This is the conclusion of new science that says 14,000 fatalities have already occurred in the USA due to Fukushima. Read more:

OWS protesters are labeled "terrorists" in a new video game called Rainbow Six. It's a "first person shooter" that lets children and teens play out Big Brother kill missions against American protesters and veterans:

Yes, the Mediterranean Diet really does boost brain function!

Gardasil is being unleashed on Argentina, where it may threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of girls:

More news continues below...

Today's Feature Stories:

Mediterranean diet and reduced calorie intake promote brain health and longevity
(NaturalNews) Researchers have long theorized that a Mediterranean diet full of vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil can help promote good health. Scientists at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden reporting in the European journal AGE
Gardasil - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls
(NaturalNews) Last February, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez announced the launch of the country's HPV vaccine program at the National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference. In a stunning admission and before an audience of her countrymen...
New Clancy 'Rainbow 6' vid game labels OWS protesters as the new domestic terror threat
(NaturalNews) Is it getting increasingly harder to voice your opinion in the U.S. without someone labeling you a terrorist or a subversive? The latest outrage comes from the Tom Clancy-inspired "Rainbow Six" videogame series, in which Occupy Wall Street...
Vitamin C mega-dosing continues to unleash healing miracles around the world
(NaturalNews) Remember the story of Alan Smith from New Zealand, and his dramatic recovery from a coma with mega-dose vitamin C? That story went viral and was featured in the New Zealand version of "60 Minutes." But some sources didn't have it quite right...
Salt - friend or foe?
(NaturalNews) For many years we have been told by medical experts and nutritionists alike that it is crucial for our health to cut down on sodium as much as possible. Statistical data seems to show that a high dietary salt intake (primarily consisting...
Goal setting that sticks every time
(NaturalNews) (This goal setting anecdote was written based on the experience of an iNLP student.) I sat at the dining room table on the day after Christmas, loathing myself for being 60 pounds overweight. Then I loathed myself more for loathing...
FBI pushes to classify undercover animal abuse investigations as 'terrorism'
(NaturalNews) The USA Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and various other unconstitutional "anti-terrorism" legislation all appear to be getting turned right back around on the American people. It has been revealed that the US...
Obama lawyers claim Americans who oppose U.S. government are 'legitimate' targets for government bombings, assassinations
(NaturalNews) Do you remember when Barack Obama, as a senator and onetime constitutional law professor, opposed legislation he felt incriminated on the rights of American...
Study: Fukushima killed at least 14,000 people in the US, mostly babies, in weeks following disaster
(NaturalNews) For the very first time, a scientific study published in a peer-reviewed journal has come up with a solid estimate of the total number of US deaths caused by the Fukushima nuclear disaster in the weeks following it. Epidemiologist Joseph...
Large southwest dairy farm to lose organic certification following USDA investigation
(NaturalNews) The first dairy to ever become US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified organic in the State of Arizona is now set to lose that certification following an investigation spearheaded by the Cornucopia Institute (CI), a small-scale organic...
IBM helped automate Hitler's holocaust death machine, author reveals
(NaturalNews) It is not known that one of America's most successful technology companies was complicit in helping Nazi leader Adolph Hitler build a more efficient killing machine before and during World War II, ...

1 comment:

Test Blog said...

This number is terrible unless it is made by influential medias.

I recently came across these atmpospheric simulations, produced an American independent organization, that indicate TEPCO vastly under-reported radionuclide emissions from the Fukushima Plant.

I’ve suspected for some time that the publicly released emissions data had been manipulated - If the models are correct I suppose this re enforces my hunch. Is there anyone here that can help us explain the implications of this model?