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Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Second letter to the residences of Lisbon: Regarding Water Department

My Second letter to the residences of Lisbon:

In Councilor Bickford’s unofficial survey he made it sound that if the Council takes over the Lisbon Water Department the council would be able to lower the fire protection charges.  This is far from true; the Maine Public Utilities must approve the rates.  When a water utility seeks a rate increase, the utility will have an audit for financial information along with reasoning on why additional rates are needed.  The findings are presented to the Maine Public Utilities Commission and the P.U.C. will approve or disapprove the rates for a water utility.  The P.U.C. has established a formula for how utilities gain their revenue.  Without getting too complex a third should come from residential, a third fire protection, and a third from industrial/commercial.  Lisbon’s 2011 revenues came from the following:  residential, $478,850, fire protection, $290,857, commercial $57,067, other $97,862 for a total revenue of $924,634.

Information taken from the 2011 independent audit and reported to the Maine Public Utilities. 

It is important that Lisbon residents realize that the Board of Water Commissioners does not set the water rates.  It is the job of the Water Commissioners to determine the projects and then try to fund those projects with current revenue or ask for a rate increase.  The residents and the Maine Public Utilities Commission must approve projects and funding.  There can be a citizen petition to have the increase held up for a more through investigation.  

The Lisbon Water Department collected $290,857 in fire for protection services.  This money comes from all of us who pay taxes to the Town of Lisbon. 


Maintenance to 37 miles of pipe large enough to provide water to our fire equipment

234 fire hydrants that need to be plowed, painted, flushed and kept in working order.

High capacity pumps to push the water into the system
Storage tanks with a total of 1,500,000 gallons of water. Cost to paint a tank $200,000.

The board is seeking permission to add a third tank with an estimated cost of $1,400,000

Electrical charges of $2,500.00 per month

 I would like to address the proposal of closing the water department building located at 630 Lisbon Street and relocating those functions to the town office.The operational costs must be paid for this building such as phone service, heat, electricity, and maintenance.  It is my belief that building would be turned over to public works.  This building is essential towards the operational activities of your water department service.  There are 5 reasons why this building cannot be simply closed:  

1.  There is a valve that blends water from Ann Street well with water from Lisbon. 

2.  There are computer and telemetering controls that determine pumps on and off, water levels in the tanks and provides indication of a water break and various pumping activities.  In the event of a need for more water the system will activate and increase the pumping capacity.

3.  Storage for daily water department equipment trucks and backhoe

4.  Bathroom facilities for the water personnel.  A few years back the water department was asked by public works not to use the facilities at public works.

5.  This office does provide a location for water and sewer customers to pay their bills in Lisbon Falls, including an after hour drop box.

I ask that when you vote on November 6 to vote no on this question.    Voting yes will not save any money for the water customers or the taxpayers.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020 or better yet come to water meeting next meeting October 15 @ 6:30. 

William A. Bauer, Chairman

1 comment:

Larry Fillmore said...

Bill - As usual another excellent article filled with information the people really need to know. Please keep the information coming so the voters of Lisbon can make educated decision. Thanks!