WND EXCLUSIVE Charlie Daniels unloads 'dag-blamed truth' on Obama
Feisty music legend worries after November, 'America will never be America again'
by Drew Zahn
“There’s a move afoot to change life in America into a totally
European – I’ve heard that so much I’m getting sick of it: ‘European’ –
socialist thing,” says country-music legend Charlie Daniels, “but it’s
the dag-blamed truth [sic], and it don’t work, it never has worked, and
if America goes that way, America will never be America again.”
Daniels told WND in an exclusive interview that he expects 2012, with
the nation’s very identity on the line, will be “the biggest election
we have ever had.”
“In my 75 years on Earth, it’s never been as clear-cut as it is now,”
Daniels said. “We’re either going to go into socialism, where part of
the people work and the rest of them don’t, and the ones that do will be
taxed to death, or – I got the point where I don’t trust politicians
anymore, but hopefully – the other side represents, ‘Let’s put America
back to work; let’s re-instill the work ethic back in people.’”
Since the 1950s Daniels has been a country singer and famed fiddler,
perhaps best known for his hit song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” He
was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry in 2008.
But he also writes frequently on culture and politics, no stranger to
bold statements in defense of God and country, and maintains a “soapbox” blog on his website, CharlieDaniels.com.
For Daniels, the word “socialism” – synonymous in his mind with the
big-spending, tax-the-rich, government-welfare, spread-the-wealth
policies of President Obama and his fellow “progressives” – is a system
not only destined for failure, but also inherently tyrannical.
“You cannot enforce socialism without some force,” Daniels told WND.
“It’s a very top-heavy society, and every society that’s ever tried it
has fallen, because you finally get to where there’s so many people, you
cut out the work ethic, you make people think they have to be dependent
on government for everything. It’s a mindset.”
Daniels brought up the recent controversy about Chick-fil-A
restaurants – in which the Democrat mayors of Chicago and Boston
threatened to ban the chicken sandwich makers from their respective
cities because the owner is an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage –
as an example.
“To me that tips off where these guys are coming from: ‘If you don’t
agree with us, we don’t want you in our town, we don’t want you in our
country, we don’t want you in our political system,’” Daniels said. “Is
it not downright un-American for an elected official to stand up and try
to destroy a business? As bad as we need jobs in this country?
“This is not about ‘gay’ marriage; this is about America being
America, about people being able to stick by their deeply held religious
beliefs and not to have these people trying to put them out of
business,” Daniels said. “That’s what this boils down to: Are these
people going to try to shut up everybody who doesn’t agree with them?”
Daniels told WND there have been a few people who have tried to
silence him, too, to tell him to stick to his music and leave politics
“People say, ‘Shut up and sing.’ Somebody said that,” Daniels said. “But shut up for what? Why don’t you
shut up? What do you do? You do something else. You’re a private
citizen. Do you think you should shut up? I’m speaking as a private
citizen, so I think I have a perfect right to do that.”
And what about the owner of Chick-fil-A Dan Cathy and other
Christians like him who are told to leave their religious beliefs out of
the public and political sphere?
“That’s a bunch of junk,” Daniels said. “They need to stand up for what they believe in.”
Daniels’ fierce defense of free speech goes hand in hand with what he
sees as the solution to America’s economic woes: not some new
“socialist” program from Congress that leaves people looking to
Washington, D.C. for answers, but a grassroots solution of small
businesses, work ethic and a capitalist revival of the American dream.
“You’re talking to a guy who travels coast to coast and border to
border every year,” Daniels told WND. “There are bad things going on in
this country. Too many empty storefronts, too many closed down
businesses – the ‘economic recovery’ Obama has been spinning is not
happening. The only answer [socialists] seem to have for it is to try
over and over again. Look at the results. Look at the results of
throwing money down a black hole in Washington.
“We change the nation by putting people back to work again,” Daniels
proffered. “I’m a Christian; I believe in helping people who can’t help
themselves. I do not believe in helping people who can help themselves. Instead of putting them on the dole, put them on the payroll.
“I heard a while ago that more people file for disability than file
to get a job. Where in the heck is that at?” Daniels asked. “Is that
America? Is that what made America great?
“We need to get people back, to employ them,” Daniels concluded, “and
it’s never going to be done in Washington. It’s going to have to be
done in the private sector.”
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